public void method_1(int int_1) { AvatarEffect @class = this.method_5(int_1, true); if (@class != null && @class.Boolean_0) { using (DatabaseClient class2 = Essential.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { class2.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "DELETE FROM user_effects WHERE user_id = '", this.uint_0, "' AND effect_id = '", int_1, "' AND is_activated = '1' LIMIT 1" })); } this.list_0.Remove(@class); ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(Outgoing.StopEffect); // Updated Message.AppendInt32(int_1); this.method_8().SendMessage(Message); if (this.int_0 >= 0) { this.method_2(-1, false); } } }
public void method_3(int int_1) { AvatarEffect @class = this.method_5(int_1, false); if (@class != null && [email protected]_0 && [email protected]_0 && (this.method_8() != null && this.method_8().GetHabbo() != null)) { Room class2 = this.method_9(); if (class2 != null) { RoomUser class3 = class2.GetRoomUserByHabbo(this.method_8().GetHabbo().Id); if (class3.byte_1 <= 0 && class3.class34_1 == null) { using (DatabaseClient class4 = Essential.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { class4.ExecuteQuery(string.Concat(new object[] { "UPDATE user_effects SET is_activated = '1', activated_stamp = '", Essential.GetUnixTimestamp(), "' WHERE user_id = '", this.uint_0, "' AND effect_id = '", int_1, "' LIMIT 1" })); } @class.method_0(); ServerMessage Message = new ServerMessage(Outgoing.EnableEffect); // Updated Message.AppendInt32(@class.int_0); Message.AppendInt32(@class.int_1); this.method_8().SendMessage(Message); } } } }
public AvatarEffectsInventoryComponent(uint uint_1, GameClient class16_1, UserDataFactory class12_0) { this.Session = class16_1; this.list_0 = new List <AvatarEffect>(); this.uint_0 = uint_1; this.int_0 = -1; this.list_0.Clear(); DataTable dataTable_ = class12_0.GetEffects(); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable_.Rows) { AvatarEffect @class = new AvatarEffect((int)dataRow["effect_id"], (int)dataRow["total_duration"], Essential.StringToBoolean(dataRow["is_activated"].ToString()), (double)dataRow["activated_stamp"]); if (@class.Boolean_0) { stringBuilder.Append(string.Concat(new object[] { "DELETE FROM user_effects WHERE user_id = '", uint_1, "' AND effect_id = '", @class.int_0, "' LIMIT 1; " })); } else { this.list_0.Add(@class); } } if (stringBuilder.Length > 0) { using (DatabaseClient class2 = Essential.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { class2.ExecuteQuery(stringBuilder.ToString()); } } }
public AvatarEffectsInventoryComponent(uint uint_1, GameClient class16_1, UserDataFactory class12_0) { this.Session = class16_1; this.list_0 = new List<AvatarEffect>(); this.uint_0 = uint_1; this.int_0 = -1; this.list_0.Clear(); DataTable dataTable_ = class12_0.GetEffects(); StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (DataRow dataRow in dataTable_.Rows) { AvatarEffect @class = new AvatarEffect((int)dataRow["effect_id"], (int)dataRow["total_duration"], Essential.StringToBoolean(dataRow["is_activated"].ToString()), (double)dataRow["activated_stamp"]); if (@class.Boolean_0) { stringBuilder.Append(string.Concat(new object[] { "DELETE FROM user_effects WHERE user_id = '", uint_1, "' AND effect_id = '", @class.int_0, "' LIMIT 1; " })); } else { this.list_0.Add(@class); } } if (stringBuilder.Length > 0) { using (DatabaseClient class2 = Essential.GetDatabase().GetClient()) { class2.ExecuteQuery(stringBuilder.ToString()); } } }