static void Main(string[] args) { Wiki wiki = new Wiki(""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.Login) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.Password)) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Please add login and password to the configuration file."); return; } Console.Out.WriteLine("Logging in as " + Settings.Default.Login + "..."); try { wiki.Login(Settings.Default.Login, Settings.Default.Password); } catch (WikiException e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } Console.Out.WriteLine("Logged in as " + Settings.Default.Login + "."); DateTime time = new DateTime(2009, 1, 1); Dictionary<string, DateTime> pages = new Dictionary<string, DateTime>(); pages.Add("Википедия:Сообщения об ошибках", new DateTime()); while (time <= DateTime.Now) { string name = time.ToString("MMMM yyyy"); pages.Add("Википедия:Сообщения об ошибках/Архив/" + name, new DateTime()); time = time.AddMonths(1); } string timeString = DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime().ToString("HH:mm, d MMMM yyyy (UTC)"); ParameterCollection parameters = new ParameterCollection(); parameters.Add("prop", "info"); XmlDocument doc; try { doc = wiki.Query(QueryBy.Titles, parameters, pages.Keys); } catch (WikiException e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } XmlNodeList nodes = doc.SelectNodes("//page"); foreach (XmlNode node in nodes) { if (node.Attributes["missing"] != null) { continue; } string title = node.Attributes["title"].Value; string timestamp = node.Attributes["touched"].Value; pages[title] = DateTime.Parse(timestamp, null, DateTimeStyles.AssumeUniversal); } bool changed = false; List<Message> messages = new List<Message>(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Downloading statistic data..."); foreach (string s in pages.Keys) { string timestamp = pages[s].ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); string filename = s.Replace(':', '-').Replace('/', '-') + ".bin"; string text = null; if (File.Exists(filename)) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Open)) using (GZipStream gs = new GZipStream(fs, CompressionMode.Decompress)) using (TextReader sr = new StreamReader(gs)) { string ts = sr.ReadLine(); if (ts == timestamp) { text = sr.ReadToEnd(); } } } if (text == null) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(filename, FileMode.Create)) using (GZipStream gs = new GZipStream(fs, CompressionMode.Compress)) using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(gs)) { try { text = wiki.LoadText(s); } catch (WikiException e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } sw.WriteLine(timestamp); sw.Write(text); changed = true; } } messages.AddRange(GetMessagesFromPage(text, s.Contains("Архив"))); } Console.Out.WriteLine("Data downloaded."); Console.Out.WriteLine("Processing data..."); int newCount = messages.Count(m => m.Opened && ((m.Archived && m.Closed) || !m.Archived)); int closedCount = messages.Count(m => m.Opened && m.Closed); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("output.txt")) { sw.Write("На этой странице приводится статистика обработки [[ВП:СО|сообщений об ошибках]]"); sw.Write(" по состоянию на " + timeString + "."); sw.Write(" Всего было подано " + Messages(messages.Count)); sw.Write(", из них не учтено " + Messages(messages.Count - newCount)); sw.Write(", учтено " + Messages(newCount)); sw.Write(" (" + closedCount.ToString() + " распознаны как закрытые)."); sw.Write("{{.ref|<ref>На [[ВП:СО]] учитываются сообщения, которые включают в себя строчку «Автор сообщения» с датой добавления. На страницах архивов учитываются сообщения, которые содержат строчку «Автор сообщения» или «Сообщил» и больше одной даты, при этом новейшая из них считается датой закрытия.</ref>}}\n\n"); PrintWeeks(sw, messages); PrintMonths(sw, messages); PrintYears(sw, messages); PrintPeriods(sw, messages); sw.WriteLine("== Примечания =="); sw.WriteLine("{{примечания}}"); } Console.Out.WriteLine("Results are ready."); if (changed) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Updating the wiki page..."); using (TextReader sr = new StreamReader("output.txt")) { string text = sr.ReadToEnd(); try { wiki.Save("User:LEMeZza/Статистика ВП:СО", text, "обновление статистики обработки [[ВП:СО|сообщений об ошибках]]"); } catch (WikiException e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } } } else { Console.Out.WriteLine("No changes, skipping the update."); } wiki.Logout(); Console.Out.WriteLine("Done."); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Wiki wiki = new Wiki(""); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.Login) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(Settings.Default.Password)) { Console.Out.WriteLine("Please add login and password to the configuration file."); return; } Console.Out.WriteLine("Logging in as " + Settings.Default.Login + "..."); try { wiki.Login(Settings.Default.Login, Settings.Default.Password); } catch (WikiException e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } Console.Out.WriteLine("Logged in as " + Settings.Default.Login + "."); wiki.SleepBetweenQueries = 3; Regex re = new Regex(@"\*\s*\[\[User:(.