public static void Op() { string path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.Parent.FullName, "Art"); Options: Console.Clear(); using (StreamReader Main_Logo = new StreamReader(path + @"\MainLogo.txt")) { using (StreamReader Main_Icon = new StreamReader(path + @"\Icon.txt")) { string Icon = Main_Icon.ReadToEnd(); Console.WriteLine(Icon); string MLogo = Main_Logo.ReadToEnd(); Console.WriteLine(MLogo); } } Console.WriteLine("What do you wish to change\n1.???\n2.???\n3.Back to main menu\nSecret Code.Skip"); Console.WriteLine("Enter you choie:"); string OptionsCh = Console.ReadLine(); if (OptionsCh == "1") { Console.WriteLine("Ya Yiit"); //Ei asu enam siin } if (OptionsCh == "2") { Console.WriteLine("There is nothing here"); } if (OptionsCh == "3") { MainMenu.MaMeLoaded(); } if (OptionsCh == "3499") { Console.WriteLine("Which chapter?\n1.\n2.Banan\n3.DoChYes\n4.DoChNo\n4.1.House By The Road\n5.Kalmarov\n6.Ending"); string Ch = Console.ReadLine(); if (Ch == "1") { Console.Clear(); GameplayNAS.GPNAS(); } if (Ch == "2") { Console.Clear(); BananNAS.BaNAS(); } if (Ch == "3") { Console.Clear(); DoChYes.DchY(); } if (Ch == "4") { Console.Clear(); DoChNo.DchN(); } if (Ch == "5") { Console.Clear(); RoadToKlamaRov.RoToKalMa(); } if (Ch == "4.1") { Console.Clear(); HouseByTheRoad.HoByThRo(); } if (Ch == "6") { Console.Clear(); Ending.End(); } if (Ch == "SG") { Console.Clear(); Combat.SuperGoblin(); Console.WriteLine("You win lol"); } if (Ch == "G") { Console.Clear(); Combat.gayd(); Console.WriteLine("You win lol"); } if (Ch == "JP") { Console.Clear(); JakeBoss.gaydar(); Console.WriteLine("You win lol"); } if (Ch == "S") { Console.Clear(); squiddd.Squidd(); Console.WriteLine("You win lol"); } } }
public static void BaNAS() { string path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetParent(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()).Parent.Parent.FullName, "Art"); string Secret_Code = Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("You see a roadsign ahead, it says 'Banan' on it"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("You decide do go to banan"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("You arrive"); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("You see a banana on the ground"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Mr.B: Hm, should i eat it?"); Console.WriteLine("1.Yes\n2.No"); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; string choiseBanana = Console.ReadLine(); if (choiseBanana == "1") { Console.WriteLine("You ate a radiated banana"); Console.WriteLine("You smart"); Console.ReadKey(); using (StreamReader DS = new StreamReader(path + @"\DeathScreen.txt")) { String DS_ = DS.ReadToEnd(); Console.WriteLine(DS_); Console.WriteLine("Do you wish to try again?\n1.Yes\n2.No"); string choiseBaDead = Console.ReadLine(); if (choiseBaDead == "1") { Console.WriteLine("Returning to your choise"); Console.ReadKey(); } if (choiseBaDead == "2") { Console.WriteLine("Okay"); Console.ReadKey(); Environment.Exit(0); } } } if (choiseBanana == "2") { Console.WriteLine("Good job, you didn't eat a radiated banana"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("But you still find a russian"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("And he start running towards you"); Console.ReadKey(); if (Secret_Code == "3499") { Console.WriteLine("*****************Skipping Combat*****************"); Console.ReadKey(); } else { Combat.gayd(); } Console.WriteLine("You beat the russian goblin"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("He managed to say something before passing out"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Russian Goblin:'H-he is too stro-ong for y-you'"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("He passed out"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Who was he talking about"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("I dont have time for figuring this out, i have to keep moving"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("*You head to a bulding that has 'magazin' written on it"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("*You head inside"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("****What you see in there is very disturbing****"); while (true) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.WriteLine("Do you wish to see what Mr.B saw?