public byte[] generatePdf(string caseid, string url) { byte[] pdfData = null; try { //log start time generating pdf to db /*exceptionlog exLg = new exceptionlog(); exLg.message = "starting time generating pdf before web service call = 0"; exLg.source = caseid; exLg.stacktrace = DateTime.Now.ToString(); exLg.targetsitename = ""; dao.logException(exLg); Stopwatch stpwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();*/ //populate pdf byte array GeneratePdf genPdf = new GeneratePdf(); MemoryStream output = genPdf.createPdf(caseid, url); pdfData = output.ToArray(); //log end time generating pdf to db /*exLg = new exceptionlog(); exLg.message = "ending time generating pdf before web service call = "+stpwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds; exLg.source = caseid; exLg.stacktrace = DateTime.Now.ToString(); exLg.targetsitename = ""; dao.logException(exLg);*/ } catch (Exception excp) { //log exception to db exceptionlog exLog = new exceptionlog(); exLog.message = excp.Message + " class: ActivityStatus Method: generatePdf Getting pdf byte array. activity id=" + caseid; exLog.source = excp.Source; string strtmp = excp.StackTrace; strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\r', ' '); strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\n', ' '); exLog.stacktrace = strtmp; exLog.targetsitename = excp.TargetSite.Name; dao.logException(exLog); } return pdfData; }
public static void MergeRows(GridView gridView) { try { string strPrevAsset = string.Empty; foreach (GridViewRow gvr in gridView.Rows) { string strAsset = string.Empty; Label tbAllocationPercent = (Label)gvr.FindControl("lblAssetClasses"); if (tbAllocationPercent != null && tbAllocationPercent.Text != string.Empty) { strAsset = tbAllocationPercent.Text; if (strPrevAsset == strAsset) { tbAllocationPercent.Text = string.Empty; } } strPrevAsset = strAsset; } } catch (Exception ex) { exceptionlog exLog = new exceptionlog(); exLog.message = ex.Message + " class: GapSummary Method: MergeRows"; exLog.source = ex.Source; string strtmp = ex.StackTrace; strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\r', ' '); strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\n', ' '); exLog.stacktrace = strtmp; exLog.targetsitename = ex.TargetSite.Name; ActivityStatusDAO activityStatus = new ActivityStatusDAO(); activityStatus.logException(exLog); } }
public void cloneCase(string clonedFrom, string newId) { SqlConnection conn = DatabaseConnection.Connection.getConnection(); try { SqlCommand cmdUpdMaster = new SqlCommand("CloneCase", conn); cmdUpdMaster.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; cmdUpdMaster.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CloneFromID", clonedFrom)); cmdUpdMaster.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@NewCaseID", newId)); cmdUpdMaster.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception e) { //log exception to db exceptionlog exLog = new exceptionlog(); exLog.message = e.Message + " class: ActivityStatusDAO Method: cloneCase"; exLog.source = e.Source; string strtmp = e.StackTrace; strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\r', ' '); strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\n', ' '); exLog.stacktrace = strtmp; exLog.targetsitename = e.TargetSite.Name; logException(exLog); } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblStatusSubmissionFailed.Visible = false; lblStatusSubmitted.Visible = false; lblZurichAdvFailed.Visible = false; lblZurichAdvSuccess.Visible = false; activity = activityStatusDao.getActivity(13); ViewState["activity"] = activity; ZPlanResponseDataContract zPlanResponse = null; string clonedFrom = ""; if (!IsPostBack) { /*string nextCaseId = Request.Form["caseid"]; string menuCaseId = Request.QueryString["caseid"]; if (nextCaseId != null && nextCaseId != "") { caseid = nextCaseId; } if (menuCaseId != null && menuCaseId != "") { caseid = menuCaseId; }*/ string activityID = string.Empty; string country = string.Empty; if (Request.Form["Country"] != null) { country = Request.Form["Country"].ToString(); } string salesChannel = string.Empty; if (Request.Form["SalesChannel"] != null) { salesChannel = Request.Form["SalesChannel"].ToString(); } if (Request.Form["ActivityID"] != null) { activityID = Request.Form["ActivityID"].ToString(); //activityID = "1500"; ZPlanDataContract zPlanContract = new ZPlanDataContract(); zPlanContract.ActivityId = activityID; zPlanContract.Activity = ActivityTypeEnum.ZPlan; zPlanContract.Action = ActionEnumContracts.View; UserInfoEntity ufo = new UserInfoEntity(); ufo.Country = country; ufo.RoleType = salesChannel; zPlanContract.UserInfo = ufo; zPlanResponse = new ZPlanResponseDataContract(); try { BusinessServiceClient client = new BusinessServiceClient(); client.ClientCredentials.Windows.AllowedImpersonationLevel = System.Security.Principal.TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation; zPlanResponse = client.ManageZPlan(zPlanContract); if (zPlanResponse != null) { salesportalinfo salesPortalDto = new salesportalinfo(); salesPortalDto.activityid = activityID; salesPortalDto.activitytype = zPlanResponse.ActivityType; salesPortalDto.caseid = zPlanResponse.CaseId; salesPortalDto.redirecturl = zPlanResponse.RedirectUrl; salesPortalDto.roletype = zPlanResponse.RoleType; salesPortalDto.salesportalurl = zPlanResponse.SalesPortalUrl; salesPortalDto.userfirstname = zPlanResponse.UserFirstName; salesPortalDto.userid = zPlanResponse.UserId; salesPortalDto.userlastname = zPlanResponse.UserLastName; salesPortalDto.usertype = zPlanResponse.UserType; salesPortalDto.casestatus = zPlanResponse.CaseStatus; = country; salesPortalDto.saleschannel = salesChannel; activityStatusDao.saveSalesPortalInfo(activityID, salesPortalDto); caseid = zPlanResponse.ActivityId; //check if ClonedFrom is sent from portal if (zPlanResponse.ClonedFrom != null && zPlanResponse.ClonedFrom != "") { clonedFrom = zPlanResponse.ClonedFrom; //check if case has been cloned earlier clonemappingid clonemapping = activityStatusDao.getCloneMappingForCaseid(clonedFrom, zPlanResponse.ActivityId); if (clonemapping == null) { //if the case is not cloned, add entry in the clone mapping table and clone the case clonemapping = new clonemappingid(); clonemapping.clonedfrom = clonedFrom; clonemapping.newid = zPlanResponse.ActivityId; activityStatusDao.saveClonemapping(clonemapping); activityStatusDao.cloneCase(clonedFrom, zPlanResponse.ActivityId); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { //log exception to db exceptionlog exLog = new exceptionlog(); exLog.message = ex.Message + " class: MyZurichAdviser Method: Page_Load"; exLog.source = ex.Source; string strtmp = ex.StackTrace; strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\r', ' '); strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\n', ' '); exLog.stacktrace = strtmp; exLog.targetsitename = ex.TargetSite.Name; activityStatusDao.logException(exLog); } } else { string backCaseId = Request.Form["caseid"]; string menuCaseId = Request.QueryString["caseid"]; if (backCaseId != null && backCaseId != "") { caseid = backCaseId; } else if (menuCaseId != null && menuCaseId != "") { caseid = menuCaseId; } else if (Session["fnacaseid"] != null) { caseid = Session["fnacaseid"].ToString(); } else { caseid = "2040"; } } activityId.Value = caseid; PersonalDetailsDAO dao = new PersonalDetailsDAO(); personaldetail detail = dao.getPersonalDetail(caseid); if (detail != null) { if (zPlanResponse != null) { detail.datepicker = zPlanResponse.Dob; detail.gender = zPlanResponse.Gender; //detail.maritalstatus = zPlanResponse.MaritalStatus; = zPlanResponse.UserFirstName; detail.surname = zPlanResponse.UserLastName; detail.nationality = zPlanResponse.Nationality; detail.nric = zPlanResponse.NricOrPassport; detail.occupation = zPlanResponse.Occupation; if (zPlanResponse.Smoker) { detail.issmoker = "Yes"; } else { detail.issmoker = "No"; } detail.title = zPlanResponse.Title; } dao.updatePersonalDetails(detail); } else { detail = new personaldetail(); detail.caseid = caseid; if (zPlanResponse != null) { detail.datepicker = zPlanResponse.Dob; detail.gender = zPlanResponse.Gender; //detail.maritalstatus = zPlanResponse.MaritalStatus; = zPlanResponse.UserFirstName; detail.surname = zPlanResponse.UserLastName; detail.nationality = zPlanResponse.Nationality; detail.nric = zPlanResponse.NricOrPassport; detail.occupation = zPlanResponse.Occupation; if (zPlanResponse.Smoker) { detail.issmoker = "Yes"; } else { detail.issmoker = "No"; } detail.title = zPlanResponse.Title; } dao.savePersonalDetails(detail); } if (caseid != "") { ViewState["caseid"] = caseid; List<myzurichadviser> savedMzaoptions = mzaDao.getMza(caseid); if (savedMzaoptions != null && savedMzaoptions.Count>0) { ViewState["casetype"] = "update"; } else { ViewState["casetype"] = "new"; savedMzaoptions = new List<myzurichadviser>(); myzurichadviser mzadv = new myzurichadviser(); mzadv.caseid = caseid; mzadv.selectedoptionid = 1; savedMzaoptions.Add(mzadv); mzadv = new myzurichadviser(); mzadv.caseid = caseid; mzadv.selectedoptionid = 2; savedMzaoptions.Add(mzadv); } populateMzaoptions(savedMzaoptions, caseid); } } markStatusOnTab(caseid); }
private void populateRetirementGoal(retirementgoal retirementGoalSelf, assumption inflationAdjustedReturnAsmptn, assumption annualInflationReturn, string caseid) { double shortfallSurplusSelf = 0; int iIntendedRetirementAge = 0; PersonalDetailsDAO dao = new PersonalDetailsDAO(); personaldetail detail = dao.getPersonalDetail(caseid); int yrDob = 0; int currentYr = DateTime.Now.Year; int agePolicyOwner = 0; int iYrstoRetirement = 0; try { DateTime dt2 = DateTime.ParseExact(detail.datepicker, "dd/MM/yyyy", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); yrDob = dt2.Year; if (DateTime.Now.Month < dt2.Month) { agePolicyOwner = currentYr - yrDob - 1; } else if (DateTime.Now.Month > dt2.Month) { agePolicyOwner = currentYr - yrDob; } else { if (DateTime.Now.Day < dt2.Day) { agePolicyOwner = currentYr - yrDob - 1; } else if ((DateTime.Now.Day > dt2.Day) || (DateTime.Now.Day == dt2.Day)) { agePolicyOwner = currentYr - yrDob; } } iYrstoRetirement = iIntendedRetirementAge - agePolicyOwner; } catch (Exception e) { //log exception to db exceptionlog exLog = new exceptionlog(); exLog.message = e.Message + " class: ShowRetirementGoals Method: populateRetirementGoal setting yrs to retirement"; exLog.source = e.Source; string strtmp = e.StackTrace; strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\r', ' '); strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\n', ' '); exLog.stacktrace = strtmp; exLog.targetsitename = e.TargetSite.Name; activityStatusDao.logException(exLog); } pownerdob.Value = agePolicyOwner.ToString(); if (detail != null) { pownergender.Value = detail.gender; } IncomeExpenseDAO iedao = new IncomeExpenseDAO(); incomeExpense iedetail = iedao.getIncomeExpenseForCase(caseid); retirementGoalNeeded2.Selected = true; //populate self retirement goals if (retirementGoalSelf != null) { retirementGoalNeeded.SelectedValue = retirementGoalSelf.retirementGoalNeeded.ToString(); if (retirementGoalSelf.intendedretirementage != null && retirementGoalSelf.intendedretirementage != "") { intendedRetirementAge.Text = retirementGoalSelf.intendedretirementage; } else { intendedRetirementAge.Text = "62"; } iIntendedRetirementAge = Int32.Parse(intendedRetirementAge.Text); //expectedRetirementAgelbl.Text = intendedRetirementAge.Text; if (retirementGoalSelf.incomerequired != null && retirementGoalSelf.incomerequired != "") { incomeRequiredUponRetirement.Text = retirementGoalSelf.incomerequired; } else { double dincomeReq = 0; if (iedetail!