 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the remaining size of a file/folder
 /// </summary>
 public long RemainingData(File f)
     long length = (long)(f.BlocksOccupied.Length - 1) * f.PartInfo.ClusterSize;
     return f.Size - length;
 public bool OverWriteFile(File FileToOverwrite, string FilePath, ref int Progress, ref int BlocksToWrite)
     FATX_Browser.FATX.IOReader br = null;
     //Do a try...
         //Create our new fatstuff to get our free blocks
         FATStuff fs = new FATStuff(FileToOverwrite);
         //Get our blocks needed
         int BlocksNeeded = (int)(m.UpToNearestCluster(new System.IO.FileInfo(FilePath).Length, FileToOverwrite.PartInfo.ClusterSize) / FileToOverwrite.PartInfo.ClusterSize);
         //Create our block array for the blocks we do have
         uint[] BlocksWeHave = FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied;
         //If we have more blocks than we need already...
         if ((int)FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.Length > BlocksNeeded)
             //Get our blocks that we're going to clear...
             List<uint> BlocksList = FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.ToList<uint>();
             //Remove the blocks we need from the list of blocks to overwrite
             BlocksList.RemoveRange(0x0, (int)((int)FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.Length - BlocksNeeded));
             uint[] BlocksToFree = BlocksList.ToArray();
             //Clears the blocks.
             ClearFATChain(BlocksToFree, FileToOverwrite);
             //Make the final block in the series the ending block by writing 0xFFFF to it
             uint EndBlock = FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied[(FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.Length - 1) - BlocksNeeded];
             if (FileToOverwrite.PartInfo.EntrySize == Info.PartitionBit.FATX16)
                 WriteBlock(EndBlock, new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF }, FileToOverwrite);
                 WriteBlock(EndBlock, new byte[] { 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF }, FileToOverwrite);
             BlocksList = FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.ToList<uint>();
             BlocksList.RemoveRange(0x0, (FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.Length - 1) - BlocksNeeded);
             BlocksWeHave = BlocksList.ToArray();
         else if ((int)FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.Length < BlocksNeeded)
             //Get the number of blocks we REALLY need
             int RealBlocksNeeded = BlocksNeeded - FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.Length;
             //Write out the FAT chain from that last block
             List<uint> bl = new List<uint>();
             bl.Add(FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied[FileToOverwrite.BlocksOccupied.Length - 1]);
             uint[] newBlocks = new FATStuff(FileToOverwrite).GetFreeBlocks(RealBlocksNeeded, bl[0], 0, false);
             //Set the BlocksWeHave
             BlocksWeHave = bl.ToArray();
         //Create our binary reader to read our file
         br = new FATX_Browser.FATX.IOReader(new System.IO.FileStream(FilePath, System.IO.FileMode.Open));
         for (int i = 0; i < BlocksWeHave.Length; i++)
             WriteToCluster(m.GetBlockOffset(BlocksWeHave[i], FileToOverwrite), br.ReadBytes(0x200));
         return true;
     catch (Exception e)
         catch { }
         throw e;
 private bool DeleteInternal(File f, ref long progressUpdate, ref long progressMax, ref string CurrentFile)
     return true;
 public bool Delete(File f, ref long ProgressUpdate, ref long ProgressMax, ref string CurrentFile)
     return DeleteInternal(f, ref ProgressUpdate, ref ProgressMax, ref CurrentFile);
 public bool OverWriteFile(File FileToOverwrite, string FilePath)
     int p = 0;
     int d = 0;
     return OverWriteFile(FileToOverwrite, FilePath, ref p, ref d);
 public bool Delete(File f)
     long ProgressUpdate = 0;
     long ProgressMax = 0;
     string CurrentFile = "";
     return DeleteInternal(f, ref ProgressUpdate, ref ProgressMax, ref CurrentFile);
 internal bool ExtractFileInternal(File f, FATX_Browser.FATX.IOWriter outIO, ref long sizeWritten, ref long maxVal)
     //Create our binaryreader
     FATX_Browser.FATX.IOReader br;
         //Create our new misc class
         Misc m = new Misc();
         //Create our blocks occupied list to speed some things up if the
         //blocks haven't been loaded yet
         System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch s = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();
         List<uint> BlocksOccupied = f.BlocksOccupied.ToList<uint>();
         maxVal = BlocksOccupied.Count;
         if (BlocksOccupied.Count >= 1)
             //Get our IO...
