protected void bindBillTo(CRM.Data.Entities.Leads lead) { ListItem billToItem = null; string itemValue = null; string claimantName = null; ddlBillTo.Items.Add(new ListItem("Select One", "0")); if (lead != null && lead.LeadPolicy != null && lead.LeadPolicy.Count > 0) { // add insurance company policy foreach (CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy policy in lead.LeadPolicy) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(policy.InsuranceCompanyName)) { itemValue = string.Format("{0}|{1}", policy.PolicyType, policy.CarrierID ?? 0); billToItem = new ListItem(policy.InsuranceCompanyName, itemValue); ddlBillTo.Items.Add(billToItem); } } // add client mailing address as option claimantName = string.Format("{0} {1}", lead.ClaimantFirstName ?? "", lead.ClaimantLastName ?? ""); itemValue = string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}", 1, // homeowners claimantName, lead.MailingAddress ?? "", lead.MailingCity ?? "", lead.MailingState ?? "", lead.MailingZip ?? "" ); ddlBillTo.Items.Add(new ListItem("Policyholder - Mailing Address", itemValue)); // add client loss address as option claimantName = string.Format("{0} {1}", lead.ClaimantFirstName ?? "", lead.ClaimantLastName ?? ""); itemValue = string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}|{4}|{5}", 1, // homeowners claimantName, (lead.LossAddress ?? "") + (lead.LossAddress2 ?? ""), lead.CityName ?? "", lead.StateName ?? "", lead.Zip ?? "" ); ddlBillTo.Items.Add(new ListItem("Policyholder - Loss Address", itemValue)); } }
public static List<CurrentLeadPolicy> GetCurrentPolicy(Leads lead) { List<CurrentLeadPolicy> currentPolicyTypes = null; if (lead.LeadPolicy != null) { currentPolicyTypes = (from x in lead.LeadPolicy where x.IsActive select new CurrentLeadPolicy { policyTypeDescription = x.LeadPolicyType.Description, policyTypeID = x.LeadPolicyType.LeadPolicyTypeID }).ToList(); } return currentPolicyTypes; }
//2014-04-25 deprecated public static void loadFieldValues(Leads lead) { //string homeownerPolicy = null; //string commercialPolicy = null; //string floodPolicy = null; //string earhtquakePolicy = null; //string homeownerClaimNumber = null; //string commercialClaimNumber = null; //string floodClaimNumber = null; //string earhtquakeClaimNumber = null; //string homeowner_insurance = null; //string homeonwer_insurance_address = null; //string homeonwer_insurance_address2 = null; //string homeowner_insurance_city = null; //string homeowner_insurance_state = null; //string homeonwer_insurance_zipcode = null; //string homeonwer_phone_number = null; //string commercial_insurance_address = null; //string commercial_insurance_city = null; //string commercial_insurance_state = null; //string commercial_insurance_zipcode = null; //string commercial_phone_number = null; //string flood_insurance_address = null; //string flood_insurance_city = null; //string flood_insurance_state = null; //string flood_insurance_zipcode = null; //string flood_phone_number = null; //string earthquake_insurance_address = null; //string earthquake_insurance_city = null; //string earthquake_insurance_state = null; //string earthquake_insurance_zipcode = null; //string earthquake_phone_number = null; //CityMaster cityMaster = null; //StateMaster stateMaster = null; //string lossDate = null; //string commercialInsurance = null; //string floodInsurance = null; //string earhtquakeInsurance = null; //// remove existing fields //mergeFields.Clear(); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("TODAYS_DATE", DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString())); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("CLAIMANT_FIRST_NAME", lead.ClaimantFirstName)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("CLAIMANT_LAST_NAME", lead.ClaimantLastName)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("LOSS_ADDRESS", lead.LossAddress)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("LOSS_ADDRESS 2", lead.LossAddress2)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("LOSS_STATE", lead.StateName)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("LOSS_CITY", lead.CityName)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("LOSS_ZIPCODE", lead.Zip)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("CLAIMANT_MAILING_ADDRESS", lead.MailingAddress)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("CLAIMANT_MAILING_STATE", lead.MailingState)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("CLAIMANT_MAILING_CITY", lead.MailingCity)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("CLAIMANT_MAILING_ZIPCODE", lead.MailingZip)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("CLAIMANT_PHONE_NUMBER", lead.PhoneNumber)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("CLAIMANT_EMAIL", lead.EmailAddress)); //LeadPolicy policy = null; //if (lead.LeadPolicies != null) { // #region homeowners // policy = lead.LeadPolicies.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PolicyType == (int)PolicyType.Homeowners); // homeownerPolicy = policy.PolicyNumber; // homeownerClaimNumber = policy.ClaimNumber; // homeowner_insurance = policy.InsuranceCompanyName; // homeonwer_insurance_address = policy.InsuranceAddress; // cityMaster = policy.CityMaster; // homeowner_insurance_city = cityMaster == null ? "" : cityMaster.CityName; // stateMaster = policy.StateMaster; // homeowner_insurance_state = stateMaster == null ? "" : stateMaster.StateName; // string homeowner_zip = policy.InsuranceZipCode ?? ""; // homeonwer_insurance_zipcode = getZipCode(homeowner_zip); // homeonwer_phone_number = policy.PhoneNumber ?? ""; // #endregion // #region commercial // policy = lead.LeadPolicies.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PolicyType == (int)PolicyType.Commercial); // if (policy != null) { // commercialClaimNumber = policy.ClaimNumber; // commercialPolicy = policy.PolicyNumber; // commercialInsurance = policy.InsuranceCompanyName; // commercial_insurance_address = policy.InsuranceAddress; // cityMaster = policy.CityMaster; // commercial_insurance_city = cityMaster == null ? "" : cityMaster.CityName; // stateMaster = policy.StateMaster; // commercial_insurance_state = stateMaster == null ? "" : stateMaster.StateName; // string commercial_zip = policy.InsuranceZipCode ?? ""; // commercial_insurance_zipcode = getZipCode(commercial_zip); // commercial_phone_number = policy.PhoneNumber ?? ""; // } // #endregion // #region flood // policy = lead.LeadPolicies.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PolicyType == (int)PolicyType.Flood); // if (policy != null) { // floodClaimNumber = policy == null ? "" : policy.ClaimNumber; // floodPolicy = policy.PolicyNumber; // floodInsurance = policy.InsuranceCompanyName; // flood_insurance_address = policy.InsuranceAddress; // cityMaster = policy.CityMaster; // flood_insurance_city = cityMaster == null ? "" : cityMaster.CityName; // stateMaster = policy.StateMaster; // flood_insurance_state = stateMaster == null ? "" : stateMaster.StateName; // string flood_zip = policy.InsuranceZipCode ?? ""; // flood_insurance_zipcode = getZipCode(flood_zip); // flood_phone_number = policy.PhoneNumber; // } // #endregion // #region earthquake // policy = lead.LeadPolicies.FirstOrDefault(x => x.PolicyType == (int)PolicyType.Earthquake); // if (policy != null) { // earhtquakeClaimNumber = policy == null ? "" : policy.ClaimNumber; // earhtquakePolicy = policy.PolicyNumber; // earhtquakeInsurance = policy.InsuranceCompanyName; // earthquake_insurance_address = policy.InsuranceAddress; // cityMaster = policy.CityMaster; // earthquake_insurance_city = cityMaster == null ? "" : cityMaster.CityName; // stateMaster = policy.StateMaster; // earthquake_insurance_state = stateMaster == null ? "" : stateMaster.StateName; // string earthquake_zip = policy.InsuranceZipCode; // earthquake_insurance_zipcode = getZipCode(earthquake_zip); // earthquake_phone_number = policy.PhoneNumber; // } // #endregion //} //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("HOMEOWNER_POLICY_NO", homeownerPolicy)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("COMMERCIAL_POLICY_NO", commercialPolicy)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("FLOOD_POLICY_NO", floodPolicy)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("EARTHQUAKE_POLICY_NO", earhtquakePolicy)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("HOMEOWNER_CLAIM_NUMBER", homeownerClaimNumber)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("COMMERCIAL_CLAIM_NUMBER", commercialClaimNumber)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("FLOOD_CLAIM_NUMBER", floodClaimNumber)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("EARTHQUAKE_CLAIM_NUMBER", earhtquakeClaimNumber)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("HOMEOWNER_INSURANCE_CO", homeowner_insurance)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("HOMEONWER_INSURANCE_ADDRESS", homeonwer_insurance_address)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("HOMEONWER_INSURANCE_ADDRESS2", homeonwer_insurance_address2)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("HOMEONWER_INSURANCE_CITY", homeowner_insurance_city)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("HOMEONWER_INSURANCE_STATE", homeowner_insurance_state)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("HOMEONWER_INSURANCE_ZIPCODE", homeonwer_insurance_zipcode)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("HOMEONWER_INSURANCE_PHONE", homeonwer_phone_number)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("COMMERCIAL_INSURANCE_CO", commercialInsurance)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("COMMERCIAL_INSURANCE_ADDRESS", commercial_insurance_address)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("COMMERCIAL_INSURANCE_CITY", commercial_insurance_city)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("COMMERCIAL_INSURANCE_STATE", commercial_insurance_state)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("COMMERCIAL_INSURANCE_ZIPCODE", commercial_insurance_zipcode)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("COMMERCIAL_INSURANCE_PHONE", commercial_phone_number)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("FLOOD_INSURANCE_CO", floodInsurance)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("FLOOD_INSURANCE_ADDRESS", flood_insurance_address)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("FLOOD_INSURANCE_CITY", flood_insurance_city)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("FLOOD_INSURANCE_STATE", flood_insurance_state)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("FLOOD_INSURANCE_ZIPCODE", flood_insurance_zipcode)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("FLOOD_INSURANCE_PHONE", flood_phone_number)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("EARTHQUAKE_INSURANCE_CO", earhtquakeInsurance)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("EARTHQUAKE_INSURANCE_ADDRESS", earthquake_insurance_address)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("EARTHQUAKE_INSURANCE_CITY", earthquake_insurance_city)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("EARTHQUAKE_INSURANCE_STATE", earthquake_insurance_state)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("EARTHQUAKE_INSURANCE_ZIPCODE", earthquake_insurance_zipcode)); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("EARTHQUAKE_INSURANCE_PHONE", earthquake_phone_number)); //if (lead.LossDate != null) // lossDate = string.Format("{0:MM-dd-yyyy}", lead.LossDate); //mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("LOSS_DATE", lossDate)); //string[] damageType = lead.TypeofDamageText.Split(','); //if (damageType != null && damageType.Length > 0) { // string[] damageCause = damageType.Where(x => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x)).ToArray(); // mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("DAMAGE_CAUSE", string.Join(",", damageCause))); //} //if (lead.ClientID != null) { // mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("OFFICE_NAME", lead.Client.BusinessName)); // mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("FEDERAL_ID_NO", lead.Client.FederalIDNo)); // mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("OFFICE_ADDRESS", lead.Client.StreetAddress1 ?? "" + " " + lead.Client.StreetAddress2 ?? "")); // mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("OFFICE_CITY", lead.Client.CityMaster == null ? "" : lead.Client.CityMaster.CityName)); // mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("OFFICE_STATE", lead.Client.StateMaster == null ? "" : lead.Client.StateMaster.StateName)); // if (lead.Client.ZipCode != null) { // mergeFields.Add(new mergeField("OFFICE_ZIPCODE", getZipCode(lead.Client.ZipCode))); // } //} //// build field name arrays //fieldNames = mergeFields.Select(x => x.fieldName).ToArray(); //// build field value arrays //fieldValues = mergeFields.Select(x => x.fieldValue).ToArray(); }
