        public static IList FetchHistory()
            // initialize
            History item = new History();
            PropertyInfo[] p = item.GetType().GetProperties();
            List<History> list = new List<History>();

            string qryString = "SELECT * FROM HISTORY_LOG";

            User user = (User)System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Session[Constant.session.User];
            IDBManager dbmgr = new DBManager(user.plantDBStr);
            dbmgr.ConnectionString = user.plantDBStr;

                dbmgr.ExecuteReader(CommandType.Text, qryString);

                while (dbmgr.DataReader.Read())
                    item = new History();
                    item = (History)FetchObject(item, p, dbmgr);
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw (ex);
            return list;
        // procedure saves object to history
        // definition of variables passed:
        //      obj         : current object
        //      old_obj     : old object prior to update
        //      table_chg   : name of table that was changed
        //      data_chg    : data that was changed
        //      key_field   : name of key_field (column) within table
        //                    (eg. changes in COMPLIST will have COMP as key_field, changes in CABLIST will have CABLE
        //      dbmgr       : database manager
        //      fieldlist   : list of fields that were involved
        //                    (this is needed because more fields may exisit for a given entity than was changed in webform)
        public void SaveHistory(Object obj, Object old_obj, string user_id, string table_chg, string data_chg, string key_field, IDBManager dbmgr, string[] fieldList)
            History hist;                                                                   // create new entity
            ArrayList listChgs = new ArrayList();                                           // array to hold list of changes

            // determine type of change: addition, deletion or modification
            // and set values accordingly

            // ADDITION: if old_obj is null then user entering a new record
            if (old_obj == null)
                hist = new History();                                                       // create new instance
                hist.field_chg = "RECORD ADDED";                                            // new record added
                hist.new_data = data_chg;
                hist.old_data = "";                                                         // old data is null
                hist.user_id = user_id;
                hist.table_chg = table_chg;
                hist.key_field = key_field;
                listChgs.Add(hist);                                                         // add to arraylist

            // DELETION: if obj is null then user deleting a record
            else if (obj == null)
                hist = new History();                                                       // create new instance
                hist.field_chg = "RECORD DELETED";                                          // record deleted
                hist.new_data = "";                                                         // new data is null
                hist.old_data = data_chg;
                hist.user_id = user_id;
                hist.table_chg = table_chg;
                hist.key_field = key_field;
                listChgs.Add(hist);                                                         // add to arraylist

            // MODIFICATION: otherwise user is modifying an existing record
                PropertyInfo[] properties = obj.GetType().GetProperties();
                foreach (PropertyInfo info in properties)
                    // initialize by setting new and old data to empty string
                    string new_data = "";
                    string old_data = "";

                    // properties that are *list or arg* are used base properties used only for application
                    // these will not exist in table therefore screen for these
                    if (!info.PropertyType.Name.Contains("list") && !info.Name.Contains("arg"))
                        // check to see if control for given name
                        if (ControlExists(info.Name, fieldList))
                            if (info.GetValue(old_obj, null) != null)
                                old_data = info.GetValue(old_obj, null).ToString();
                            if (info.GetValue(obj, null) != null)
                                new_data = info.GetValue(obj, null).ToString();

                            // if the new and old data are not equal to one another
                            if (!new_data.Equals(old_data))
                                hist = new History();                                       // create new instance
                                hist.new_data = new_data;
                                hist.old_data = old_data;
                                hist.field_chg = info.Name.ToUpper();                       // set field changed (convert to upper case)
                                hist.user_id = user_id;
                                hist.table_chg = table_chg;
                                hist.key_field = key_field;
                                listChgs.Add(hist);                                         // add to arraylist

            // update HISTORY_LOG table as long as there is changes
            if (listChgs.Count > 0)
                foreach (History h in listChgs)
                        dbmgr.AddParameters(0, "@user_id", h.user_id);
                        dbmgr.AddParameters(1, "@field_chg", h.field_chg);
                        dbmgr.AddParameters(2, "@new_data", h.new_data);
                        dbmgr.AddParameters(3, "@old_data", h.old_data);
                        dbmgr.AddParameters(4, "@table_chg", h.table_chg);
                        dbmgr.AddParameters(5, "@key_field", h.key_field);
                        dbmgr.ExecuteNonQuery(System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure, "HISTORY_LOG_i");
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        throw (ex);