public static void Run() { { btTransform planeObjWorld = new btTransform( new btQuaternion( 0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 1 ), new btVector3( 3, 4, 5 ) ); btTransform convexWorldTransform = new btTransform( new btQuaternion( 0.2, 0.3, 0, 1 ), new btVector3( 3, 4, 5 ) ); btTransform convexInPlaneTrans; btTransform tmp; planeObjWorld.inverse( out tmp ); tmp.Apply( ref convexWorldTransform, out convexInPlaneTrans ); PrintTransform( ref convexInPlaneTrans ); planeObjWorld.inverseTimes( ref convexWorldTransform, out convexInPlaneTrans ); PrintTransform( ref convexInPlaneTrans ); //convexInPlaneTrans = planeObjWorld( convexWorldTransform; //PrintTransform( &convexInPlaneTrans ); } { btTransform planeObjWorld = new btTransform( new btQuaternion( 0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 1 ), new btVector3( 5, 2, 1 ) ); btTransform convexWorldTransform = new btTransform( new btQuaternion( 0.2, 0.3, 0, 1 ), new btVector3( 3, 4, 5 ) ); btTransform convexInPlaneTrans; btTransform tmp; planeObjWorld.inverse( out tmp ); tmp.Apply( ref convexWorldTransform, out convexInPlaneTrans ); PrintTransform( ref convexInPlaneTrans ); planeObjWorld.inverseTimes( ref convexWorldTransform, out convexInPlaneTrans ); PrintTransform( ref convexInPlaneTrans ); //convexInPlaneTrans = planeObjWorld( convexWorldTransform; //PrintTransform( &convexInPlaneTrans ); btQuaternion perturbeRot = new btQuaternion( 0.1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.8 ); perturbeRot.normalize(); btTransform planeObjWrapTrans = new btTransform( new btQuaternion( 0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 1 ), new btVector3( 4, 7, 2 ) ); planeObjWrapTrans.inverseTimes( ref convexWorldTransform, out convexInPlaneTrans ); //now perturbe the convex-world transform btMatrix3x3 perturbeMat = new btMatrix3x3( ref perturbeRot ); btMatrix3x3 tmpPerturbe; convexWorldTransform.m_basis.Apply( ref perturbeMat, out tmpPerturbe ); convexWorldTransform.m_basis = tmpPerturbe; btTransform planeInConvex; convexWorldTransform.inverseTimes( ref planeObjWrapTrans, out planeInConvex ); PrintTransform( ref planeInConvex ); } Console.Read(); }
void getOrientation( out btQuaternion result ) { m_worldTransform.m_basis.getRotation( out result ); }
public void setMotorTarget( ref btQuaternion qAinB, double dt ) { // convert target from body to constraint space btMatrix3x3 tmp; m_rbBFrame.m_basis.inverse( out tmp ); btQuaternion tmpq; m_rbBFrame.getRotation( out tmpq ); tmpq.inverse( out tmpq ); btQuaternion tmpq2; tmpq.Mult( ref qAinB, out tmpq2 ); m_rbAFrame.getRotation( out tmpq ); btQuaternion qConstraint;// = m_rbBFrame.getRotation().inverse() * qAinB * m_rbAFrame.getRotation(); tmpq2.Mult( ref tmpq, out qConstraint ); qConstraint.normalize(); // extract "pure" hinge component btVector3 vNoHinge; btQuaternion.quatRotate( ref qConstraint, ref vHinge, out vNoHinge ); vNoHinge.normalize(); btQuaternion qNoHinge; btQuaternion.shortestArcQuat( ref vHinge, ref vNoHinge, out qNoHinge ); qNoHinge.inverse( out tmpq ); btQuaternion qHinge;// = qNoHinge.inverse() * qConstraint; tmpq.Mult( ref qConstraint, out qHinge ); qHinge.normalize(); // compute angular target, clamped to limits double targetAngle = qHinge.getAngle(); if( targetAngle > btScalar.SIMD_PI ) // long way around. flip quat and recalculate. { qHinge.inverse( out qHinge ); //qHinge = -( qHinge ); targetAngle = qHinge.getAngle(); } if( qHinge.z < 0 ) targetAngle = -targetAngle; setMotorTarget( targetAngle, dt ); }
