 public static TreeItemDto FromBase(Tag tag, AllDb db)
     return new TagDto(db)
         Caption = tag.Caption,
         Id = tag.Id,
         MyIdea = tag.MyIdeaId,
         Parent = tag.ParentId,
         IsClosed = true
        public CreateIdeaDlgViewModel(ITagsManager tagsManager, IParticlesManager particleManager,
            IIdeaManager ideaManager, IBlockManager blockManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator)
            _tagsManager = tagsManager;
            _particleManager = particleManager;
            _ideaManager = ideaManager;
            _blockManager = blockManager;
            _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            AddParticleVm = new AddParticleViewViewModel(_particleManager);
            OkCommand = new DelegateCommand<Window>((wnd) =>
                var idea = _ideaManager.CreateIdea(Caption);
                if (_parentTag != null)
                    _ideaManager.AddTagToIdea(idea, _parentTag);

                if (AddParticleVm.AddParticle)
                    if (AddParticleVm.UseNewParticle)
                        var particle = _particleManager.CreateParticle(AddParticleVm.NewParticle.Material,
                            AddParticleVm.NewParticle.Begin, AddParticleVm.NewParticle.End);
                        _blockManager.AddParticleToBlock(idea, particle);
                    else if (AddParticleVm.UseExistParticle && AddParticleVm.ExistParticle.HasValue)
                        var particle = _particleManager.GetParticleById(AddParticleVm.ExistParticle.Value);
                        _blockManager.AddParticleToBlock(idea, particle);

                wnd.DialogResult = true;
            }, wnd => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Caption));

            SelectTagCommand = new DelegateCommand(() =>
                var dlg = new SelectTagDlg(typeof (Tag));
                var res = dlg.ShowDialog();
                if (res.HasValue && res.Value && dlg.Id.HasValue)
                    _parentTag = _tagsManager.GetTagById(dlg.Id.Value);
                    TagCaption = _parentTag.Caption;
                    AddToTag = true;
        //tagType is s of f
        public string AddTag(string value, string tagType, int ownerId)
            int x = -99;
                Tag tag = new Tag();

                if (tagType == "s")
                    tag = tagAccessor.GetSTag(value);
                else if (tagType == "f" && tagAccessor.GetFTag(value) != null)
                    //fTag is already in fTag table, so we'll pull it rather than creating a new one
                    tag = tagAccessor.GetFTag(value);
                else if (tagType == "f" && tagAccessor.GetFTag(value) == null)
                    //fTag doesn't already exist, so let's add it to the fTag table
                    tag = CreateFTag(0, value);
                x = tagAccessor.AddProjectLink(tag.id, ownerId, tagType);
            catch (Exception)
                return null;
            if (x > 0)
                return value;
            else if (x == 0)
                return "Tag already added.";
                return null;
        public CreateIdeaDlgViewModel(ITagsManager tagsManager, IParticlesManager particleManager,
            IIdeaManager ideaManager, IBlockManager blockManager, IEventAggregator eventAggregator, ISettingsService settingsService)
            _tagsManager = tagsManager;
            _particleManager = particleManager;
            _ideaManager = ideaManager;
            _blockManager = blockManager;
            _eventAggregator = eventAggregator;
            _settingsService = settingsService;

            RecentTags = new List<RecentTag>();
                    .Select(a => new RecentTag() {Id = a.Id, TagLong = a.Name,
                                                  TagShort = a.Name.Substring(0, Math.Min(a.Name.Length, 20)) + (Math.Min(a.Name.Length, 20) == 20 ? "...;" : ";")

            AddParticleVm = new AddParticleViewViewModel(_particleManager);
            OkCommand = new DelegateCommand<Window>((wnd) =>
                var idea = _ideaManager.CreateIdea(Caption);
                if (_parentTag != null)
                    _ideaManager.AddTagToIdea(idea, _parentTag);

                if (AddParticleVm.AddParticle)
                    if (AddParticleVm.UseNewParticle)
                        var particle = _particleManager.CreateParticle(AddParticleVm.NewParticle.Material,
                            AddParticleVm.NewParticle.Begin, AddParticleVm.NewParticle.End);
                        _blockManager.AddParticleToBlock(idea, particle);
                        ParticleId = particle.Id;
                    else if (AddParticleVm.UseExistParticle && AddParticleVm.ExistParticle.HasValue)
                        var particle = _particleManager.GetParticleById(AddParticleVm.ExistParticle.Value);
                        _blockManager.AddParticleToBlock(idea, particle);
                        ParticleId = particle.Id;

                IdeaId = idea.Id;
                wnd.DialogResult = true;
            }, wnd => !String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Caption));

            SelectTagCommand = new DelegateCommand(() =>
                var dlg = new SelectTagDlg(typeof (Tag));
                var res = dlg.ShowDialog();
                if (res.HasValue && res.Value && dlg.Id.HasValue)
                    _parentTag = _tagsManager.GetTagById(dlg.Id.Value);
                    TagCaption = _parentTag.Caption;
                    AddToTag = true;

            ClickTagCommand = new DelegateCommand<RecentTag>(rt =>
                _parentTag = _tagsManager.GetTagById(rt.Id);
                TagCaption = _parentTag.Caption;
                AddToTag = true;
 public void AddTagToIdea(Idea idea, Tag tag)