protected void gvUserLeads_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "DoView") { this.Context.Items.Add("selectedleadid", e.CommandArgument.ToString()); this.Context.Items.Add("view", "U"); Server.Transfer("~/protected/admin/newlead.aspx"); } if (e.CommandName == "DoEdit") { this.Context.Items.Add("selectedleadid", e.CommandArgument.ToString()); this.Context.Items.Add("view", ""); Server.Transfer("~/protected/admin/newlead.aspx"); } if (e.CommandName == "DoCopy") { int LId = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); try { var list = LeadsManager.GetByLeadId(LId); Leads objlead = new Leads();// CRM.Web.Utilities.cln.Clone(list); //objlead.Adjuster = list.Adjuster; //objlead.AllDocumentsOnFile = list.AllDocumentsOnFile; objlead.BusinessName = list.BusinessName; objlead.CityId = list.CityId; objlead.ClaimantAddress = list.ClaimantAddress; objlead.ClaimantComments = list.ClaimantComments; objlead.ClaimantFirstName = list.ClaimantFirstName; objlead.ClaimantLastName = list.ClaimantLastName; objlead.ClaimsNumber = list.ClaimsNumber; objlead.DateSubmitted = list.DateSubmitted; objlead.EmailAddress = list.EmailAddress; //objlead.FloodPolicy = list.FloodPolicy; //objlead.Habitable = list.Habitable; objlead.hasCertifiedInsurancePolicy = list.hasCertifiedInsurancePolicy; objlead.hasContentList = list.hasContentList; objlead.hasDamageEstimate = list.hasDamageEstimate; objlead.hasDamagePhoto = list.hasDamagePhoto; objlead.hasDamageReport = list.hasDamageReport; objlead.hasInsurancePolicy = list.hasInsurancePolicy; objlead.hasOwnerContract = list.hasOwnerContract; objlead.hasSignedRetainer = list.hasSignedRetainer; objlead.HearAboutUsDetail = list.HearAboutUsDetail; objlead.InspectorCell = list.InspectorCell; objlead.InspectorEmail = list.InspectorEmail; objlead.InspectorName = list.InspectorName; //objlead.InsuranceAddress = list.InsuranceAddress; //objlead.InsuranceCity = list.InsuranceCity; //objlead.InsuranceCompanyName = list.InsuranceCompanyName; //objlead.InsuranceContactEmail = list.InsuranceContactEmail; //objlead.InsuranceContactName = list.InsuranceContactName; //objlead.InsuranceContactPhone = list.InsuranceContactPhone; //objlead.InsurancePolicyNumber = list.InsurancePolicyNumber; //objlead.InsuranceState = list.InsuranceState; //objlead.InsuranceZipCode = list.InsuranceZipCode; objlead.IsSubmitted = list.IsSubmitted; objlead.LastContactDate = list.LastContactDate; //objlead.LeadComments = list.LeadComments; objlead.LeadSource = list.LeadSource; //objlead.LeadStatus = list.LeadStatus; objlead.LFUUID = list.LFUUID; objlead.LossAddress = list.LossAddress; objlead.MarketValue = list.MarketValue; objlead.OriginalLeadDate = list.OriginalLeadDate; objlead.OtherSource = list.OtherSource; objlead.OwnerFirstName = list.OwnerFirstName; objlead.OwnerLastName = list.OwnerLastName; objlead.OwnerPhone = list.OwnerPhone; objlead.OwnerSame = list.OwnerSame; objlead.PhoneNumber = list.PhoneNumber; objlead.PrimaryProducerId = list.PrimaryProducerId; objlead.PropertyDamageEstimate = list.PropertyDamageEstimate; objlead.ReporterToInsurer = list.ReporterToInsurer; objlead.SecondaryEmail = list.SecondaryEmail; objlead.SecondaryPhone = list.SecondaryPhone; objlead.SecondaryProducerId = list.SecondaryProducerId; objlead.SiteInspectionCompleted = list.SiteInspectionCompleted; objlead.SiteLocation = list.SiteLocation; objlead.SiteSurveyDate = list.SiteSurveyDate; objlead.StateId = list.StateId; objlead.Status = list.Status; //objlead.SubStatus = list.SubStatus; objlead.TypeOfDamage = list.TypeOfDamage; objlead.TypeofDamageText = list.TypeofDamageText; objlead.TypeOfProperty = list.TypeOfProperty; objlead.UserId = list.UserId; objlead.WebformSource = list.WebformSource; //objlead.WindPolicy = list.WindPolicy; objlead.Zip = list.Zip; LeadsManager.Save(objlead); lblSave.Text = "Record Copied Sucessfully."; lblSave.Visible = true; DoBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = "Record Not Copied."; lblError.Visible = true; } } }
protected void gvUserLeads_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { lblError.Visible = false; lblError.Text = string.Empty; lblSave.Text = string.Empty; lblSave.Visible = false; if (e.CommandName == "DoView") { this.Context.Items.Add("selectedleadid", e.CommandArgument.ToString()); this.Context.Items.Add("view", "A"); Server.Transfer("~/protected/newlead.aspx"); } if (e.CommandName == "DoEdit") { //this.Context.Items.Add("selectedleadid", e.CommandArgument.ToString()); //this.Context.Items.Add("view", ""); //Server.Transfer("~/protected/admin/newlead.aspx"); // because of update panels // int a = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); //PUT IN PLACE TO GRAB THE CLAIM ID WHEN THE USER HITS EDIT TO SET THE SESSION VARIABLE TO BE USED IN THE POLLICY GRID //TO TAKE CARE OF CLAIM LIMIT STUFF: OC 9/16/14 Claim claim = null; GridViewRow gvRow = (GridViewRow)((Control)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer; LinkButton lb = (LinkButton)gvRow.FindControl("lbtnClaim"); string claimNumber = lb.Text; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(claimNumber)) { claim = ClaimsManager.Get(claimNumber); if (claim != null) { Session["ClaimID"] = claim.ClaimID; } } Response.Redirect("~/protected/newlead.aspx?q=" + Core.SecurityManager.EncryptQueryString(e.CommandArgument.ToString())); } //ADD NOTE if(e.CommandName =="AddNotes") { Claim claim = null; int myClaimID = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); claim = ClaimsManager.Get(myClaimID); //Carrier Invoice type for new window CarrierInvoiceProfile cip = null; int myCIPID = Convert.ToInt32(claim.CarrierInvoiceProfileID); cip = CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Get(myCIPID); Session["CarrierType"] = cip.ProfileName; //Insured Name for new window GridViewRow gvRow = (GridViewRow)((Control)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer; Label lbl = (Label)gvRow.FindControl("lblInsuredName"); Session["InsuredName"] = lbl.Text; //Leads lead = LeadsManager.GetByLeadId(LeadId); //CLient for new window GridViewRow gvRow2 = (GridViewRow)((Control)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer; Label lblClient = (Label)gvRow.FindControl("lblClient"); Session["myClient"] = lblClient.Text; //Insurer/Branch for new window GridViewRow gvRow3 = (GridViewRow)((Control)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer; Label lblBranch = (Label)gvRow.FindControl("lblBranch"); Session["InsurerBranch"] = lblBranch.Text; //Net Claim Payable for new window decimal d = Convert.ToDecimal(claim.NetClaimPayable); Session["ClaimPayable"] = "$" + Math.Round(d, 2); if (myClaimID == 0) { popUpService.Show(); //pnlService.Visible = true; } else { Session["CarrierInvoiceID"] = claim.CarrierInvoiceProfileID; Session["ClaimID"] = e.CommandArgument; Session["ComingFromAllClaims"] = 1; var claimID = Core.SecurityManager.EncryptQueryString(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); // Response.Redirect("~/protected/ClaimTimeExpense.aspx?q=" + Core.SecurityManager.EncryptQueryString(e.CommandArgument.ToString())); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, typeof(string), "popup", "'../ClaimTimeExpense.aspx?q=" + claimID + " ' , '_blank');", true); // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "PersonalData", " 'StudentManager.aspx?id=" + studentid + " ', null, );", true); } } //ADD EXPENSE if (e.CommandName == "AddExpense") { Claim claim = null; int myClaimID = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); claim = ClaimsManager.Get(myClaimID); CarrierInvoiceProfile cip = null; int myCIPID = Convert.ToInt32(claim.CarrierInvoiceProfileID); cip = CarrierInvoiceProfileManager.Get(myCIPID); Session["CarrierType"] = cip.ProfileName; //Insured Name for new window GridViewRow gvRow = (GridViewRow)((Control)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer; Label lbl = (Label)gvRow.FindControl("lblInsuredName"); Session["InsuredName"] = lbl.Text; //Leads lead = LeadsManager.GetByLeadId(LeadId); //CLient for new window GridViewRow gvRow2 = (GridViewRow)((Control)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer; Label lblClient = (Label)gvRow.FindControl("lblClient"); Session["myClient"] = lblClient.Text; //Insurer/Branch for new window GridViewRow gvRow3 = (GridViewRow)((Control)e.CommandSource).NamingContainer; Label lblBranch = (Label)gvRow.FindControl("lblBranch"); Session["InsurerBranch"] = lblBranch.Text; //Net Claim Payable for new window decimal d = Convert.ToDecimal(claim.NetClaimPayable); Session["ClaimPayable"] = "$" + Math.Round(d, 2); if (myClaimID == 0) { popUpService.Show(); //pnlService.Visible = true; } else { Session["CarrierInvoiceID"] = claim.CarrierInvoiceProfileID; Session["ClaimID"] = e.CommandArgument; Session["ComingFromAllClaimsExpense"] = 1; var claimID = Core.SecurityManager.EncryptQueryString(e.CommandArgument.ToString()); // Response.Redirect("~/protected/ClaimTimeExpense.aspx?q=" + Core.SecurityManager.EncryptQueryString(e.CommandArgument.ToString())); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(Page, typeof(string), "popup", "'../ClaimTimeExpense.aspx?q=" + claimID + " ' , '_blank');", true); // ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "PersonalData", " 'StudentManager.aspx?id=" + studentid + " ', null, );", true); } } if (e.CommandName == "DoDelete") { int LeadId = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); try { var list = LeadsManager.GetByLeadId(LeadId); list.Status = 0; LeadsManager.Save(list); lblSave.Text = "Record Deleted Successfully."; lblSave.Visible = true; bindLeads(); } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = "Record Not Deleted."; lblError.Visible = true; } } if (e.CommandName == "DoCopy") { int LeadId = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); try { Leads lead = LeadsManager.GetByLeadId(LeadId); var list = LeadsManager.GetByLeadId(LeadId); Leads objlead = new Leads();// CRM.Web.Utilities.cln.Clone(list); objlead.ClientID = SessionHelper.getClientId(); //objlead.AllDocumentsOnFile = list.AllDocumentsOnFile; objlead.InsuredName = list.InsuredName; objlead.BusinessName = list.BusinessName; objlead.CityId = list.CityId; objlead.ClaimantAddress = list.ClaimantAddress; objlead.ClaimantComments = list.ClaimantComments; objlead.ClaimantFirstName = list.ClaimantFirstName; objlead.ClaimantLastName = list.ClaimantLastName; objlead.ClaimsNumber = list.ClaimsNumber; objlead.DateSubmitted = list.DateSubmitted; objlead.EmailAddress = list.EmailAddress; //objlead.Habitable = list.Habitable; objlead.hasCertifiedInsurancePolicy = list.hasCertifiedInsurancePolicy; objlead.hasContentList = list.hasContentList; objlead.hasDamageEstimate = list.hasDamageEstimate; objlead.hasDamagePhoto = list.hasDamagePhoto; objlead.hasDamageReport = list.hasDamageReport; objlead.hasInsurancePolicy = list.hasInsurancePolicy; objlead.hasOwnerContract = list.hasOwnerContract; objlead.hasSignedRetainer = list.hasSignedRetainer; objlead.HearAboutUsDetail = list.HearAboutUsDetail; objlead.InspectorCell = list.InspectorCell; objlead.InspectorEmail = list.InspectorEmail; objlead.InspectorName = list.InspectorName; //objlead.InsuranceAddress = list.InsuranceAddress; //objlead.InsuranceCity = list.InsuranceCity; //objlead.InsuranceCompanyName = list.InsuranceCompanyName; //objlead.InsuranceContactEmail = list.InsuranceContactEmail; //objlead.InsuranceContactName = list.InsuranceContactName; //objlead.InsuranceContactPhone = list.InsuranceContactPhone; //objlead.InsurancePolicyNumber = list.InsurancePolicyNumber; //objlead.InsuranceState = list.InsuranceState; //objlead.InsuranceZipCode = list.InsuranceZipCode; objlead.IsSubmitted = list.IsSubmitted; objlead.LastContactDate = list.LastContactDate; objlead.LeadSource = list.LeadSource; //objlead.LeadStatus = list.LeadStatus; objlead.LossAddress = list.LossAddress; objlead.MarketValue = list.MarketValue; objlead.OriginalLeadDate = list.OriginalLeadDate; objlead.OtherSource = list.OtherSource; objlead.OwnerFirstName = list.OwnerFirstName; objlead.OwnerLastName = list.OwnerLastName; objlead.OwnerPhone = list.OwnerPhone; objlead.OwnerSame = list.OwnerSame; objlead.PhoneNumber = list.PhoneNumber; objlead.PrimaryProducerId = list.PrimaryProducerId; objlead.PropertyDamageEstimate = list.PropertyDamageEstimate; objlead.ReporterToInsurer = list.ReporterToInsurer; objlead.SecondaryEmail = list.SecondaryEmail; objlead.SecondaryPhone = list.SecondaryPhone; objlead.SecondaryProducerId = list.SecondaryProducerId; objlead.SiteInspectionCompleted = list.SiteInspectionCompleted; objlead.SiteLocation = list.SiteLocation; objlead.SiteSurveyDate = list.SiteSurveyDate; objlead.StateId = list.StateId; objlead.Status = list.Status; //objlead.SubStatus = list.SubStatus; objlead.TypeOfDamage = list.TypeOfDamage; objlead.TypeofDamageText = list.TypeofDamageText; objlead.TypeOfProperty = list.TypeOfProperty; objlead.UserId = list.UserId; objlead.WebformSource = list.WebformSource; objlead.Zip = list.Zip; objlead.LossAddress2 = list.LossAddress2; objlead.LossDate = list.LossDate; objlead.LossLocation = list.LossLocation; objlead.StateName = list.StateName; objlead.CityName = list.CityName; objlead = LeadsManager.Save(objlead); copyPolicy(LeadId, objlead.LeadId); copyInvoices(LeadId, objlead.LeadId); copyLienholders(LeadId, objlead.LeadId); copyComments(LeadId, objlead.LeadId); copyContacts(LeadId, objlead.LeadId); lblSave.Text = "Record Copied Successfully."; lblSave.Visible = true; bindLeads(); } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = "Record Not Copied."; lblError.Visible = true; } } }
