        }       //  end WriteStratum

        private void WriteCountTrees(StreamWriter strWriteOut, reportHeaders rh, IEnumerable <CountTreeDO> ctList, ref int pageNumb)
            //  output count table (was originally in the old A2 report as a separate page)
            foreach (CountTreeDO cdo in ctList)
                WriteReportHeading(strWriteOut, rh.reportTitles[0], rh.reportTitles[1],
                                   rh.reportTitles[2], rh.A04counts, 11, ref pageNumb, "");
                prtFields = CountTreeMethods.buildPrintArray(cdo, cdo.SampleGroup.Stratum.Code);
                printOneRecord(fieldLengths, prtFields, strWriteOut);
            }   //  end foreach loop
        }       //  end WriteCountTrees
        public int TableEditChecks(IEnumerable <SaleDO> saleList, IEnumerable <StratumDO> strList,
                                   IEnumerable <CountTreeDO> cntList, IEnumerable <TreeDO> tList, IEnumerable <SampleGroupDO> sgList)
            ErrorLogMethods.fileName = fileName;
            string currentRegion = Global.BL.getRegion();
            string isVLL         = "";

            //string isVLL = Global.BL.getVLL();

            //  edit checks for each table
            //  sale table
            //  empty or more than one record?
            errorValue = SaleMethods.MoreThanOne(saleList);
            if (errorValue == 0)
                ErrorLogMethods.LoadError("Sale", "E", "25", errorValue, "NoName");           //  error 25 -- table cannot be empty
            else if (errorValue > 1)
                ErrorLogMethods.LoadError("Sale", "E", "28", errorValue, "SaleNumber");           //  error 28 -- more than one sale record not allowed
            if (errorValue == 1)
                //  and blank sale number
                errorValue = SaleMethods.BlankSaleNum(saleList);
                if (errorValue != -1)
                    ErrorLogMethods.LoadError("Sale", "E", " 8Sale Number", errorValue, "SaleNumber");
            }       //  endif
            //  end sale table edit checks

            // *******************************************************************
            //  stratum table
//                List<StratumDO> strList = Global.BL.getStratum();
            errorValue = StratumMethods.IsEmpty(strList);
            if (errorValue != 0)
                ErrorLogMethods.LoadError("Stratum", "E", errorValue.ToString(), errorValue, "NoName");
            else if (errorValue == 0)        //  means there are records to check
                foreach (StratumDO sdo in strList)
                    //  check for valid fixed plot size or BAF for each stratum
                    double BAForFPS = StratumMethods.CheckMethod(strList, sdo.Code);
                    if ((sdo.Method == "PNT" || sdo.Method == "P3P" || sdo.Method == "PCM" ||
                         sdo.Method == "PCMTRE" || sdo.Method == "3PPNT") && BAForFPS == 0)
                        ErrorLogMethods.LoadError("Stratum", "E", "22", (long)sdo.Stratum_CN, "BasalAreaFactor");
                    else if ((sdo.Method == "FIX" || sdo.Method == "F3P" || sdo.Method == "FIXCNT" ||
                              sdo.Method == "FCM") && BAForFPS == 0)
                        ErrorLogMethods.LoadError("Stratum", "E", "23", (long)sdo.Stratum_CN, "FixedPlotSize");

                    //  check for acres on area based methods
                    double currAcres = Utilities.AcresLookup((long)sdo.Stratum_CN, sdo.Code);
                    if ((sdo.Method == "PNT" || sdo.Method == "FIX" || sdo.Method == "P3P" ||
                         sdo.Method == "F3P" || sdo.Method == "PCM" || sdo.Method == "3PPNT" ||
                         sdo.Method == "FCM" || sdo.Method == "PCMTRE") && currAcres == 0)
                        ErrorLogMethods.LoadError("Stratum", "E", "24", (long)sdo.Stratum_CN, "NoName");
                    else if ((sdo.Method == "100" || sdo.Method == "3P" ||
                              sdo.Method == "S3P" || sdo.Method == "STR") && currAcres == 0)
                        ErrorLogMethods.LoadError("Stratum", "W", "Stratum has no acres", (long)sdo.Stratum_CN, "NoName");

                    //  August 2017 -- added check for valid yield component code
                    if (sdo.YieldComponent != "CL" && sdo.YieldComponent != "CD" &&
                        sdo.YieldComponent != "ND" && sdo.YieldComponent != "NL" &&
                        sdo.YieldComponent != "" && sdo.YieldComponent != " " &&
                        sdo.YieldComponent != null)
                        ErrorLogMethods.LoadError("Stratum", "W", "Yield Component has invalid code", (long)sdo.Stratum_CN, "YieldComponent");
                }   //  end foreach loop
            }       //  endif
            //  end stratum table edit checks

            //  ************************************************************************
            // cutting unit table
            //List<CuttingUnitDO> cuList = Global.BL.getCuttingUnits();
            errorValue = CuttingUnitMethods.IsEmpty(Global.BL.getCuttingUnits());
            if (errorValue != 0)
                ErrorLogMethods.LoadError("Cutting Unit", "E", errorValue.ToString(), 0, "NoName");
            //  end cutting unit edit checks