// // Convex-Convex collision algorithm // internal override void processCollision( btCollisionObjectWrapper body0Wrap , ref btTransform body0Transform , btCollisionObjectWrapper body1Wrap , ref btTransform body1Transform , btDispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, btManifoldResult resultOut ) { if( m_manifoldPtr == null ) { //swapped? m_manifoldPtr = m_dispatcher.getNewManifold( body0Wrap.m_collisionObject, body1Wrap.m_collisionObject ); m_ownManifold = true; } resultOut.setPersistentManifold( m_manifoldPtr ); //comment-out next line to test multi-contact generation //resultOut.getPersistentManifold().clearManifold(); btConvexShape min0 = (btConvexShape)body0Wrap.getCollisionShape(); btConvexShape min1 = (btConvexShape)body1Wrap.getCollisionShape(); btVector3 normalOnB; btVector3 pointOnBWorld; #if !BT_DISABLE_CAPSULE_CAPSULE_COLLIDER if( ( min0.getShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.CAPSULE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE ) && ( min1.getShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.CAPSULE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE ) ) { btCapsuleShape capsuleA = (btCapsuleShape)min0; btCapsuleShape capsuleB = (btCapsuleShape)min1; // btVector3 localScalingA = capsuleA.getLocalScaling(); // btVector3 localScalingB = capsuleB.getLocalScaling(); double threshold = m_manifoldPtr.getContactBreakingThreshold(); double dist = capsuleCapsuleDistance( out normalOnB, out pointOnBWorld , capsuleA.getHalfHeight(), capsuleA.getRadius() , capsuleB.getHalfHeight(), capsuleB.getRadius() , capsuleA.getUpAxis(), capsuleB.getUpAxis() , ref body0Wrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform, ref body1Wrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform, threshold ); if( dist < threshold ) { Debug.Assert( normalOnB.length2() >= ( btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON * btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) ); resultOut.addContactPoint( ref normalOnB, ref pointOnBWorld, dist ); } resultOut.refreshContactPoints(); return; } #endif //BT_DISABLE_CAPSULE_CAPSULE_COLLIDER #if USE_SEPDISTANCE_UTIL2 if (dispatchInfo.m_useConvexConservativeDistanceUtil) { m_sepDistance.updateSeparatingDistance(body0.getWorldTransform(),body1.getWorldTransform()); } if (!dispatchInfo.m_useConvexConservativeDistanceUtil || m_sepDistance.getConservativeSeparatingDistance()<=0) #endif //USE_SEPDISTANCE_UTIL2 { btGjkPairDetector.ClosestPointInput input = BulletGlobals.ClosestPointInputPool.Get(); input.Initialize(); btGjkPairDetector gjkPairDetector = BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Get(); gjkPairDetector.Initialize( min0, min1, m_simplexSolver, m_pdSolver ); //TODO: if (dispatchInfo.m_useContinuous) gjkPairDetector.setMinkowskiA( min0 ); gjkPairDetector.setMinkowskiB( min1 ); #if USE_SEPDISTANCE_UTIL2 if (dispatchInfo.m_useConvexConservativeDistanceUtil) { input.m_maximumDistanceSquared = BT_LARGE_FLOAT; } else #endif //USE_SEPDISTANCE_UTIL2 { //if (dispatchInfo.m_convexMaxDistanceUseCPT) //{ // input.m_maximumDistanceSquared = min0.getMargin() + min1.getMargin() + m_manifoldPtr.getContactProcessingThreshold(); //} else //{ input.m_maximumDistanceSquared = min0.getMargin() + min1.getMargin() + m_manifoldPtr.getContactBreakingThreshold(); // } input.m_maximumDistanceSquared *= input.m_maximumDistanceSquared; } input.m_transformA = body0Transform; input.m_transformB = body1Transform; #if USE_SEPDISTANCE_UTIL2 double sepDist = 0; if (dispatchInfo.m_useConvexConservativeDistanceUtil) { sepDist = gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingDistance(); if (sepDist>SIMD_EPSILON) { sepDist += dispatchInfo.m_convexConservativeDistanceThreshold; //now perturbe directions to get multiple contact points } } #endif //USE_SEPDISTANCE_UTIL2 if( min0.isPolyhedral() && min1.isPolyhedral() ) { btDummyResult dummy = new btDummyResult(); ///btBoxShape is an exception: its vertices are created WITH margin so don't subtract it double min0Margin = min0.getShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.BOX_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE ? 