protected static void exportDemographics(Leads lead, Claim claim) { Stream imageStream = null; string cityName = null; string stateName = null; string zipCode = null; string[] damageType = null; string imagePath = null; if (lead == null) return; PdfPTable tblHeader = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 30, 60 }); tblHeader.WidthPercentage = 90; PdfPCell headerCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Policyholder Information")); headerCell.Colspan = 2; headerCell.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER; tblHeader.AddCell(headerCell); doc.Add(tblHeader); PdfPTable ptable = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 30, 60 }); addTableCell(ptable, "Insured Name"); addTableCell(ptable, lead.InsuredName); addTableCell(ptable, "First Name"); addTableCell(ptable, lead.ClaimantFirstName); addTableCell(ptable, "Last Name"); addTableCell(ptable, lead.ClaimantLastName); addTableCell(ptable, "Business Name"); addTableCell(ptable, lead.BusinessName); addTableCell(ptable, "Phone"); addTableCell(ptable, lead.PhoneNumber); addTableCell(ptable, " "); addTableCell(ptable, lead.SecondaryPhone); addTableCell(ptable, "Email"); addTableCell(ptable, lead.EmailAddress); addTableCell(ptable, " "); addTableCell(ptable, lead.SecondaryEmail); addTableCell(ptable, "Loss Address"); addTableCell(ptable, lead.LossAddress); addTableCell(ptable, " "); addTableCell(ptable, lead.LossAddress2); cityName = lead.CityName ?? " "; stateName = lead.StateName ?? " "; zipCode = lead.Zip ?? " "; addTableCell(ptable, " "); addTableCell(ptable, cityName + ", " + stateName + " " + zipCode); addTableCell(ptable, "Type of Loss"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(claim.CauseOfLoss)) { string[] causeOfLossDescriptions = TypeofDamageManager.GetDescriptions(claim.CauseOfLoss); string typeOfLoss = string.Join(",", causeOfLossDescriptions); addTableCell(ptable, typeOfLoss); } //addTableCell(ptable, "Lead Source"); //addTableCell(ptable, lead.LeadSourceMaster == null ? " " : lead.LeadSourceMaster.LeadSourceName); doc.Add(ptable); //if (lead.Latitude != null && lead.Longitude != null) { // imageStream = bingMapHelper.getMapImage(lead.Latitude, lead.Longitude); // // add areal map to pdf // if (imageStream != null) { // Image img = iTextSharp.text.Image.GetInstance(imageStream); // PdfPTable maptable = new PdfPTable(new float[] { 90 }); // maptable.WidthPercentage = 90; // PdfPCell filler = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ")); // filler.Border = 0; // maptable.AddCell(filler); // PdfPCell imageHeader = new PdfPCell(new Phrase("Loss Map")); // imageHeader.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER; // imageHeader.VerticalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER; // //imageHeader.PaddingBottom = 10f; // //imageHeader.PaddingTop = 10f; // maptable.AddCell(imageHeader); // img.ScaleToFit(500f, 400f); // PdfPCell cellp = new PdfPCell(img, false); // cellp.HorizontalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_MIDDLE; // cellp.VerticalAlignment = PdfPCell.ALIGN_TOP; // cellp.Padding = 2f; // //cellp.PaddingBottom = 2; // //cellp.PaddingRight = 2; // cellp.BorderWidthLeft = 1f; // cellp.BorderWidthRight = 1f; // cellp.BorderWidthTop = 1f; // cellp.BorderWidthBottom = 1f; // maptable.AddCell(cellp); // doc.Add(maptable); // } //} }
public static string SaveClaimExpense(string expenseType, string insurerClaimId, string insurerName, int claimAdjusterId, string adjusterComapnyName, string updatedby, string commentNote, string emailTo, int carrierID, int claimID, string recipientId, string claimAdjuster, string expenseTypeName, string carrier, string idOf, string expenseQty, string expenseAmount, string expenseDate, string reimbrance) { string json = ""; Claim objclaim = null; AdjusterMaster objAdjusterMaster = null; Leads objLeads = null; ClaimComment comment = null; ClaimExpense claimExpense = null; CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy objLeadPolicy = null; int userID = SessionHelper.getUserId(); int leadID = 0; int policyId = 0; try { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { using (ClaimManager repository = new ClaimManager()) { objclaim = new Claim(); objclaim.ClaimID = claimID; objclaim.InsurerClaimNumber = insurerClaimId; //objclaim.CarrierID = carrierID; objclaim.AdjusterID = claimAdjusterId; // objclaim.StatusUpdatedBy = updatedby; repository.UpdateClaimStatus(objclaim); // AdjusterMaster objAdjusterMaster = new AdjusterMaster(); objAdjusterMaster.AdjusterId = claimAdjusterId; //objAdjusterMaster.CompanyName = AdjusterComapnyName; repository.UpdateAdjusterName(objAdjusterMaster); //leads leadID = repository.GetPolicyId(claimID); objLeads = new Leads(); objLeads.LeadId = leadID; objLeads.InsuredName = insurerName; repository.UpdateInsurerName(objLeads); //save carrier id in Lead policy policyId = repository.GetLeadPolicyId(claimID); objLeadPolicy = new Data.Entities.LeadPolicy(); objLeadPolicy.Id = policyId; objLeadPolicy.CarrierID = carrierID; repository.UpdateCarrierId(objLeadPolicy); //add expense ClaimExpenseManager objClaimExpenseManager = new ClaimExpenseManager(); claimExpense = new ClaimExpense(); claimExpense.ClaimID = claimID; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expenseAmount)) { claimExpense.ExpenseAmount = Convert.ToDecimal(expenseAmount); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expenseDate)) { claimExpense.ExpenseDate = Convert.ToDateTime(expenseDate); } claimExpense.ExpenseDescription = commentNote.Trim(); claimExpense.ExpenseTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(expenseType); if (reimbrance == "1") { claimExpense.IsReimbursable = true; } else { claimExpense.IsReimbursable = false; } claimExpense.UserID = userID; claimExpense.AdjusterID = Convert.ToInt32(claimAdjusterId); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(expenseQty)) { claimExpense.ExpenseQty = Convert.ToDecimal(expenseQty); } objClaimExpenseManager.Save(claimExpense); //claim comment for add notes comment = new ClaimComment(); comment.ClaimID = claimID; comment.IsActive = true; comment.UserId = Core.SessionHelper.getUserId(); comment.CommentDate = DateTime.Now; comment.ActivityType = "Add Expense"; comment.CommentText = string.Format("Expense: {0}, Description: {1}, Date: {2:MM/dd/yyyy}, Amount: {3:N2}, Adjuster: {4} Qty: {5:N2}", expenseTypeName, commentNote.Trim(), Convert.ToDateTime(expenseDate), expenseAmount, claimAdjuster, expenseQty ); ClaimCommentManager.Save(comment); } scope.Complete(); } string[] recipId = recipientId.Split(','); string recipientEmailId = string.Empty; string[] IdofTable = idOf.Split(','); int index2 = 0; for (int index = 0; index < recipId.Length; index++) { index2 = 0; int.TryParse(recipId[index], out index2); if (IdofTable[index] == "c") { Contact objContact = ContactManager.Get(index2); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objContact.Email)) { if (recipientEmailId == "") { recipientEmailId = objContact.Email; } else { recipientEmailId = recipientEmailId + "," + objContact.Email; } } } else { AdjusterMaster objAdjuster = AdjusterManager.GetAdjusterId(index2); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { if (recipientEmailId == "") { recipientEmailId =; } else { recipientEmailId = recipientEmailId + "," +; } } } } SendExpenseEmail(expenseType, insurerClaimId, insurerName, claimAdjusterId, adjusterComapnyName, updatedby, commentNote, "", carrierID, claimID, recipientEmailId, claimAdjuster, expenseTypeName, carrier, recipId, IdofTable, expenseQty, expenseAmount, expenseDate, reimbrance); json = "Expense add successfully"; } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); } return json; }
protected void UploadTemplate2_bak() { // original format designed by Vivek lblSave.Text = string.Empty; lblSave.Visible = false; lblError.Text = string.Empty; lblError.Visible = false; lblMessage.Text = string.Empty; lblMessage.Visible = false; // 2013-02-09 tortega -- Added data validation prior to import. File is not aborted in the event of incorrect data. string str = null; int clientID = Core.SessionHelper.getClientId(); // assume homeowner int policyType = 1; DateTime DateSubmitted = DateTime.Now; try { if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); string ActualFileName = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.Substring(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1); string FileNameWithoutExt = ActualFileName.Replace(ext, ""); if (ext == ".csv") { if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//"))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//")); } FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//" + FileUpload1.FileName)); DataTable table = CSVReader.ReadCSVFile(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//" + FileUpload1.FileName), true); using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { Leads objLead = null; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { objLead = new Leads(); //objLead.LeadStatus = 1; // active objLead.OriginalLeadDate = DateTime.Now; objLead.TypeOfProperty = 18; //residential objLead.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); if (table.Rows[i]["Create Date"] != string.Empty) { DateTime.TryParse(table.Rows[i]["Create Date"].ToString(), out DateSubmitted); objLead.DateSubmitted = DateSubmitted; objLead.OriginalLeadDate = DateSubmitted; } if (table.Rows[i]["Last Name"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Last Name"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) { objLead.ClaimantLastName = str.Substring(0, 50); objLead.OwnerLastName = objLead.ClaimantLastName; } else { objLead.ClaimantLastName = str; objLead.OwnerLastName = str; } } if (table.Rows[i]["First Name"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["First Name"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) { objLead.ClaimantFirstName = str.Substring(0, 50); objLead.OwnerFirstName = objLead.ClaimantFirstName; } else { objLead.ClaimantFirstName = str; objLead.OwnerFirstName = str; } } if (table.Rows[i]["Middle Name"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Middle Name"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) { objLead.ClaimantMiddleName = str.Substring(0, 50); } else { objLead.ClaimantMiddleName = str; } } if (table.Rows[i]["E-mail"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["E-mail"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 100) objLead.EmailAddress = str.Substring(0, 100); else objLead.EmailAddress = str; } if (table.Rows[i]["Personal E-mail"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Personal E-mail"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 100) objLead.SecondaryEmail = str.Substring(0, 100); else objLead.SecondaryEmail = str; } if (table.Rows[i]["Mobile Phone"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Mobile Phone"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 20) objLead.SecondaryPhone = str.Substring(0, 20); else objLead.SecondaryPhone = str; } if (table.Rows[i]["Salutation"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Salutation"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) objLead.Salutation = str.Substring(0, 20); else objLead.Salutation = str; } string adjusterName = null; int? adjusterID = null; AdjusterMaster adjuster = null; if (table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Name"] != string.Empty) adjusterName = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Name"].ToString(); string adjusterEmail = null; string adjusterFax = null; string AdjusterPhone = null; string AdjusterCo = null; string AdjusterAddress = null; if (table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Email"] != string.Empty) adjusterEmail = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Email"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Fax"] != string.Empty) adjusterFax = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Fax"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Phone"] != string.Empty) AdjusterPhone = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Phone"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Co"] != string.Empty) AdjusterCo = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Co"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Adj Address"] != string.Empty) AdjusterAddress = table.Rows[i]["Adj Address"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(adjusterName)) { adjuster = AdjusterManager.GetByAdjusterName(adjusterName.Trim()); if (adjuster.AdjusterId == 0) { // add adjuster adjuster = new AdjusterMaster(); adjuster.Status = true; adjuster.AdjusterName = adjusterName.Trim(); adjuster.ClientId = clientID; adjuster.InsertBy = objLead.UserId; adjuster.InsertDate = DateTime.Now; adjuster.isEmailNotification = true; = adjusterEmail; adjuster.Address1 = AdjusterAddress; adjuster.PhoneNumber = AdjusterPhone; adjuster.FaxNumber = adjusterFax; adjuster.CompanyName = AdjusterCo; adjuster = AdjusterManager.Save(adjuster); } adjusterID = adjuster.AdjusterId; } if (table.Rows[i]["Date of Loss"] != string.Empty) { DateTime lossDate = DateTime.MinValue; if (DateTime.TryParse(table.Rows[i]["Date of Loss"].ToString(), out lossDate)) objLead.LossDate = lossDate; } if (table.Rows[i]["Loss Location"] != string.Empty) objLead.LossLocation = table.Rows[i]["Loss Location"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Address 1"] != string.Empty) objLead.LossAddress = table.Rows[i]["Address 1"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Address 2"] != string.Empty) objLead.LossAddress2 = table.Rows[i]["Address 2"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["City"] != string.Empty) objLead.CityName = table.Rows[i]["City"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["State"] != string.Empty) objLead.StateName = table.Rows[i]["State"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["ZIP Code"] != string.Empty) objLead.Zip = table.Rows[i]["ZIP Code"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Company"] != string.Empty) objLead.BusinessName = table.Rows[i]["Company"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Name"] != string.Empty) adjusterName = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Name"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Phone"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Phone"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 20) objLead.PhoneNumber = str.Substring(0, 20); else objLead.PhoneNumber = str.ToString(); } StatusMaster statusMaster = null; string statusName = null; if (table.Rows[i]["File Status"] != string.Empty) { statusName = table.Rows[i]["File Status"].ToString(); statusMaster = StatusManager.GetByStatusName(statusName); if (statusMaster.StatusId == 0) { statusMaster = new StatusMaster(); statusMaster.clientID = clientID; statusMaster.InsertBy = objLead.UserId; statusMaster.InsertDate = DateTime.Now; statusMaster.isCountable = true; statusMaster.Status = true; statusMaster.StatusName = statusName; statusMaster = StatusManager.Save(statusMaster); } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows[i]["Peril"].ToString())) { var id = TypeofDamageManager.getbyTypeOfDamage(table.Rows[i]["Peril"].ToString()); objLead.TypeOfDamage = id.TypeOfDamage; //string dmgid = string.Empty; //string[] dmg = table.Rows[i]["Type of Damage"].ToString().Split(','); //for (int d = 0; d < dmg.Length; d++) { // string dmgtext = dmg[d]; // var dmgdata = TypeofDamageManager.getbyTypeOfDamage(dmgtext); // if (dmgdata != null && dmgdata.TypeOfDamage != null && dmgdata.TypeOfDamage.ToString() != string.Empty) { // dmgid += dmgdata.TypeOfDamageId + ","; // } // else { // TypeOfDamageMaster objdmg = new TypeOfDamageMaster(); // objdmg.TypeOfDamage = dmgtext.Length > 100 ? dmgtext.Substring(0, 100) : dmgtext; // objdmg.Status = true; // TypeOfDamageMaster sv = TypeofDamageManager.Save(objdmg); // dmgid += sv.TypeOfDamageId + ","; // } //} //objLead.TypeOfDamage = dmgid; str = table.Rows[i]["Peril"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 250) objLead.TypeofDamageText = str.Substring(0, 250).Replace("/", ","); else objLead.TypeofDamageText = str.Replace("/", ","); } objLead.Status = 1; // 2013-08-29 tortega if (clientID > 0) objLead.ClientID = clientID; Leads newLead = LeadsManager.Save(objLead); if (newLead != null) { if (table.Rows[i]["Certified Mail Number"] != string.Empty) AddComments(newLead.LeadId, "Certified Mail Number: " + table.Rows[i]["Certified Mail Number"].ToString()); //if (table.Rows[i]["Contract Signed Date"] != string.Empty) // AddComments(newLead.LeadId, "Contract Signed Date: " + table.Rows[i]["Contract Signed Date"].ToString()); if (table.Rows[i]["Last E-mail"] != string.Empty) AddComments(newLead.LeadId, "Last E-mail Date: " + table.Rows[i]["Last E-mail"].ToString()); if (table.Rows[i]["Last Meeting"] != string.Empty) AddComments(newLead.LeadId, "Last Meeting Date: " + table.Rows[i]["Last Meeting"].ToString()); if (table.Rows[i]["Letter Date"] != string.Empty) AddComments(newLead.LeadId, "Letter Date: " + table.Rows[i]["Letter Date"].ToString()); // add policy CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy policy = new CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy(); policy.PolicyType = 1; policy.LeadId = newLead.LeadId; policy.IsActive = true; policy.isAllDocumentUploaded = false; if (adjusterID != null) policy.AdjusterID = adjusterID; if (table.Rows[i]["Claim Number"] != string.Empty) policy.ClaimNumber = table.Rows[i]["Claim Number"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Policy Number"] != string.Empty) policy.PolicyNumber = table.Rows[i]["Policy Number"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Policy Period"] != string.Empty) policy.PolicyPeriod = table.Rows[i]["Policy Period"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["File Number"] != string.Empty) policy.InsurerFileNo = table.Rows[i]["File Number"].ToString(); if (statusMaster != null) policy.LeadStatus = statusMaster.StatusId; if (table.Rows[i]["Ins Carrier"] != string.Empty) policy.InsuranceCompanyName = table.Rows[i]["Ins Carrier"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Ins Co Address"] != string.Empty) policy.InsuranceAddress = table.Rows[i]["Ins Co Address"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Ins Co City"] != string.Empty) { string cityName = table.Rows[i]["Ins Co City"].ToString(); CityMaster cityMaster = City.GetByCityName(cityName); if (cityMaster != null && cityMaster.CityId > 0) policy.InsuranceCity = cityMaster.CityId; } if (table.Rows[i]["Ins Co State"] != string.Empty) { string stateName = table.Rows[i]["Ins Co State"].ToString(); StateMaster stateMaster = State.Getstateid(stateName); if (stateMaster != null && stateMaster.StateId > 0) policy.InsuranceState = stateMaster.StateId; } if (table.Rows[i]["Ins Co Zip"] != string.Empty) { string zipCode = table.Rows[i]["Ins Co Zip"].ToString(); ZipCodeMaster zipMaster = ZipCode.GetByZipCode(zipCode); if (zipMaster != null && zipMaster.ZipCodeID > 0) policy.InsuranceZipCode = zipMaster.ZipCodeID.ToString(); } LeadPolicyManager.Save(policy); } } //for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { scope.Complete(); } string rootFolderPath = Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//"); string filesToDelete = FileUpload1.FileName; string[] fileList = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(rootFolderPath, filesToDelete); foreach (string file in fileList) { System.IO.File.Delete(file); } lblSave.Text = "Data Saved Successfully !!!"; lblSave.Visible = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = "There Is a problem in data save !!!"; lblError.Visible = true; Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); } }
protected void UploadTemplate1() { // original format designed by Vivek int adjusterID = 0; lblSave.Text = string.Empty; lblSave.Visible = false; lblError.Text = string.Empty; lblError.Visible = false; lblMessage.Text = string.Empty; lblMessage.Visible = false; // 2013-02-09 tortega -- Added data validation prior to import. File is not aborted in the event of incorrect data. string str = null; int clientID = Core.SessionHelper.getClientId(); // assume homeowner int policyType = 1; DateTime DateSubmitted = DateTime.Now; try { if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); string ActualFileName = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.Substring(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1); string FileNameWithoutExt = ActualFileName.Replace(ext, ""); if (ext == ".csv") { if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//"))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//")); } FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//" + FileUpload1.FileName)); DataTable table = CSVReader.ReadCSVFile(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//" + FileUpload1.FileName), true); using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { Leads objLead = null; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { objLead = new Leads(); objLead.OriginalLeadDate = DateTime.Now; objLead.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); if (table.Rows[i]["DateSubmitted"] != string.Empty) { DateTime.TryParse(table.Rows[i]["DateSubmitted"].ToString(), out DateSubmitted); objLead.DateSubmitted = DateSubmitted; } str = table.Rows[i]["LFUUID"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) objLead.LFUUID = table.Rows[i]["LFUUID"].ToString().Substring(0, 50); else objLead.LFUUID = table.Rows[i]["LFUUID"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Original Lead Date"] != string.Empty) { objLead.OriginalLeadDate = Convert.ToDateTime(table.Rows[i]["Original Lead Date"]); } if (table.Rows[i]["Last Name"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Last Name"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) objLead.ClaimantLastName = table.Rows[i]["Last Name"].ToString().Substring(0, 50); else objLead.ClaimantLastName = table.Rows[i]["Last Name"].ToString(); } if (table.Rows[i]["First Name"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["First Name"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) objLead.ClaimantFirstName = table.Rows[i]["First Name"].ToString().Substring(0, 50); else objLead.ClaimantFirstName = table.Rows[i]["First Name"].ToString(); } if (table.Rows[i]["Email Address"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Email Address"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 100) objLead.EmailAddress = str.Substring(0, 100); else objLead.EmailAddress = str; } if (table.Rows[i]["Secondary Email"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Secondary Email"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 100) objLead.SecondaryEmail = str.Substring(0, 100); else objLead.SecondaryEmail = str; } if (table.Rows[i]["Adjuster"] != string.Empty) { string adjusterName = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster"].ToString(); AdjusterMaster adjuster = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(adjusterName)) { adjuster = AdjusterManager.GetByAdjusterName(adjusterName.Trim()); if (adjuster.AdjusterId == 0) { // add adjuster adjuster = new AdjusterMaster(); adjuster.Status = true; adjuster.AdjusterName = adjusterName.Trim(); adjuster.ClientId = clientID; adjuster.InsertBy = objLead.UserId; adjuster.InsertDate = DateTime.Now; adjuster.isEmailNotification = true; adjuster = AdjusterManager.Save(adjuster); } adjusterID = adjuster.AdjusterId; } } if (table.Rows[i]["Lead Source"] != string.Empty) { string sourceName = table.Rows[i]["Lead Source"].ToString(); var id = LeadSourceManager.GetByLeadSourceName(sourceName); if (id.LeadSourceId > 0) objLead.LeadSource = id.LeadSourceId; else { // add source LeadSourceMaster leadSource = new LeadSourceMaster(); if (clientID > 0) leadSource.ClientId = clientID; leadSource.InsertBy = Core.SessionHelper.getUserId(); leadSource.InsertDate = DateTime.Now; leadSource.LeadSourceName = sourceName.Length > 100 ? sourceName.Substring(0, 100) : sourceName; leadSource.Status = true; LeadSourceMaster newLeadSource = LeadSourceManager.Save(leadSource); objLead.LeadSource = newLeadSource.LeadSourceId; } } if (table.Rows[i]["Primary Producer"] != string.Empty) { var id = ProducerManager.GetByProducerName(table.Rows[i]["Primary Producer"].ToString()); if (id != null && id.ProducerId > 0) objLead.PrimaryProducerId = id.ProducerId; else { ProducerMaster producer = AddProducer(objLead, table.Rows[i]["Primary Producer"].ToString()); objLead.PrimaryProducerId = producer.ProducerId; } } if (table.Rows[i]["Secondary Producer"] != string.Empty) { var id = SecondaryProducerManager.GetBySecondaryProducerName(table.Rows[i]["Secondary Producer"].ToString()); if (id != null && id.SecondaryProduceId > 0) objLead.SecondaryProducerId = id.SecondaryProduceId; else { ProducerMaster producer = AddProducer(objLead, table.Rows[i]["Secondary Producer"].ToString()); objLead.SecondaryProducerId = producer.ProducerId; } } if (table.Rows[i]["Inspector Name"] != string.Empty) { var id = InspectorManager.GetByName(table.Rows[i]["Inspector Name"].ToString()); if (id != null && id.InspectorId > 0) objLead.InspectorName = id.InspectorId; else { InspectorMaster inspector = AddInspector(objLead, table.Rows[i]["Inspector Name"].ToString()); objLead.InspectorName = inspector.InspectorId; } } if (table.Rows[i]["Inspector Cell"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Inspector Cell"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 20) str = objLead.InspectorCell = table.Rows[i]["Inspector Cell"].ToString().Substring(0, 20); else objLead.InspectorCell = table.Rows[i]["Inspector