            //  **************************************************************************
            //  count table
            //List<CountTreeDO> cntList = Global.BL.getCountTrees();
            foreach (StratumDO sl in strList)
                errorValue = CountTreeMethods.check3Pcounts(cntList, sl);
                if (errorValue != 0)
                    ErrorLogMethods.LoadError("CountTree", "E", "Cannot tally by sample group for 3P strata.", (long)sl.Stratum_CN, "TreeDefaultValue");
            }       //  end foreach on stratum

            //  **************************************************************************
            //  tree table
            //List<TreeDO> tList = Global.BL.getTrees();
            errorValue = TreeListMethods.IsEmpty(tList);
            if (errorValue != 0)
                ErrorLogMethods.LoadError("Tree", "E", errorValue.ToString(), 0, "NoName");
            else if (errorValue == 0)           //  means tree table has records
                //  make sure single stratum is NOT FIXCNT which cannot have measured trees anyway.
                //if(strList.Count == 1 && strList[0].Method != "FIXCNT")
                //  doesn't matter if it's a single stratum or any stratum that's FIXCNT
                //  that method still has no measured trees so need to skip these checks.
                if (strList.First().Method != "FIXCNT")
                    var tMeas = tList.Select(tree => tree.CountOrMeasure = "M");
                    //tList = Global.BL.JustMeasuredTrees();
                    //  March 2016 -- if the entire cruisde has no measured trees, that uis a critical erro
                    //  and should stop the program.  Since no report can be generated, a message box appears to warn the user
                    //  of the condition.
                    if (tMeas.Count() == 0)
                        MessageBox.Show("NO MEASURED TREES IN THIS CRUISE.\nCannot continue and cannot produce any reports.", "ERROR", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
                    }       //endif
                    //  general checks include  checking for secondary top DIB greater than primary
                    //  recoverable percent greater than seen defect primary
                    //  missing species, product or uom when tree count is greater than zero or DBH is greater than zero
                    //  and check for upper stem diameter greater than DBH
                    errorValue = TreeListMethods.GeneralChecks(tList, currentRegion);
                }   //  endif single stratum
            }       //  endif
            //  end tree table edit checks

            //  *************************************************************************
            //  log table
            List <LogDO> logList = Global.BL.getLogs().ToList();

            if (logList.Count > 0)
                errorValue = LogMethods.CheckNumberLogs(logList);
                errorValue = LogMethods.CheckFBS(logList);
                if (isVLL == "true")
                    errorValue = LogMethods.CheckVLL(logList);
                errorValue = LogMethods.CheckDefect(logList);
                if (currentRegion != "05")
                    errorValue = LogMethods.CheckLogGrade(logList);
            }       //  endif records in log table to check
            //  end log table edit checks

            //  *************************************************************************
            //  volume equation table
            List <VolumeEquationDO> volList = Global.BL.getVolumeEquations().ToList();

            errorValue = VolumeEqMethods.IsEmpty(volList);
            //  pull region
            string currRegion = saleList.First().Region;

            //string currRegion =  Global.BL.getRegion();
            if (errorValue != 0)
                ErrorLogMethods.LoadError("VolumeEquation", "E", errorValue.ToString(), 0, "NoName");
            else if (errorValue == 0)        //  means the table is not empty and checks can proceed
                //  Match unique species/product to volume equation   \
                errorValue = VolumeEqMethods.MatchSpeciesProduct(volList, tList);
                errorValue = VolumeEqMethods.GeneralEquationChecks(volList);
                //  if VLL, check equations for Behrs
                if (isVLL == "true")
                    errorValue = VolumeEqMethods.FindBehrs(volList);
            }       //  endif
            //  end volume equation edit checks

            //  *************************************************************************
            //  value equations
            // Check for valid equations
            IEnumerable <ValueEquationDO> valList = Global.BL.getValueEquations();

            if (valList.Any())          //  there are records to check
                errorValue = ValueEqMethods.CheckEquations(valList, currentRegion);
            //  end value equation edit checks

            //  *************************************************************************
            //  quality adjustment equations
            IEnumerable <QualityAdjEquationDO> qaeList = Global.BL.getQualAdjEquations();

            if (qaeList.Any())          //  there are records to check
                errorValue = QualityAdjMethods.CheckEquations(qaeList);
            //  end quality adjustment equation edit checks

            //  ************************************************************************
            //  June 2014 -- apparently the error log table is not meant to capture
            //  errors on the basis of an entire table.  Only on individual records.
            //  so if no reports have been selected, this check needs to move to
            //  the Output section when the user clicks GO.  If the reports list
            //  comes up empty then display a message box telling them to go back
            //  and enter reports.
            //  no reports selected

 *              List<ReportsDO> selectedReports = Global.BL.GetSelectedReports();
 *              if (selectedReports.Count == 0)
 *              {
 *                  ErrorLogMethods.LoadError("Reports", "E", "26", 0,"NoName");
 *                  errorValue++;
 *              }   //  endif no reports
            //  ************************************************************************
            //  sample group table
            //List<SampleGroupDO> sampGroups = Global.BL.getSampleGroups();
            errorValue = SampleGroupMethods.CheckAllUOMandCutLeave(strList, sgList, fileName);
            //  ************************************************************************
            errList = ErrorLogMethods.errList;
            if (errList.Count > 0)
            }   //  endif
        }       //  end TableEditChecks