0 : min0.getMargin(); double min1Margin = min1.getShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.BOX_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE ? 0 : min1.getMargin(); btWithoutMarginResult withoutMargin = new btWithoutMarginResult( resultOut, min0Margin, min1Margin ); btPolyhedralConvexShape polyhedronA = (btPolyhedralConvexShape)min0; btPolyhedralConvexShape polyhedronB = (btPolyhedralConvexShape)min1; if( polyhedronA.getConvexPolyhedron() != null && polyhedronB.getConvexPolyhedron() != null ) { double threshold = m_manifoldPtr.getContactBreakingThreshold(); double minDist = -1e30f; btVector3 sepNormalWorldSpace; bool foundSepAxis = true; if( dispatchInfo.m_enableSatConvex ) { foundSepAxis = btPolyhedralContactClipping.findSeparatingAxis( polyhedronA.getConvexPolyhedron(), polyhedronB.getConvexPolyhedron(), ref body0Wrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform, ref body1Wrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform, out sepNormalWorldSpace, resultOut ); } else { #if ZERO_MARGIN gjkPairDetector.setIgnoreMargin(true); gjkPairDetector.getClosestPoints(input,*resultOut,dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw); #else gjkPairDetector.getClosestPoints( input, withoutMargin, dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw ); //gjkPairDetector.getClosestPoints(input,dummy,dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw); #endif //ZERO_MARGIN //double l2 = gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingAxis().length2(); //if (l2>SIMD_EPSILON) { sepNormalWorldSpace = withoutMargin.m_reportedNormalOnWorld;//gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingAxis()*(1/l2); //minDist = -1e30f;//gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingDistance(); minDist = withoutMargin.m_reportedDistance;//gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingDistance()+min0.getMargin()+min1.getMargin(); #if ZERO_MARGIN foundSepAxis = true;//gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingDistance()<0; #else foundSepAxis = withoutMargin.m_foundResult && minDist < 0;//-(min0.getMargin()+min1.getMargin()); #endif } } if( foundSepAxis ) { // Console.WriteLine("sepNormalWorldSpace=%f,%f,%f\n",sepNormalWorldSpace.x,sepNormalWorldSpace.y,sepNormalWorldSpace.z); btPolyhedralContactClipping.clipHullAgainstHull( ref sepNormalWorldSpace, polyhedronA.getConvexPolyhedron(), polyhedronB.getConvexPolyhedron(), ref body0Wrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform, ref body1Wrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform , minDist - threshold, threshold, resultOut ); } if( m_ownManifold ) { resultOut.refreshContactPoints(); } BulletGlobals.ClosestPointInputPool.Free( input ); BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Free( gjkPairDetector ); return; } else { //we can also deal with convex versus triangle (without connectivity data) if( polyhedronA.getConvexPolyhedron() != null && polyhedronB.getShapeType() == BroadphaseNativeTypes.TRIANGLE_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE ) { btVertexArray vertices = new btVertexArray(); btTriangleShape tri = (btTriangleShape)polyhedronB; btVector3 tmp; body1Transform.Apply( ref tri.m_vertices1, out tmp ); vertices.Add( ref tmp ); body1Transform.Apply( ref tri.m_vertices2, out tmp ); vertices.Add( ref tmp ); body1Transform.Apply( ref tri.m_vertices3, out tmp ); vertices.Add( ref tmp ); //tri.initializePolyhedralFeatures(); double threshold = m_manifoldPtr.getContactBreakingThreshold(); btVector3 sepNormalWorldSpace; double minDist = -btScalar.BT_LARGE_FLOAT; double maxDist = threshold; bool foundSepAxis = false; if( false ) { polyhedronB.initializePolyhedralFeatures(); foundSepAxis = btPolyhedralContactClipping.findSeparatingAxis( polyhedronA.getConvexPolyhedron(), polyhedronB.getConvexPolyhedron(), ref body0Wrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform, ref body1Wrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform, out sepNormalWorldSpace, resultOut ); // Console.WriteLine("sepNormalWorldSpace=%f,%f,%f\n",sepNormalWorldSpace.x,sepNormalWorldSpace.y,sepNormalWorldSpace.z); btPolyhedralContactClipping.clipFaceAgainstHull( ref sepNormalWorldSpace , polyhedronA.getConvexPolyhedron(), ref body0Wrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform, vertices, minDist - threshold, maxDist, resultOut ); } else { #if ZERO_MARGIN gjkPairDetector.setIgnoreMargin(true); gjkPairDetector.getClosestPoints(input,*resultOut,dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw); #else gjkPairDetector.getClosestPoints( input, dummy, dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw ); #endif//ZERO_MARGIN double l2 = gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingAxis().length2(); if( l2 > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) { gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingAxis().Mult( ( 1 / l2 ), out sepNormalWorldSpace ); //minDist = gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingDistance(); //maxDist = threshold; minDist = gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingDistance() - min0.getMargin() - min1.getMargin(); //foundSepAxis = true; btPolyhedralContactClipping.clipFaceAgainstHull( ref sepNormalWorldSpace , polyhedronA.getConvexPolyhedron(), ref body0Wrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform, vertices, minDist - threshold, maxDist, resultOut ); } else { //sepNormalWorldSpace = btVector3.Zero; } } if( m_ownManifold ) { resultOut.refreshContactPoints(); } BulletGlobals.ClosestPointInputPool.Free( input ); BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Free( gjkPairDetector ); return; } } } gjkPairDetector.getClosestPoints( input, resultOut, dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw ); //now perform 'm_numPerturbationIterations' collision queries with the perturbated collision objects //perform perturbation when more then 'm_minimumPointsPerturbationThreshold' points if( m_numPerturbationIterations != 0 && resultOut.m_manifoldPtr.m_cachedPoints < m_minimumPointsPerturbationThreshold ) { int i; btVector3 v0, v1; btVector3 sepNormalWorldSpace; double l2 = gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingAxis().length2(); if( l2 > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) { gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingAxis().Mult( ( 1 / l2 ), out sepNormalWorldSpace ); btVector3.btPlaneSpace1( ref sepNormalWorldSpace, out v0, out v1 ); bool perturbeA = true; double angleLimit = 0.125f * btScalar.SIMD_PI; double perturbeAngle; double radiusA = min0.getAngularMotionDisc(); double radiusB = min1.getAngularMotionDisc(); if( radiusA < radiusB ) { perturbeAngle = btPersistentManifold.gContactBreakingThreshold / radiusA; perturbeA = true; } else { perturbeAngle = btPersistentManifold.gContactBreakingThreshold / radiusB; perturbeA = false; } if( perturbeAngle > angleLimit ) perturbeAngle = angleLimit; btTransform unPerturbedTransform; if( perturbeA ) { unPerturbedTransform = input.m_transformA; } else { unPerturbedTransform = input.m_transformB; } for( i = 0; i < m_numPerturbationIterations; i++ ) { if( v0.length2() > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) { btQuaternion perturbeRot = new btQuaternion( ref v0, perturbeAngle ); double iterationAngle = i * ( btScalar.SIMD_2_PI / (double)( m_numPerturbationIterations ) ); btQuaternion rotq = new btQuaternion( ref sepNormalWorldSpace, iterationAngle ); if( perturbeA ) { btQuaternion tmpq; btQuaternion tmpq2; rotq.inverse( out tmpq ); btQuaternion.Mult( ref tmpq, ref perturbeRot, out tmpq2 ); btQuaternion.Mult( ref tmpq2, ref rotq, out tmpq ); btMatrix3x3 m = new btMatrix3x3( ref tmpq ); btMatrix3x3 m2; body0Transform.getBasis( out m2 ); btMatrix3x3 m3; btMatrix3x3.Mult( ref m, ref m2, out m3 ); input.m_transformA.setBasis( ref m3 ); input.m_transformB = body1Transform; #if DEBUG_CONTACTS dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw.drawTransform(input.m_transformA,10.0); #endif //DEBUG_CONTACTS } else { btQuaternion tmpq; btQuaternion tmpq2; rotq.inverse( out tmpq ); btQuaternion.Mult( ref tmpq, ref perturbeRot, out tmpq2 ); btQuaternion.Mult( ref tmpq2, ref rotq, out tmpq ); btMatrix3x3 m = new btMatrix3x3( ref tmpq ); btMatrix3x3 m2; body1Transform.getBasis( out m2 ); btMatrix3x3 m3; btMatrix3x3.Mult( ref m, ref m2, out m3 ); input.m_transformA = body0Transform; input.m_transformB.setBasis( ref m3 ); #if DEBUG_CONTACTS dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw.drawTransform(input.m_transformB,10.0); #endif } btPerturbedContactResult perturbedResultOut = BulletGlobals.PerturbedContactResultPool.Get(); if( perturbeA ) perturbedResultOut.Initialize( resultOut , ref input.m_transformA, ref input.m_transformB , ref input.m_transformA , perturbeA , dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw ); else perturbedResultOut.Initialize( resultOut , ref input.m_transformA, ref input.m_transformB , ref input.m_transformB , perturbeA , dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw ); gjkPairDetector.getClosestPoints( input, perturbedResultOut, dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw ); BulletGlobals.PerturbedContactResultPool.Free( perturbedResultOut ); } } } } #if USE_SEPDISTANCE_UTIL2 if (dispatchInfo.m_useConvexConservativeDistanceUtil && (sepDist>SIMD_EPSILON)) { m_sepDistance.initSeparatingDistance(gjkPairDetector.getCachedSeparatingAxis(),sepDist,body0.getWorldTransform(),body1.getWorldTransform()); } #endif //USE_SEPDISTANCE_UTIL2 BulletGlobals.ClosestPointInputPool.Free( input ); BulletGlobals.GjkPairDetectorPool.Free( gjkPairDetector ); } if( m_ownManifold ) { resultOut.refreshContactPoints(); } }
internal override void processCollision( btCollisionObjectWrapper body0Wrap , ref btTransform body0Transform , btCollisionObjectWrapper body1Wrap , ref btTransform body1Transform , btDispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, btManifoldResult resultOut ) { //(void)dispatchInfo; if( m_manifoldPtr == null ) return; btCollisionObjectWrapper convexObjWrap = m_swapped ? body1Wrap : body0Wrap; btCollisionObjectWrapper planeObjWrap = m_swapped ? body0Wrap : body1Wrap; btConvexShape convexShape = (btConvexShape)convexObjWrap.m_shape; btStaticPlaneShape planeShape = (btStaticPlaneShape)planeObjWrap.getCollisionShape(); //btVector3 planeNormal; //planeShape.getPlaneNormal().Copy( out planeNormal ); double planeConstant = planeShape.getPlaneConstant(); if( m_swapped ) collideSingleContact( false, ref btQuaternion.Identity, convexObjWrap , ref body1Transform , planeObjWrap , ref body0Transform , dispatchInfo, resultOut , ref planeShape.m_planeNormal, planeConstant ); else collideSingleContact( false, ref btQuaternion.Identity, convexObjWrap , ref body0Transform , planeObjWrap , ref body1Transform , dispatchInfo, resultOut , ref planeShape.m_planeNormal, planeConstant ); /* btCollisionObjectWrapper convexObjWrap = m_swapped ? body1Wrap : body0Wrap; btCollisionObjectWrapper planeObjWrap = m_swapped ? body0Wrap : body1Wrap; btConvexShape convexShape = (btConvexShape)convexObjWrap.m_shape; btStaticPlaneShape planeShape = (btStaticPlaneShape)planeObjWrap.m_shape; bool hasCollision = false; btVector3 planeNormal; planeShape.m_planeNormal.Copy( out planeNormal ); double planeConstant = planeShape.getPlaneConstant(); btTransform planeInConvex; convexObjWrap.getWorldTransform().inverseTimes( planeObjWrap.getWorldTransform(), out planeInConvex ); btTransform convexInPlaneTrans; planeObjWrap.getWorldTransform().inverseTimes( convexObjWrap.getWorldTransform(), out convexInPlaneTrans ); btVector3 invPlaneNormal; planeNormal.Invert( out invPlaneNormal ); btVector3 tmp; planeInConvex.getBasis().Apply( planeNormal, out tmp ); btVector3 vtx; convexShape.localGetSupportingVertex( ref tmp, out vtx ); btVector3 vtxInPlane; convexInPlaneTrans.Apply( ref vtx, out vtxInPlane ); double distance = ( ref vtxInPlane ) - planeConstant ); btVector3 vtxInPlaneProjected; vtxInPlane.AddScale( planeNormal, -distance, out vtxInPlaneProjected ); btVector3 vtxInPlaneWorld; planeObjWrap.getWorldTransform().Apply( ref vtxInPlaneProjected, out vtxInPlaneWorld ); hasCollision = distance < m_manifoldPtr.getContactBreakingThreshold(); resultOut.setPersistentManifold( m_manifoldPtr ); if( hasCollision ) { /// report a contact. internally this will be kept persistent, and contact reduction is done btVector3 normalOnSurfaceB = planeObjWrap.getWorldTransform().getBasis() * planeNormal; btVector3 pOnB = vtxInPlaneWorld; resultOut.addContactPoint( ref normalOnSurfaceB, ref pOnB, distance ); } */ //the perturbation algorithm doesn't work well with implicit surfaces such as spheres, cylinder and cones: //they keep on rolling forever because of the additional off-center contact points //so only enable the feature for polyhedral shapes (btBoxShape, btConvexHullShape etc) if( convexShape.isPolyhedral() && resultOut.m_manifoldPtr.m_cachedPoints < m_minimumPointsPerturbationThreshold ) { btVector3 v0, v1; btVector3.btPlaneSpace1( ref planeShape.m_planeNormal, out v0, out v1 ); //now perform 'm_numPerturbationIterations' collision queries with the perturbated collision objects double angleLimit = 0.125f * btScalar.SIMD_PI; double perturbeAngle; double radius = convexShape.getAngularMotionDisc(); perturbeAngle = btPersistentManifold.gContactBreakingThreshold / radius; if( perturbeAngle > angleLimit ) perturbeAngle = angleLimit; btQuaternion perturbeRot = new btQuaternion( ref v0, perturbeAngle ); double interval = btScalar.SIMD_2_PI / (double)( m_numPerturbationIterations ); for( int i = 0; i < m_numPerturbationIterations; i++ ) { double iterationAngle = i * interval; btQuaternion rotq = new btQuaternion( ref planeShape.m_planeNormal, iterationAngle ); btQuaternion rotqInv; rotq.inverse( out rotqInv ); btQuaternion tmpq, tmpq2; rotqInv.Mult( ref perturbeRot, out tmpq ); tmpq.Mult( ref rotq, out tmpq2 ); if( m_swapped ) collideSingleContact( true, ref tmpq2 , convexObjWrap, ref body1Transform , planeObjWrap, ref body0Transform , dispatchInfo , resultOut, ref planeShape.m_planeNormal, planeConstant ); else collideSingleContact( true, ref tmpq2 , convexObjWrap, ref body0Transform , planeObjWrap, ref body1Transform, dispatchInfo , resultOut, ref planeShape.m_planeNormal, planeConstant ); } } if( m_ownManifold ) { if( m_manifoldPtr.m_cachedPoints != 0 ) { resultOut.refreshContactPoints(); } } }
public void getMotorTarget( out btQuaternion result ) { result = m_qTarget; }
