private void pickDbComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { int selectedDatabase = ((ComboBox)sender).SelectedIndex; switch (selectedDatabase) { case (int)CarDealerEnum.CarDealer1: DatabaseConnection.Set(CarDealerConnectionString.carDealer1); break; case (int)CarDealerEnum.CarDealer2: DatabaseConnection.Set(CarDealerConnectionString.carDealer2); break; default: DatabaseConnection.Set(); break; } RateCar.service.GetDataService.Most3DataTableFromHost = CarsData.GetCars ("SELECT id, brand, model, car_engine, production_year, avg_rate, no_rates FROM cars ORDER BY no_rates DESC LIMIT 3"); RateCar.service.GetDataService.Best3DataTableFromHost = CarsData.GetCars ("SELECT id, brand, model, car_engine, production_year, avg_rate, no_rates FROM cars ORDER BY avg_rate DESC LIMIT 3"); this.cars1BindingSource.DataSource = CarsData.GetCars(); }
private void lacquerColorComboBox_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { bool isMetallicType = isMetallicLacquerCheckBox.Checked; //MessageBox.Show("metallicType: " + isMetallicType); string appendToSqlQuery = isMetallicType ? " WHERE has_metallic_lacquer=1" : ""; lacquerColorComboBox.DataSource = CarsData.GetCars("SELECT DISTINCT lacquer_color FROM cars" + appendToSqlQuery); lacquerColorComboBox.DisplayMember = "lacquer_color"; }
private void addNewCarButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Attempt to add new car..."); string carBrand = !addBrandTextBox.Text.Equals("") ? "'" + (addBrandTextBox.Text) + "'" : "NULL"; string carModel = !addModelTextBox.Text.Equals("") ? "'" + (addModelTextBox.Text) + "'" : "NULL"; string carEngine = !addEngineTextBox.Text.Equals("") ? "'" + (addEngineTextBox.Text) + "'" : "NULL"; string prodYear = !addProdYearTextBox.Text.Equals("") ? "'" + (addProdYearTextBox.Text) + "'" : "NULL"; string lacquerColor = !addLacquerTextBox.Text.Equals("") ? "'" + (addLacquerTextBox.Text) + "'" : "NULL"; string hasMetallicLacquer = addMetalicLacquerCheckBox.Checked ? "1" : "0"; string hasPowerSteering = addPowerSteeringCheckBox.Checked ? "1" : "0"; string hasAutomaticTransmission = addAutomaticTransmissionCheckBox.Checked ? "1" : "0"; string hasAirConditioning = addAirConditionCheckBox.Checked ? "1" : "0"; string price = !addPriceTextBox.Text.Equals("") ? "'" + (addPriceTextBox.Text) + "'" : "NULL"; string insertQuery = "INSERT INTO cars " + "(brand, model, car_engine, production_year, lacquer_color, has_metallic_lacquer, has_power_steering, has_automatic_transmission, has_air_conditioning, price) " + "VALUES (" + "" + carBrand + ", " + "" + carModel + ", " + "" + carEngine + ", " + "" + prodYear + ", " + "" + lacquerColor + ", " + "'" + hasMetallicLacquer + "', " + "'" + hasPowerSteering + "', " + "'" + hasAutomaticTransmission + "', " + "'" + hasAirConditioning + "', " + "" + price + ") "; System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Insert query: " + insertQuery); CarsData.InsertCar(insertQuery); this.cars1BindingSource.DataSource = CarsData.GetCars(); MessageBox.Show("Dodano nowy samochód do komisu: " + CarsData.DbConnection.Database); } catch (System.Exception ex) { CarsData.DbConnection.Close(); MessageBox.Show("NIE udalo sie dodac nowego wpisu! \n" + ex.Message); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("NIE udalo sie dodac nowego wpisu: " + ex.StackTrace); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("NIE udalo sie dodac nowego wpisu MESSAGE: " + ex.Message); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string sqlQuery = "SELECT * FROM cars"; List <string> queryElements = new List <string>(); queryElements.Add((carBrandComboBox.SelectedIndex > -1 && !("".Equals(carBrandComboBox.Text))) ? ("brand='" + carBrandComboBox.Text + "'") : null); queryElements.Add((carModelComboBox.SelectedIndex > -1 && !("".Equals(carModelComboBox.Text))) ? ("model='" + carModelComboBox.Text + "'") : null); queryElements.Add((engineComboBox.SelectedIndex > -1 && !("".Equals(engineComboBox.Text))) ? ("car_engine='" + engineComboBox.Text + "'") : null); queryElements.Add(isMetallicLacquerCheckBox.Checked ? ("has_metallic_lacquer='" + 1 + "'") : null); queryElements.Add((lacquerColorComboBox.SelectedIndex > -1 && !("".Equals(lacquerColorComboBox.Text))) ? ("lacquer_color='" + lacquerColorComboBox.Text + "'") : null); queryElements.Add(automaticTransmissionCheckBox.Checked ? ("has_automatic_transmission='" + 1 + "'") : null); queryElements.Add(powerSteeringCheckBox.Checked ? ("has_power_steering='" + 1 + "'") : null); queryElements.Add(airConditionCheckBox.Checked ? ("has_air_conditioning='" + 1 + "'") : null); queryElements.RemoveAll(query => query == null || query.Equals("")); if (queryElements.Count > 0) { sqlQuery += " WHERE "; foreach (string query in queryElements) { if (queryElements.IndexOf(query) == queryElements.Count - 1) { sqlQuery += query; break; } sqlQuery += query + " AND "; } } System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Search