private static void DebugPrintOptions(Options options)
     #if DEBUG
     Console.Error.WriteLine("Prj File: " + prjFile);
     Console.Error.WriteLine("Hmap File: " + imageFile);
     Console.Error.WriteLine("Outfile: " + options.TargetFile);
     Console.Error.WriteLine("Compress: " + options.Compress);
     Console.Error.WriteLine("Decompress: " + options.Decompress);
     Console.Error.WriteLine("Information: " + options.ShowInformation);
     Console.Error.WriteLine("1st Heightmap: " + options.SelectHeightmap1);
     Console.Error.WriteLine("2nd Heightmap: " + options.SelectHeightmap2);
     Console.Error.WriteLine("Swap Heightmaps: " + options.SwapHeightmaps);
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            var options = new Options();

            int retCode = 1;
            if (CommandLineParser.Default.ParseArguments(args, options))
                if (options.SourceFiles.Count < 1 || options.SourceFiles.Count > 3)
                    return retCode;
                prjFile = options.SourceFiles[0];

                    if (options.ExtractHeightmap)
                        retCode = DoImageExtraction(options);
                        retCode = DoDefault(options);
                catch (Exception e)
                    if (e is ArgumentException ||
                        e is NotSupportedException ||
                        e is SecurityException ||
                        e is IOException ||
                        e is UnauthorizedAccessException)
                        Console.Error.Write("Error: ");
                        return 2;
                    {   // Unexpected Exception -> Crash
            return retCode;
        /// <summary>
        /// Program flow for everything but Image Extraction
        /// </summary>
        private static int DoDefault(Options options)
            if (options.SourceFiles.Count == 2)
                imageFile = options.SourceFiles[1];

            if (options.Decompress && options.Compress)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("-c and -d are incompatible.");
                return 1;

            if (imageFile != null)
                if (!options.Decompress && !options.Compress)
                    options.Compress = true;

            // If no compression set and no heightmap only display statistics
            if (!options.SwapHeightmaps && !options.Decompress && !options.Compress)
                if (imageFile != null)
                    options.Compress = true;
                    options.ShowInformation = true;

            // Overwrite both heightmaps if none selected
            if (!options.SelectHeightmap1 && !options.SelectHeightmap2)
                options.SelectHeightmap1 = true;
                options.SelectHeightmap2 = true;

            // All arguments correct
            SimplePrj prj = new SimplePrj(prjFile);

            // Overwrite file if no output file specified
            if (options.TargetFile == null)
                options.TargetFile = prjFile;


            // Replace heightmaps if we have a Image File
            if (imageFile != null)
                using (Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(imageFile))
                    TargetHeightmaps t = TargetHeightmaps.FirstHeightmap | TargetHeightmaps.SecondHeightmap;
                    if (options.SelectHeightmap1 && !options.SelectHeightmap2)
                        t = TargetHeightmaps.FirstHeightmap;
                    else if (!options.SelectHeightmap1 && options.SelectHeightmap2)
                        t = TargetHeightmaps.SecondHeightmap;
                    prj.Terr = prj.Terr.FromBitmap(bmp, t);

            if (options.SwapHeightmaps)
                prj.Terr = prj.Terr.Swap();

            if (options.Decompress)
                prj.Terr = prj.Terr.Decompress();
            else if (options.Compress)
                prj.Terr = prj.Terr.Compress();

            // Edit operations should be saved of course
            // Image is implicit because it sets Decompress
            if (options.SwapHeightmaps ||
                options.Decompress ||

            if (options.ShowInformation)
            return 0;
        /// <summary>
        /// Program flow for Image Extraction of Heightmap
        /// </summary>
        private static int DoImageExtraction(Options options)
            // Need a target file
            if (options.TargetFile == null)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("No target file (-o) provided for image extraction.");
                return 1;

            // Need one heightmap
            TargetHeightmaps t;
            if (options.SelectHeightmap1 && options.SelectHeightmap2)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("Only one heightmap can be extracted at once.");
                return 1;
            else if (options.SelectHeightmap1 && !options.SelectHeightmap2)
                t = TargetHeightmaps.FirstHeightmap;
            else if (!options.SelectHeightmap1 && options.SelectHeightmap2)
                t = TargetHeightmaps.SecondHeightmap;
                Console.Error.WriteLine("No heightmap (-1 or -2) specified.");
                return 1;

            // Argument list correct
            SimplePrj prj = new SimplePrj(prjFile);

            Bitmap image = prj.Terr.ToBitmap(t,
                options.RobSmoothing ? SmoothingAlgorithm.Rob : SmoothingAlgorithm.Default);
            image.Save(options.TargetFile, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);

            return 0;