Cell"].ToString(); } if (table.Rows[i]["Inspector Email"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Inspector Email"].ToString(); ; if (str.Length > 100) objLead.InspectorEmail = table.Rows[i]["Inspector Email"].ToString().Substring(0, 100); else objLead.InspectorEmail = table.Rows[i]["Inspector Email"].ToString(); } if (table.Rows[i]["Phone Number"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Phone Number"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 20) objLead.PhoneNumber = table.Rows[i]["Phone Number"].ToString().Substring(0, 20); else objLead.PhoneNumber = table.Rows[i]["Phone Number"].ToString(); } if (table.Rows[i]["Secondary Phone"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Secondary Phone"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 20) objLead.SecondaryPhone = str.Substring(0, 20); else objLead.SecondaryPhone = str; } //if (table.Rows[i]["Webform Source"] != string.Empty) { // //objLead.WebformSource = table.Rows[i]["Webform Source"].ToString(); // var id = WebFormSourceManager.GetByName(table.Rows[i]["Webform Source"].ToString()); // if (id != null && id.WebformSourceId > 0) // objLead.WebformSource = id.WebformSourceId; //} if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows[i]["Type of Damage"].ToString())) { //objLead.TypeOfDamage = table.Rows[i]["Type of Damage"].ToString(); var id = TypeofDamageManager.getbyTypeOfDamage(table.Rows[i]["Type of Damage"].ToString()); objLead.TypeOfDamage = id.TypeOfDamage; //string dmgid = string.Empty; //string[] dmg = table.Rows[i]["Type of Damage"].ToString().Split(','); //for (int d = 0; d < dmg.Length; d++) { // string dmgtext = dmg[d]; // var dmgdata = TypeofDamageManager.getbyTypeOfDamage(dmgtext); // if (dmgdata != null && dmgdata.TypeOfDamage != null && dmgdata.TypeOfDamage.ToString() != string.Empty) { // dmgid += dmgdata.TypeOfDamageId + ","; // } // else { // TypeOfDamageMaster objdmg = new TypeOfDamageMaster(); // objdmg.TypeOfDamage = dmgtext.Length > 100 ? dmgtext.Substring(0, 100) : dmgtext; // objdmg.Status = true; // TypeOfDamageMaster sv = TypeofDamageManager.Save(objdmg); // dmgid += sv.TypeOfDamageId + ","; // } //} //objLead.TypeOfDamage = dmgid; str = table.Rows[i]["Type of Damage"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 250) objLead.TypeofDamageText = table.Rows[i]["Type of Damage"].ToString().Substring(0, 250); else objLead.TypeofDamageText = table.Rows[i]["Type of Damage"].ToString(); //string Damagetxt = string.Empty; //string DamageId = string.Empty; //for (int j = 0; j < chkTypeOfDamage.Items.Count; j++) //{ // if (chkTypeOfDamage.Items[j].Selected == true) // { // Damagetxt += chkTypeOfDamage.Items[j].Text + ','; // DamageId += chkTypeOfDamage.Items[j].Value + ','; // } //} } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows[i]["Type of Property"].ToString())) { var id = PropertyTypeManager.GetByPropertyName(table.Rows[i]["Type of Property"].ToString()); if (id != null && id.TypeOfPropertyId > 0) { objLead.TypeOfProperty = id.TypeOfPropertyId; if (id.TypeOfProperty.Contains("Home")) policyType = 1; if (id.TypeOfProperty.Contains("Commercial")) policyType = 2; if (id.TypeOfProperty.Contains("Flood")) policyType = 3; if (id.TypeOfProperty.Contains("Earthquake")) policyType = 4; } } if (table.Rows[i]["Market Value"] != string.Empty) { decimal MarketValue = 0; decimal.TryParse(table.Rows[i]["Market Value"].ToString(), out MarketValue); objLead.MarketValue = MarketValue; //Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows[i]["Market Value"]); } if (table.Rows[i]["Loss Address"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Loss Address"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 100) objLead.LossAddress = str.Substring(0, 100); else objLead.LossAddress = str; } if (table.Rows[i]["City"] != string.Empty) objLead.CityName = table.Rows[i]["City"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["State"] != string.Empty) objLead.StateName = table.Rows[i]["State"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Zip"] != string.Empty) objLead.Zip = table.Rows[i]["Zip"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Property Damage Estimate"] != string.Empty) { decimal PropertyDamageEstimate = 0; decimal.TryParse(table.Rows[i]["Property Damage Estimate"].ToString(), out PropertyDamageEstimate); objLead.PropertyDamageEstimate = PropertyDamageEstimate;// Convert.ToDecimal(table.Rows[i]["Property Damage Estimate"]); } //if (table.Rows[i]["Habitable"] != string.Empty) { // //objLead.Habitable = table.Rows[i]["Habitable"].ToString(); // var id = HabitableManager.GetbyHabitable(table.Rows[i]["Habitable"].ToString()); // if (id != null && id.HabitableId > 0) // objLead.Habitable = id.HabitableId; //} //if (table.Rows[i]["Wind Policy"] != string.Empty) { // //objLead.WindPolicy = table.Rows[i]["Wind Policy"].ToString(); // //var id = WindPolicyManager.getbyWindPolicy(table.Rows[i]["Habitable"].ToString()); // var id = WindPolicyManager.getbyWindPolicy(table.Rows[i]["Wind Policy"].ToString()); // if (id != null && id.WindPolicyId > 0) // objLead.WindPolicy = id.WindPolicyId; //} //if (table.Rows[i]["Flood Policy"] != string.Empty) { // //objLead.FloodPolicy = table.Rows[i]["Flood Policy"].ToString(); // var id = FloodPolicyManager.GetByFloodPolicy(table.Rows[i]["Flood Policy"].ToString()); // if (id != null && id.FloodPolicyId > 0) // objLead.FloodPolicy = id.FloodPolicyId; //} if (table.Rows[i]["Owner First Name"] != string.Empty) if (table.Rows[i]["Owner First Name"].ToString().Length > 50) objLead.OwnerFirstName = table.Rows[i]["Owner First Name"].ToString().Substring(0, 50); else objLead.OwnerFirstName = table.Rows[i]["Owner First Name"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Owner Last Name"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Owner Last Name"].ToString(); objLead.OwnerLastName = str.Length > 50 ? str.Substring(0, 50) : str; } if (table.Rows[i]["Owner Phone Number"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Owner Phone Number"].ToString(); objLead.OwnerPhone = str.Length > 15 ? str.Substring(0, 15) : str; } if (table.Rows[i]["Last Contact Date"] != string.Empty) objLead.LastContactDate = Convert.ToDateTime(table.Rows[i]["Last Contact Date"].ToString()); if (table.Rows[i]["Personal Referral"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Personal Referral"].ToString(); objLead.HearAboutUsDetail = str.Length > 250 ? str.Substring(0, 250) : str; } StatusMaster statusMaster = null; if (table.Rows[i]["Status"] != string.Empty) { string statusName = table.Rows[i]["Status"].ToString(); statusName = statusName.Length > 100 ? statusName.Substring(0, 100) : statusName; statusMaster = StatusManager.GetByStatusName(statusName); if (statusMaster.StatusId == 0) { statusMaster = new StatusMaster(); statusMaster.clientID = clientID; statusMaster.InsertBy = objLead.UserId; statusMaster.InsertDate = DateTime.Now; statusMaster.isCountable = true; statusMaster.isCountAsOpen = true; statusMaster.Status = true; statusMaster.StatusName = statusName; statusMaster = StatusManager.Save(statusMaster); } } objLead.Status = 1; objLead.InsertBy = objLead.UserId; // 2013-08-29 tortega if (clientID > 0) objLead.ClientID = clientID; Leads newLead = LeadsManager.Save(objLead); if (newLead != null) { LeadComment objLeadComment = null; // add policy CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy policy = new CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy(); policy.PolicyType = 1; policy.LeadId = newLead.LeadId; policy.IsActive = true; policy.isAllDocumentUploaded = false; if (statusMaster != null) policy.LeadStatus = statusMaster.StatusId; if (adjusterID > 0) policy.AdjusterID = adjusterID; if (table.Rows[i]["Claims Number"] != string.Empty) policy.ClaimNumber = table.Rows[i]["Claims Number"].ToString(); if (table.Rows[i]["Site Survey Date"] != string.Empty) policy.SiteSurveyDate = Convert.ToDateTime(table.Rows[i]["Site Survey Date"].ToString()); LeadPolicyManager.Save(policy); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows[i]["Reported to Insurer"].ToString())) { objLeadComment = new LeadComment(); int LeadID = objLead.LeadId; objLeadComment.LeadId = LeadID; objLeadComment.UserId = objLead.UserId; objLeadComment.Status = 1; // 2013-08-29 tortega objLeadComment.PolicyType = policyType; str = table.Rows[i]["Reported to Insurer"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 8000) objLeadComment.CommentText = "Reported to Insurer " + str.Substring(0, 8000); else objLeadComment.CommentText = "Reported to Insurer " + str; LeadComment objld = LeadCommentManager.Save(objLeadComment); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows[i]["Claimant Comments"].ToString())) { objLeadComment = new LeadComment(); int LeadID = objLead.LeadId; objLeadComment.LeadId = LeadID; objLeadComment.UserId = objLead.UserId; objLeadComment.Status = 1; // 2013-08-29 tortega objLeadComment.PolicyType = policyType; str = table.Rows[i]["Claimant Comments"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 8000) objLeadComment.CommentText = str.Substring(0, 8000); else objLeadComment.CommentText = str; LeadComment objld = LeadCommentManager.Save(objLeadComment); } } } //for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { scope.Complete(); } string rootFolderPath = Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//"); string filesToDelete = FileUpload1.FileName; string[] fileList = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(rootFolderPath, filesToDelete); foreach (string file in fileList) { System.IO.File.Delete(file); } lblSave.Text = "Data Saved Successfully !!!"; lblSave.Visible = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = "There Is a problem in data save !!!"; lblError.Visible = true; Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); } }
protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblError.Text = string.Empty; lblError.Visible = false; lblSave.Text = string.Empty; lblSave.Visible = false; lblMessage.Visible = false; lblMessage.Text = string.Empty; try { bool isnew = false; Leads objLead = new Leads(); if (hfLeadsId.Value == "0") { isnew = true; } else { objLead = LeadsManager.GetByLeadId(Convert.ToInt32(hfLeadsId.Value)); } if (isnew) { } else { /*New Fields*/ //objLead.hasInsurancePolicy = chkInsurancePolicy.Checked == true ? true : false; //objLead.hasSignedRetainer = chkSignedRetainer.Checked == true ? true : false; //objLead.hasDamageReport = chkDamageReport.Checked == true ? true : false; //objLead.hasDamagePhoto = chkDamagePhoto.Checked == true ? true : false; //objLead.hasCertifiedInsurancePolicy = chkCertifiedInsurancePolicy.Checked == true ? true : false; //objLead.hasOwnerContract = chkOwnerContract.Checked == true ? true : false; //objLead.hasContentList = chkContentList.Checked == true ? true : false; //objLead.hasDamageEstimate = chkDamageEstimate.Checked == true ? true : false; //if (chkInsurancePolicy.Checked == true && chkSignedRetainer.Checked == true && chkDamageReport.Checked == true && chkDamagePhoto.Checked == true && // chkCertifiedInsurancePolicy.Checked == true && chkOwnerContract.Checked == true && chkContentList.Checked == true && chkDamageEstimate.Checked == true) { // objLead.AllDocumentsOnFile = true; //} //else { // objLead.AllDocumentsOnFile = false; //} /**/ Leads ins = LeadsManager.Save(objLead); //if (ins.LeadId > 0) { // LeadLog objLeadlog = new LeadLog(); // //objLeadlog.hasInsurancePolicy = chkInsurancePolicy.Checked == true ? true : false; // //objLeadlog.hasSignedRetainer = chkSignedRetainer.Checked == true ? true : false; // //objLeadlog.hasDamageReport = chkDamageReport.Checked == true ? true : false; // //objLeadlog.hasDamagePhoto = chkDamagePhoto.Checked == true ? true : false; // //objLeadlog.hasCertifiedInsurancePolicy = chkCertifiedInsurancePolicy.Checked == true ? true : false; // //objLeadlog.hasOwnerContract = chkOwnerContract.Checked == true ? true : false; // //objLeadlog.hasContentList = chkContentList.Checked == true ? true : false; // //objLeadlog.hasDamageEstimate = chkDamageEstimate.Checked == true ? true : false; // //if (chkInsurancePolicy.Checked == true && chkSignedRetainer.Checked == true && chkDamageReport.Checked == true && chkDamagePhoto.Checked == true && // // chkCertifiedInsurancePolicy.Checked == true && chkOwnerContract.Checked == true && chkContentList.Checked == true && chkDamageEstimate.Checked == true) { // // objLeadlog.AllDocumentsOnFile = true; // //} // //else { // // objLeadlog.AllDocumentsOnFile = false; // //} // /**/ // LeadLog insLog = LeadsManager.SaveLeadLog(objLeadlog); // FillDocumentList(Convert.ToInt32(hfLeadsId.Value)); // lblSave.Text = "Data Saved Sucessfully."; // lblSave.Visible = true; //} } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = "Data Not Saved."; lblError.Visible = true; } }
