/// <summary> /// This method encodes an object of this class into a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes"></param> public override void Encode(ByteList bytes) { bytes.Add(ClassId); // Write out the class type Int16 lengthPos = bytes.CurrentWritePosition; // Get the current write position, so we // can write the length here later bytes.Add((Int16)0); // Write out a place holder for the length bytes.AddObjects(Width, Height); // Write out Width and Height Int16 SidewalkCount = (SidewalkSquares == null) ? (Int16)0 : Convert.ToInt16(SidewalkSquares.Count); bytes.Add(SidewalkCount); if (SidewalkSquares != null) { foreach (FieldLocation loc in SidewalkSquares) { bytes.Add(loc); } } Int16 length = Convert.ToInt16(bytes.CurrentWritePosition - lengthPos - 2); bytes.WriteInt16To(lengthPos, length); // Write out the length of this object }
/// <summary> /// This method decodes of this classes from a byte list. It can onlt be called from within the class hierarchy. /// </summary> /// <param name="messageBytes"></param> protected override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { if (bytes == null || bytes.RemainingToRead < MinimumEncodingLength) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid byte array"); } else if (bytes.PeekInt16() != ClassId) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid class id"); } else { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); Width = bytes.GetInt16(); Height = bytes.GetInt16(); SidewalkSquares = new List <FieldLocation>(); int SidewalkCount = bytes.GetInt16(); for (int i = 0; i < SidewalkCount; i++) { SidewalkSquares.Add(bytes.GetDistributableObject() as FieldLocation); } bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); } }
/// <summary> /// Factor method to create a FieldLocation from a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes">A byte list from which the distributable object will be decoded</param> /// <returns>A new object of this class</returns> new public static PlayingFieldLayout Create(ByteList bytes) { PlayingFieldLayout result = new PlayingFieldLayout(); result.Decode(bytes); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Factor method to create a FieldLocation from a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes">A byte list from which the distributable object will be decoded</param> /// <returns>A new object of this class</returns> new public static FieldLocation Create(ByteList bytes) { FieldLocation result = new FieldLocation(); result.Decode(bytes); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Factor method to create a FieldLocation from a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes">A byte list from which the distributable object will be decoded</param> /// <returns>A new object of this class</returns> new public static EndPoint Create(ByteList bytes) { EndPoint result = new EndPoint(); result.Decode(bytes); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// This method decodes of this classes from a byte list. It can onlt be called from within the class hierarchy. /// </summary> /// <param name="messageBytes"></param> protected override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { if (bytes == null || bytes.RemainingToRead < MinimumEncodingLength) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid byte array"); } else if (bytes.PeekInt16() != ClassId) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid class id"); } else { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); CreatorId = bytes.GetInt16(); Ticks = new List <Tick>(); int count = bytes.GetInt16(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Ticks.Add(bytes.GetDistributableObject() as Tick); } RequestTick = bytes.GetDistributableObject() as Tick; bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); } }
/// <summary> /// This method decodes of this classes from a byte list. It can onlt be called from within the class hierarchy. /// </summary> /// <param name="messageBytes"></param> protected override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { if (bytes == null || bytes.RemainingToRead < MinimumEncodingLength) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid byte array"); } else if (bytes.PeekInt16() != ClassId) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid class id"); } else if (Immutable) { throw new ApplicationException("Cannot use Decode to alter an immutable FieldLocation object"); } else { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); X = bytes.GetInt16(); Y = bytes.GetInt16(); immutable = bytes.GetBool(); bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); } }
/// <summary> /// This method encodes an object of this class into a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes"></param> public override void Encode(ByteList bytes) { bytes.Add(ClassId); // Write out the class type Int16 lengthPos = bytes.CurrentWritePosition; // Get the current write position, so we // can write the length here later bytes.Add((Int16)0); // Write out a place holder for the length bytes.Add(CreatorId); // Write out Creator's Id if (Ticks == null) { Ticks = new List <Tick>(); // Write out the ticks that made up this whining twine } bytes.Add(Convert.ToInt16(Ticks.Count)); foreach (Tick tick in Ticks) { bytes.Add(tick); } bytes.Add(RequestTick); Int16 length = Convert.ToInt16(bytes.CurrentWritePosition - lengthPos - 2); bytes.WriteInt16To(lengthPos, length); // Write out the length of this object }
public ByteList GetByteList(int length) { ByteList result = new ByteList(); result.FromBytes(GetBytes(length)); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// This method decodes a message from a byte list. It can onlt be called from within the class hierarchy. /// </summary> /// <param name="messageBytes"></param> protected override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { if (bytes == null || bytes.RemainingToRead < MinimumEncodingLength) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid byte array"); } else if (bytes.PeekInt16() != ClassId) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid class id"); } else { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); base.Decode(bytes); agentType = (PossibleAgentType)bytes.GetByte(); agentStatus = (PossibleAgentStatus)bytes.GetByte(); aNumber = bytes.GetString(); firstName = bytes.GetString(); lastName = bytes.GetString(); strength = bytes.GetDouble(); speed = bytes.GetDouble(); points = bytes.GetDouble(); location = bytes.GetDistributableObject() as FieldLocation; bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); } }
