private void ExportMidi() { var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export MIDI File", "MIDI Files (*.mid)|*.mid", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Midi); var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var velocity = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(1); var slideNotes = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(2); var pitchRange = props.GetPropertyValue <int>(3); var instrumentMode = props.GetSelectedIndex(4); var song = project.GetSong(songName); var instrumentMapping = new int[instrumentMode == MidiExportInstrumentMode.Channel ? song.Channels.Length : song.Project.Instruments.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < instrumentMapping.Length; i++) { instrumentMapping[i] = Array.IndexOf(MidiFileReader.MidiInstrumentNames, props.GetPropertyValue <string>(5, i, 1)); } new MidiFileWriter().Save(project, filename, song.Id, instrumentMode, instrumentMapping, velocity, slideNotes, pitchRange); lastExportFilename = filename; } }
private void ExportWav() { var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export Wave File", "Wave Audio File (*.wav)|*.wav", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Wav); var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var sampleRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1)); var loopCount = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2) != "Duration" ? props.GetPropertyValue <int>(3) : -1; var duration = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2) == "Duration" ? props.GetPropertyValue <int>(4) : -1; var selectedChannels = props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(5); var channelMask = 0; for (int i = 0; i < selectedChannels.Length; i++) { if (selectedChannels[i]) { channelMask |= (1 << i); } } WaveFile.Save(project.GetSong(songName), filename, sampleRate, loopCount, duration, channelMask); } }
private void ExportVideo() { var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export Video File", "MP4 Video File (*.mp4)|*.mp4", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var zoomValues = new[] { "12.5%", "25%", "50%", "100%", "200%", "400%", "800%" }; var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Video); var ffmpeg = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2); var audioBitRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3)); var videoBitRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(4)); var pianoRollZoom = Array.IndexOf(zoomValues, props.GetPropertyValue <string>(5)) - 3; var thinNotes = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(6); var loopCount = props.GetPropertyValue <int>(7); var selectedChannels = props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(8); var song = project.GetSong(songName); var channelMask = 0; for (int i = 0; i < selectedChannels.Length; i++) { if (selectedChannels[i]) { channelMask |= (1 << i); } } new VideoFile().Save(project, song.Id, loopCount, ffmpeg, filename, channelMask, audioBitRate, videoBitRate, pianoRollZoom, thinNotes); } }
private void ExportFamiTone2Music(bool famiStudio) { if (!canExportToSoundEngine) { return; } var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage(famiStudio ? (int)ExportFormat.FamiStudioMusic : (int)ExportFormat.FamiTone2Music); var separate = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(1); var songIds = GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(5)); var kernel = famiStudio ? FamiToneKernel.FamiStudio : FamiToneKernel.FamiTone2; var exportFormat = AssemblyFormat.GetValueForName(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0)); var ext = exportFormat == AssemblyFormat.CA65 ? "s" : "asm"; var songNamePattern = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2); var dpcmNamePattern = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3); var generateInclude = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(4); if (separate) { var folder = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowBrowseFolderDialog("Select the export folder", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (folder != null) { foreach (var songId in songIds) { var song = project.GetSong(songId); var formattedSongName = songNamePattern.Replace("{project}", project.Name).Replace("{song}", song.Name); var formattedDpcmName = dpcmNamePattern.Replace("{project}", project.Name).Replace("{song}", song.Name); var songFilename = Path.Combine(folder, Utils.MakeNiceAsmName(formattedSongName) + "." + ext); var dpcmFilename = Path.Combine(folder, Utils.MakeNiceAsmName(formattedDpcmName) + ".dmc"); var includeFilename = generateInclude ? Path.ChangeExtension(songFilename, null) + "" : null; Log.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, $"Exporting song '{song.Name}' as separate assembly files."); FamitoneMusicFile f = new FamitoneMusicFile(kernel, true); f.Save(project, new int[] { songId }, exportFormat, true, songFilename, dpcmFilename, includeFilename, MachineType.Dual); } lastExportFilename = folder; } } else { var engineName = famiStudio ? "FamiStudio" : "FamiTone2"; var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog($"Export {engineName} Assembly Code", $"{engineName} Assembly File (*.{ext})|*.{ext}", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var includeFilename = generateInclude ? Path.ChangeExtension(filename, null) + "" : null; Log.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, $"Exporting all songs to a single assembly file."); FamitoneMusicFile f = new FamitoneMusicFile(kernel, true); f.Save(project, songIds, exportFormat, false, filename, Path.ChangeExtension(filename, ".dmc"), includeFilename, MachineType.Dual); lastExportFilename = filename; } } }