+?)\]\]\s*→\s*\[\[User:(.+?)\]\]"); Dictionary<string, string> renamedUsers = new Dictionary<string, string>(); string renamedUsersData = wiki.LoadText("Википедия:Проект:Патрулирование/Статистика/1k+/Переименования"); using (TextReader sr = new StringReader(renamedUsersData)) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { Match m = re.Match(line); if (m.Success) { string oldName = m.Groups[1].Value; string newName = m.Groups[2].Value; if (!renamedUsers.ContainsKey(oldName)) { renamedUsers.Add(oldName, newName); } } } } DateTime currentMonth = new DateTime(DateTime.Today.Year, DateTime.Today.Month, 1); DateTime now = currentMonth; DateTime firstReviewMonth = new DateTime(2008, 9, 1); while (currentMonth > firstReviewMonth) { DateTime previousMonth = currentMonth.AddMonths(-1); if (File.Exists("output" + previousMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM") + ".txt")) { currentMonth = currentMonth.AddMonths(-1); continue; } string start = previousMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"); string stop = currentMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ"); Console.Out.WriteLine("Quering list of editors for " + previousMonth.ToString("MMMM yyyy") + "..."); ParameterCollection parameters = new ParameterCollection(); parameters.Add("list", "logevents"); parameters.Add("letype", "review"); parameters.Add("lestart", start); parameters.Add("leend", stop); parameters.Add("ledir", "newer"); parameters.Add("lelimit", "max"); Dictionary<string, User> users = new Dictionary<string, User>(); XmlNode continueNode = null; while (true) { XmlDocument doc; try { doc = wiki.MakeRequest(Claymore.SharpMediaWiki.Action.Query, parameters); } catch (WikiException e) { Console.Out.WriteLine(e.Message); return; } continueNode = doc.SelectSingleNode("//query-continue"); if (continueNode != null) { string name = continueNode.FirstChild.Attributes[0].Name; string value = continueNode.FirstChild.Attributes[0].Value; parameters.Set(name, value); } XmlNodeList entries = doc.SelectNodes("//item[@action!=\"approve-a\" and @action!=\"approve-ia\"]"); foreach (XmlNode entry in entries) { string username = renamedUsers.ContainsKey(entry.Attributes["user"].Value) ? renamedUsers[entry.Attributes["user"].Value] : entry.Attributes["user"].Value; string ns = entry.Attributes["ns"].Value; if (!users.ContainsKey(username)) { User user = new User(username); if (ns == "0") { user.ArticleActions = 1; } else if (ns == "14") { user.CategoryActions = 1; } else if (ns == "10") { user.TemplateActions = 1; } else if (ns == "6") { user.FileActions = 1; } users.Add(username, user); } else { User user = users[username]; if (ns == "0") { ++user.ArticleActions; } else if (ns == "14") { ++user.CategoryActions; } else if (ns == "10") { ++user.TemplateActions; } else if (ns == "6") { ++user.FileActions; } users[username] = user; } } if (continueNode == null) { break; } } Console.Out.WriteLine("Processing data..."); List<User> userList = new List<User>(users.Select(s => s.Value)); userList.Sort(CompareUsers); using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("output" + previousMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM") + ".txt", false)) { int totalActions = 0; int totalArticleActions = 0; int totalCategoryActions = 0; int totalTemplateActions = 0; int totalFileActions = 0; bool bots = false; sw.WriteLine("== " + previousMonth.ToString("MMMM") + " =="); sw.WriteLine("{| class=\"standard sortable\""); sw.WriteLine("!№!!Участник!!всего!!статей!!категорий!!шаблонов!!файлов"); for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < userList.Count; ++i) { if (userList[i].Name.Contains("Lockalbot") || userList[i].Name.Contains("Secretary")) { bots = true; continue; } sw.WriteLine("|-"); totalActions += userList[i].Actions; totalArticleActions += userList[i].ArticleActions; totalCategoryActions += userList[i].CategoryActions; totalTemplateActions += userList[i].TemplateActions; totalFileActions += userList[i].FileActions; string line = string.Format("|{0}||[[User:{1}|]]||{2}||{3}||{4}||{5}||{6}", j++, userList[i].Name, userList[i].Actions, userList[i].ArticleActions, userList[i].CategoryActions, userList[i].TemplateActions, userList[i].FileActions); sw.WriteLine(line); } sw.WriteLine("|-"); sw.WriteLine("|||Итого||{0}||{1}||{2}||{3}||{4}", totalActions, totalArticleActions, totalCategoryActions, totalTemplateActions, totalFileActions); sw.WriteLine("|}"); if (bots) { sw.WriteLine("; Боты"); sw.WriteLine("{| class=\"standard sortable\""); sw.WriteLine("!№!!Участник!!всего!!статей!!категорий!!шаблонов!!