public void StatusReply_TestEverything() { AgentInfo agentInfo = new AgentInfo(1001, AgentInfo.PossibleAgentType.BrilliantStudent) { ANumber = "A0001", FirstName = "Joe", LastName = "Jone" }; StatusReply r1 = new StatusReply(Reply.PossibleStatus.Success, agentInfo); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleStatus.Success, r1.Status); Assert.AreSame(agentInfo, r1.Info); r1 = new StatusReply(Reply.PossibleStatus.Success, agentInfo, "test note"); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleStatus.Success, r1.Status); Assert.AreSame(agentInfo, r1.Info); Assert.AreEqual("test note", r1.Note); ByteList byteList = new ByteList(); r1.Encode(byteList); Message msg = Message.Create(byteList); Assert.IsNotNull(msg); Assert.IsTrue(msg is StatusReply); StatusReply r2 = msg as StatusReply; Assert.AreEqual(r1.Status, r2.Status); Assert.AreEqual(r1.Info.Id, r2.Info.Id); Assert.AreEqual(r1.Info.LastName, r2.Info.LastName); Assert.AreEqual(r1.Note, r2.Note); }
/// <summary> /// Factor method to create a Excuse from a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes">A byte list from which the distributable object will be decoded</param> /// <returns>A new object of this class</returns> new public static Bomb Create(ByteList bytes) { Bomb result = new Bomb(); result.Decode(bytes); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// This method decodes a message from a byte list. It can onlt be called from within the class hierarchy. /// </summary> /// <param name="messageBytes"></param> protected override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { if (bytes == null || bytes.RemainingToRead < MinimumEncodingLength) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid byte array"); } else if (bytes.PeekInt16() != ClassId) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid class id"); } else { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); lock (myLock) { Clear(); Int16 count = bytes.GetInt16(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { agents.Add(bytes.GetDistributableObject() as AgentInfo); } } bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); } }
/// <summary> /// Factor method to create an object of this class from a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes">A byte list from which the distributable object will be decoded</param> /// <returns>A new object of this class</returns> new public static AgentList Create(ByteList bytes) { AgentList result = new AgentList(); result.Decode(bytes); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Factor method to create a Excuse from a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes">A byte list from which the distributable object will be decoded</param> /// <returns>A new object of this class</returns> new public static Excuse Create(ByteList bytes) { Excuse result = new Excuse(); result.Decode(bytes); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Factor method to create a WhiningTwine from a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes">A byte list from which the distributable object will be decoded</param> /// <returns>A new object of this class</returns> new public static WhiningTwine Create(ByteList bytes) { WhiningTwine result = new WhiningTwine(); result.Decode(bytes); return(result); }
public void Add(ByteList value) { if (value != null) { for (int i = 0; i <= value._addCurrentSection; i++) { Add(value._sections[i], 0, (i < value._addCurrentSection) ? SectionSize : value._addCurrentOffset); } } }
public void WhiningSpinner_CheckEncodeAndDecode() { Tick t1 = new Tick(); Tick t2 = new Tick(); Tick t3 = new Tick(); Tick t4 = new Tick(); List<Tick> ticks = new List<Tick> { t1, t2, t3 }; WhiningTwine e1 = new WhiningTwine(10, ticks, t4); Assert.AreEqual(10, e1.CreatorId); Assert.IsNotNull(e1.Ticks); Assert.AreEqual(3, e1.Ticks.Count); Assert.AreSame(t1, e1.Ticks[0]); Assert.AreSame(t2, e1.Ticks[1]); Assert.AreSame(t3, e1.Ticks[2]); Assert.AreSame(t4, e1.RequestTick); ByteList bytes = new ByteList(); e1.Encode(bytes); WhiningTwine e2 = WhiningTwine.Create(bytes); Assert.AreEqual(e1.CreatorId, e2.CreatorId); Assert.AreEqual(e1.Ticks.Count, e2.Ticks.Count); Assert.AreEqual(e1.Ticks[0].LogicalClock, e2.Ticks[0].LogicalClock); Assert.AreEqual(e1.Ticks[0].HashCode, e2.Ticks[0].HashCode); Assert.AreEqual(e1.Ticks[1].LogicalClock, e2.Ticks[1].LogicalClock); Assert.AreEqual(e1.Ticks[1].HashCode, e2.Ticks[1].HashCode); Assert.AreEqual(e1.Ticks[2].LogicalClock, e2.Ticks[2].LogicalClock); Assert.AreEqual(e1.Ticks[2].HashCode, e2.Ticks[2].HashCode); Assert.AreEqual(e1.RequestTick.LogicalClock, e2.RequestTick.LogicalClock); Assert.AreEqual(e1.RequestTick.HashCode, e2.RequestTick.HashCode); bytes.Clear(); e1.Encode(bytes); bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will throw the length off try { e2 = WhiningTwine.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } bytes.Clear(); e1.Encode(bytes); bytes.Add((byte)100); // Add a byte bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will make the ID wrong try { e2 = WhiningTwine.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } }
public override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); base.Decode(bytes); bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); }
public void AgentInfo_CheckEncodeAndDecode() { EndPoint ep = new EndPoint(""); AgentInfo info1 = new AgentInfo(20, AgentInfo.PossibleAgentType.WhiningSpinner, ep) { ANumber = "A00001", FirstName = "Joe", LastName = "Jones", Location = new FieldLocation(10, 20, false), Strength = 1200.5, Speed = 1500.0 }; ByteList bytes = new ByteList(); info1.Encode(bytes); AgentInfo info2 = AgentInfo.Create(bytes); Assert.AreEqual(info1.Id, info2.Id); Assert.AreEqual(info1.AgentType, info2.AgentType); Assert.AreEqual(info1.ANumber, info2.ANumber); Assert.AreEqual(info1.FirstName, info2.FirstName); Assert.AreEqual(info1.LastName, info2.LastName); Assert.AreEqual(info1.Strength, info2.Strength); Assert.AreEqual(info1.Speed, info2.Speed); Assert.AreEqual(info1.Points, info2.Points); Assert.AreEqual(info1.Location.X, info2.Location.X); Assert.AreEqual(info1.Location.Y, info2.Location.Y); Assert.AreEqual(info1.CommunicationEndPoint.Address, info2.CommunicationEndPoint.Address); Assert.AreEqual(info1.CommunicationEndPoint.Port, info2.CommunicationEndPoint.Port); bytes.Clear(); info1.Encode(bytes); bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will throw the length off try { info2 = AgentInfo.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } bytes.Clear(); info1.Encode(bytes); bytes.Add((byte)100); // Add a byte bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will make the ID wrong try { info2 = AgentInfo.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } }
/// <summary> /// This method decodes a message from a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes"></param> protected override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); ProcessId = bytes.GetInt16(); SeqNumber = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); }
public void ByteList_CreateLogString() { byte[] bigArray = new byte[300]; for (int i = 0; i < 300; i++) bigArray[i] = Convert.ToByte(i*11 & 255); ByteList bigList = new ByteList(bigArray); string logString = bigList.CreateLogString(); Assert.IsNotNull(logString); Console.WriteLine(logString); }
public void AckNak_CheckConstructorsAndFactories() { Tick t1 = new Tick(); AckNak m = new AckNak(Reply.PossibleStatus.Success, 10, t1, "Test Message", "Test Note"); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleTypes.AckNak, m.ReplyType); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleStatus.Success, m.Status); Assert.AreEqual(10, m.IntResult); Assert.AreSame(t1, m.ObjResult); Assert.AreEqual("Test Message", m.Message); Assert.AreEqual("Test Note", m.Note); m = new AckNak(Reply.PossibleStatus.Failure, 20); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleTypes.AckNak, m.ReplyType); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleStatus.Failure, m.Status); Assert.AreEqual(20, m.IntResult); Assert.IsNull(m.ObjResult); Assert.AreEqual("", m.Message); Assert.AreEqual("", m.Note); m = new AckNak(Reply.PossibleStatus.Failure, 20, "Test Message"); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleTypes.AckNak, m.ReplyType); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleStatus.Failure, m.Status); Assert.AreEqual(20, m.IntResult); Assert.IsNull(m.ObjResult); Assert.AreEqual("Test Message", m.Message); Assert.AreEqual("", m.Note); m = new AckNak(Reply.PossibleStatus.Failure, t1); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleTypes.AckNak, m.ReplyType); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleStatus.Failure, m.Status); Assert.AreEqual(0, m.IntResult); Assert.AreSame(t1, m.ObjResult); Assert.AreEqual("", m.Message); Assert.AreEqual("", m.Note); m = new AckNak(Reply.PossibleStatus.Failure, t1, "Test Message"); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleTypes.AckNak, m.ReplyType); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleStatus.Failure, m.Status); Assert.AreEqual(0, m.IntResult); Assert.AreSame(t1, m.ObjResult); Assert.AreEqual("Test Message", m.Message); Assert.AreEqual("", m.Note); ByteList bytes = new ByteList(); m.Encode(bytes); Message msg = Message.Create(bytes); Assert.IsNotNull(msg); Assert.IsTrue(msg is AckNak); AckNak m2 = msg as AckNak; Assert.AreEqual(m.Status, m2.Status); Assert.AreEqual(m.Note, m2.Note); }
public override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); base.Decode(bytes); Configuration = bytes.GetDistributableObject() as GameConfiguration; bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); }
public override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); base.Decode(bytes); Component = bytes.GetDistributableObject() as AgentInfo; bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); }
public override void Encode(ByteList bytes) { bytes.Add(ClassId); // Write out this class id first Int16 lengthPos = bytes.CurrentWritePosition; // Get the current write position, so we // can write the length here later bytes.Add((Int16)0); // Write out a place holder for the length base.Encode(bytes); // Encode the part of the object defined // by the base class Int16 length = Convert.ToInt16(bytes.CurrentWritePosition - lengthPos - 2); bytes.WriteInt16To(lengthPos, length); // Write out the length of this object }
public override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); base.Decode(bytes); EnablingTick = bytes.GetDistributableObject() as Tick; bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); }
public override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); base.Decode(bytes); Layout = bytes.GetDistributableObject() as PlayingFieldLayout; bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); }
public void TickTester_CheckEncodeDecode() { Tick tick1 = new Tick(10); tick1.LogicalClock = 100; ByteList bytes = new ByteList(); tick1.Encode(bytes); Tick tick2 = Tick.Create(bytes); Assert.AreEqual(10, tick1.ForAgentId); Assert.AreEqual(tick1.LogicalClock, tick2.LogicalClock); tick1.LogicalClock = 0; bytes = new ByteList(); tick1.Encode(bytes); tick2 = Tick.Create(bytes); Assert.AreEqual(tick1.LogicalClock, tick2.LogicalClock); tick1.LogicalClock = Int32.MaxValue; bytes = new ByteList(); tick1.Encode(bytes); tick2 = Tick.Create(bytes); Assert.AreEqual(tick1.ForAgentId, tick1.ForAgentId); Assert.AreEqual(tick1.LogicalClock, tick2.LogicalClock); bytes.Clear(); tick1.Encode(bytes); bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will throw the length off try { tick2 = Tick.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } bytes.Clear(); tick1.Encode(bytes); bytes.Add((byte)100); // Add a byte bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will make the ID wrong try { tick2 = Tick.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } }
public static DistributableObject Create(ByteList bytes) { DistributableObject result = null; if (bytes == null || bytes.RemainingToRead < 4) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid byte array"); DISTRIBUTABLE_CLASS_IDS objType = (DISTRIBUTABLE_CLASS_IDS) bytes.PeekInt16(); switch (objType) { case DISTRIBUTABLE_CLASS_IDS.MessageNumber: result = MessageNumber.Create(bytes); break; case DISTRIBUTABLE_CLASS_IDS.Bomb: result = Bomb.Create(bytes); break; case DISTRIBUTABLE_CLASS_IDS.AgentInfo: result = AgentInfo.Create(bytes); break; case DISTRIBUTABLE_CLASS_IDS.AgentList: result = AgentList.Create(bytes); break; case DISTRIBUTABLE_CLASS_IDS.EndPoint: result = EndPoint.Create(bytes); break; case DISTRIBUTABLE_CLASS_IDS.Excuse: result = Excuse.Create(bytes); break; case DISTRIBUTABLE_CLASS_IDS.FieldLocation: result = FieldLocation.Create(bytes); break; case DISTRIBUTABLE_CLASS_IDS.GameConfiguration: result = GameConfiguration.Create(bytes); break; case DISTRIBUTABLE_CLASS_IDS.PlayingFieldLayout: result = PlayingFieldLayout.Create(bytes); break; case DISTRIBUTABLE_CLASS_IDS.Tick: result = Tick.Create(bytes); break; case DISTRIBUTABLE_CLASS_IDS.WhiningTwine: result = WhiningTwine.Create(bytes); break; default: throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Invalid Class Id={0}", objType)); } return result; }
/// <summary> /// This method encodes an object of this class into a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes"></param> public override void Encode(ByteList bytes) { bytes.Add(ClassId); // Write out the class type Int16 lengthPos = bytes.CurrentWritePosition; // Get the current write position, so we // can write the length here later bytes.Add((Int16)0); // Write out a place holder for the length bytes.AddObjects(X, Y, Immutable); // Write out X, Y, and Immutable properties Int16 length = Convert.ToInt16(bytes.CurrentWritePosition - lengthPos - 2); bytes.WriteInt16To(lengthPos, length); // Write out the length of this object }
/// <summary> /// This method encodes an object of this class into a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes"></param> public override void Encode(ByteList bytes) { bytes.Add(ClassId); // Write out the class type Int16 lengthPos = bytes.CurrentWritePosition; // Get the current write position, so we // can write the length here later bytes.Add((Int16)0); // Write out a place holder for the length bytes.AddObjects(ForAgentId, LogicalClock, HashCode); // Write out Address and Port Int16 length = Convert.ToInt16(bytes.CurrentWritePosition - lengthPos - 2); bytes.WriteInt16To(lengthPos, length); // Write out the length of this object }
/// <summary> /// Factor method to create a message from a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="messageBytes">A byte list from which the message will be decoded</param> /// <returns>A new message of the right specialization</returns> public static new AddComponent Create(ByteList messageBytes) { AddComponent result = null; if (messageBytes == null || messageBytes.RemainingToRead < MinimumEncodingLength) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid message byte array"); else if (messageBytes.PeekInt16() != ClassId) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid message class id"); else { result = new AddComponent(); result.Decode(messageBytes); } return result; }
/// <summary> /// Factor method to create a message from a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes">A byte list from which the message will be decoded</param> /// <returns>A new message of the right specialization</returns> public static new ThrowBomb Create(ByteList bytes) { ThrowBomb result = null; if (bytes == null || bytes.RemainingToRead < MinimumEncodingLength) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid message byte array"); else if (bytes.PeekInt16() != ClassId) throw new ApplicationException("Invalid message class id"); else { result = new ThrowBomb(); result.Decode(bytes); } return result; }
/// <summary> /// This method encodes /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes"></param> public override void Encode(ByteList bytes) { bytes.Add(ClassId); // Write out the class type Int16 lengthPos = bytes.CurrentWritePosition; // Get the current write position, so we // can write the length here later bytes.Add((Int16)0); // Write out a place holder for the length bytes.Add(ProcessId); // Write out a place holder for the length bytes.Add(SeqNumber); Int16 length = Convert.ToInt16(bytes.CurrentWritePosition - lengthPos - 2); bytes.WriteInt16To(lengthPos, length); // Write out the length of this object }
public void Add(ByteList value) { if (value != null) { for (int i = 0; i <= value._addCurrentSection; i++) { if (i < value._addCurrentSection) { Add(value._sections[i], 0, SECTION_SIZE); } else { Add(value._sections[i], 0, value._addCurrentOffset); } } } }
public void Bomb_CheckEncodeAndDecode() { Tick t1 = new Tick(); List<Excuse> eList = new List<Excuse> { CreateExcuse(10), CreateExcuse(11), CreateExcuse(12) }; List<WhiningTwine> wtList = new List<WhiningTwine> { CreateTwine(20), CreateTwine(21), CreateTwine(22) }; Bomb b1 = new Bomb(1, eList, wtList, t1); Assert.AreEqual(1, b1.CreatorId); Assert.AreSame(eList, b1.Excuses); Assert.AreSame(wtList, b1.Twine); Assert.AreSame(t1, b1.BuiltOnTick); ByteList bytes = new ByteList(); b1.Encode(bytes); Bomb b2 = Bomb.Create(bytes); Assert.AreEqual(b1.CreatorId, b2.CreatorId); Assert.AreEqual(b1.Excuses.Count, b2.Excuses.Count); Assert.AreEqual(b1.Twine.Count, b2.Twine.Count); Assert.AreEqual(b1.BuiltOnTick.LogicalClock, b2.BuiltOnTick.LogicalClock); Assert.AreEqual(b1.BuiltOnTick.HashCode, b2.BuiltOnTick.HashCode); bytes.Clear(); b1.Encode(bytes); bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will throw the length off try { b2 = Bomb.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } bytes.Clear(); b1.Encode(bytes); bytes.Add((byte)100); // Add a byte bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will make the ID wrong try { b2 = Bomb.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } }
public void AckNak_CheckEncodeDecode() { Tick t1 = new Tick(); AckNak m1 = new AckNak(Reply.PossibleStatus.Success, 10, t1, "Test Message", "Test Note"); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleTypes.AckNak, m1.ReplyType); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleStatus.Success, m1.Status); Assert.AreEqual(10, m1.IntResult); Assert.AreSame(t1, m1.ObjResult); Assert.AreEqual("Test Message", m1.Message); Assert.AreEqual("Test Note", m1.Note); ByteList bytes = new ByteList(); m1.Encode(bytes); AckNak m2 = AckNak.Create(bytes); Assert.AreEqual(m1.Status, m2.Status); Assert.AreEqual(m1.IntResult, m2.IntResult); Assert.AreEqual(((Tick)m1.ObjResult).LogicalClock, ((Tick)m2.ObjResult).LogicalClock); Assert.AreEqual(m1.Message, m2.Message); Assert.AreEqual(m1.Note, m2.Note); bytes.Clear(); m1.Encode(bytes); bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will throw the length off try { m2 = AckNak.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } bytes.Clear(); m1.Encode(bytes); bytes.Add((byte)100); // Add a byte bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will make the ID wrong try { m2 = AckNak.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } }
public void AgentList_CheckEncodeAndDecode() { AgentInfo info1 = new AgentInfo(10, AgentInfo.PossibleAgentType.ExcuseGenerator); AgentInfo info2 = new AgentInfo(11, AgentInfo.PossibleAgentType.WhiningSpinner); AgentInfo info3 = new AgentInfo(12, AgentInfo.PossibleAgentType.BrilliantStudent); AgentList list1 = new AgentList(); list1.Add(info1); list1.Add(info2); list1.Add(info3); ByteList bytes = new ByteList(); list1.Encode(bytes); AgentList list2 = AgentList.Create(bytes); Assert.AreEqual(3, list2.Count); Assert.AreEqual(10, list2[0].Id); Assert.AreEqual(11, list2[1].Id); Assert.AreEqual(12, list2[2].Id); bytes.Clear(); list1.Encode(bytes); bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will throw the length off try { list2 = AgentList.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } bytes.Clear(); list1.Encode(bytes); bytes.Add((byte)100); // Add a byte bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will make the ID wrong try { list2 = AgentList.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } }
/// <summary> /// This method encodes an object of this class into a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes"></param> public override void Encode(ByteList bytes) { bytes.Add(ClassId); // Write out the class type Int16 lengthPos = bytes.CurrentWritePosition; // Get the current write position, so we // can write the length here later bytes.Add((Int16) 0); // Write out a place holder for the length bytes.AddObjects(Width, Height); // Write out Width and Height Int16 SidewalkCount = (SidewalkSquares == null) ? (Int16) 0 : Convert.ToInt16(SidewalkSquares.Count); bytes.Add(SidewalkCount); if (SidewalkSquares!=null) foreach (FieldLocation loc in SidewalkSquares) bytes.Add(loc); Int16 length = Convert.ToInt16(bytes.CurrentWritePosition - lengthPos - 2); bytes.WriteInt16To(lengthPos, length); // Write out the length of this object }
/// <summary> /// Factory Method that creates a message from a byte string /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes"></param> /// <returns></returns> new public static MessageNumber Create(ByteList bytes) { MessageNumber result = null; if (bytes == null || bytes.RemainingToRead < MinimumEncodingLength) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid message byte array"); } else if (bytes.PeekInt16() != ClassId) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid message class id"); } else { result = new MessageNumber(); result.Decode(bytes); } return(result); }
public void ReadyReply_TestEverything() { ReadyReply r1 = new ReadyReply(Reply.PossibleStatus.Failure); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleStatus.Failure, r1.Status); r1 = new ReadyReply(Reply.PossibleStatus.Success, "test note"); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleStatus.Success, r1.Status); Assert.AreEqual("test note", r1.Note); ByteList byteList = new ByteList(); r1.Encode(byteList); Message msg = Message.Create(byteList); Assert.IsNotNull(msg); Assert.IsTrue(msg is ReadyReply); ReadyReply r2 = msg as ReadyReply; Assert.AreEqual(r1.Status, r2.Status); Assert.AreEqual(r1.Note, r2.Note); }
public void ByteList_TestConstuctors() { // Check out the default constructor ByteList myBytes = new ByteList(); Assert.IsNotNull(myBytes); Assert.AreEqual(0, myBytes.Length); // Check out the general constructor that take any number of objects // Case 1: A single boolean object myBytes = new ByteList(true); Assert.IsNotNull(myBytes); Assert.AreEqual(1, myBytes.Length); Assert.AreEqual(1, myBytes[0]); // Case 2: 3 different objects myBytes = new ByteList(true, 123, "Hello"); Assert.IsNotNull(myBytes); Assert.AreEqual(1 + 4 + (2 + 2*5), myBytes.Length); // Case 3: 3 strings of lengths 5, 5, and 52 myBytes = new ByteList("Hello", "There", "You amazing software developer and brilliant student"); Assert.IsNotNull(myBytes); Assert.AreEqual((2 + 2*5) + (2 + 2*5) + (2 + 2*52), myBytes.Length); // Case 4: with a bunch of other parameters types ByteList moreBytes = new ByteList( myBytes, (Int16)10, (Int64)20, (Single)30.0, (Double)40.0, new byte[] { 1, 2, 3 }); Assert.IsNotNull(moreBytes); Assert.AreEqual(myBytes.Length + 2 + 8 + 4 + 8 + 3, moreBytes.Length); byte[] bigArray = new byte[10000]; for (int i = 0; i < 10000; i++) bigArray[i] = Convert.ToByte(i & 255); ByteList bigList = new ByteList(bigArray); byte[] bigArray2 = bigList.GetBytes(8192); for (int i = 0; i < 8192; i++) Assert.AreEqual(bigArray[i], bigArray2[i]); }
/// <summary> /// This method encodes an object of this class into a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes"></param> public override void Encode(ByteList bytes) { bytes.Add(ClassId); // Write out the class type Int16 lengthPos = bytes.CurrentWritePosition; // Get the current write position, so we // can write the length here later bytes.Add((Int16) 0); // Write out a place holder for the length bytes.Add(CreatorId); // Write out Creator's Id if (Ticks == null) Ticks = new List<Tick>(); // Write out the ticks that made up this whining twine bytes.Add(Convert.ToInt16(Ticks.Count)); foreach (Tick tick in Ticks) bytes.Add(tick); bytes.Add(RequestTick); Int16 length = Convert.ToInt16(bytes.CurrentWritePosition - lengthPos - 2); bytes.WriteInt16To(lengthPos, length); // Write out the length of this object }
/// <summary> /// This method encodes an object of this class into a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes"></param> public override void Encode(ByteList bytes) { bytes.Add(ClassId); // Write out the class type Int16 lengthPos = bytes.CurrentWritePosition; // Get the current write position, so we // can write the length here later bytes.Add((Int16)0); // Write out a place holder for the length lock (myLock) { bytes.Add(Convert.ToInt16(agents.Count)); foreach (AgentInfo component in agents) { bytes.Add(component); } } Int16 length = Convert.ToInt16(bytes.CurrentWritePosition - lengthPos - 2); bytes.WriteInt16To(lengthPos, length); // Write out the length of this object }