private void ExportFamiTracker() { var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export FamiTracker Text File", "FamiTracker Text Format (*.txt)|*.txt"); if (filename != null) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.FamiTracker); FamitrackerFile.Save(project, filename, GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(0))); } }
private void ExportText() { var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export FamiStudio Text File", "FamiStudio Text Export (*.txt)|*.txt", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Text); new FamistudioTextFile().Save(project, filename, GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(0))); } }
private void ExportWavMp3() { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.WavMp3); var format = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1); var filename = ""; if (format == "MP3") { filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export MP3 File", "MP3 Audio File (*.mp3)|*.mp3", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); } else { filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export Wave File", "Wave Audio File (*.wav)|*.wav", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); } if (filename != null) { var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var sampleRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var bitRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var loopCount = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(4) != "Duration" ? props.GetPropertyValue <int>(5) : -1; var duration = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(4) == "Duration" ? props.GetPropertyValue <int>(6) : -1; var separateFiles = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(7); var separateIntro = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(8); var selectedChannels = props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(9); var song = project.GetSong(songName); var channelMask = 0; for (int i = 0; i < selectedChannels.Length; i++) { if (selectedChannels[i]) { channelMask |= (1 << i); } } WavMp3ExportUtils.Save(song, filename, sampleRate, loopCount, duration, channelMask, separateFiles, separateIntro, (samples, fn) => { if (format == "MP3") { Mp3File.Save(samples, fn, sampleRate, bitRate); } else { WaveFile.Save(samples, fn, sampleRate); } }); lastExportFilename = filename; } }
private void ExportWav() { var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export Wave File", "Wave Audio File (*.wav)|*.wav"); if (filename != null) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Wav); var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var sampleRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1)); WaveFile.Save(project.GetSong(songName), filename, sampleRate); } }
private void ExportFamiTone2Sfx(bool famiStudio) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage(famiStudio ? (int)ExportFormat.FamiStudioSfx : (int)ExportFormat.FamiTone2Sfx); var exportFormat = (AssemblyFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(AssemblyFormat), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0)); var ext = exportFormat == AssemblyFormat.CA65 ? "s" : "asm"; var mode = (MachineType)Enum.Parse(typeof(MachineType), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1)); var songIds = GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(2)); var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export FamiTone2 Code", $"FamiTone2 Assembly File (*.{ext})|*.{ext}", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { FamitoneSoundEffectFile f = new FamitoneSoundEffectFile(); f.Save(project, songIds, exportFormat, mode, filename); } }
private void ExportNsf() { var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export NSF File", "Nintendo Sound Files (*.nsf)|*.nsf"); if (filename != null) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Nsf); var kernel = (FamitoneMusicFile.FamiToneKernel)Enum.Parse(typeof(FamitoneMusicFile.FamiToneKernel), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(5)); NsfFile.Save(project, kernel, filename, GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(4)), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2)); } }
private void ExportFamiTracker() { if (!canExportToFamiTracker) { return; } var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.FamiTracker); var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export FamiTracker Text File", "FamiTracker Text Format (*.txt)|*.txt", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { new FamitrackerTextFile().Save(project, filename, GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(0))); lastExportFilename = filename; } }
private void ExportMidi() { var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export MIDI File", "MIDI Files (*.mid)|*.mid", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Midi); var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var velocity = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(1); var slideNotes = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(2); var pitchRange = props.GetPropertyValue <int>(3); var instrumentMode = props.GetSelectedIndex(4); new MidiFileWriter().Save(project, filename, project.GetSong(songName).Id, instrumentMode, midiInstrumentMapping, velocity, slideNotes, pitchRange); lastExportFilename = filename; } }