protected bool validateForm(Leads lead) { bool isValid = true; //if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.InsuranceCompanyName) || // string.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.InsuranceContactName) || // string.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.InsuranceContactPhone) || // string.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.InsuranceContactEmail) || // string.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.InsuranceAddress) || // (lead.InsuranceCity ?? 0) == 0 || // (lead.InsuranceState ?? 0) == 0 || // string.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.InsuranceZipCode) || // string.IsNullOrEmpty(lead.InsurancePolicyNumber) // ) // isValid = false; return isValid; }
//protected void saveCoverages(int policyID) { // LeadPolicyCoverage coverage = null; // decimal deductible = 0; // foreach (GridViewRow row in gvCoverages.Rows) { // if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { // TextBox txtCoverage = row.FindControl("txtCoverage") as TextBox; // TextBox txtLimit = row.FindControl("txtLimit") as TextBox; // WebTextEditor txtDeductible = row.FindControl("txtDeductible") as WebTextEditor; // TextBox txtCoinsuranceForm = row.FindControl("txtCoinsuranceForm") as TextBox; // // skip empty rows // if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCoverage.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLimit.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtDeductible.Text)) // continue; // coverage = new LeadPolicyCoverage(); // coverage.LeadPolicyID = policyID; // decimal.TryParse(txtDeductible.Text, out deductible); // coverage.Deductible = deductible; // coverage.Description = txtCoverage.Text.Trim(); // LeadPolicyCoverageManager.Save(coverage); // } // } //} protected Leads saveLead() { Leads lead = new Leads(); AdjusterMaster adjuster = null; lead.ClientID = clientID; lead.UserId = userID; lead.Status = 1; //if (roleID == (int)UserRole.Adjuster) { // // assign adjuster // adjuster = AdjusterManager.GetAdjusterByUserID(userID); // if (adjuster != null) // lead.Adjuster = adjuster.AdjusterId; //} lead.ClaimantFirstName = txtInsuredFirstName.Text.Trim(); lead.ClaimantLastName = txtInsuredLastName.Text.Trim(); #region insured loss address lead.LossAddress = txtInsuredLossAddressLine.Text.Trim(); lead.LossAddress2 = txtInsuredLossAddressLine2.Text.Trim(); if (ddlInsuredLossState.SelectedIndex > 0) { lead.StateId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlInsuredLossState.SelectedValue); lead.StateName = ddlInsuredLossState.SelectedItem.Text; } if (this.ddlInsuredLossCity.SelectedIndex > 0) { lead.CityId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlInsuredLossCity.SelectedValue); lead.CityName = ddlInsuredLossCity.SelectedItem.Text; } if (this.ddlInsuredLossZipCode.SelectedIndex > 0) { lead.Zip = ddlInsuredLossZipCode.SelectedItem.Text; } #endregion #region insured mailing address lead.MailingAddress = txtInsuredMailingAddress.Text.Trim(); if (ddlInsuredMailingCity.SelectedIndex > 0) lead.MailingCity = ddlInsuredMailingCity.SelectedItem.Text; if (ddlInsuredMailingState.SelectedIndex > 0) lead.MailingState = ddlInsuredMailingState.SelectedItem.Text; if (ddlInsuredMailingZipCode.SelectedIndex > 0) lead.MailingZip = ddlInsuredMailingZipCode.SelectedItem.Text; #endregion lead.OriginalLeadDate = DateTime.Now; lead.PhoneNumber = txtInsuredPhone.Text.Trim(); lead.EmailAddress = txtInsuredEmail.Text.Trim(); lead.SecondaryPhone = txtInsuredFax.Text.Trim(); if (ddlTypeOfProperty.SelectedIndex > 0) { lead.TypeOfProperty = Convert.ToInt32(ddlTypeOfProperty.SelectedValue); } #region damage type string Damagetxt = string.Empty; string DamageId = string.Empty; for (int j = 0; j < chkTypeOfDamage.Items.Count; j++) { if (chkTypeOfDamage.Items[j].Selected == true) { Damagetxt += chkTypeOfDamage.Items[j].Text + ','; DamageId += chkTypeOfDamage.Items[j].Value + ','; } } if (Damagetxt != string.Empty && DamageId != string.Empty) { lead.TypeOfDamage = DamageId; lead.TypeofDamageText = Damagetxt; } #endregion lead = LeadsManager.Save(lead); return lead; }
private Leads createLead(DataRow dataRow) { Leads lead = null; string userFieldName = null; int clientID = SessionHelper.getClientId(); int userID = SessionHelper.getUserId(); string insuredName = null; string strValue = null; // insured name userFieldName = Core.CSVHelper.getUserFieldName(this.mappedFields, "Insured Name"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userFieldName) && dataRow[userFieldName] != null) insuredName = dataRow[userFieldName].ToString().Trim(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(insuredName)) return null; lead = new Leads(); lead.ClientID = clientID; lead.UserId = userID; lead.Status = 1; lead.OriginalLeadDate = DateTime.Now; lead.InsuredName = insuredName; // mailing address 1 userFieldName = Core.CSVHelper.getUserFieldName(this.mappedFields, "Mailing Address"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userFieldName) && dataRow[userFieldName] != null) { strValue = dataRow[userFieldName].ToString().Trim(); lead.MailingAddress = strValue.Length > 50 ? strValue.Substring(0, 50) : strValue; lead.LossAddress = lead.MailingAddress; } // mailing address 2 userFieldName = Core.CSVHelper.getUserFieldName(this.mappedFields, "Mailing Address2"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userFieldName) && dataRow[userFieldName] != null) { strValue = dataRow[userFieldName].ToString().Trim(); lead.MailingAddress2 = strValue.Length > 50 ? strValue.Substring(0, 50) : strValue; lead.LossAddress2 = lead.MailingAddress2; } // mailing city userFieldName = Core.CSVHelper.getUserFieldName(this.mappedFields, "Mailing City"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userFieldName) && dataRow[userFieldName] != null) { strValue = dataRow[userFieldName].ToString().Trim(); lead.MailingCity = strValue.Length > 50 ? strValue.Substring(0, 50) : strValue; lead.CityName = lead.MailingCity; } // mailing state userFieldName = Core.CSVHelper.getUserFieldName(this.mappedFields, "Mailing State"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userFieldName) && dataRow[userFieldName] != null) { strValue = dataRow[userFieldName].ToString().Trim(); lead.MailingState = strValue.Length > 20 ? strValue.Substring(0, 20) : strValue; lead.StateName = lead.MailingState; } // mailing zip userFieldName = Core.CSVHelper.getUserFieldName(this.mappedFields, "Mailing Zip"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userFieldName) && dataRow[userFieldName] != null) { strValue = dataRow[userFieldName].ToString().Trim(); lead.MailingZip = strValue.Length > 10 ? strValue.Substring(0, 10) : strValue; lead.Zip = lead.MailingZip; } // mailing county userFieldName = Core.CSVHelper.getUserFieldName(this.mappedFields, "Mailing County"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userFieldName) && dataRow[userFieldName] != null) { strValue = dataRow[userFieldName].ToString().Trim(); lead.MailingCounty = strValue.Length > 50 ? strValue.Substring(0, 50) : strValue; lead.LossCounty = lead.MailingCounty; } // Business Phone Number userFieldName = Core.CSVHelper.getUserFieldName(this.mappedFields, "Business Phone Number"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userFieldName) && dataRow[userFieldName] != null) { strValue = dataRow[userFieldName].ToString().Trim(); lead.SecondaryPhone = strValue.Length > 35 ? strValue.Substring(0, 35) : strValue; } // Home Phone Number userFieldName = Core.CSVHelper.getUserFieldName(this.mappedFields, "Home Phone Number"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userFieldName) && dataRow[userFieldName] != null) { strValue = dataRow[userFieldName].ToString().Trim(); lead.PhoneNumber = strValue.Length > 35 ? strValue.Substring(0, 35) : strValue; } lead = LeadsManager.Save(lead); return lead; }
public static string SaveClaimStatus(int claimStatus, string insurerClaimId, string insurerName, int claimAdjusterId, string adjusterComapnyName, string updatedby, string commentNote, string emailTo, int carrierID, int claimID, string recipientId, string claimAdjuster, string claimStatusName, string carrier, string idOf) { string json = ""; Claim objclaim = null; AdjusterMaster objAdjusterMaster = null; Leads objLeads = null; CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy objLeadPolicy = null; ClaimComment comment = null; Client objClient = null; int userID = SessionHelper.getUserId(); int leadID = 0; int policyId = 0; try { using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { using (ClaimManager repository = new ClaimManager()) { objclaim = new Claim(); objclaim.ClaimID = claimID; objclaim.StatusID = claimStatus; objclaim.InsurerClaimNumber = insurerClaimId; //objclaim.CarrierID = carrierID; objclaim.AdjusterID = claimAdjusterId; objclaim.StatusUpdatedBy = updatedby; objclaim.StatusCommentNote = commentNote; //objclaim.StatusEmailTo = EmailTo; repository.UpdateClaimStatus(objclaim); // AdjusterMaster objAdjusterMaster = new AdjusterMaster(); objAdjusterMaster.AdjusterId = claimAdjusterId; //objAdjusterMaster.CompanyName = AdjusterComapnyName; repository.UpdateAdjusterName(objAdjusterMaster); //leads leadID = repository.GetPolicyId(claimID); objLeads = new Leads(); objLeads.LeadId = leadID; objLeads.InsuredName = insurerName; repository.UpdateInsurerName(objLeads); //save carrier id in Lead policy policyId = repository.GetLeadPolicyId(claimID); objLeadPolicy = new Data.Entities.LeadPolicy(); objLeadPolicy.Id = policyId; objLeadPolicy.CarrierID = carrierID; repository.UpdateCarrierId(objLeadPolicy); //claim comment for add notes comment = new ClaimComment(); comment.ClaimID = claimID; comment.IsActive = true; comment.UserId = Core.SessionHelper.getUserId(); comment.CommentDate = DateTime.Now; comment.ActivityType = "Status Changed"; comment.CommentText = commentNote.Trim(); ClaimCommentManager.Save(comment); //client company name //Client c = ClaimsManager.GetClientByUserId(SessionHelper.getUserId()); //c.BusinessName = AdjusterComapnyName; //ClaimsManager.SaveClient(c); } scope.Complete(); } string[] recipId = recipientId.Split(','); string recipientEmailId = string.Empty; string[] idofTable = idOf.Split(','); int index2 = 0; for (int index = 0; index < recipId.Length; index++) { index2 = 0; int.TryParse(recipId[index], out index2); if (idofTable[index] == "c") { Contact objContact = ContactManager.Get(index2); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(objContact.Email)) { if (recipientEmailId == "") { recipientEmailId = objContact.Email; } else { recipientEmailId = recipientEmailId + "," + objContact.Email; } } } else { AdjusterMaster objAdjuster = AdjusterManager.GetAdjusterId(index2); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty( { if (recipientEmailId == "") { recipientEmailId =; } else { recipientEmailId = recipientEmailId + "," +; } } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(recipientEmailId)) { notifyUser(claimStatus, insurerClaimId, insurerName, claimAdjusterId, adjusterComapnyName, updatedby, commentNote, "", carrierID, claimID, recipientEmailId, claimAdjuster, claimStatusName, carrier, recipId, idofTable); } json = "Status save successfully"; } catch (Exception ex) { Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); } return json; }
public static void autoFillDocument(string templateURL, string filepath, Leads lead, bool isHeader = false) { Document document = new Document(); // load document template //document.LoadFromFile(templateURL, FileFormat.Doc); document.LoadFromFile(templateURL, FileFormat.Auto); // load merge fields loadFieldValues(lead); //if (isHeader) // setHeader(document, lead.Client); document.MailMerge.Execute(fieldNames, fieldValues); document.SaveToFile(filepath, FileFormat.Doc); //document.SaveToFile(filepath, FileFormat.Auto); document.Close(); document = null; }