void collideSingleContact( bool usePertube, ref btQuaternion perturbeRot , btCollisionObjectWrapper convexObjWrap , ref btTransform convexTransform , btCollisionObjectWrapper planeObjWrap , ref btTransform planeTransform , btDispatcherInfo dispatchInfo, btManifoldResult resultOut , ref btVector3 planeNormal, double planeConstant ) { //btCollisionObjectWrapper convexObjWrap = m_swapped ? body1Wrap : body0Wrap; //btCollisionObjectWrapper planeObjWrap = m_swapped ? body0Wrap : body1Wrap; btConvexShape convexShape = (btConvexShape)convexObjWrap.getCollisionShape(); btStaticPlaneShape planeShape = (btStaticPlaneShape)planeObjWrap.getCollisionShape(); bool hasCollision = false; //planeNormal = planeShape.getPlaneNormal().Copy( out planeNormal ); //double planeConstant = planeShape.getPlaneConstant(); btTransform convexWorldTransform = convexTransform; //btTransform planeWorldTransform = planeObjWrap.m_worldTransform; btTransform convexInPlaneTrans; planeTransform.inverseTimes( ref convexWorldTransform, out convexInPlaneTrans ); if( usePertube ) { //now perturbe the convex-world transform btMatrix3x3 perturbeMat = new btMatrix3x3( ref perturbeRot ); btMatrix3x3 tmpPerturbe; convexWorldTransform.m_basis.Apply( ref perturbeMat, out tmpPerturbe ); convexWorldTransform.m_basis = tmpPerturbe; //convexWorldTransform.getBasis() *= btMatrix3x3( perturbeRot ); } btTransform planeInConvex; convexTransform.inverseTimes( ref planeObjWrap.m_collisionObject.m_worldTransform, out planeInConvex ); btVector3 tmp, tmp2; planeNormal.Invert( out tmp ); planeInConvex.m_basis.Apply( ref tmp, out tmp2 ); btVector3 vtx; convexShape.localGetSupportingVertex( ref tmp2, out vtx ); btVector3 vtxInPlane; convexInPlaneTrans.Apply( ref vtx, out vtxInPlane ); double distance = ( ref vtxInPlane ) - planeConstant ); btVector3 vtxInPlaneProjected; vtxInPlane.AddScale( ref planeNormal, -distance, out vtxInPlaneProjected ); btVector3 vtxInPlaneWorld; planeTransform.Apply( ref vtxInPlaneProjected, out vtxInPlaneWorld ); hasCollision = distance < m_manifoldPtr.getContactBreakingThreshold(); resultOut.setPersistentManifold( m_manifoldPtr ); if( hasCollision ) { /// report a contact. internally this will be kept persistent, and contact reduction is done btVector3 normalOnSurfaceB; planeTransform.m_basis.Apply( ref planeNormal, out normalOnSurfaceB ); btScalar.Dbg( "Convex plane adds point " + normalOnSurfaceB + " " + vtxInPlaneWorld + " " + distance.ToString( "g17" ) ); resultOut.addContactPoint( ref normalOnSurfaceB, ref vtxInPlaneWorld, distance ); } }
void setMotorTargetInConstraintSpace( ref btQuaternion q ) { m_qTarget = q; // clamp motor target to within limits { double softness = 1;//m_limitSoftness; // split into twist and cone btVector3 vTwisted; btQuaternion.quatRotate( ref m_qTarget, ref vTwist, out vTwisted ); btQuaternion qTargetCone; btQuaternion.shortestArcQuat( ref vTwist, ref vTwisted, out qTargetCone ); qTargetCone.normalize(); qTargetCone.inverse( out qTargetCone ); btQuaternion qTargetTwist; qTargetCone.Mult( ref m_qTarget, out qTargetTwist ); qTargetTwist.normalize(); // clamp cone if( m_swingSpan1 >= (double)( 0.05f ) && m_swingSpan2 >= (double)( 0.05f ) ) { double swingAngle, swingLimit; btVector3 swingAxis; computeConeLimitInfo( ref qTargetCone, out swingAngle, out swingAxis, out swingLimit ); if( Math.Abs( swingAngle ) > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) { if( swingAngle > swingLimit * softness ) swingAngle = swingLimit * softness; else if( swingAngle < -swingLimit * softness ) swingAngle = -swingLimit * softness; qTargetCone = new btQuaternion( ref swingAxis, swingAngle ); } } // clamp twist if( m_twistSpan >= (double)( 0.05f ) ) { double twistAngle; btVector3 twistAxis; computeTwistLimitInfo( ref qTargetTwist, out twistAngle, out twistAxis ); if( Math.Abs( twistAngle ) > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) { // eddy todo: limitSoftness used here??? if( twistAngle > m_twistSpan * softness ) twistAngle = m_twistSpan * softness; else if( twistAngle < -m_twistSpan * softness ) twistAngle = -m_twistSpan * softness; qTargetTwist = new btQuaternion( ref twistAxis, twistAngle ); } } qTargetCone.Mult( ref qTargetTwist, out m_qTarget ); } }
