文件: NN.cs 项目: qdm097/DigitRecog
 //Stochastic descent (all code below is done according to formulas)
 //This adds each NN's gradients to the avg
 public void Descend()
     for (int i = 0; i < InputCount; i++)
         for (int ii = 0; ii < Resolution * Resolution; ii++)
             //Nesterov momentum
             InputWeightMomentum[i, ii]     = (InputWeightMomentum[i, ii] * Momentum) - (LearningRate * InputWeightGradient[i, ii]);
             AvgInputWeightGradient[i, ii] += InputWeightGradient[i, ii] + InputWeightMomentum[i, ii];
         double tempbias = InputErrorSignals[i] * ActivationFunctions.TanhDerriv(InputZVals[i]);
         InputBiasMomentum[i]     = (InputBiasMomentum[i] * Momentum) - (LearningRate * tempbias);
         AvgInputBiasGradient[i] += tempbias + InputBiasMomentum[i];
     for (int i = 0; i < HiddenDepth; i++)
         for (int ii = 0; ii < HiddenCount; ii++)
             if (i == 0)
                 for (int iii = 0; iii < InputCount; iii++)
                     //Nesterov momentum
                     FirstHiddenWeightMomentum[ii, iii]     = (FirstHiddenWeightMomentum[ii, iii] * Momentum) - (LearningRate * FirstHiddenWeightGradient[ii, iii]);
                     AvgFirstHiddenWeightGradient[ii, iii] += FirstHiddenWeightGradient[ii, iii] + FirstHiddenWeightMomentum[ii, iii];
                 for (int iii = 0; iii < HiddenCount; iii++)
                     //Nesterov momentum
                     HiddenWeightMomentum[i - 1, ii, iii]     = (HiddenWeightMomentum[i - 1, ii, iii] * Momentum) - (LearningRate * HiddenWeightGradient[i - 1, ii, iii]);
                     AvgHiddenWeightGradient[i - 1, ii, iii] += HiddenWeightGradient[i - 1, ii, iii] + HiddenWeightMomentum[i - 1, ii, iii];
             double tempbias = HiddenErrorSignals[i, ii] * ActivationFunctions.TanhDerriv(HiddenZVals[i, ii]);
             HiddenBiasMomentum[i, ii]     = (HiddenBiasMomentum[i, ii] * Momentum) - (LearningRate * tempbias);
             AvgHiddenBiasGradient[i, ii] += tempbias + HiddenBiasMomentum[i, ii];
     for (int i = 0; i < OutputCount; i++)
         for (int ii = 0; ii < HiddenCount; ii++)
             //Nesterov momentum
             OutputWeightMomentum[i, ii]     = (OutputWeightMomentum[i, ii] * Momentum) - (LearningRate * OutputWeightGradient[i, ii]);
             AvgOutputWeightGradient[i, ii] += OutputWeightGradient[i, ii] + OutputWeightMomentum[i, ii];
文件: NN.cs 项目: qdm097/DigitRecog
        /// <summary>
        /// Backpropagation of error (formulas)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">The matrix (image) to be forward propagated from</param>
        /// <param name="correct">The number shown in the image</param>
        public void Backprop(double[,] image, int correct)
            //Forward propagation of data

            //Reset things about to be calculated
            InputErrorSignals         = new double[InputCount];
            HiddenErrorSignals        = new double[HiddenDepth, HiddenCount];
            OutputErrorSignals        = new double[OutputCount];
            InputWeightGradient       = new double[InputCount, Resolution *Resolution];
            FirstHiddenWeightGradient = new double[HiddenCount, InputCount];
            HiddenWeightGradient      = new double[HiddenDepth - 1, HiddenCount, HiddenCount];
            OutputWeightGradient      = new double[OutputCount, HiddenCount];

            //Foreach ending neuron
            for (int k = 0; k < OutputCount; k++)
                double upperlayerderiv = 2d * ((k == correct ? 1d : 0d) - OutputValues[k]);
                OutputErrorSignals[k] = upperlayerderiv;

