        // now = true, run it immediately, else run at end of queue.  Optionally pass in handles and dialogs in case its a sub prog

        public void Run(bool now, ActionFile fileset, ActionProgram r, ConditionVariables inputparas,
                        ConditionFileHandles fh = null, Dictionary <string, Forms.ConfigurableForm> d = null, bool closeatend = true)
            if (now)
                if (progcurrent != null)                    // if running, push the current one back onto the queue to be picked up
                    progqueue.Insert(0, progcurrent);

                progcurrent = new ActionProgramRun(fileset, r, inputparas, this, actioncontroller);   // now we run this.. no need to push to stack

                progcurrent.PrepareToRun(new ConditionVariables(progcurrent.inputvariables, actioncontroller.Globals),
                                         fh == null ? new ConditionFileHandles() : fh, d == null ? new Dictionary <string, Forms.ConfigurableForm>() : d, closeatend);              // if no filehandles, make them and close at end
                progqueue.Add(new ActionProgramRun(fileset, r, inputparas, this, actioncontroller));
        private void DoExecute()    // MAIN thread only..
            executing = true;

            System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch timetaken = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch();

            while (true)
                if (progcurrent != null)
                    if (progcurrent.GetErrorList != null)       // any errors pending, handle
                        actioncontroller.LogLine("Error at " + progcurrent.Location + ": Line " + progcurrent.GetLastStep().LineNumber + ": " + progcurrent.GetLastStep().Name + Environment.NewLine +
                    else if (progcurrent.IsProgramFinished)        // if current program ran out, cancel it
                        // this catches a LOOP without a statement at the end..  or a DO without a WHILE at the end..
                        if (progcurrent.ExecLevel > 0 && progcurrent.LevelUp(progcurrent.ExecLevel, null)) // see if we have any pending LOOP (or a DO without a while) and continue..
                            continue;                                                                      // errors or movement causes it to go back.. errors will be picked up above

                while (progcurrent == null && progqueue.Count > 0)    // if no program,but something in queue
                    progcurrent = progqueue[0];

                    if (progcurrent.variables != null)             // if not null, its because its just been restarted after a call.. reset globals
                        progcurrent.Add(actioncontroller.Globals); // in case they have been updated...
                        progcurrent.PrepareToRun(new ConditionVariables(progcurrent.inputvariables, actioncontroller.Globals),
                                                 new ConditionFileHandles(), new Dictionary <string, Forms.ConfigurableForm>(), true); // with new file handles and close at end..
                    if (progcurrent.IsProgramFinished)                                                                                 // reject empty programs..
                        continue;       // and try again

                if (progcurrent == null)        // Still nothing, game over

                Action ac = progcurrent.GetNextStep();                     // get the step. move PC on.

                if (ac.LevelUp > 0 && progcurrent.LevelUp(ac.LevelUp, ac)) // level up..
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine((Environment.TickCount % 10000).ToString("00000") + " Abort Lv" + progcurrent.ExecLevel + " e " + (progcurrent.IsExecuteOn ? "1" : "0") + " up " + ac.LevelUp + ": " + progcurrent.StepNumber + " " + ac.Name + " " + ac.DisplayedUserData);

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine((Environment.TickCount % 10000).ToString("00000") + " Exec  Lv" + progcurrent.ExecLevel + " e " + (progcurrent.IsExecuteOn ? "1" : "0") + " up " + ac.LevelUp + ": " + progcurrent.StepNumber + " " + ac.Name + " " + ac.DisplayedUserData);

                if (progcurrent.DoExecute(ac))             // execute is on..
                    if (ac.Type == Action.ActionType.Call) // Call needs to pass info back up thru to us, need a different call
                        ActionCall         acall = ac as ActionCall;
                        string             prog;
                        ConditionVariables paravars;
                        if (acall.ExecuteCallAction(progcurrent, out prog, out paravars)) // if execute ok
                            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Call " + prog + " with " + paravars.ToString());

                            Tuple <ActionFile, ActionProgram> ap = actionfilelist.FindProgram(prog, progcurrent.actionfile);          // find program using this name, prefer this action file first

                            if (ap != null)
                                Run(true, ap.Item1, ap.Item2, paravars, progcurrent.functions.handles, progcurrent.dialogs, false);   // run now with these para vars
                                progcurrent.ReportError("Call cannot find " + prog);
                    else if (ac.Type == Action.ActionType.Return)     // Return needs to pass info back up thru to us, need a different call
                        ActionReturn ar = ac as ActionReturn;
                        string       retstr;
                        if (ar.ExecuteActionReturn(progcurrent, out retstr))

                            if (progqueue.Count > 0)        // pass return value if program is there..
                                progqueue[0]["ReturnValue"] = retstr;

                            continue;       // back to top, next action from returned function.
                    else if (!ac.ExecuteAction(progcurrent)) // if execute says, stop, i'm waiting for something
                        return;                              // exit, with executing set true.  ResumeAfterPause will restart it.

                if (async && timetaken.ElapsedMilliseconds > 100)  // no more than 100ms per go to stop the main thread being blocked
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine((Environment.TickCount % 10000).ToString("00000") + " *** SUSPEND");

            executing = false;