[DISCLAIMER]\n1.Yes\n2.No"); string ChMagazin = Console.ReadLine(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; if (ChMagazin == "1") { using (StreamReader HangMan = new StreamReader(path + @"\HangingMan.txt")) { string HangedMan = HangMan.ReadToEnd(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.DarkRed; Console.WriteLine(HangedMan); Console.ReadKey(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; break; } } if (ChMagazin == "2") { Console.WriteLine("Good choice"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } else { } } Console.WriteLine("Mr.B: This is horrific"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); while (true) { Console.WriteLine("*Bean heads out of the store"); Console.ReadKey(); using (StreamReader WaterBottle = new StreamReader(path + @"\WaterBottle.txt")) { Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Blue; string WB = WaterBottle.ReadToEnd(); Console.WriteLine(WB); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; } Console.WriteLine("*He sees a waterbottle on the ground"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Mr.B: Should i drink it?\n1.Yes\n2.No"); string BottleCh = Console.ReadLine(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; if (BottleCh == "1") { Random rand = new Random(); if (rand.Next(0, 2) == 0) { using (StreamReader DeathScreenWB = new StreamReader(path + @"\DeathScreen.txt")) { string DSWB = DeathScreenWB.ReadToEnd(); Console.WriteLine(DSWB); } Console.WriteLine("* You died to radiation poisoning"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Retry?\n1.Yes\n2.No"); string RetryBottle = Console.ReadLine(); if (RetryBottle == "Yes") { Console.Clear(); } if (RetryBottle == "No") { Environment.Exit(0); } } else { Console.WriteLine("*The water was luckly radiation free"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } if (BottleCh == "2") { Console.WriteLine("Your choice"); Console.ReadKey(); break; } } Console.WriteLine("*Bean looks around himself and sees a russian goblin"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Russian Goblin:Ya sobirayus' tebya ubit'"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("*Bean preapers to fight"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Mr.B:Dont try it Goblin!"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Russian Goblin:Ty nedootsenivayesh' moyu moshch'"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("*Goblin jumps at Bean and combat begins"); if (Secret_Code == "3499") { Console.WriteLine("*****************Skipping Combat*****************"); Console.ReadKey(); } else { Combat.gayd(); } Console.WriteLine("*What he didn't realise is, that you had the high ground"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Bean is getting tired, but he can't fall asleep"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Suddenly bean hears multiple goblins behind him"); Console.WriteLine("Bean gets knocked out"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("..."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("..."); Console.WriteLine("..."); Console.ReadKey(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("*Bean wakes up"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("*Mr.B: What just happened?"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("???: SILENCE!"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("*Bean looks up and he sees a dabbing russian goblin, who can speak english"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("*Mr.B: Where am i?!?"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("???: You're in the house of The Chosen One, The One who is best at dabbing, Jake Paul"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("*Now we know what was that note about"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("???: Why are you here?"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("Mr.B: Who are you?"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("???: I ASKED WHY ARE YOU HERE"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("*The goblin is blocking the door, threatening MrBean with a spear*"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("*MrBean enters into combat with the goblin*"); if (Secret_Code == "3499") { Console.WriteLine("*****************Skipping Combat*****************"); Console.ReadKey(); } else { Combat.SuperGoblin(); } Console.WriteLine("The Goblin: H-he will d-defe-eat y-you"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("*The Goblin dies"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("*You start exploring the house"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.WriteLine("*You see an open door"); Console.ReadKey(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Yellow; Console.WriteLine("Will you go in?\n1.Yes\n2.No"); string DoCh = Console.ReadLine(); Console.BackgroundColor = ConsoleColor.Black; Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; if (DoCh == "1") { DoChYes.DchY(); } if (DoCh == "2") { DoChNo.DchN(); } } else { } } }