protected void UploadTemplate2() { // original format designed by Vivek lblSave.Text = string.Empty; lblSave.Visible = false; lblError.Text = string.Empty; lblError.Visible = false; lblMessage.Text = string.Empty; lblMessage.Visible = false; // 2013-02-09 tortega -- Added data validation prior to import. File is not aborted in the event of incorrect data. string str = null; int fileLineNumber = 0; int clientID = Core.SessionHelper.getClientId(); // assume homeowner int policyType = 1; DateTime DateSubmitted = DateTime.Now; DateTime ContractDate = DateTime.Now; string columnValue = null; Mortgagee mortgagee = null; StatusMaster statusMaster = null; string statusName = null; try { if (FileUpload1.HasFile) { string ext = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName); string ActualFileName = FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.Substring(FileUpload1.PostedFile.FileName.LastIndexOf(@"\") + 1); string FileNameWithoutExt = ActualFileName.Replace(ext, ""); if (ext == ".csv") { if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//"))) { Directory.CreateDirectory(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//")); } FileUpload1.SaveAs(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//" + FileUpload1.FileName)); DataTable table = CSVReader.ReadCSVFile(Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//" + FileUpload1.FileName), true); using (TransactionScope scope = new TransactionScope()) { Leads objLead = null; for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { fileLineNumber = i; objLead = new Leads(); //objLead.LeadStatus = 1; // active objLead.OriginalLeadDate = DateTime.Now; objLead.TypeOfProperty = 18; //residential objLead.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); try { if (columnExists(table, "Create Date") && table.Rows[i]["Create Date"] != string.Empty) { DateTime.TryParse(table.Rows[i]["Create Date"].ToString(), out DateSubmitted); objLead.DateSubmitted = DateSubmitted; objLead.OriginalLeadDate = DateSubmitted; } if (columnExists(table, "Last Name") && table.Rows[i]["Last Name"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Last Name"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) { objLead.ClaimantLastName = str.Substring(0, 50); objLead.OwnerLastName = objLead.ClaimantLastName; } else { objLead.ClaimantLastName = str; objLead.OwnerLastName = str; } } if (columnExists(table, "First Name") && table.Rows[i]["First Name"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["First Name"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) { objLead.ClaimantFirstName = str.Substring(0, 50); objLead.OwnerFirstName = objLead.ClaimantFirstName; } else { objLead.ClaimantFirstName = str; objLead.OwnerFirstName = str; } } if (columnExists(table, "Middle Name") && table.Rows[i]["Middle Name"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Middle Name"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) { objLead.ClaimantMiddleName = str.Substring(0, 50); } else { objLead.ClaimantMiddleName = str; } } if (columnExists(table, "E-mail") && table.Rows[i]["E-mail"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["E-mail"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 100) objLead.EmailAddress = str.Substring(0, 100); else objLead.EmailAddress = str; } if (columnExists(table, "Personal E-mail") && table.Rows[i]["Personal E-mail"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Personal E-mail"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 100) objLead.SecondaryEmail = str.Substring(0, 100); else objLead.SecondaryEmail = str; } if (columnExists(table, "Mobile Phone") && table.Rows[i]["Mobile Phone"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Mobile Phone"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 20) objLead.SecondaryPhone = str.Substring(0, 20); else objLead.SecondaryPhone = str; } if (columnExists(table, "Salutation") && table.Rows[i]["Salutation"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Salutation"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) objLead.Salutation = str.Substring(0, 20); else objLead.Salutation = str; } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = "There Is a problem in data save !!!"; lblError.Visible = true; Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } string adjusterName = null; int? adjusterID = null; AdjusterMaster adjuster = null; if (columnExists(table, "Adjuster Name") && table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Name"] != string.Empty) adjusterName = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Name"].ToString(); string adjusterEmail = null; string adjusterFax = null; string AdjusterPhone = null; string AdjusterCo = null; string AdjusterAddress = null; if (columnExists(table, "Adjuster Email") && table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Email"] != string.Empty) adjusterEmail = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Email"].ToString(); if (columnExists(table, "Adjuster Fax") && table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Fax"] != string.Empty) adjusterFax = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Fax"].ToString(); if (columnExists(table, "Adjuster Phone") && table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Phone"] != string.Empty) AdjusterPhone = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Phone"].ToString(); if (columnExists(table, "Adjuster Co") && table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Co"] != string.Empty) AdjusterCo = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Co"].ToString(); if (columnExists(table, "Adj Address") && table.Rows[i]["Adj Address"] != string.Empty) AdjusterAddress = table.Rows[i]["Adj Address"].ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(adjusterName)) { adjuster = AdjusterManager.GetByAdjusterName(adjusterName.Trim()); if (adjuster.AdjusterId == 0) { // add adjuster adjuster = new AdjusterMaster(); adjuster.Status = true; adjuster.AdjusterName = adjusterName.Trim(); adjuster.ClientId = clientID; adjuster.InsertBy = objLead.UserId; adjuster.InsertDate = DateTime.Now; adjuster.isEmailNotification = true; = adjusterEmail; adjuster.Address1 = AdjusterAddress; adjuster.PhoneNumber = AdjusterPhone; adjuster.FaxNumber = adjusterFax; adjuster.CompanyName = AdjusterCo; adjuster = AdjusterManager.Save(adjuster); } adjusterID = adjuster.AdjusterId; } if (columnExists(table, "ExaminerName") && table.Rows[i]["ExaminerName"] != string.Empty) { InspectorMaster inspector = InspectorManager.GetByName(table.Rows[i]["ExaminerName"].ToString()); if (inspector.InspectorId > 0) { objLead.InspectorName = inspector.InspectorId; } } //if (columnExists(table, "Loss Location") && table.Rows[i]["Loss Location"] != string.Empty) // objLead.LossLocation = table.Rows[i]["Loss Location"].ToString(); //if (columnExists(table, "Date of Loss") && table.Rows[i]["Date of Loss"] != string.Empty) { // DateTime lossDate = DateTime.MinValue; // if (DateTime.TryParse(table.Rows[i]["Date of Loss"].ToString(), out lossDate)) // objLead.LossDate = lossDate; //} if (columnExists(table, "Contract Signed Date") && table.Rows[i]["Contract Signed Date"] != string.Empty) objLead.ContractDate = Convert.ToDateTime(table.Rows[i]["Contract Signed Date"].ToString()); if (columnExists(table, "Address 1") && table.Rows[i]["Address 1"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Address 1"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 100) objLead.MailingAddress = str.Substring(0, 99); else objLead.LossAddress = str.ToString(); } try { if (columnExists(table, "City") && table.Rows[i]["City"] != string.Empty) objLead.MailingCity = table.Rows[i]["City"].ToString(); if (columnExists(table, "State") && table.Rows[i]["State"] != string.Empty) objLead.MailingState = table.Rows[i]["State"].ToString(); if (columnExists(table, "ZIP Code") && table.Rows[i]["ZIP Code"] != string.Empty) objLead.MailingZip = table.Rows[i]["ZIP Code"].ToString(); if (columnExists(table, "Business Name") && table.Rows[i]["Business Name"] != string.Empty) objLead.BusinessName = table.Rows[i]["Business Name"].ToString(); if (columnExists(table, "Adjuster Name") && table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Name"] != string.Empty) adjusterName = table.Rows[i]["Adjuster Name"].ToString(); if (columnExists(table, "Phone") && table.Rows[i]["Phone"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Phone"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 20) objLead.PhoneNumber = str.Substring(0, 20); else objLead.PhoneNumber = str.ToString(); } if (columnExists(table, "Loss Address") && table.Rows[i]["Loss Address"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Loss Address"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 100) objLead.LossAddress = str.Substring(0, 99); else objLead.LossAddress = str.ToString(); } if (columnExists(table, "Loss City") && table.Rows[i]["Loss City"] != string.Empty) objLead.CityName = table.Rows[i]["Loss City"].ToString(); if (columnExists(table, "Loss State") && table.Rows[i]["Loss State"] != string.Empty) objLead.StateName = table.Rows[i]["Loss State"].ToString(); if (columnExists(table, "Loss Zip Code") && table.Rows[i]["Loss Zip Code"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Loss Zip Code"].ToString(); if (str.Length < 5) str = "0" + str; objLead.Zip = str; } if (columnExists(table, "Fax") && table.Rows[i]["Fax"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Fax"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 20) objLead.SecondaryPhone = str.Substring(0, 20); else objLead.SecondaryPhone = str.ToString(); } if (columnExists(table, "File Status") && table.Rows[i]["File Status"] != string.Empty) { statusName = table.Rows[i]["File Status"].ToString(); statusMaster = StatusManager.GetByStatusName(statusName); if (statusMaster.StatusId == 0) { statusMaster = new StatusMaster(); statusMaster.clientID = clientID; statusMaster.InsertBy = objLead.UserId; statusMaster.InsertDate = DateTime.Now; statusMaster.isCountable = true; statusMaster.Status = true; statusMaster.StatusName = statusName; statusMaster = StatusManager.Save(statusMaster); } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = "There Is a problem in data save !!!"; lblError.Visible = true; Core.EmailHelper.emailError(ex); throw new Exception(ex.Message); } if (columnExists(table, "Peril") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(table.Rows[i]["Peril"].ToString())) { var id = TypeofDamageManager.getbyTypeOfDamage(table.Rows[i]["Peril"].ToString()); if (id.TypeOfDamageId > 0) objLead.TypeOfDamage = id.TypeOfDamageId.ToString() + ","; //string dmgid = string.Empty; //string[] dmg = table.Rows[i]["Type of Damage"].ToString().Split(','); //for (int d = 0; d < dmg.Length; d++) { // string dmgtext = dmg[d]; // var dmgdata = TypeofDamageManager.getbyTypeOfDamage(dmgtext); // if (dmgdata != null && dmgdata.TypeOfDamage != null && dmgdata.TypeOfDamage.ToString() != string.Empty) { // dmgid += dmgdata.TypeOfDamageId + ","; // } // else { // TypeOfDamageMaster objdmg = new TypeOfDamageMaster(); // objdmg.TypeOfDamage = dmgtext.Length > 100 ? dmgtext.Substring(0, 100) : dmgtext; // objdmg.Status = true; // TypeOfDamageMaster sv = TypeofDamageManager.Save(objdmg); // dmgid += sv.TypeOfDamageId + ","; // } //} //objLead.TypeOfDamage = dmgid; str = table.Rows[i]["Peril"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 250) objLead.TypeofDamageText = str.Substring(0, 250).Replace("/", ","); else objLead.TypeofDamageText = str.Replace("/", ","); } objLead.Status = 1; // 2013-08-29 tortega if (clientID > 0) objLead.ClientID = clientID; Leads newLead = LeadsManager.Save(objLead); int policyTypeID = 1; if (newLead != null) { // add policy CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy policy = new CRM.Data.Entities.LeadPolicy(); if (columnExists(table, "PolicyType") && table.Rows[i]["PolicyType"] != string.Empty) { policyTypeID = getPolicyType(table.Rows[i]["PolicyType"].ToString()); } policy.PolicyType = policyTypeID; policy.LeadId = newLead.LeadId; policy.IsActive = true; policy.isAllDocumentUploaded = false; if (adjusterID != null) policy.AdjusterID = adjusterID; if (columnExists(table, "LoanID") && table.Rows[i]["LoanID"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["LoanID"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) policy.LoanNumber = str.Substring(0, 50); else policy.LoanNumber = str; } if (columnExists(table, "DateOfEvaluation") && table.Rows[i]["DateOfEvaluation"] != string.Empty) { DateTime SiteSurveyDate = DateTime.MinValue; if (DateTime.TryParse(table.Rows[i]["DateOfEvaluation"].ToString(), out SiteSurveyDate)) policy.SiteSurveyDate = SiteSurveyDate; } if (columnExists(table, "Mortgagee") && table.Rows[i]["Mortgagee"] != string.Empty) { int id = getMortgageeID(table.Rows[i]["Mortgagee"].ToString(), clientID); if (id > 0) policy.MortgageeID = id; else { mortgagee = new Mortgagee(); mortgagee.ClientID = clientID; mortgagee.Status = true; mortgagee.MortageeName = table.Rows[i]["Mortgagee"].ToString(); mortgagee = MortgageeManager.Save(mortgagee); if (mortgagee.MortgageeID > 0) policy.MortgageeID = mortgagee.MortgageeID; } } if (columnExists(table, "Loss Location") && table.Rows[i]["Loss Location"] != string.Empty) policy.LossLocation = table.Rows[i]["Loss Location"].ToString(); if (columnExists(table, "Date of Loss") && table.Rows[i]["Date of Loss"] != string.Empty) { DateTime lossDate = DateTime.MinValue; if (DateTime.TryParse(table.Rows[i]["Date of Loss"].ToString(), out lossDate)) policy.LossDate = lossDate; } if (columnExists(table, "Policy Period") && table.Rows[i]["Policy Period"] != string.Empty) policy.PolicyPeriod = table.Rows[i]["Policy Period"].ToString(); string PolicyExpirationDate = null; if (columnExists(table, "PolicyExpirationDate") && table.Rows[i]["PolicyExpirationDate"] != string.Empty) PolicyExpirationDate = table.Rows[i]["PolicyExpirationDate"].ToString(); string effectiveDate = null; if (columnExists(table, "PolicyEffectiveDate") && table.Rows[i]["PolicyEffectiveDate"] != string.Empty) effectiveDate = table.Rows[i]["PolicyEffectiveDate"].ToString(); str = string.Format("{0} - {1}", effectiveDate ?? "N/A", PolicyExpirationDate ?? "N/A"); if (str.Length > 50) policy.PolicyPeriod = str.Substring(0, 50); else policy.PolicyPeriod = str; if (columnExists(table, "Claim Number") && table.Rows[i]["Claim Number"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Claim