private void ExportFamiTone2() { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.FamiTone2); var kernelString = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var formatString = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1); var ext = formatString == "CA65" ? "s" : "asm"; var separate = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(2); var songIds = GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(5)); var kernel = (FamitoneMusicFile.FamiToneKernel)Enum.Parse(typeof(FamitoneMusicFile.FamiToneKernel), kernelString); var exportFormat = (FamitoneMusicFile.OutputFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(FamitoneMusicFile.OutputFormat), formatString); var songNamePattern = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3); var dpcmNamePattern = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(4); if (separate) { var folderBrowserDialog = new FolderBrowserDialog(); folderBrowserDialog.Description = "Select the export folder"; if (folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (var songId in songIds) { var song = project.GetSong(songId); var formattedSongName = songNamePattern.Replace("{project}", project.Name).Replace("{song}", song.Name); var formattedDpcmName = dpcmNamePattern.Replace("{project}", project.Name).Replace("{song}", song.Name); var songFilename = Path.Combine(folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath, Utils.MakeNiceAsmName(formattedSongName) + "." + ext); var dpcmFilename = Path.Combine(folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath, Utils.MakeNiceAsmName(formattedDpcmName) + ".dmc"); FamitoneMusicFile f = new FamitoneMusicFile(kernel); f.Save(project, new int[] { songId }, exportFormat, true, songFilename, dpcmFilename, MachineType.Dual); } } } else { var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export FamiTone2 Code", $"FamiTone2 Assembly File (*.{ext})|*.{ext}"); if (filename != null) { FamitoneMusicFile f = new FamitoneMusicFile(kernel); f.Save(project, songIds, exportFormat, false, filename, Path.ChangeExtension(filename, ".dmc"), MachineType.Dual); } } }
private void ExportRom() { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Rom); var songIds = GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(4)); if (songIds.Length > RomFileBase.MaxSongs) { PlatformUtils.MessageBox($"Please select {RomFileBase.MaxSongs} songs or less.", "ROM Export", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } if (props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0) == "NES ROM") { var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export ROM File", "NES ROM (*.nes)|*.nes", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var rom = new RomFile(); rom.Save( project, filename, songIds, props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3) == "PAL"); lastExportFilename = filename; } } else { var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? null : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export Famicom Disk", "FDS Disk (*.fds)|*.fds", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var fds = new FdsFile(); fds.Save( project, filename, songIds, props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2)); lastExportFilename = filename; } } }
private void ExportFamiTone2Sfx(bool famiStudio) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage(famiStudio ? (int)ExportFormat.FamiStudioSfx : (int)ExportFormat.FamiTone2Sfx); var exportFormat = AssemblyFormat.GetValueForName(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0)); var ext = exportFormat == AssemblyFormat.CA65 ? "s" : "asm"; var mode = MachineType.GetValueForName(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1)); var engineName = famiStudio ? "FamiStudio" : "FamiTone2"; var generateInclude = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(2); var songIds = GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(3)); var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog($"Export {engineName} Code", $"{engineName} Assembly File (*.{ext})|*.{ext}", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var includeFilename = generateInclude ? Path.ChangeExtension(filename, null) + "" : null; FamitoneSoundEffectFile f = new FamitoneSoundEffectFile(); f.Save(project, songIds, exportFormat, mode, famiStudio ? FamiToneKernel.FamiStudio : FamiToneKernel.FamiTone2, filename, includeFilename); lastExportFilename = filename; } }
private void ExportRom() { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Rom); var songIds = GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(2)); if (songIds.Length > RomFile.MaxSongs) { PlatformUtils.MessageBox("Please select 8 songs or less.", "ROM Export", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export ROM File", "NES ROM (*.nes)|*.nes"); if (filename != null) { RomFile.Save(project, filename, songIds, props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1)); } }
private void ExportNsf() { Action <string> ExportNsfAction = (filename) => { if (filename != null) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Nsf); var mode = MachineType.GetValueForName(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3)); #if DEBUG var kernel = FamiToneKernel.GetValueForName(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(5)); #else var kernel = FamiToneKernel.FamiStudio; #endif new NsfFile().Save(project, kernel, filename, GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(4)), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2), mode); lastExportFilename = filename; } }; if (PlatformUtils.IsMobile) { PlatformUtils.StartMobileSaveFileOperationAsync("*/*", $"{project.Name}.nsf", (f) => { ExportNsfAction(f); PlatformUtils.FinishMobileSaveFileOperationAsync(true, () => { PlatformUtils.ShowToast("NSF Export Successful!"); }); }); } else { var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export NSF File", "Nintendo Sound Files (*.nsf)|*.nsf", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); ExportNsfAction(filename); } }
