// // // // // // //Uplaoding the File into Database // // // // // // private void uploadButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (var context = new DemoBoxDBContext()) { FileStream fs = new FileStream(fi.FullName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); BinaryReader rdr = new BinaryReader(fs); byte[] fileData = rdr.ReadBytes((int)fs.Length); rdr.Close(); fs.Close(); file = new DemoBoxThrid.File(); file.FileName = fi.FullName; file.Data = fileData; file.FileExtension = fi.Extension; file.ProjectId = proId; file.EmployeeId = id; context.Files.Add(file); context.SaveChanges(); } } catch { } }
// // // // // // //Setting EmployeeId,EmployeeName,EmployeeRole, at the top of Form in empNameLabel // // // // // // private void EmployeeManagement_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { using (var context = new DemoBoxDBContext()) { //Setting Employee Name According to Login var query = from x in context.Employees where x.EmployeeEmail == email select x.EmployeeName; foreach (var em in query) { empNameLabel.Text = em; } //Seting Employee ID According to Login var query1 = from x in context.Employees where x.EmployeeEmail == email select x.EmployeeId; foreach (var em in query1) { this.id = em; employeeIdLabel.Text = "" + em; } // //Seting Employee Status Accoding to Login var query2 = from x in context.Employees where x.EmployeeEmail == email select x.EmployeeStatus; foreach (var em in query2) { if (em != null) { empStatusTextLabel.Text = "" + em; } else { empStatusTextLabel.Text = "Nill"; } } //Setting Employee Status According to Login var query3 = from x in context.Employees where x.EmployeeRole == role select x.EmployeeRole; foreach (var em in query3) { if (em == 2) { joinedAsTextLabel.Text = "Team Leader"; } else if (em == 3) { joinedAsTextLabel.Text = "Analyst"; } else if (em == 4) { joinedAsTextLabel.Text = "Designer"; } else if (em == 5) { joinedAsTextLabel.Text = "Programmer"; } else if (em == 6) { joinedAsTextLabel.Text = "Tester"; } } //Setting ProjectId var query4 = from x in context.ProjectEmployees where x.EmployeeId == id select x.ProjectId; foreach (var em in query4) { this.proId = em; } //Loading Project on List View string name, file; var query5 = from p in context.Projects join c in context.Files on p.ProjectId equals c.ProjectId select new { projectName = p.ProjectName, c.FileName }; foreach (var em in query5) { name = em.projectName; file = em.FileName; ListViewItem lvi1 = new ListViewItem(); lvi1.Text = name; lvi1.SubItems.Add(file); projectOnWorkListView.Items.Add(lvi1); } } } catch { } }