Number"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) policy.ClaimNumber = str.Substring(0, 50); else policy.ClaimNumber = str; } if (columnExists(table, "Policy Number") && table.Rows[i]["Policy Number"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Policy Number"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 100) policy.PolicyNumber = str.Substring(0, 100); else policy.PolicyNumber = str; } if (columnExists(table, "File Number") && table.Rows[i]["File Number"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["File Number"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 20) policy.InsurerFileNo = str.Substring(0, 20); else policy.InsurerFileNo = str; } if (statusMaster != null) policy.LeadStatus = statusMaster.StatusId; if (columnExists(table, "Ins Carrier") && table.Rows[i]["Ins Carrier"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Ins Carrier"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) policy.InsuranceCompanyName = str.Substring(0, 50); else policy.InsuranceCompanyName = str; } if (columnExists(table, "Ins Co Address") && table.Rows[i]["Ins Co Address"] != string.Empty) { str = table.Rows[i]["Ins Co Address"].ToString(); if (str.Length > 50) policy.InsuranceAddress = str.Substring(0, 50); else policy.InsuranceAddress = str; } if (columnExists(table, "Ins Co City") && table.Rows[i]["Ins Co City"] != string.Empty) { string cityName = table.Rows[i]["Ins Co City"].ToString(); CityMaster cityMaster = City.GetByCityName(cityName); if (cityMaster != null && cityMaster.CityId > 0) policy.InsuranceCity = cityMaster.CityId; } if (columnExists(table, "Ins Co State") && table.Rows[i]["Ins Co State"] != string.Empty) { string stateName = table.Rows[i]["Ins Co State"].ToString(); StateMaster stateMaster = State.Getstateid(stateName); if (stateMaster != null && stateMaster.StateId > 0) policy.InsuranceState = stateMaster.StateId; } if (columnExists(table, "Ins Co Zip") && table.Rows[i]["Ins Co Zip"] != string.Empty) { string zipCode = table.Rows[i]["Ins Co Zip"].ToString(); ZipCodeMaster zipMaster = ZipCode.GetByZipCode(zipCode); if (zipMaster != null && zipMaster.ZipCodeID > 0) policy.InsuranceZipCode = zipMaster.ZipCodeID.ToString(); } LeadPolicyManager.Save(policy); // add policy comments if (columnExists(table, "Notes") && table.Rows[i]["Notes"] != string.Empty) { char[] splitTokens = { '\n' }; string[] lines = table.Rows[i]["Notes"].ToString().Split(splitTokens, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (lines != null && lines.Length > 0) foreach (string line in lines) { string[] datetimeValues = line.Split(new char[] { ' ' }); if (datetimeValues.Length > 3) { string datetime = string.Format("{0} {1} {2}", datetimeValues[0] ?? "", datetimeValues[1] ?? "", datetimeValues[2] ?? ""); DateTime commentInsertDate = DateTime.Now; if (DateTime.TryParse(datetime, out commentInsertDate)) AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, line, commentInsertDate); else AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, line); } else AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, line); } //AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, table.Rows[i]["Notes"].ToString().Replace("\n","<br/>"); } if (columnExists(table, "Certified Mail Number") && table.Rows[i]["Certified Mail Number"] != string.Empty) AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, "Certified Mail Number: " + table.Rows[i]["Certified Mail Number"].ToString()); //if (columnExists(table, "Contract Signed Date") && table.Rows[i]["Contract Signed Date"] != string.Empty) // AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, "Contract Signed Date: " + table.Rows[i]["Contract Signed Date"].ToString()); if (columnExists(table, "Last E-mail") && table.Rows[i]["Last E-mail"] != string.Empty) AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, "Last E-mail Date: " + table.Rows[i]["Last E-mail"].ToString()); if (columnExists(table, "Last Meeting") && table.Rows[i]["Last Meeting"] != string.Empty) AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, "Last Meeting Date: " + table.Rows[i]["Last Meeting"].ToString()); if (columnExists(table, "Letter Date") && table.Rows[i]["Letter Date"] != string.Empty) AddComments(newLead.LeadId, policyTypeID, "Letter Date: " + table.Rows[i]["Letter Date"].ToString()); } } //for (int i = 0; i < table.Rows.Count; i++) { scope.Complete(); } string rootFolderPath = Server.MapPath("~//CSVLoad//"); string filesToDelete = FileUpload1.FileName; string[] fileList = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(rootFolderPath, filesToDelete); foreach (string file in fileList) { System.IO.File.Delete(file); } lblSave.Text = "Data Saved Successfully !!!"; lblSave.Visible = true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = "There Is a problem in data save !!!"; lblError.Visible = true; } }
private static string getClaimantAddress(Leads lead) { string fulladdress = null; fulladdress = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2} {3}", lead.LossAddress ?? " ", lead.CityName ?? " ", lead.StateName ?? " ", lead.Zip ?? " "); return fulladdress; }
protected ProducerMaster AddProducer(Leads lead, string producerName) { ProducerMaster producer = new ProducerMaster(); producer.ClientId = lead.ClientID; producer.InsertBy = lead.UserId; producer.InsertDate = DateTime.Now; producer.ProducerName = producerName; producer.Status = 1; producer = ProducerManager.Save(producer); return producer; }
protected void btnSaveAndContinue_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isDuplicate = false; Leads objLead = null; lblError.Text = string.Empty; lblError.Visible = false; lblSave.Text = string.Empty; lblSave.Visible = false; lblMessage.Visible = false; lblMessage.Text = string.Empty; bool isNew = false; Page.Validate("NewLead"); if (!Page.IsValid) return; try { if (ViewState["LeadIds"] == null) { // new lead/claim objLead = new Leads(); objLead.UserId = Convert.ToInt32(Session["UserId"]); // 2013-07-19 objLead.ClientID = Convert.ToInt32(Session["ClientId"]); objLead.DateSubmitted = DateTime.Now; objLead.Status = 1; isNew = true; } else { objLead = LeadsManager.GetByLeadId(Convert.ToInt32(ViewState["LeadIds"].ToString())); } //int claimsNumber = 0; objLead.Longitude = Convert.ToDouble(hf_Longitude.Value); objLead.Latitude = Convert.ToDouble(hf_Latitude.Value); DateTime? originalLeadDate = null; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtOriginalLeadDate.Text.Trim())) originalLeadDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtOriginalLeadDate.Text.Trim()); //DateTime.TryParse(txtOriginalLeadDate.Text.Trim(), out originalLeadDate); DateTime? lastContactDate = null; DateTime? siteSurveyDate = null; objLead.OriginalLeadDate = originalLeadDate; //DateTime? lossDate = null; //if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtLossDate.Text.Trim())) // lossDate = Convert.ToDateTime(txtLossDate.Text.Trim()); //objLead.LossDate = lossDate; // 2013-10-29 tortega objLead.LossLocation = txtLossLocation.Text.Trim(); //objLead.ClaimsNumber = claimsNumber; objLead.InsuredName = txtInsuredName.Text.Trim(); objLead.ClaimantFirstName = txtClaimantName.Text.Trim(); ; objLead.ClaimantLastName = txtClaimantLastName.Text.Trim(); objLead.ClaimantMiddleName = txtClaimantMiddleName.Text.Trim(); objLead.Salutation = txtSalutation.Text.Trim(); objLead.BusinessName = txtBusinessName.Text; objLead.SecondaryLeadSource = txtSecondaryLeadSource.Text; if (Convert.ToInt32(ddlUmpire.SelectedValue) != 0) { objLead.UmpireID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlUmpire.SelectedValue); } if (Convert.ToInt32(ddlContractor.SelectedValue) != 0) { objLead.ContractorID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlContractor.SelectedValue); } if (Convert.ToInt32(ddlAppraiser.SelectedValue) != 0) { objLead.AppraiserID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlAppraiser.SelectedValue); } // mailing address objLead.MailingAddress = txtMailingAddress.Text.Trim(); objLead.MailingAddress2 = txtMailingAddress2.Text.Trim(); objLead.MailingCity = txtMailingCity.Text.Trim(); if (ddlMailingState.SelectedIndex > 0) objLead.MailingState = ddlMailingState.SelectedValue; objLead.MailingZip = txtMailingZip.Text.Trim(); // Loss Address objLead.LossAddress = txtLossAddress.Text; objLead.LossAddress2 = txtLossAddress2.Text; if (ddlState.SelectedIndex > 0) objLead.StateName = ddlState.SelectedValue; objLead.CityName = txtCityName.Text; objLead.Zip = txtZipCode.Text; // check for duplicate name/address isDuplicate = LeadsManager.CheckForDuplicate(objLead); if (isDuplicate) { lblError.Text = "Duplicate clients not allowed."; lblError.Visible = true; return; } objLead.EmailAddress = txtEmail.Text; if (Convert.ToInt32(ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue) != 0) { objLead.LeadSource = Convert.ToInt32(ddlLeadSource.SelectedValue); } if (Convert.ToInt32(ddlPrimaryProducer.SelectedValue) != 0) { objLead.PrimaryProducerId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlPrimaryProducer.SelectedValue); } if (Convert.ToInt32(ddlSecondaryProducer.SelectedValue) != 0) { objLead.SecondaryProducerId = Convert.ToInt32(ddlSecondaryProducer.SelectedValue); } objLead.PhoneNumber = txtPhoneNumber.Text; objLead.MobilePhone = txtMobilePhone.Text; //string Damagetxt = string.Empty; //string DamageId = string.Empty; //for (int j = 0; j < chkTypeOfDamage.Items.Count; j++) { // if (chkTypeOfDamage.Items[j].Selected == true) { // Damagetxt += chkTypeOfDamage.Items[j].Text + ','; // DamageId += chkTypeOfDamage.Items[j].Value + ','; // } //} //if (Damagetxt != string.Empty && DamageId != string.Empty) { // objLead.TypeOfDamage = DamageId; // objLead.TypeofDamageText = Damagetxt; //} //if (Convert.ToInt32(ddlTypeOfProperty.SelectedValue) != 0) { // objLead.TypeOfProperty = Convert.ToInt32(ddlTypeOfProperty.SelectedValue); //} objLead.IsSubmitted = true; objLead.SiteSurveyDate = siteSurveyDate; objLead.LastContactDate = lastContactDate; if (Convert.ToInt32(ddlOwnerSame.SelectedValue) != 0) { objLead.OwnerSame = Convert.ToInt32(ddlOwnerSame.SelectedValue); } objLead.OwnerFirstName = txtOwnerFirstName.Text.Trim(); objLead.OwnerLastName = txtOwnerLastName.Text.Trim(); objLead.OwnerPhone = txtOwnerPhone.Text.Trim(); // 2013-03-11 tortega added owner email objLead.OwnerEmail = txtOwnerEmail.Text.Trim(); objLead.SecondaryEmail = txtSecondaryEmail.Text.Trim(); objLead.SecondaryPhone = txtSecondaryPhone.Text.Trim(); //save new fields if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtBirthdate.Text)) { objLead.Birthdate =Convert.ToDateTime(txtBirthdate.Text); } objLead.Reference = txtReference.Text; objLead.Languages = txtLanguage.Text; objLead.Title = txtTitle.Text; objLead.LossCounty = txtlossCountry.Text; objLead.MailingCounty = txtMailingCountry.Text; Leads ins = LeadsManager.Save(objLead); if (ins.LeadId > 0) { int categoryId = ContactManager.GetContactId("Claimant");; Contact objcontact = ContactManager.GetLeadContact(objLead.LeadId, categoryId); string[] name = txtThirdPartyName.Text.Split(' '); int nameLength = name.Length; string firstName = string.Empty; string lastName = string.Empty; firstName = firstName.Trim(); if (nameLength > 1) { for (int count = 0; count <= nameLength - 2; count++) { firstName = firstName + " " + name[count]; } lastName = name[nameLength - 1]; } else { firstName =name[0]; } Contact contact = null; contact = new Contact(); if (objcontact != null) { contact.ContactID = objcontact.ContactID; } contact.LeadId = ins.LeadId; contact.ClientID = SessionHelper.getClientId(); contact.UserID = SessionHelper.getUserId(); contact.IsActive = true; contact.FirstName = firstName.Trim(); contact.LastName = lastName.Trim(); contact.ContactName = firstName.Trim() + " " + lastName.Trim(); ; contact.Address1 = txtThirdPartyStreet.Text; contact.CityName = txtThirdPartyCity.Text; contact.State = txtThirdPartyState.Text; contact.ZipCode = txtThirdPartyPostalCodes.Text; contact.Phone = txtThirdPartyPhoneNumber.Text; contact.CategoryID = categoryId; if (objcontact == null) { contact = ContactManager.SaveContact(contact); //Contact contactupdate = new Contact(); //contactupdate.ContactID = contact.ContactID; //contactupdate.ContactName = contact.ContactName; //contact = ContactManager.UpdateContact(contactupdate); } else { contact = ContactManager.Update(contact); } Session["LeadIds"] = ins.LeadId; ViewState["LeadIds"] = ins.LeadId; //savePolicy(); //SaveLeadLog(objLead); showControls(true); lblSave.Text = "Claim/Lead information saved successfully."; lblSave.Visible = true; //// repopulate policy info after saving a new lead //if (isNew) { // fillPolicy(ins.LeadId); //} } } catch (Exception ex) { lblError.Text = "Your update could not be saved for the following reason(s):<br />" + ex.ToString(); lblError.Visible = true; } }
public void UpdateInsurerName(Leads objLeads) { Leads objLeads2 = DbContextHelper.DbContext.Leads.First(x => x.LeadId == objLeads.LeadId); objLeads2.InsuredName = objLeads.InsuredName; DbContextHelper.DbContext.SaveChanges(); }