private static int? ImportUnderlyingFund(CookieCollection cookies, C5_10tblDealOrigination blueAssetInDeal, int targetDealId, int fundID, DealDetailModel deepBlueDealDetail, out string errorMsg) { errorMsg = string.Empty; int? underlyingFundId = null; // This is a UF // Find the corresponding Underlying Fund from DeepBlue List<DeepBlue.Models.Deal.UnderlyingFundListModel> underlyingFunds = UnderlyingFundImport.GetUnderlyingFunds(cookies); DeepBlue.Models.Deal.UnderlyingFundListModel uf = underlyingFunds.Where(x => x.FundName.Equals(blueAssetInDeal.Fund, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); if (uf == null) { // Try to create UF. Technically the code should not reach here, but i think when I imported the funds, the funds having an "&" were not encoded, // so they didnt get imported. So in case that happens, import those here underlyingFundId = UnderlyingFundImport.ImportUnderlyingFund(cookies, blueAssetInDeal.Fund); if (!underlyingFundId.HasValue) { // This should not happen, as the assumption is that we have already imported all the underlying funds errorMsg = "Unable to find AMB fund from DeepBlue:" + blueAssetInDeal.Fund; Util.WriteError(errorMsg); messageLog.AppendLine(errorMsg); } else { uf = new UnderlyingFundListModel() { UnderlyingFundId = underlyingFundId.Value }; } } if (uf != null) { DealUnderlyingFundModel existingUF = deepBlueDealDetail.DealUnderlyingFunds.Where(x => x.UnderlyingFundId == uf.UnderlyingFundId).FirstOrDefault(); if (existingUF == null) { // Find the corresponding deal from deepBlue string resp = string.Empty; underlyingFundId = CreateDealUnderlyingFund(cookies, blueAssetInDeal, targetDealId, uf.UnderlyingFundId, fundID, out resp); if (underlyingFundId.HasValue) { string newEntry = "New UF in Deal:" + underlyingFundId; Util.WriteNewEntry(newEntry); messageLog.AppendLine(newEntry); } errorMsg = resp; } else { string msg = existingUF.UnderlyingFundId + " already exists for Deal:" + targetDealId; Util.WriteWarning(msg); messageLog.AppendLine(msg); underlyingFundId = 0; } } return underlyingFundId; }
private static List<KeyValuePair<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects, string>> ImportUnderlyingDirect(CookieCollection cookies, BlueEntities context, C5_10tblDealOrigination blueAssetInDeal, int targetDealId, DealDetailModel deepBlueDealDetail, int fundID) { List<KeyValuePair<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects, string>> failedDirects = new List<KeyValuePair<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects, string>>(); // This is a direct //string issuerName = blueAsset.Fund; List<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects> blueSecurities = context.C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects.Where(x => x.Direct.Equals(blueAssetInDeal.Fund, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Where(x => x.DealNo == blueAssetInDeal.DealNo).ToList(); if (blueSecurities.Count > 0) { foreach (C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects blueSecurity in blueSecurities) { // Equity from blue C4_20tblStockTable blueStock = context.C4_20tblStockTable.Where(x => x.StockSymbol.Equals(blueSecurity.StockSymbol, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); // Find the direct corresponding to the security List<AutoCompleteListExtend> equitiesAndFIs = GetDeepBlueEquitiesAndFIs(cookies); string searchLabel = string.Format("{0}>>Equity>>{1}", blueStock.Company, blueStock.StockSymbol); AutoCompleteListExtend equity = equitiesAndFIs.Where(x => x.otherid == (int)DeepBlue.Models.Deal.Enums.SecurityType.Equity).Where(x => x.value.Equals(blueStock.Company, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).Where(x => x.label.Equals(searchLabel, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)).FirstOrDefault(); if (equity == null) { string errorMsg = "Unable to find an equity with issuer:" + blueStock.Company + ", and label:" + searchLabel; Util.WriteError(errorMsg); failedDirects.Add(new KeyValuePair<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects, string>(blueSecurity, errorMsg)); } else { // Create a DealUnderlyingDirect record string resp = string.Empty; // Make sure the direct/FI is already not part of the deal DealUnderlyingDirectModel direct = deepBlueDealDetail.DealUnderlyingDirects.Where(x => x.SecurityId == equity.otherid2).Where(x => x.SecurityTypeId == (int)DeepBlue.Models.Deal.Enums.SecurityType.Equity).FirstOrDefault(); if (direct == null) { int? dealUnderlyingDirectId = CreateDealUnderlyingDirect(cookies, blueSecurity, blueAssetInDeal, targetDealId, equity.otherid2,, fundID, out resp); if (!dealUnderlyingDirectId.HasValue || dealUnderlyingDirectId.Value <= 0) { string errorMsg = string.Format("Unable to import underlying direct {0}, response from server:{1}", blueSecurity.Direct, resp); Util.WriteError(errorMsg); failedDirects.Add(new KeyValuePair<C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects, string>(blueSecurity, errorMsg)); } else { string newEntry = "New DealUnderlyingDirectID:" + dealUnderlyingDirectId; Util.WriteNewEntry(newEntry); messageLog.AppendLine(newEntry); } } else { Util.Log(direct.SecurityId + " is already part of this deal."); } } } } else { string warningMsg = string.Format("C5_10tblDealOrigination.Fund(which is direct): {0} doesnt have any securities (no records in C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects. C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects.Where(x => x.Direct.Equals(blueAssetInDeal.Fund)).Where(x => x.DealNo == blueAssetInDeal.DealNo) yielded NO results) ", blueAssetInDeal.Fund); Util.WriteWarning(warningMsg); messageLog.AppendLine(warningMsg); } return failedDirects; }
private static int? CreateDealUnderlyingFund(CookieCollection cookies, C5_10tblDealOrigination blueAsset, int dealId, int underlyingFundId, int fundID, out string resp) { int? dealUnderlyingtFundID = null; resp = string.Empty; DealUnderlyingFundModel model = new DealUnderlyingFundModel(); // The UI asks for the following fields model.DealId = dealId; model.UnderlyingFundId = underlyingFundId; model.FundId = fundID; if (blueAsset.FundNAV <= 0) { model.FundNAV = 1.0m; } else { model.FundNAV = blueAsset.FundNAV; } if (blueAsset.CapitalCommitment <= 0) { model.CommittedAmount = 1.0m; } else { model.CommittedAmount = blueAsset.CapitalCommitment; } if(blueAsset.EffectiveDate.HasValue) model.EffectiveDate = blueAsset.EffectiveDate; if (blueAsset.RecordDate.HasValue) model.RecordDate = blueAsset.RecordDate.Value.Date; // optional fields model.GrossPurchasePrice = blueAsset.GrossPurchasePrice; model.UnfundedAmount = blueAsset.AmountUnfunded; NameValueCollection formValues = HttpWebRequestUtil.SetUpForm(model, string.Empty, string.Empty); // Send the request string url = HttpWebRequestUtil.GetUrl("Deal/CreateDealUnderlyingFund"); byte[] postData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(HttpWebRequestUtil.ToFormValue(formValues)); HttpWebResponse response = HttpWebRequestUtil.SendRequest(url, postData, true, cookies); if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { using (Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { // Pipes the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format. using (StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { resp = readStream.ReadToEnd(); dealUnderlyingtFundID = HttpWebRequestUtil.GetNewKeyFromResponse(resp); response.Close(); readStream.Close(); } } } return dealUnderlyingtFundID; }
private static int? CreateDealUnderlyingDirect(CookieCollection cookies, C5_11tblDealOriginationDirects security, C5_10tblDealOrigination direct, int dealId, int underlyingDirectId, int issuerId, int fundID, out string resp) { int? dealUnderlyingtDirectID = null; resp = string.Empty; DealUnderlyingDirectModel model = new DealUnderlyingDirectModel(); // The UI asks for the following fields model.DealId = dealId; // model.DealUnderlyingDirectId = underlyingDirectId; model.SecurityId = underlyingDirectId; model.SecurityTypeId = (int)DeepBlue.Models.Deal.Enums.SecurityType.Equity; // TODO: why is the required? We already have the