=null && iedetail.netMonthlyIncomeAfterCpf != null && iedetail.netMonthlyIncomeAfterCpf != "") { dincomeReq = 0.7 * 12 * double.Parse(iedetail.netMonthlyIncomeAfterCpf); } incomeRequiredUponRetirement.Text = Math.Round(dincomeReq, 2).ToString(); } //presentIncomeNeededlbl.Text = incomeRequiredUponRetirement.Text; if (retirementGoalSelf.yrstoretirement != null && retirementGoalSelf.yrstoretirement != "") { yearsToRetirement.Text = retirementGoalSelf.yrstoretirement; } else { yearsToRetirement.Text = iYrstoRetirement.ToString(); } //currentAgelbl.Text = (double.Parse(intendedRetirementAge.Text) - double.Parse(yearsToRetirement.Text)).ToString(); if (retirementGoalSelf.inflationrate == null || retirementGoalSelf.inflationrate == "") { if (annualInflationReturn != null) { annualInflationRate.Text = annualInflationReturn.percentage.Value.ToString(); } else { annualInflationRate.Text = "0"; } } else { annualInflationRate.Text = retirementGoalSelf.inflationrate; } //inflationRatelbl.Text = annualInflationRate.Text; if (retirementGoalSelf.futureincome != null && retirementGoalSelf.futureincome != "") { futureIncomeNeeded.Text = retirementGoalSelf.futureincome; } else { futureIncomeNeeded.Text = "0"; } //futureIncomeNeededChartlbl.Text = futureIncomeNeeded.Text; if (retirementGoalSelf.sourcesofincome != null && retirementGoalSelf.sourcesofincome != "") { sourcesOfIncome.Text = retirementGoalSelf.sourcesofincome; } else { sourcesOfIncome.Text = "0"; } if (retirementGoalSelf.totalfirstyrincome != null && retirementGoalSelf.totalfirstyrincome != "") { totalFirstYearIncomeNeeded.Text = retirementGoalSelf.totalfirstyrincome; } else { totalFirstYearIncomeNeeded.Text = "0"; } //annualAmountlbl.Text = totalFirstYearIncomeNeeded.Text; if (retirementGoalSelf.inflationreturnrate == null || retirementGoalSelf.inflationreturnrate == "") { if (inflationAdjustedReturnAsmptn != null) { inflationAdjustedReturn.Text = inflationAdjustedReturnAsmptn.percentage.Value.ToString(); } else { inflationAdjustedReturn.Text = "0"; } } else { inflationAdjustedReturn.Text = retirementGoalSelf.inflationreturnrate; } //inflationAdjustedReturnslbl.Text = inflationAdjustedReturn.Text; if (retirementGoalSelf.durationretirement != null && retirementGoalSelf.durationretirement != "") { durationOfRetirement.Text = retirementGoalSelf.durationretirement; } else { int iDurationofRetirement = 0; if (detail.gender == "Male") { iDurationofRetirement = 83 - iIntendedRetirementAge; } else if (detail.gender == "Female") { iDurationofRetirement = 88 - iIntendedRetirementAge; } durationOfRetirement.Text = iDurationofRetirement.ToString(); } //durationOfRetirementValuelbl.Text = durationOfRetirement.Text; //ageAtEndOfRetirementlbl.Text = (double.Parse(durationOfRetirement.Text) + double.Parse(intendedRetirementAge.Text)).ToString(); if (retirementGoalSelf.lumpsumrequired != null && retirementGoalSelf.lumpsumrequired != "") { lumpSumRequiredAtRetirement.Text = retirementGoalSelf.lumpsumrequired; } else { lumpSumRequiredAtRetirement.Text = "0"; } if (retirementGoalSelf.maturityvalue != null && retirementGoalSelf.maturityvalue != "") { maturityValue2.Text = retirementGoalSelf.maturityvalue; } else { maturityValue2.Text = "0"; } assetListSelf.DataSource = retirementGoalSelf.existingassetrgs; assetListSelf.DataBind(); if (retirementGoalSelf.existingassetrgs != null) { ViewState["noofassets"] = retirementGoalSelf.existingassetrgs.Count; if (retirementGoalSelf.existingassetstotal != null && retirementGoalSelf.existingassetstotal != "") existingAssets2.Text = retirementGoalSelf.existingassetstotal; else existingAssets2.Text = "0"; } shortfallSurplusSelf = double.Parse(existingAssets2.Text) + double.Parse(maturityValue2.Text) - double.Parse(lumpSumRequiredAtRetirement.Text); if (shortfallSurplusSelf < 0) { ttlSSSelf.Text = "Shortfall"; ttlSSSelf.Style.Add("color", "red"); } else if (shortfallSurplusSelf > 0) { ttlSSSelf.Text = "Surplus"; ttlSSSelf.Style.Add("color", "black"); } else { ttlSSSelf.Text = "Total (Shortfall / Surplus)"; ttlSSSelf.Style.Add("color", "black"); } totalShortfallSurplus2.Text = Math.Abs(shortfallSurplusSelf).ToString(); } activityId.Value = caseid; }