private void ExportNsf() { var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export NSF File", "Nintendo Sound Files (*.nsf)|*.nsf", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Nsf); var mode = (MachineType)Enum.Parse(typeof(MachineType), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3)); #if DEBUG var kernel = (FamitoneMusicFile.FamiToneKernel)Enum.Parse(typeof(FamitoneMusicFile.FamiToneKernel), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(5)); #else var kernel = FamitoneMusicFile.FamiToneKernel.FamiStudio; #endif new NsfFile().Save(project, kernel, filename, GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(4)), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2), mode); } }
private void ExportVideo() { var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export Video File", "MP4 Video File (*.mp4)|*.mp4", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var zoomValues = new[] { "12.5%", "25%", "50%", "100%", "200%", "400%", "800%" }; var frameRates = new[] { "50/60 FPS", "25/30 FPS" }; var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Video); var ffmpeg = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2); var resolutionIdx = VideoResolution.GetIndexForName(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3)); var resolutionX = VideoResolution.ResolutionX[resolutionIdx]; var resolutionY = VideoResolution.ResolutionY[resolutionIdx]; var halfFrameRate = Array.IndexOf(frameRates, props.GetPropertyValue <string>(4)) == 1; var audioBitRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(5), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var videoBitRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(6), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var pianoRollZoom = Array.IndexOf(zoomValues, props.GetPropertyValue <string>(7)) - 3; var loopCount = props.GetPropertyValue <int>(8); var selectedChannels = props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(9); var song = project.GetSong(songName); var channelMask = 0; for (int i = 0; i < selectedChannels.Length; i++) { if (selectedChannels[i]) { channelMask |= (1 << i); } } new VideoFile().Save(project, song.Id, loopCount, ffmpeg, filename, resolutionX, resolutionY, halfFrameRate, channelMask, audioBitRate, videoBitRate, pianoRollZoom); lastExportFilename = filename; } }
private void ExportWavMp3() { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.WavMp3); var format = props.GetSelectedIndex(1); Action <string> ExportWavMp3Action = (filename) => { if (filename != null) { var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var sampleRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var bitrate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var loopCount = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(4) != "Duration" ? props.GetPropertyValue <int>(5) : -1; var duration = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(4) == "Duration" ? props.GetPropertyValue <int>(6) : -1; var separateFiles = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(7); var separateIntro = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(8); var stereo = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(9) && !separateFiles; var song = project.GetSong(songName); var channelCount = project.GetActiveChannelCount(); var channelMask = 0; var pan = (float[])null; if (PlatformUtils.IsDesktop) { pan = new float[channelCount]; for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { if (props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(10, i, 0)) { channelMask |= (1 << i); } pan[i] = props.GetPropertyValue <int>(10, i, 2) / 100.0f; } } else { var selectedChannels = props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(10); for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { if (selectedChannels[i]) { channelMask |= (1 << i); } } } AudioExportUtils.Save(song, filename, sampleRate, loopCount, duration, channelMask, separateFiles, separateIntro, stereo, pan, (samples, samplesChannels, fn) => { switch (format) { case AudioFormatType.Mp3: Mp3File.Save(samples, fn, sampleRate, bitrate, samplesChannels); break; case AudioFormatType.Wav: WaveFile.Save(samples, fn, sampleRate, samplesChannels); break; case AudioFormatType.Vorbis: VorbisFile.Save(samples, fn, sampleRate, bitrate, samplesChannels); break; } }); lastExportFilename = filename; } }; if (PlatformUtils.IsMobile) { var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); PlatformUtils.StartMobileSaveFileOperationAsync(AudioFormatType.MimeTypes[format], $"{songName}", (f) => { ExportWavMp3Action(f); PlatformUtils.FinishMobileSaveFileOperationAsync(true, () => { PlatformUtils.ShowToast("Audio Export Successful!"); }); }); } else { var filename = (string)null; if (lastExportFilename != null) { filename = lastExportFilename; } else { filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog( $"Export {AudioFormatType.Names[format]} File", $"{AudioFormatType.Names[format]} Audio File (*.{AudioFormatType.Extensions[format]})|*.{AudioFormatType.Extensions[format]}", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); } ExportWavMp3Action(filename); } }
private void ExportVideo(bool pianoRoll) { if (!canExportToVideo) { return; } var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage(pianoRoll ? (int)ExportFormat.VideoPianoRoll : (int)ExportFormat.VideoOscilloscope); Func <string, bool> ExportVideoAction = (filename) => { if (filename != null) { var stereoPropIdx = pianoRoll ? 7 : 9; var channelsPropIdx = pianoRoll ? 