файлов"); for (int i = 0, j = 1; i < userList.Count; ++i) { if (userList[i].Name.Contains("Lockalbot") || userList[i].Name.Contains("Secretary")) { sw.WriteLine("|-"); string line = string.Format("|{0}||[[User:{1}|]]||{2}||{3}||{4}||{5}||{6}", j++, userList[i].Name, userList[i].Actions, userList[i].ArticleActions, userList[i].CategoryActions, userList[i].TemplateActions, userList[i].FileActions); sw.WriteLine(line); } } sw.WriteLine("|}"); } sw.WriteLine("\n— ~~~~"); } currentMonth = currentMonth.AddMonths(-1); } currentMonth = new DateTime(2008, 9, 1); Dictionary<string, List<MonthStat>> userStatistics = new Dictionary<string, List<MonthStat>>(); while (currentMonth < now) { using (TextReader sr = new StreamReader("output" + currentMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM") + ".txt")) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line == "|-") { line = sr.ReadLine(); string[] fields = line.Split(new string[] { "||" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string user = fields[1]; int actions = int.Parse(fields[2]); if (user.StartsWith("[[User:"******"output" + currentMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM") + ".txt")) { string line; while ((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if (line == "|-") { line = sr.ReadLine(); string[] fields = line.Split(new string[] { "||" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); string user = fields[1]; int actions = int.Parse(fields[2]); if (userStatistics.ContainsKey(user)) { List<MonthStat> stats = userStatistics[user]; stats.Add(new MonthStat(currentMonth, actions)); } } } } currentMonth = currentMonth.AddMonths(1); } using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("output.txt", false)) { sw.WriteLine("== Статистика =="); for (int year = DateTime.Today.Year; year >= 2008; --year) { DateTime currentYear = new DateTime(year, 1, 1); List<UserStat> userStats = new List<UserStat>(); foreach (var user in userStatistics) { var stats = user.Value.Where(s => (s.Month >= currentYear && s.Month < currentYear.AddYears(1))); UserStat userStat = new UserStat(user.Key, stats); userStat.enterDate = user.Value.Where(s => s.Actions >= 1000).Min(s => s.Month); userStat.ActionsBefore = user.Value.Where(s => s.Month < currentYear).Sum(s => s.Actions); userStat.Max = user.Value.Max(s => s.Actions); if (stats.Count() > 0 && userStat.enterDate.Year <= year) { userStats.Add(userStat); } } userStats.Sort(CompareUserStat); sw.WriteLine("\n=== {0} ===", currentYear.Year); sw.WriteLine("{| class=\"wikitable sortable\""); sw.Write("! № !! Участник"); currentMonth = currentYear; while (currentMonth < currentYear.AddYears(1)) { sw.Write(" !! " + currentMonth.ToString("MMM yy")); currentMonth = currentMonth.AddMonths(1); } sw.Write(" !! За {0} !! На конец {0} ", currentYear.Year); sw.WriteLine(); for (int index = 0; index < userStats.Count; ++index) { sw.WriteLine("|-"); sw.WriteLine(userStats[index].IsBot ? "! Бот" : string.Format("! {0}", index + 1)); sw.Write(string.Format("| {0}", userStats[index].Name)); int max = userStats[index].Stat.Max(s => s.Actions); currentMonth = currentYear; int totalActions = 0; while (currentMonth < currentYear.AddYears(1)) { int actions = 0; foreach (var item in userStats[index].Stat) { if (item.Month == currentMonth) { actions = item.Actions; break; } } if (actions != userStats[index].Max) { sw.Write(" || " + actions); } else { sw.Write(string.Format(" || '''{0}'''", actions)); } totalActions += actions; currentMonth = currentMonth.AddMonths(1); } sw.Write(string.Format(" || {0}", totalActions)); sw.Write(string.Format(" || {0}", totalActions + userStats[index].ActionsBefore)); sw.WriteLine(); } sw.WriteLine("|}"); } } currentMonth = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1).AddMonths(-1); Console.Out.WriteLine("Updating the wiki page..."); using (TextReader sr = new StreamReader("output" + currentMonth.ToString("yyyy-MM") + ".txt")) { DateTime previousMonth = new DateTime(now.Year, now.Month, 1).AddMonths(-1); string text = sr.ReadToEnd(); string period = previousMonth.ToString("MMMM yyyy"); wiki.Save(previousMonth.ToString("Википедия:Проект:Патрулирование\\/Статистика\\/yyyy\\/MM"), text, "статистика патрулирования за " + period[0].ToString().ToLower() + period.Substring(1)); } Console.Out.WriteLine("Updating Википедия:Проект:Патрулирование/Статистика/1k+..."); using (TextReader sr = new StreamReader("output.txt")) { string text = sr.ReadToEnd(); wiki.SaveSection("Википедия:Проект:Патрулирование/Статистика/1k+", "1", text, "обновление"); } wiki.Save(currentMonth.ToString("Википедия:Проект:Патрулирование\\/Статистика\\/yyyy"), string.Format("#REDIRECT [[{0}]]", currentMonth.ToString("Википедия:Проект:Патрулирование\\/Статистика\\/yyyy\\/MM")), "обновление"); Console.Out.WriteLine("Done."); wiki.Logout(); }
public static void Login(Wiki wiki, string username, string password, string fileName) { if (!WikiCache.LoadCookies(wiki, fileName)) { wiki.Login(username, password); WikiCache.CacheCookies(wiki, fileName); } else { wiki.Login(); if (!wiki.IsBot) { wiki.Logout(); wiki.Login(username, password); WikiCache.CacheCookies(wiki, fileName); } } }