sqlQuery : " + sqlQuery); this.cars1BindingSource.DataSource = CarsData.GetCars(sqlQuery); } catch (SqlException ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SQL EXCEPTION when searching! : " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // TODO: This line of code loads data into the '' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.cars2TableAdapter.Fill(; // TODO: This line of code loads data into the '' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.cars1TableAdapter.Fill(; // TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'car_dealer_dbDataSet.samochody' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed. this.samochodyTableAdapter.Fill(this.carDealerDataSet.samochody); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Form1_Load"); label10.Text = computer1.CPU.Architecture; RateCar.service.GetDataService.BindingSourceFromHost = this.cars1BindingSource; RateCar.service.GetDataService.Most3DataTableFromHost = CarsData.GetCars ("SELECT id, brand, model, car_engine, production_year, avg_rate, no_rates FROM cars ORDER BY no_rates DESC LIMIT 3"); RateCar.service.GetDataService.Best3DataTableFromHost = CarsData.GetCars ("SELECT id, brand, model, car_engine, production_year, avg_rate, no_rates FROM cars ORDER BY avg_rate DESC LIMIT 3"); foreach (CarDealerEnum enumValue in Enum.GetValues(typeof(CarDealerEnum))) { pickDbComboBox.Items.Add(enumValue.ToString()); } newCarPanel.Visible = false; carBrandComboBox.DropDown += new EventHandler(carBrandComboBox_DropDown); carBrandComboBox.SelectionChangeCommitted += new EventHandler(carBrandComboBox_SelectionChangeCommitted); carModelComboBox.DropDown += new EventHandler(carModelComboBox_DropDown); carModelComboBox.SelectionChangeCommitted += new EventHandler(carModelComboBox_SelectionChangeCommitted); engineComboBox.DropDown += new EventHandler(engineComboBox_DropDown); //engineComboBox.SelectionChangeCommitted += new EventHandler(engineComboBox_SelectionChangeCommitted); lacquerColorComboBox.DropDown += new EventHandler(lacquerColorComboBox_DropDown); //lacquerColorComboBox.SelectionChangeCommitted += new EventHandler(lacquerColorComboBox_SelectionChangeCommitted); mainDataGridView.CellClick += new DataGridViewCellEventHandler(mainDataGridView_CellClick); addNewCarButton.Click += new EventHandler(addNewCarButton_Click); rateCarController.SelectedIndexChangedInRateCB += new RateEventHandler(RateComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged); if (OnParentLoad != null) { // Event leci on mouse enter Form1 this.OnParentLoad(sender, e); } }
protected void RateComboBox_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, RateEventArgs e) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Rate " + ((ComboBox)sender).Text + " from RateComboBox recieved in parent, id: " + e.Id + " model: " + e.Model); try { CarsData.UpdateCar("UPDATE cars SET sum_rates=sum_rates+" + ((ComboBox)sender).Text + " WHERE id=" + e.Id); CarsData.UpdateCar("UPDATE cars SET no_rates=no_rates+1 WHERE id=" + e.Id); string sum_rates = CarsData.GetCars("SELECT sum_rates FROM cars WHERE id=" + e.Id).Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); string no_rates = CarsData.GetCars("SELECT no_rates FROM cars WHERE id=" + e.Id).Rows[0].ItemArray[0].ToString(); float float_avg_rate = (float)Int32.Parse(sum_rates) / Int32.Parse(no_rates); string avg_rate = float_avg_rate.ToString().Replace(',', '.'); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("avg_rate: " + avg_rate + " sum_rates: " + sum_rates + " no_rates: " + no_rates); CarsData.UpdateCar("UPDATE cars SET avg_rate=" + avg_rate + " WHERE id=" + e.Id); RateCar.service.GetDataService.Most3DataTableFromHost = CarsData.GetCars ("SELECT id, brand, model, car_engine, production_year, avg_rate, no_rates FROM cars ORDER BY no_rates DESC LIMIT 3"); RateCar.service.GetDataService.Best3DataTableFromHost = CarsData.GetCars ("SELECT id, brand, model, car_engine, production_year, avg_rate, no_rates FROM cars ORDER BY avg_rate DESC LIMIT 3"); this.cars1BindingSource.DataSource = CarsData.GetCars(); lastRatedCarLabel.Text = e.Brand + " " + e.Model + " oceniono na: " + ((ComboBox)sender).Text; } catch (SqlException ex) { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SQL EXCEPTION when rating car : " + ex.Message + "\n" + ex.StackTrace); } }
private void engineComboBox_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { engineComboBox.DataSource = CarsData.GetCars("SELECT DISTINCT car_engine FROM cars"); engineComboBox.DisplayMember = "car_engine"; }
private void carModelComboBox_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { carModelComboBox.DataSource = CarsData.GetCars("SELECT DISTINCT model FROM cars"); carModelComboBox.DisplayMember = "model"; }
private void carBrandComboBox_DropDown(object sender, EventArgs e) { carBrandComboBox.DataSource = CarsData.GetCars("SELECT DISTINCT brand FROM cars"); carBrandComboBox.DisplayMember = "brand"; }