/// <summary> /// This method encodes an object of this class into a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes"></param> public override void Encode(ByteList bytes) { bytes.Add(ClassId); // Write out the class type Int16 lengthPos = bytes.CurrentWritePosition; // Get the current write position, so we // can write the length here later bytes.Add((Int16)0); // Write out a place holder for the length base.Encode(bytes); if (ANumber == null) { ANumber = string.Empty; } if (FirstName == null) { FirstName = string.Empty; } if (LastName == null) { LastName = string.Empty; } bytes.AddObjects((byte)AgentType, (byte)AgentStatus, ANumber, FirstName, LastName, Strength, Speed, Points, Location); Int16 length = Convert.ToInt16(bytes.CurrentWritePosition - lengthPos - 2); bytes.WriteInt16To(lengthPos, length); // Write out the length of this object }
/// <summary> /// This method encodes an object of this class into a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes"></param> public override void Encode(ByteList bytes) { bytes.Add(ClassId); // Write out the class type Int16 lengthPos = bytes.CurrentWritePosition; // Get the current write position, so we // can write the length here later bytes.Add((Int16)0); // Write out a place holder for the length bytes.Add(CreatorId); // Write out Creator's Id if (Excuses == null) { Excuses = new List <Excuse>(); } bytes.Add(Convert.ToInt16(Excuses.Count)); foreach (Excuse excuse in Excuses) { bytes.Add(excuse); } if (Twine == null) { Twine = new List <WhiningTwine>(); } bytes.Add(Convert.ToInt16(Twine.Count)); foreach (WhiningTwine twine in Twine) { bytes.Add(twine); } bytes.Add(BuiltOnTick); Int16 length = Convert.ToInt16(bytes.CurrentWritePosition - lengthPos - 2); bytes.WriteInt16To(lengthPos, length); // Write out the length of this object }
/// <summary> /// This method decodes of this classes from a byte list. It can onlt be called from within the class hierarchy. /// </summary> /// <param name="messageBytes"></param> protected override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { if (bytes == null || bytes.RemainingToRead < MinimumEncodingLength) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid byte array"); } else if (bytes.PeekInt16() != ClassId) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid class id"); } else { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); Address = bytes.GetInt32(); Port = bytes.GetInt32(); bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); } }
public void JoinGame_EncodingAndDecoding() { AgentInfo agentInfo = new AgentInfo(1001, AgentInfo.PossibleAgentType.BrilliantStudent) { ANumber = "A0001", FirstName = "Joe", LastName = "Jone" }; JoinGame jg1 = new JoinGame(10, agentInfo); Assert.AreEqual(10, jg1.GameId); Assert.AreSame(agentInfo, jg1.AgentInfo); ByteList bytes = new ByteList(); jg1.Encode(bytes); JoinGame jg2 = JoinGame.Create(bytes); Assert.AreEqual(jg1.GameId, jg2.GameId); bytes.Clear(); jg1.Encode(bytes); bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will throw the length off try { jg2 = JoinGame.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } bytes.Clear(); jg1.Encode(bytes); bytes.Add((byte)100); // Add a byte bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will make the ID wrong try { jg2 = JoinGame.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } }
public void FieldLayoutReply_Everything() { PlayingFieldLayout pfl = new PlayingFieldLayout(100, 120); Assert.AreEqual(100, pfl.Width); Assert.AreEqual(120, pfl.Height); Assert.IsNotNull(pfl.SidewalkSquares); PlayingFieldReply r1 = new PlayingFieldReply(Reply.PossibleStatus.Success, pfl, "Test"); Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleStatus.Success, r1.Status); Assert.IsNotNull(r1.Layout); Assert.AreSame(pfl, r1.Layout); ByteList bytes = new ByteList(); r1.Encode(bytes); Message msg = Message.Create(bytes); Assert.IsNotNull(msg); Assert.IsTrue(msg is PlayingFieldReply); PlayingFieldReply r2 = msg as PlayingFieldReply; Assert.AreEqual(Reply.PossibleStatus.Success, r2.Status); Assert.AreEqual(pfl.Height, r2.Layout.Height); Assert.AreEqual(pfl.Width, r2.Layout.Width); }
/// <summary> /// This method decodes a message from a byte list. It can onlt be called from within the class hierarchy. /// </summary> /// <param name="messageBytes"></param> protected override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { if (bytes == null || bytes.RemainingToRead < MinimumEncodingLength) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid byte array"); } else if (bytes.PeekInt16() != ClassId) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid class id"); } else { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); id = bytes.GetInt16(); communicationEndPoint = bytes.GetDistributableObject() as EndPoint; RaiseChangedEvent(); bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); } }
/// <summary> /// This method decodes of this classes from a byte list. It can onlt be called from within the class hierarchy. /// </summary> /// <param name="messageBytes"></param> protected override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { if (bytes == null || bytes.RemainingToRead < MinimumEncodingLength) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid byte array"); } else if (bytes.PeekInt16() != ClassId) { throw new ApplicationException("Invalid class id"); } else { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); PlayingFieldWidth = bytes.GetInt16(); PlayingFieldHeight = bytes.GetInt16(); BrilliantStudentRegistrationMin = bytes.GetInt16(); BrilliantStudentRegistrationMax = bytes.GetInt16(); BrilliantStudentInitialStrength = bytes.GetFloat(); BrilliantStudentBaseSpeed = bytes.GetFloat(); BrilliantStudentSidewalkSpeedMultiplier = bytes.GetFloat(); BrilliantStudentDeathToZombieDelay = bytes.GetFloat(); ExcuseGeneratorRegistrationMin = bytes.GetInt16(); ExcuseGeneratorRegistrationMax = bytes.GetInt16(); ExcuseGeneratorInitialStrength = bytes.GetFloat(); NumberOfTicksRequiredToBuildAnExcuse = bytes.GetByte(); WhiningSpinnerRegistrationMin = bytes.GetInt16(); WhiningSpinnerRegistrationMax = bytes.GetInt16(); WhiningSpinnerInitialStrength = bytes.GetFloat(); NumberOfTicksRequiredToBuildTwine = bytes.GetByte(); ZombieInitialStrengthMin = bytes.GetInt16(); ZombieInitialStrengthMax = bytes.GetInt16(); ZombieInitialSpeedMax = bytes.GetFloat(); ZombieInitialSpeedMin = bytes.GetFloat(); ZombieSidewalkSpeedMultiplier = bytes.GetFloat(); ZombieCreationRate = bytes.GetFloat(); ZombieCreationAcceleration = bytes.GetFloat(); ZombieEatingRate = bytes.GetFloat(); ZombieStrengthIncreaseForEatingStudent = bytes.GetFloat(); ZombieStrengthIncreaseForExcuseGenerator = bytes.GetFloat(); ZombieStrengthIncreaseForWhiningSpinner = bytes.GetFloat(); MinEatingDistance = bytes.GetFloat(); MaxEatingDistance = bytes.GetFloat(); RefereeRegistrationMin = bytes.GetInt16(); RefereeRegistrationMax = bytes.GetInt16(); BombExcuseDamage = bytes.GetInt16(); BombTwinePerSquareOfDistance = bytes.GetFloat(); BombDamageDiffusionFactor = bytes.GetFloat(); TickInterval = bytes.GetInt16(); TickLifetime = bytes.GetInt16(); TicksToStrengthRatio = bytes.GetFloat(); bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); } }