public void saveSalesPortalInfo(string caseid, salesportalinfo salesPortalInfo) { salesportalinfo spistatus = null; try { dbDataContext ct = new dbDataContext(); //retrieve existing sales portal info var querySalesPortalInfo = from spi in ct.salesportalinfos where spi.activityid == caseid select spi; foreach (salesportalinfo a in querySalesPortalInfo) { spistatus = a; } if (spistatus == null) { //adding new sales portal info ct.salesportalinfos.InsertOnSubmit(salesPortalInfo); } else { //update sales portal info spistatus.activitytype = salesPortalInfo.activitytype; spistatus.caseid = salesPortalInfo.caseid; spistatus.redirecturl = salesPortalInfo.redirecturl; spistatus.roletype = salesPortalInfo.roletype; spistatus.salesportalurl = salesPortalInfo.salesportalurl; spistatus.userfirstname = salesPortalInfo.userfirstname; spistatus.userid = salesPortalInfo.userid; spistatus.userlastname = salesPortalInfo.userlastname; spistatus.usertype = salesPortalInfo.usertype; spistatus.casestatus = salesPortalInfo.casestatus; =; spistatus.saleschannel = salesPortalInfo.saleschannel; } ct.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { //log exception to db exceptionlog exLog = new exceptionlog(); exLog.message = e.Message + " class: ActivityStatusDAO Method: saveSalesPortalInfo"; exLog.source = e.Source; string strtmp = e.StackTrace; strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\r', ' '); strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\n', ' '); exLog.stacktrace = strtmp; exLog.targetsitename = e.TargetSite.Name; logException(exLog); } }
public void saveClonemapping(clonemappingid clonemapping) { try { dbDataContext db = new dbDataContext(); db.clonemappingids.InsertOnSubmit(clonemapping); db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { //log exception to db exceptionlog exLog = new exceptionlog(); exLog.message = e.Message + " class: ActivityStatusDAO Method: saveClonemapping"; exLog.source = e.Source; string strtmp = e.StackTrace; strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\r', ' '); strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\n', ' '); exLog.stacktrace = strtmp; exLog.targetsitename = e.TargetSite.Name; logException(exLog); } }
public void logException(exceptionlog exLog) { try { dbDataContext db = new dbDataContext(); db.exceptionlogs.InsertOnSubmit(exLog); db.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception e) { string str = e.Message; } }
public salesportalinfo getSalesPortalInfoForCaseid(string caseid) { salesportalinfo salesPortalInfo = null; try { dbDataContext ct = new dbDataContext(); var querySalesInfo = from spi in ct.salesportalinfos where spi.activityid == caseid select spi; foreach (salesportalinfo a in querySalesInfo) { salesPortalInfo = a; } } catch (Exception e) { //log exception to db exceptionlog exLog = new exceptionlog(); exLog.message = e.Message + " class: ActivityStatusDAO Method: getSalesPortalInfoForCaseid"; exLog.source = e.Source; string strtmp = e.StackTrace; strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\r', ' '); strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\n', ' '); exLog.stacktrace = strtmp; exLog.targetsitename = e.TargetSite.Name; logException(exLog); } return salesPortalInfo; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { activity = activityStatusDao.getActivity(11); ViewState["activity"] = activity; premium.Style["TEXT-ALIGN"] = TextAlign.Right.ToString(); txtTotalPremium.Style["TEXT-ALIGN"] = TextAlign.Right.ToString(); txtAllocationAmtTotal.Style["TEXT-ALIGN"] = TextAlign.Right.ToString(); lblTotal.Style["TEXT-ALIGN"] = TextAlign.Right.ToString(); //followAssetAllocationOnRiskProfile.