8 : 10; var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var resolutionIdx = props.GetSelectedIndex(1); var resolutionX = VideoResolution.ResolutionX[resolutionIdx]; var resolutionY = VideoResolution.ResolutionY[resolutionIdx]; var halfFrameRate = props.GetSelectedIndex(2) == 1; var audioBitRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var videoBitRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(4), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var loopCount = props.GetPropertyValue <int>(5); var stereo = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(stereoPropIdx); var song = project.GetSong(songName); var channelCount = project.GetActiveChannelCount(); var channelMask = 0; var pan = (float[])null; if (PlatformUtils.IsDesktop) { pan = new float[channelCount]; for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { if (props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(channelsPropIdx, i, 0)) { channelMask |= (1 << i); } pan[i] = props.GetPropertyValue <int>(channelsPropIdx, i, 2) / 100.0f; } } else { var selectedChannels = props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(channelsPropIdx); for (int i = 0; i < channelCount; i++) { if (selectedChannels[i]) { channelMask |= (1 << i); } } } lastExportFilename = filename; if (pianoRoll) { var pianoRollZoom = (float)Math.Pow(2.0, props.GetSelectedIndex(6) - 3); return(new VideoFilePianoRoll().Save(project, song.Id, loopCount, filename, resolutionX, resolutionY, halfFrameRate, channelMask, audioBitRate, videoBitRate, pianoRollZoom, stereo, pan)); } else { var oscNumColumns = props.GetPropertyValue <int>(6); var oscLineThickness = props.GetPropertyValue <int>(7); var oscColorMode = props.GetSelectedIndex(8); return(new VideoFileOscilloscope().Save(project, song.Id, loopCount, oscColorMode, oscNumColumns, oscLineThickness, filename, resolutionX, resolutionY, halfFrameRate, channelMask, audioBitRate, videoBitRate, stereo, pan)); } } else { return(false); } }; if (PlatformUtils.IsMobile) { var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); PlatformUtils.StartMobileSaveFileOperationAsync("video/mp4", $"{songName}", (f) => { new Thread(() => { app.BeginLogTask(true); var success = ExportVideoAction(f); PlatformUtils.FinishMobileSaveFileOperationAsync(success, () => { app.EndLogTask(); PlatformUtils.ShowToast($"Video Export {(success ? "Successful" : "Failed")}!"); }); }).Start(); }); } else { var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export Video File", "MP4 Video File (*.mp4)|*.mp4", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); ExportVideoAction(filename); } }
private void ExportRom() { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Rom); var songIds = GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(4)); if (songIds.Length > RomFileBase.MaxSongs) { PlatformUtils.MessageBoxAsync($"Please select {RomFileBase.MaxSongs} songs or less.", "ROM Export", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } if (props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0) == "NES ROM") { Action <string> ExportRomAction = (filename) => { if (filename != null) { var rom = new RomFile(); rom.Save( project, filename, songIds, props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3) == "PAL"); lastExportFilename = filename; } }; if (PlatformUtils.IsMobile) { PlatformUtils.StartMobileSaveFileOperationAsync("*/*", $"{project.Name}.nes", (f) => { ExportRomAction(f); PlatformUtils.FinishMobileSaveFileOperationAsync(true, () => { PlatformUtils.ShowToast("NES ROM Export Successful!"); }); }); } else { var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export ROM File", "NES ROM (*.nes)|*.nes", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); ExportRomAction(filename); } } else { Action <string> ExportFdsAction = (filename) => { if (filename != null) { var fds = new FdsFile(); fds.Save( project, filename, songIds, props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2)); lastExportFilename = filename; } }; if (PlatformUtils.IsMobile) { PlatformUtils.StartMobileSaveFileOperationAsync("*/*", $"{project.Name}.fds", (f) => { ExportFdsAction(f); PlatformUtils.FinishMobileSaveFileOperationAsync(true, () => { PlatformUtils.ShowToast("FDS Disk Export Successful!"); }); }); } else { var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? null : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export Famicom Disk", "FDS Disk (*.fds)|*.fds", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); ExportFdsAction(filename); } } }
private void ExportWavMp3() { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.WavMp3); var format = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1); var filename = ""; if (format == "MP3") { filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export MP3 File", "MP3 Audio File (*.mp3)|*.mp3", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); } else { filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export Wave File", "Wave Audio File (*.wav)|*.wav", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); } if (filename != null) { var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var sampleRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2)); var bitRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3)); var loopCount = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(4) != "Duration" ? props.GetPropertyValue <int>(5) : -1; var duration = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(4) == "Duration" ? props.GetPropertyValue <int>(6) : -1; var separateFiles = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(7); var selectedChannels = props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(8); var song = project.GetSong(songName); if (separateFiles) { for (int i = 0; i < selectedChannels.Length; i++) { if (selectedChannels[i]) { var channelFilename = Utils.AddFileSuffix(filename, "_" + song.Channels[i].ExportName); if (format == "MP3") { Mp3File.Save(song, channelFilename, sampleRate, bitRate, loopCount, duration, 1 << i); } else { WaveFile.Save(song, channelFilename, sampleRate, loopCount, duration, 1 << i); } } } } else { var channelMask = 0; for (int i = 0; i < selectedChannels.Length; i++) { if (selectedChannels[i]) { channelMask |= (1 << i); } } if (format == "MP3") { Mp3File.Save(song, filename, sampleRate, bitRate, loopCount, duration, channelMask); } else { WaveFile.Save(song, filename, sampleRate, loopCount, duration, channelMask); } } } }