public bool AddUser(User user) { try { user.CreatedTime = DateTime.Now; user.State = ObjectState.Added; userRep.AddOperation(user); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { var rr = ex.Message; return false; } }
public ActionResult InvitationConfirm(int id, User user) { var tnc = Request.Params.Get("tnc"); if (tnc != null && tnc == "on") { Encryptor encrypt = new Encryptor(); user.Password = encrypt.GetMD5(user.Password); user.ConfirmPassword = encrypt.GetMD5(user.ConfirmPassword); if (uService.GetSingleUserByEmail(user.Email) == null) { if (uService.AddUser(user)) { var Invitation = inService.GetSingleInvitation(id); var emp = new Employee(); var setObj = setService.GetAllByUserId(user.Id); var logEntry = new CompanyViewLog(); logEntry.UserId = user.Id; logEntry.CompanyId = Invitation.CompanyId; ; logEntry.LoginTime = DateTime.Now; //logEntry.IpAddress = ""; _companyViewLog.AddCompanyViewLog(logEntry); emp.UserId = user.Id; emp.CompanyId = Invitation.CompanyId; emp.DesignationId = Invitation.DesignationId; if (eService.CreateEmployee(emp)) { var accountSetting = new Settings(); accountSetting.userId = user.Id; accountSetting.lgdash = false; accountSetting.lglast = false; accountSetting.lgcompany = true; accountSetting.CompanyId = Invitation.CompanyId; if (sService.AddSettings(accountSetting)) { var userInRole = new UserInRole(); userInRole.EmployeeId = emp.Id; userInRole.RoleId = Invitation.RoleId; userInRole.IsActive = true; if (URSer.AddUserInRole(userInRole)) { CustomPrincipal.Login(user.Email, user.Password, false); return RedirectToAction("Create", "EmployeeProfile", new { area = "OrganizationManagement" }); } } } else { return Content("Failed"); } } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("Msg", "Already Register"); //return Content("Already Register"); return View(); } } return Content("You Must Agree with our terms and Condition"); }
public ActionResult Registration(User user) { var tnc = Request.Params.Get("tnc"); if (tnc != null && tnc == "on") { if (uService.GetSingleUserByEmail(user.Email) == null) { Encryptor encrypt = new Encryptor(); user.Password = encrypt.GetMD5(user.Password); user.ConfirmPassword = encrypt.GetMD5(user.ConfirmPassword); if (uService.AddUser(user)) { //return View("RegistrationSuccess"); CustomPrincipal.Login(user.Email, user.Password, false); return RedirectToAction("MyMhasb", "Users", new { Area = "UserManagement" }); } else { ModelState.AddModelError("Msg", "Registration Failed!!!"); // return Content("Already Register"); return View(); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("Msg", "Already Register"); // return Content("Already Register"); return View(); } } else { ModelState.AddModelError("Msg", "You Must Agree with Terms and Condition...."); // return Content("Already Register"); return View(); } }
public bool UpdateUser(User user) { try { user.State = ObjectState.Modified; userRep.UpdateOperation(user); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { var rr = ex.Message; return false; } }