             br = xDrive.GetIO();
             //For each loop increase our sizewritten, and keep looping
             //until we've reached the block BEFORE the final (size may not
             //be 0x4000 bytes)
             for (int i = 0; i < BlocksOccupied.Count - 1; i++, sizeWritten++)
                 //Get and set our reader position
                 long position = m.GetBlockOffset(BlocksOccupied.ToArray()[i], f.PartInfo);
                 br.BaseStream.Position = position;
                 //Write to our output file what we just read
             //KAY, now we've reached the final block in the series
             br.BaseStream.Position = m.GetBlockOffset(BlocksOccupied.ToArray()[BlocksOccupied.Count - 1], f);
             //Right here, we read the remaining data, and write it all
             //in one swoop
             outIO.Write(m.ReadBytes(ref br, m.RemainingData(f)));
             //Close our IO's
             return true;
         return false;
     catch (Exception e) { outIO.Close(); throw e; }
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns a folder when given a path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The path to the folder</param>
        //public Folder GetFolder(string path)
        //    //Create our folder for the root
        //    string[] FolderNames = path.Split('\\');
        //    Folder PartitionEntries = new Folder(DeviceID, Partition);
        //    PartitionEntries.EData.StartingCluster = 1;
        //    //Call to our function that will return our folder
        //    return GetOurFolder(PartitionEntries, FolderNames, 0);
        //private Folder GetOurFolder(Folder f, string[] names, int startIndex)
        //    //Create our array of subfolders
        //    Folder[] subs = f.SubFolders();
        //    //Loop for each folder in our subfolder
        //    foreach (Folder g in subs)
        //    {
        //        //If the subfolder name matches the name for our desired index
        //        if (g.Name == names[startIndex])
        //        {
        //            //If we're not at the end of our name array...
        //            if (!(startIndex == names.Length - 1))
        //            {
        //                //Loop again for the next in the index
        //                GetOurFolder(g, names, startIndex++);
        //            }
        //            //If we ARE in the end of our name array
        //            else
        //            {
        //                //Return our folder
        //                return g;
        //            }
        //        }
        //    }
        //    //The folder was not found, return null
        //    return null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns an array of files and folders for a folder
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="block">The block to read from</param>
        public object[] LoadEntries(Folder f, bool ShowDeletedEntries)
            //Build our list of entry data
            List<EntryData> eList = new List<EntryData>();
            //Build our list for files
            List<File> fileList = new List<File>();
            //Build our list for folders
            List<Folder> folderList = new List<Folder>();
            //For each block this shit occupies
            for (int i = 0; i < f.BlocksOccupied.Length; i++)
                //Builds our list of entry data
            //For each entry in our entry data
            EntryData[] eArray = eList.ToArray();
            foreach (EntryData e in eArray)
                //If the entry is a folder
                if (e.Size == 0)
                    Folder folder = new Folder(xDrive, Partition);
                    folder.Drive = xDrive;
                    folder.EData = e;
                    folder.PartInfo = ((Folder)Holder).PartInfo;
                    if (e.FileNameSize == 0xE5)
                        folder.IsDeleted = true;
                        folder.EData.FileName = folder.EData.FileName.Remove(folder.EData.FileName.IndexOf('?'));

                //If the shit is a file
                else if (e.FileNameSize > 0x00)
                    //If the entry is a folder
                    if (e.Flags == 0x10)
                        //Do nothing
                    else if (e.Size == 0 && e.StartingCluster == 0)
                        File file = new File(xDrive, Partition);
                        file.Drive = xDrive;
                        file.EData = e;
                        file.PartInfo = ((Folder)Holder).PartInfo;
                        if (e.FileNameSize == 0xE5)
                            file.IsDeleted = true;
                            file.EData.FileName = file.EData.FileName.Remove(file.EData.FileName.IndexOf('?'));
                        File file = new File(xDrive, Partition);
                        file.Drive = xDrive;
                        file.EData = e;
                        file.PartInfo = ((Folder)Holder).PartInfo;
                        if (e.FileNameSize == 0xE5)
                            file.IsDeleted = true;
                            file.EData.FileName = file.EData.FileName.Remove(file.EData.FileName.IndexOf('?'));

            return new object[] { folderList.ToArray(), fileList.ToArray() };
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns an array of files for the specified block
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="block">The block to read from</param>
 public File[] Files(uint block)
     List<File> fList = new List<File>();
     foreach (EntryData data in GetEntries(block))
         if (data.FileNameSize != 0xE5 && data.FileNameSize > 0x00)
             //If the entry is a folder
             if (data.Size == 0 && data.StartingCluster != 0)
                 //Do nothing
                 File file = new File(xDrive, Partition);
                 file.Drive = xDrive;
                 file.EData = data;
                 file.PartInfo = ((Folder)Holder).PartInfo;
     return fList.ToArray();
 /// <summary>
 /// Extracts your file to the specified path
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="f">File to extract</param>
 /// <param name="path">Path to extract the file to</param>
 /// <param name="sizeWritten">Used for updating progress on the file(not necessary)</param>
 /// <param name="maxVal">Used for updating the file size (not necessary)</param>
 public bool ExtractFile(File f, string path, ref long sizeWritten, ref long maxVal)
        // {
         Misc m = new Misc();
         //Create our binary writer
         FATX_Browser.FATX.IOWriter bw = new FATX_Browser.FATX.IOWriter(new System.IO.FileStream(path, System.IO.FileMode.Create));
         //Set our maxVal
         maxVal = f.Block;
         sizeWritten = 0;
         return ExtractFileInternal(f, bw, ref sizeWritten, ref maxVal);
        // }
     //catch { return false; }