SecurityID, and the issuer can be fetched from the security id model.IssuerId = issuerId; // TODO: why is this required? may be cos we are using the same screen for creating and updating deal. So probly FundId is required when creating model.FundId = fundID; // Number Of Shares model.NumberOfShares = (int)security.NShares; // Purchase Price if (security.PurchasePrice.HasValue && security.PurchasePrice.Value > 0) { model.PurchasePrice = (decimal)security.PurchasePrice; } else { model.PurchasePrice = 1.0m; } // FMV if (security.FairMarketValue.HasValue && security.FairMarketValue.Value > 0) { model.FMV = (decimal)security.FairMarketValue; } else { model.FMV = 1.0m; } // Tax cost basis per share if (security.TaxCostBasis.HasValue && security.TaxCostBasis.Value > 0) { model.TaxCostBase = (decimal)security.TaxCostBasis; } else { model.TaxCostBase = 1.0m; } // Tax cost date if (security.TaxCostDate.HasValue) model.TaxCostDate = security.TaxCostDate.Value.Date; // Record Date if (direct.RecordDate.HasValue) model.RecordDate = direct.RecordDate.Value.Date; NameValueCollection formValues = HttpWebRequestUtil.SetUpForm(model, string.Empty, string.Empty); // Send the request string url = HttpWebRequestUtil.GetUrl("Deal/CreateDealUnderlyingDirect"); byte[] postData = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(HttpWebRequestUtil.ToFormValue(formValues)); HttpWebResponse response = HttpWebRequestUtil.SendRequest(url, postData, true, cookies); if (response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.OK) { using (Stream receiveStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { // Pipes the stream to a higher level stream reader with the required encoding format. using (StreamReader readStream = new StreamReader(receiveStream, Encoding.UTF8)) { resp = readStream.ReadToEnd(); dealUnderlyingtDirectID = HttpWebRequestUtil.GetNewKeyFromResponse(resp); response.Close(); readStream.Close(); } } } return dealUnderlyingtDirectID; }
/// <summary> /// Deprecated Method for adding a new object to the C5_10tblDealOrigination EntitySet. Consider using the .Add method of the associated ObjectSet<T> property instead. /// </summary> public void AddToC5_10tblDealOrigination(C5_10tblDealOrigination c5_10tblDealOrigination) { base.AddObject("C5_10tblDealOrigination", c5_10tblDealOrigination); }
/// <summary> /// Create a new C5_10tblDealOrigination object. /// </summary> /// <param name="amberbrookFundNo">Initial value of the AmberbrookFundNo property.</param> /// <param name="dealNo">Initial value of the DealNo property.</param> /// <param name="fundNo">Initial value of the FundNo property.</param> /// <param name="fund">Initial value of the Fund property.</param> /// <param name="valueDate">Initial value of the ValueDate property.</param> /// <param name="fundNAV">Initial value of the FundNAV property.</param> /// <param name="capitalCommitment">Initial value of the CapitalCommitment property.</param> /// <param name="amountUnfunded">Initial value of the AmountUnfunded property.</param> /// <param name="sSMA_TimeStamp">Initial value of the SSMA_TimeStamp property.</param> public static C5_10tblDealOrigination CreateC5_10tblDealOrigination(global::System.String amberbrookFundNo, global::System.Int32 dealNo, global::System.Int32 fundNo, global::System.String fund, global::System.DateTime valueDate, global::System.Decimal fundNAV, global::System.Decimal capitalCommitment, global::System.Decimal amountUnfunded, global::System.Byte[] sSMA_TimeStamp) { C5_10tblDealOrigination c5_10tblDealOrigination = new C5_10tblDealOrigination(); c5_10tblDealOrigination.AmberbrookFundNo = amberbrookFundNo; c5_10tblDealOrigination.DealNo = dealNo; c5_10tblDealOrigination.FundNo = fundNo; c5_10tblDealOrigination.Fund = fund; c5_10tblDealOrigination.ValueDate = valueDate; c5_10tblDealOrigination.FundNAV = fundNAV; c5_10tblDealOrigination.CapitalCommitment = capitalCommitment; c5_10tblDealOrigination.AmountUnfunded = amountUnfunded; c5_10tblDealOrigination.SSMA_TimeStamp = sSMA_TimeStamp; return c5_10tblDealOrigination; }