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Data will be lost when?');"); //nonCoreFunds.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure?');"); //allocationBasedOnRiskProfile.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure?');"); //optnAgreeRiskProfile.Attributes.Add("onclick", "showChangeRiskProfileMessage();"); premium.Attributes.Add("onblur", "roundOffValues();"); txtTotalPremium.Attributes.Add("onblur", "roundOffValues();"); txtAllocationAmtTotal.Attributes.Add("onblur", "roundOffValues();"); // txtTotalPremium.Attributes.Add("OnKeyPress", "DisableTyping();"); txtTotalPremium.BackColor = Color.LightGray; txtAllocationAmtTotal.BackColor = Color.LightGray; try { if (!IsPostBack) { string menuCaseId = Request.QueryString["caseid"]; if (Session["fnacaseid"] != null) { caseID = Session["fnacaseid"].ToString(); } if (menuCaseId != null && menuCaseId != "") { caseID = menuCaseId; } ViewState["caseid"] = caseID; activityId.Value = caseID; HideFieldsOnFormLoad(); string strLclRiskProfileName = LoadRiskProfileDetails(caseID); if (strLclRiskProfileName == null || strLclRiskProfileName == string.Empty) { EnableDisableControls(false); btnBackFundPlotter.Enabled = true; btnNextFundPlotter.Enabled = true; btnBackPortFolioModel.Enabled = true; btnNextPortFolioModel.Enabled = true; return; } else { EnableDisableControls(true); } if (ViewState["strProfileName"] != null) { strProfileName = ViewState["strProfileName"].ToString(); } if (ViewState["strRiskProfileID"] != null) { strRiskProfileID = ViewState["strRiskProfileID"].ToString(); } LoadPortFolioDetails(); if ((txtTotalPremium.Text != string.Empty && (Convert.ToInt32(txtTotalPremium.Text) < 100)) && !(optnAgreeRiskProfileNo.Selected == true && ddlRiskProfileList.SelectedIndex == 1)) { //if (lblSubmitMessageLessThan100.Visible == false) //{ if (optnAgreeRiskProfileYes.Selected == true && lblRiskProfile.Text == "Capital Preservation") { lblAllocationLessThan100.Visible = false; } else { lblAllocationLessThan100.Visible = true; } //} } } else { if (ViewState["caseid"] != null) { caseID = ViewState["caseid"].ToString(); } if (ViewState["strProfileName"] != null) { strProfileName = ViewState["strProfileName"].ToString(); } if (ViewState["strRiskProfileID"] != null) { strRiskProfileID = ViewState["strRiskProfileID"].ToString(); } } cst.Value = markStatusOnTab(caseID); } catch (Exception ex) { exceptionlog exLog = new exceptionlog(); exLog.message = ex.Message + " class: PortFolioModelling Method: Page_Load"; exLog.source = ex.Source; string strtmp = ex.StackTrace; strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\r', ' '); strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\n', ' '); exLog.stacktrace = strtmp; exLog.targetsitename = ex.TargetSite.Name; ActivityStatusDAO activityStatus = new ActivityStatusDAO(); activityStatus.logException(exLog); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { lblGapSummarySaveSuccess.Visible = false; lblGapSummarySaveFailed.Visible = false; lblPrioritiesSequence.Visible = false; lblNotNumeric.Visible = false; try { if (!IsPostBack) { string menuCaseId = Request.QueryString["caseid"]; if (Session["fnacaseid"] != null) { caseID = Session["fnacaseid"].ToString(); } if (menuCaseId != null && menuCaseId != "") { caseID = menuCaseId; } ViewState["caseid"] = caseID; activityId.Value = caseID; LoadGapSummary(); } else { if (ViewState["caseid"] != null) { caseID = ViewState["caseid"].ToString(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { exceptionlog exLog = new exceptionlog(); exLog.message = ex.Message + " class: GapSummary Method: Page_Load"; exLog.source = ex.Source; string strtmp = ex.StackTrace; strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\r', ' '); strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\n', ' '); exLog.stacktrace = strtmp; exLog.targetsitename = ex.TargetSite.Name; activityStatusDao.logException(exLog); } }