public virtual void Encode(ByteList bytes) { }
public override void Encode(ByteList bytes) { bytes.Add(ClassId); // Write out this class id first Int16 lengthPos = bytes.CurrentWritePosition; // Get the current write position, so we // can write the length here later bytes.Add((Int16)0); // Write out a place holder for the length base.Encode(bytes); // Encode the part of the object defined // by the base class bytes.AddObjects(ThrowingBrilliantStudentId, Bomb, TowardsSquare, EnablingTick); Int16 length = Convert.ToInt16(bytes.CurrentWritePosition - lengthPos - 2); bytes.WriteInt16To(lengthPos, length); // Write out the length of this object }
public override void Decode(ByteList bytes) { Int16 objType = bytes.GetInt16(); Int16 objLength = bytes.GetInt16(); bytes.SetNewReadLimit(objLength); base.Decode(bytes); ThrowingBrilliantStudentId = bytes.GetInt16(); Bomb = bytes.GetDistributableObject() as Bomb; TowardsSquare = bytes.GetDistributableObject() as FieldLocation; EnablingTick = bytes.GetDistributableObject() as Tick; bytes.RestorePreviosReadLimit(); }
public void CreateEncodingSamples() { StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter("MessageSamples.txt"); MessageNumber msgNumber = MessageNumber.Create(100, 120); MessageNumber conversationNumber = MessageNumber.Create(200, 240); AgentInfo agentInfo = new AgentInfo(10, AgentInfo.PossibleAgentType.BrilliantStudent, new Common.EndPoint("")) { AgentStatus = AgentInfo.PossibleAgentStatus.InGame, ANumber = "A00001", FirstName = "Joe", LastName = "Jones", Location = new FieldLocation(10, 20), Points = 100, Strength = 200, Speed = 1.2 }; AckNak ackNak = new AckNak(Reply.PossibleStatus.Success, agentInfo, "Test Message") { MessageNr = msgNumber, ConversationId = conversationNumber, IntResult = 99, Note = "Test Note" }; writer.WriteLine("AckNak"); writer.WriteLine("\tMessageNr={0}", ackNak.MessageNr.ToString()); writer.WriteLine("\tConversationId={0}", ackNak.ConversationId.ToString()); writer.WriteLine("\tReplyType={0}", ackNak.ReplyType); writer.WriteLine("\tAckNak Status={0}", ackNak.Status); writer.WriteLine("\tAgent Info:"); writer.WriteLine("\t\tId={0}", agentInfo.Id); writer.WriteLine("\t\tAgentStatus={0}", agentInfo.AgentStatus); writer.WriteLine("\t\tANumber={0}", agentInfo.ANumber); writer.WriteLine("\t\tFirstName={0}", agentInfo.FirstName); writer.WriteLine("\t\tLastName={0}", agentInfo.LastName); writer.WriteLine("\t\tLocation={0}", agentInfo.Location.ToString()); writer.WriteLine("\t\tPoints={0}", agentInfo.Points); writer.WriteLine("\t\tStrength={0}", agentInfo.Strength); writer.WriteLine("\t\tSpeed={0}", agentInfo.Speed); ByteList byteList = new ByteList(); ackNak.Encode(byteList); writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("Encoding:"); writer.WriteLine(byteList.CreateLogString()); writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("------------------------------------"); writer.WriteLine(""); JoinGame joinGame = new JoinGame(20, agentInfo) { MessageNr = msgNumber, ConversationId = conversationNumber, }; writer.WriteLine("JoinGame"); writer.WriteLine("\tMessageNr={0}", joinGame.MessageNr.ToString()); writer.WriteLine("\tConversationId={0}", joinGame.ConversationId.ToString()); writer.WriteLine("\tGameId={0}", joinGame.GameId); writer.WriteLine("\tAgent Info:"); writer.WriteLine("\t\tId={0}", agentInfo.Id); writer.WriteLine("\t\tAgentStatus={0}", agentInfo.AgentStatus); writer.WriteLine("\t\tANumber={0}", agentInfo.ANumber); writer.WriteLine("\t\tFirstName={0}", agentInfo.FirstName); writer.WriteLine("\t\tLastName={0}", agentInfo.LastName); writer.WriteLine("\t\tLocation={0}", agentInfo.Location.ToString()); writer.WriteLine("\t\tPoints={0}", agentInfo.Points); writer.WriteLine("\t\tStrength={0}", agentInfo.Strength); writer.WriteLine("\t\tSpeed={0}", agentInfo.Speed); byteList = new ByteList(); joinGame.Encode(byteList); writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("Encoding:"); writer.WriteLine(byteList.CreateLogString()); writer.WriteLine(""); writer.WriteLine("------------------------------------"); writer.WriteLine(""); // TODO: All of the other message types }
protected virtual void Decode(ByteList bytes) { }
public void GameConfiguration_CheckEncodeAndDecode() { GameConfiguration gc1 = new GameConfiguration(); gc1.PlayingFieldWidth = 50; gc1.PlayingFieldHeight = 51; gc1.BrilliantStudentRegistrationMin = 10; gc1.BrilliantStudentRegistrationMax = 11; gc1.BrilliantStudentInitialStrength = 2.1F; gc1.BrilliantStudentBaseSpeed = 2.2F; gc1.BrilliantStudentSidewalkSpeedMultiplier = 2.3F; gc1.BrilliantStudentDeathToZombieDelay = 2.4F; gc1.ExcuseGeneratorRegistrationMin = 12; gc1.ExcuseGeneratorRegistrationMax = 13; gc1.ExcuseGeneratorInitialStrength = 2.5F; gc1.NumberOfTicksRequiredToBuildTwine = 3; gc1.WhiningSpinnerRegistrationMin = 14; gc1.WhiningSpinnerRegistrationMax = 15; gc1.WhiningSpinnerInitialStrength = 2.8F; gc1.NumberOfTicksRequiredToBuildTwine = 2; gc1.ZombieInitialStrengthMin = 16; gc1.ZombieInitialStrengthMax = 17; gc1.ZombieInitialSpeedMax = 3.1F; gc1.ZombieInitialSpeedMin = 3.2F; gc1.ZombieSidewalkSpeedMultiplier = 3.3F; gc1.ZombieCreationRate = 3.4F; gc1.ZombieCreationAcceleration = 3.5F; gc1.ZombieEatingRate = 3.6F; gc1.ZombieStrengthIncreaseForEatingStudent = 3.7F; gc1.ZombieStrengthIncreaseForExcuseGenerator = 3.8F; gc1.ZombieStrengthIncreaseForWhiningSpinner = 3.9F; gc1.MaxEatingDistance = 0.5F; gc1.MaxEatingDistance = 4.5F; gc1.RefereeRegistrationMin = 22; gc1.RefereeRegistrationMax = 23; gc1.BombExcuseDamage = 18; gc1.BombTwinePerSquareOfDistance = 4.0F; gc1.BombDamageDiffusionFactor = 