public UdpConnectExInfo GetExUdpConnexions()
            // the size of the MIB_EXTCPROW struct =  4*DWORD
            int rowsize = 12;
            int BufferSize = 100000;
            // allocate a dumb memory space in order to retrieve  nb of connexion
            IntPtr lpTable = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(BufferSize);
            //getting infos
            int res = ConInfosHlpAPI32Wrapper.AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack(ref lpTable, true, ConInfosHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetProcessHeap(), 0, 2);
            if (res != NO_ERROR)
                Debug.WriteLine("Erreur : " + ConInfosHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetAPIErrorMessageDescription(res) + " " + res);
                return UdpExConnexion; // Error. You should handle it
            int CurrentIndex = 0;
            //get the number of entries in the table
            int NumEntries = (int)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(lpTable);
            lpTable = IntPtr.Zero;
            // free allocated space in memory

            // calculate the real buffer size nb of entrie * size of the struct for each entrie(24) + the dwNumEntries
            BufferSize = (NumEntries * rowsize) + 4;
            // make the struct to hold the resullts
            UdpExConnexion = new UdpConnectExInfo();
            // Allocate memory
            lpTable = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(BufferSize);
            res = ConInfosHlpAPI32Wrapper.AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack(ref lpTable, true, ConInfosHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetProcessHeap(), 0, 2);
            if (res != NO_ERROR)
                Debug.WriteLine("Erreur : " + ConInfosHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetAPIErrorMessageDescription(res) + " " + res);
                return UdpExConnexion; // Error. You should handle it
            // New pointer of iterating throught the data
            IntPtr current = lpTable;
            CurrentIndex = 0;
            // get the (again) the number of entries
            NumEntries = (int)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(current);
            UdpExConnexion.dwNumEntries = NumEntries;
            // Make the array of entries
            UdpExConnexion.table = new UdpConnectExTable[NumEntries];
            // iterate the pointer of 4 (the size of the DWORD dwNumEntries)
            CurrentIndex += 4;
            current = (IntPtr)((int)current + CurrentIndex);
            // for each entries
            for (int i = 0; i < NumEntries; i++)
                // get the local address of the connexion
                UInt32 localAddr = (UInt32)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(current);
                // iterate the pointer of 4
                current = (IntPtr)((int)current + 4);
                // get the local port of the connexion
                UInt32 localPort = (UInt32)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(current);
                // iterate the pointer of 4
                current = (IntPtr)((int)current + 4);
                // Store the local endpoint in the struct and convertthe port in decimal (ie convert_Port())
                UdpExConnexion.table[i].Local = new IPEndPoint(localAddr, convert_Port(localPort));
                // store the process ID
                UdpExConnexion.table[i].dwProcessId = (int)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(current);
                // Store and get the process name in the struct
                UdpExConnexion.table[i].ProcessName = this.get_process_name(UdpExConnexion.table[i].dwProcessId);
                current = (IntPtr)((int)current + 4);

            // free the buffer
            // re init the pointer
            current = IntPtr.Zero;
            return UdpExConnexion;
        public UdpConnectExInfo GetExUdpConnexions()
            // the size of the MIB_EXTCPROW struct =  4*DWORD
            int rowsize    = 12;
            int BufferSize = 100000;
            // allocate a dumb memory space in order to retrieve  nb of connexion
            IntPtr lpTable = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(BufferSize);
            //getting infos
            int res = ConInfosHlpAPI32Wrapper.AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack(ref lpTable, true, ConInfosHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetProcessHeap(), 0, 2);

            if (res != NO_ERROR)
                Debug.WriteLine("Erreur : " + ConInfosHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetAPIErrorMessageDescription(res) + " " + res);
                return(UdpExConnexion); // Error. You should handle it
            int CurrentIndex = 0;
            //get the number of entries in the table
            int NumEntries = (int)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(lpTable);

            lpTable = IntPtr.Zero;
            // free allocated space in memory

            // calculate the real buffer size nb of entrie * size of the struct for each entrie(24) + the dwNumEntries
            BufferSize = (NumEntries * rowsize) + 4;
            // make the struct to hold the resullts
            UdpExConnexion = new UdpConnectExInfo();
            // Allocate memory
            lpTable = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(BufferSize);
            res     = ConInfosHlpAPI32Wrapper.AllocateAndGetUdpExTableFromStack(ref lpTable, true, ConInfosHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetProcessHeap(), 0, 2);
            if (res != NO_ERROR)
                Debug.WriteLine("Erreur : " + ConInfosHlpAPI32Wrapper.GetAPIErrorMessageDescription(res) + " " + res);
                return(UdpExConnexion); // Error. You should handle it
            // New pointer of iterating throught the data
            IntPtr current = lpTable;

            CurrentIndex = 0;
            // get the (again) the number of entries
            NumEntries = (int)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(current);
            UdpExConnexion.dwNumEntries = NumEntries;
            // Make the array of entries
            UdpExConnexion.table = new UdpConnectExTable[NumEntries];
            // iterate the pointer of 4 (the size of the DWORD dwNumEntries)
            CurrentIndex += 4;
            current       = (IntPtr)((int)current + CurrentIndex);
            // for each entries
            for (int i = 0; i < NumEntries; i++)
                // get the local address of the connexion
                UInt32 localAddr = (UInt32)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(current);
                // iterate the pointer of 4
                current = (IntPtr)((int)current + 4);
                // get the local port of the connexion
                UInt32 localPort = (UInt32)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(current);
                // iterate the pointer of 4
                current = (IntPtr)((int)current + 4);
                // Store the local endpoint in the struct and convertthe port in decimal (ie convert_Port())
                UdpExConnexion.table[i].Local = new IPEndPoint(localAddr, convert_Port(localPort));
                // store the process ID
                UdpExConnexion.table[i].dwProcessId = (int)Marshal.ReadIntPtr(current);
                // Store and get the process name in the struct
                UdpExConnexion.table[i].ProcessName = this.get_process_name(UdpExConnexion.table[i].dwProcessId);
                current = (IntPtr)((int)current + 4);
            // free the buffer
            // re init the pointer
            current = IntPtr.Zero;