private bool savePortFolioModel() { try { if ((optnAgreeRiskProfileYes.Selected == true && lblRiskProfile.Text != "Capital Preservation") || (optnAgreeRiskProfileNo.Selected == true && ddlRiskProfileList.SelectedIndex > 1)) { if (!validateAllRequiredFields()) { return false; } } int riskProfileId = -1; switch (strProfileName) { case "Capital Preservation": riskProfileId = 0; break; case "Cautious": riskProfileId = 1; break; case "Moderately Cautious": riskProfileId = 2; break; case "Balanced": riskProfileId = 3; break; case "Moderately Adventurous": riskProfileId = 4; break; case "Adventurous": riskProfileId = 5; break; default: break; } bool agreeRiskProfile = true; if (optnAgreeRiskProfileYes.Selected == true) { agreeRiskProfile = true; } if (optnAgreeRiskProfileNo.Selected == true) { agreeRiskProfile = false; } string newRiskProfile = "-1"; newRiskProfile = ddlRiskProfileList.SelectedValue.ToString(); bool followAssetAllocationOnRiskProfileYesNo = false; if (optnAssetAllocRiskProfile1.Selected == true) { followAssetAllocationOnRiskProfileYesNo = true; } if (optnAssetAllocRiskProfile2.Selected == true) { followAssetAllocationOnRiskProfileYesNo = false; } //True = Fund Risk Plottor, False = Fund Selection bool assetAllocationOnRiskProfileYesNo = false; if (optnAllocRiskProfile1.Selected == true) { assetAllocationOnRiskProfileYesNo = true; } if (optnAllocRiskProfile2.Selected == true) { assetAllocationOnRiskProfileYesNo = false; } bool includeNonCoreFundsYesNo = false; if (optnNonCoreFunds1.Selected == true) { includeNonCoreFundsYesNo = true; } if (optnNonCoreFunds2.Selected == true) { includeNonCoreFundsYesNo = false; } int premiumSelect = -1; if (optnPremiumSelect1.Selected == true) { premiumSelect = 0; } if (optnPremiumSelect2.Selected == true) { premiumSelect = 1; } double premiumAmount = 0; double premiumPercent = 0; double totalPremiumAmount = 0; if (premium.Text != null && premium.Text != "") { premiumAmount = Convert.ToDouble(premium.Text); } string paymentMode = "-1"; paymentMode = ddlPaymentMode.SelectedValue.ToString(); List<int> lstAssetId = new List<int>(); List<int> lstFundId = new List<int>(); List<int> lstAllocationPercent = new List<int>(); List<int> lstAmount = new List<int>(); DataTable dtPortFolioBuilderDetail = new DataTable(); dtPortFolioBuilderDetail.Columns.Add("AssetId", typeof(string)); dtPortFolioBuilderDetail.Columns.Add("FundId", typeof(string)); dtPortFolioBuilderDetail.Columns.Add("AllocationPercent", typeof(string)); dtPortFolioBuilderDetail.Columns.Add("Amount", typeof(string)); List<GridViewRow> gvRows = new List<GridViewRow>(); if (optnAssetAllocRiskProfile1.Selected == true && (optnNonCoreFunds1.Selected == true || optnNonCoreFunds2.Selected == true)) { if (!validateFundAllocation()) { return false; } foreach (GridViewRow gvRow in grdNonCoreFunds.Rows) { gvRows.Add(gvRow); } } if (optnAssetAllocRiskProfile2.Selected == true && optnAllocRiskProfile1.Selected == true) { if (!validateFundPlotter()) { return false; } foreach (GridViewRow gvRow in grdFundRiskPlotter.Rows) { gvRows.Add(gvRow); } foreach (GridViewRow gvRow in grdSecondaryFunds.Rows) { gvRows.Add(gvRow); } } if (optnAssetAllocRiskProfile2.Selected == true && optnAllocRiskProfile2.Selected == true) { if (!ValidateFundSelection()) { return false; } foreach (GridViewRow gvRow in grdFundsSelection.Rows) { gvRows.Add(gvRow); } } if (gvRows != null) { foreach (GridViewRow gvr in gvRows) { Label lblAssedId = (Label)gvr.FindControl("lblAssetId"); Label lblFundId = (Label)gvr.FindControl("lblFundId"); TextBox tbAllocationPercent = (TextBox)gvr.FindControl("txtAllocation"); TextBox tbAmount = (TextBox)gvr.FindControl("txtAmount"); string iAssetId = lblAssedId.Text; string iFundId = lblFundId.Text; string strAllocationPercent = tbAllocationPercent.Text; string strAmount = tbAmount.Text; double totalPercent = 0; double totalpremiumAmt = 0; if ((strAllocationPercent != null && strAllocationPercent != "" && Convert.ToDouble(strAllocationPercent) > 0) || (strAmount != null && strAmount != "" && Convert.ToDouble(strAmount) > 0)) { if (strAllocationPercent == null || strAllocationPercent == "") { strAllocationPercent = "0"; } if ( Convert.ToDouble(strAllocationPercent) == 0) { continue; } //{ totalPercent = Convert.ToDouble(strAllocationPercent); //} if (strAmount == null || strAmount == "") { strAmount = "0"; } //else //{ totalpremiumAmt = Convert.ToDouble(strAmount); //} dtPortFolioBuilderDetail.Rows.Add(iAssetId, iFundId, strAllocationPercent, strAmount); } premiumPercent = premiumPercent + totalPercent; totalPremiumAmount = totalPremiumAmount + totalpremiumAmt; //if (txtTotalPremium.Text != null && txtTotalPremium.Text != "") //{ //premiumPercent = Convert.ToDouble(txtTotalPremium.Text); //} } PortFolioModellingDAO portFolioDAO = new PortFolioModellingDAO(); bool bResult = portFolioDAO.SavePortFolioBuilderInfo(caseID, riskProfileId, agreeRiskProfile, newRiskProfile, followAssetAllocationOnRiskProfileYesNo, assetAllocationOnRiskProfileYesNo, includeNonCoreFundsYesNo, premiumSelect, premiumAmount, paymentMode, premiumPercent, totalPremiumAmount, dtPortFolioBuilderDetail); if (bResult) { string actv = ""; if (ViewState["activity"] != null) { actv = ViewState["activity"].ToString(); } string status = activityStatusCheck.getPortfolioBuilderStatus(premiumPercent); activityStatusDao.saveOrUpdateActivityStatus(caseID, actv, status); cst.Value = markStatusOnTab(caseID); ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, typeof(string), "TabStatus", "tabstatus('"+cst.Value+"');", true); string caseStatus = activityStatusCheck.getZPlanStatus(caseID); string url = Server.MapPath("~/_layouts/Zurich/Printpages/"); pdfData = activityStatusCheck.sendDataToSalesPortal(caseID, caseStatus, url, sendPdf); LoadPortFolioDetails(); if ((txtTotalPremium.Text != string.Empty && (Convert.ToInt32(txtTotalPremium.Text) < 100)) && !(optnAgreeRiskProfileNo.Selected == true && ddlRiskProfileList.SelectedIndex == 1)) { lblSubmitMessageLessThan100.Visible = true; lblSubmitMessage.Visible = false; } else { lblSubmitMessageLessThan100.Visible = false; lblSubmitMessage.Visible = true; } return true; } } } catch (Exception ex) { exceptionlog exLog = new exceptionlog(); exLog.message = ex.Message + " class: PortFolioModelling Method: SavePortFolioModel"; exLog.source = ex.Source; string strtmp = ex.StackTrace; strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\r', ' '); strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\n', ' '); exLog.stacktrace = strtmp; exLog.targetsitename = ex.TargetSite.Name; ActivityStatusDAO activityStatus = new ActivityStatusDAO(); activityStatus.logException(exLog); } return false; }
private void logException(Exception ex, string methodName) { exceptionlog exLog = new exceptionlog(); exLog.message = ex.Message + " class: PortFolioModellingDAO Method: " + methodName; exLog.source = ex.Source; string strtmp = ex.StackTrace; strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\r', ' '); strtmp = strtmp.Replace('\n', ' '); exLog.stacktrace = strtmp; exLog.targetsitename = ex.TargetSite.Name; ActivityStatusDAO activityStatus = new ActivityStatusDAO(); activityStatus.logException(exLog); }
partial void Deleteexceptionlog(exceptionlog instance);
partial void Updateexceptionlog(exceptionlog instance);
partial void Insertexceptionlog(exceptionlog instance);