4.1F; gc1.TickLifetime = 19; gc1.TicksToStrengthRatio = 4.2F; ByteList bytes = new ByteList(); gc1.Encode(bytes); GameConfiguration gc2 = GameConfiguration.Create(bytes); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.PlayingFieldWidth, gc2.PlayingFieldWidth); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.PlayingFieldHeight, gc2.PlayingFieldHeight); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.BrilliantStudentRegistrationMin, gc2.BrilliantStudentRegistrationMin); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.BrilliantStudentRegistrationMax, gc2.BrilliantStudentRegistrationMax); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.BrilliantStudentInitialStrength, gc2.BrilliantStudentInitialStrength); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.BrilliantStudentBaseSpeed, gc2.BrilliantStudentBaseSpeed); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.BrilliantStudentSidewalkSpeedMultiplier, gc2.BrilliantStudentSidewalkSpeedMultiplier); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.BrilliantStudentDeathToZombieDelay, gc2.BrilliantStudentDeathToZombieDelay); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.ExcuseGeneratorRegistrationMin, gc2.ExcuseGeneratorRegistrationMin); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.ExcuseGeneratorRegistrationMax, gc2.ExcuseGeneratorRegistrationMax); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.ExcuseGeneratorInitialStrength, gc2.ExcuseGeneratorInitialStrength); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.NumberOfTicksRequiredToBuildAnExcuse, gc2.NumberOfTicksRequiredToBuildAnExcuse); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.WhiningSpinnerRegistrationMin, gc2.WhiningSpinnerRegistrationMin); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.WhiningSpinnerRegistrationMax, gc2.WhiningSpinnerRegistrationMax); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.WhiningSpinnerInitialStrength, gc2.WhiningSpinnerInitialStrength); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.NumberOfTicksRequiredToBuildTwine, gc2.NumberOfTicksRequiredToBuildTwine); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.ZombieInitialStrengthMin, gc2.ZombieInitialStrengthMin); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.ZombieInitialStrengthMax, gc2.ZombieInitialStrengthMax); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.ZombieInitialSpeedMax, gc2.ZombieInitialSpeedMax); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.ZombieInitialSpeedMin, gc2.ZombieInitialSpeedMin); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.ZombieSidewalkSpeedMultiplier, gc2.ZombieSidewalkSpeedMultiplier); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.ZombieCreationRate, gc2.ZombieCreationRate); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.ZombieCreationAcceleration, gc2.ZombieCreationAcceleration); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.ZombieEatingRate, gc2.ZombieEatingRate); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.ZombieStrengthIncreaseForEatingStudent, gc2.ZombieStrengthIncreaseForEatingStudent); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.ZombieStrengthIncreaseForExcuseGenerator, gc2.ZombieStrengthIncreaseForExcuseGenerator); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.ZombieStrengthIncreaseForWhiningSpinner, gc2.ZombieStrengthIncreaseForWhiningSpinner); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.MinEatingDistance, gc2.MinEatingDistance); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.MaxEatingDistance, gc2.MaxEatingDistance); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.RefereeRegistrationMin, gc2.RefereeRegistrationMin); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.RefereeRegistrationMax, gc2.RefereeRegistrationMax); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.BombExcuseDamage, gc2.BombExcuseDamage); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.BombTwinePerSquareOfDistance, gc2.BombTwinePerSquareOfDistance); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.BombDamageDiffusionFactor, gc2.BombDamageDiffusionFactor); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.TickLifetime, gc2.TickLifetime); Assert.AreEqual(gc1.TicksToStrengthRatio, gc2.TicksToStrengthRatio); bytes.Clear(); gc1.Encode(bytes); bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will throw the length off try { gc2 = GameConfiguration.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } bytes.Clear(); gc1.Encode(bytes); bytes.Add((byte)100); // Add a byte bytes.GetByte(); // Read one byte, which will make the ID wrong try { gc2 = GameConfiguration.Create(bytes); Assert.Fail("Expected an exception to be thrown"); } catch (ApplicationException) { } }
public void FieldLocation_CheckEncodeDecode() { ByteList bytes = new ByteList(); FieldLocation loc1 = new FieldLocation { X = 100, Y = 200 }; loc1.Encode(bytes); Assert.AreEqual(9, bytes.Length); Assert.AreEqual(3, bytes[0]); Assert.AreEqual(238, bytes[1]); Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[2]); Assert.AreEqual(5, bytes[3]); Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[4]); Assert.AreEqual(100, bytes[5]); Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[6]); Assert.AreEqual(200, bytes[7]); Assert.AreEqual(0, bytes[8]); FieldLocation loc2 = FieldLocation.Create(bytes); Assert.AreEqual(loc1.X, loc2.X); Assert.AreEqual(loc1.Y, loc2.Y); Assert.AreEqual(false, loc2.Immutable); }
/// <summary> /// This method encodes an object of this class into a byte list /// </summary> /// <param name="bytes"></param> public override void Encode(ByteList bytes) { bytes.Add(ClassId); // Write out the class type Int16 lengthPos = bytes.CurrentWritePosition; // Get the current write position, so we // can write the length here later bytes.Add((Int16) 0); // Write out a place holder for the length bytes.Add(CreatorId); // Write out Creator's Id if (Excuses == null) Excuses = new List<Excuse>(); bytes.Add(Convert.ToInt16(Excuses.Count)); foreach (Excuse excuse in Excuses) bytes.Add(excuse); if (Twine == null) Twine = new List<WhiningTwine>(); bytes.Add(Convert.ToInt16(Twine.Count)); foreach (WhiningTwine twine in Twine) bytes.Add(twine); bytes.Add(BuiltOnTick); Int16 length = Convert.ToInt16(bytes.CurrentWritePosition - lengthPos - 2); bytes.WriteInt16To(lengthPos, length); // Write out the length of this object }