                //Calculate gradient
                //This works b/c of only 1 hidden layer, will need to be changed if HiddenDepth is modified
                for (int j = 0; j < HiddenCount; j++)
                    OutputWeightGradient[k, j] = HiddenValues[HiddenDepth - 1, j] * ActivationFunctions.TanhDerriv(OutputZVals[k]) * OutputErrorSignals[k];
            //Foreach layer of hidden 'neurons'
            //Calc errors
            for (int l = HiddenDepth - 1; l >= 0; l--)
                //Hidden upper layer derrivative calculation
                //Foreach starting neuron
                if (l == HiddenDepth - 1)
                    for (int k = 0; k < HiddenCount; k++)
                        double upperlayerderiv = 0;

                        //Foreach ending neuron
                        for (int j = 0; j < OutputCount; j++)
                            //Hiddenweights uses l because the formula's l + 1 is l due to a lack of input layer in this array
                            upperlayerderiv += OutputWeights[j, k] * ActivationFunctions.TanhDerriv(OutputZVals[j]) * OutputErrorSignals[j];
                        HiddenErrorSignals[l, k] = upperlayerderiv;
                    for (int k = 0; k < HiddenCount; k++)
                        double upperlayerderiv = 0;
                        //Foreach ending neuron
                        for (int j = 0; j < HiddenCount; j++)
                            //Hiddenweights uses l instead of l + 1 because firsthiddenweights is a different array
                            upperlayerderiv += HiddenWeights[l, j, k] * ActivationFunctions.TanhDerriv(HiddenZVals[l + 1, j]) * HiddenErrorSignals[l + 1, j];
                        HiddenErrorSignals[l, k] = upperlayerderiv;
            //Calc values
            for (int l = 0; l < HiddenDepth; l++)
                //Foreach starting neuron
                for (int k = 0; k < HiddenCount; k++)
                    if (l == 0)
                        //Foreach ending neuron neuron
                        for (int j = 0; j < InputCount; j++)
                            FirstHiddenWeightGradient[k, j] = InputValues[j] * ActivationFunctions.TanhDerriv(HiddenZVals[l, k]) * HiddenErrorSignals[l, k];
                        //Foreach ending neuron neuron
                        for (int j = 0; j < HiddenCount; j++)
                            HiddenWeightGradient[l - 1, k, j] = HiddenValues[l - 1, j] * ActivationFunctions.TanhDerriv(HiddenZVals[l, k]) * HiddenErrorSignals[l, k];
            //Foreach starting neuron
            for (int k = 0; k < InputCount; k++)
                double upperlayerderiv = 0;

                //Calculate error signal
                //Foreach ending neuron
                for (int j = 0; j < HiddenCount; j++)
                    upperlayerderiv += FirstHiddenWeights[j, k] * ActivationFunctions.TanhDerriv(HiddenZVals[0, j]) * HiddenErrorSignals[0, j];
                InputErrorSignals[k] = upperlayerderiv;

                //Calculate gradient
                for (int j = 0; j < Resolution * Resolution; j++)
                    InputWeightGradient[k, j] = image[j / Resolution, j - ((j / Resolution) * Resolution)] * ActivationFunctions.TanhDerriv(InputZVals[k]) * InputErrorSignals[k];
            //Normalize gradients (currently disabled as is obvious)

             * InputWeightGradient = ActivationFunctions.Normalize(InputWeightGradient, InputCount, Resolution * Resolution);
             * HiddenWeightGradient = ActivationFunctions.Normalize(HiddenWeightGradient, HiddenDepth, HiddenCount, InputCount);
             * OutputWeightGradient = ActivationFunctions.Normalize(OutputWeightGradient, OutputCount, HiddenCount);
             * //Normalize error signals (biases)
             * HiddenErrorSignals = ActivationFunctions.Normalize(HiddenErrorSignals, HiddenDepth, HiddenCount);
             * InputErrorSignals = ActivationFunctions.Normalize(InputErrorSignals);