public PowerUpCollector(Simulator simulator, PowerUpsBattleship humanBattleship) : base(simulator) { HumanBattleship = humanBattleship; Type = PowerUpType.Collector; Category = PowerUpCategory.Spaceship; BuyImage = "Collecteur"; BuyPrice = 0; BuyTitle = "The collector (FREE!)"; BuyDescription = "Collect minerals on the battlefield."; NeedInput = true; Position = Vector3.Zero; }
public PowerUpSpaceship(Simulator simulator, PowerUpsBattleship humanBattleship) : base(simulator) { HumanBattleship = humanBattleship; Type = PowerUpType.Spaceship; Category = PowerUpCategory.Spaceship; BuyImage = "Vaisseau"; BuyPrice = 50; ActiveTime = 10000; BuyTitle = "The spaceship (" + BuyPrice + "M$)"; BuyDescription = "Control a crazy spaceship for " + (int) ActiveTime / 1000 + " sec."; NeedInput = true; Position = Vector3.Zero; }
public PowerUpAutomaticCollector(Simulator simulator, PowerUpsBattleship humanBattleship) : base(simulator) { HumanBattleship = humanBattleship; Type = PowerUpType.AutomaticCollector; Category = PowerUpCategory.Spaceship; BuyImage = "automaticCollector"; BuyPrice = 250; ActiveTime = 20000; BuyTitle = "The automatic collector (" + BuyPrice + "M$)"; BuyDescription = "Call an automatic collector for " + (int) ActiveTime / 1000 + " sec."; NeedInput = false; Position = Vector3.Zero; }
public PowerUpMiner(Simulator simulator, PowerUpsBattleship humanBattleship) : base(simulator) { HumanBattleship = humanBattleship; Type = PowerUpType.Miner; Category = PowerUpCategory.Spaceship; PayOnActivation = false; PayOnUse = true; BuyImage = "Resistance3"; UsePrice = 50; BuyTitle = "The miner (" + UsePrice + "M$ per mine)"; BuyDescription = "Controls a spaceship that drops mines on the battlefield."; NeedInput = true; Position = Vector3.Zero; Firing = false; }
public PowerUpRailGun(Simulator simulator, PowerUpsBattleship humanBattleship) : base(simulator) { HumanBattleship = humanBattleship; Type = PowerUpType.RailGun; Category = PowerUpCategory.Turret; PayOnActivation = false; PayOnUse = true; BuyImage = ""; BuyPrice = 0; UsePrice = 100; BuyTitle = "The railgun (" + UsePrice + "M$ per shot)"; BuyDescription = "Control a poweful, yet unstable, deadly weapon!"; NeedInput = true; Crosshair = "crosshairRailGun"; Position = Vector3.Zero; AssociatedTurret = TurretType.RailGun; SfxIn = "sfxRailGunIn"; SfxOut = "sfxRailGunOut"; }
public PowerUpsMenu(Simulator simulator, Vector3 position, double visualPriority) { Simulator = simulator; VisualPriority = visualPriority; Position = position; TextSize = 2; ImageSize = 2; DistanceBetweenTwoChoices = new Vector3(30, 30, 0); PowerUpsLayout = new Vector3(4, 4, 0); PowerUpPriceTitleAndCost = new Text(@"Pixelite") { SizeX = TextSize, VisualPriority = VisualPriority + 0.001f }; PowerUpDescription = new Text(@"Pixelite") { SizeX = TextSize - 1, VisualPriority = VisualPriority + 0.001f }; PowerUpPriceBubble = new Bubble(Simulator.Scene, new PhysicalRectangle(0, 0, 100, 30), VisualPriority + 0.002) { BlaPosition = 3 }; ColorPowerUpAvailable = Color.White; ColorPowerUpNotAvailable = Color.Red; ImagesPowerUpsBuy = new Dictionary<PowerUpType, Image>(PowerUpTypeComparer.Default); ImagesPlaceHolders = new Dictionary<PowerUpType, Image>(PowerUpTypeComparer.Default); ImagesTurretsPowerUps = new Dictionary<PowerUpType, Turret>(PowerUpTypeComparer.Default); HumanBattleship = new PowerUpsBattleship(Simulator, VisualPriority + 0.005f); }