// setMotorTarget: // q: the desired rotation of bodyA wrt bodyB. // note: if q violates the joint limits, the internal target is clamped to avoid conflicting impulses (very bad for stability) // note: don't forget to enableMotor() public void setMotorTarget( ref btQuaternion q ) { //btTransform trACur = m_rbA.m_worldTransform; //btTransform trBCur = m_rbB.m_worldTransform; // btTransform trABCur = trBCur.inverse() * trACur; // btQuaternion qABCur = trABCur.getRotation(); // btTransform trConstraintCur = (trBCur * m_rbBFrame).inverse() * (trACur * m_rbAFrame); //btQuaternion qConstraintCur = trConstraintCur.getRotation(); btQuaternion tmp, tmp2, tmp3; m_rbBFrame.getRotation( out tmp ); tmp.inverse( out tmp ); tmp.Mult( ref q, out tmp3 ); m_rbAFrame.getRotation( out tmp2 ); btQuaternion qConstraint;// = m_rbBFrame.getRotation().inverse() * q * m_rbAFrame.getRotation(); tmp3.Mult( ref tmp2, out qConstraint ); setMotorTargetInConstraintSpace( ref qConstraint ); }
// given a twist rotation in constraint space, (pre: cone must already be removed) // this method computes its corresponding angle and axis. void computeTwistLimitInfo( ref btQuaternion qTwist, out double twistAngle, // out out btVector3 vTwistAxis ) // out { btQuaternion qMinTwist = qTwist; twistAngle = qTwist.getAngle(); if( twistAngle > btScalar.SIMD_PI ) // long way around. flip quat and recalculate. { qTwist.inverse( out qMinTwist ); twistAngle = qMinTwist.getAngle(); } if( twistAngle < 0 ) { // this should never happen #if false Debug.Assert(false); #endif } vTwistAxis = new btVector3( qMinTwist.x, qMinTwist.y, qMinTwist.z ); if( twistAngle > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) vTwistAxis.normalize(); }
internal void GetPointForAngle( double fAngleInRadians, double fLength, out btVector3 result ) { // compute x/y in ellipse using cone angle (0 . 2*PI along surface of cone) double xEllipse = btScalar.btCos( fAngleInRadians ); double yEllipse = btScalar.btSin( fAngleInRadians ); // Use the slope of the vector (using x/yEllipse) and find the length // of the line that intersects the ellipse: // x^2 y^2 // --- + --- = 1, where a and b are semi-major axes 2 and 1 respectively (ie. the limits) // a^2 b^2 // Do the math and it should be clear. double swingLimit = m_swingSpan1; // if xEllipse == 0, just use axis b (1) if( Math.Abs( xEllipse ) > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) { double surfaceSlope2 = ( yEllipse * yEllipse ) / ( xEllipse * xEllipse ); double norm = 1 / ( m_swingSpan2 * m_swingSpan2 ); norm += surfaceSlope2 / ( m_swingSpan1 * m_swingSpan1 ); double swingLimit2 = ( 1 + surfaceSlope2 ) / norm; swingLimit = btScalar.btSqrt( swingLimit2 ); } // convert into point in constraint space: // note: twist is x-axis, swing 1 and 2 are along the z and y axes respectively btVector3 vSwingAxis = new btVector3( 0, xEllipse, -yEllipse ); btQuaternion qSwing = new btQuaternion( ref vSwingAxis, swingLimit ); btVector3 vPointInConstraintSpace = new btVector3( fLength, 0, 0 ); btQuaternion.quatRotate( ref qSwing, ref vPointInConstraintSpace, out result ); }
// given a cone rotation in constraint space, (pre: twist must already be removed) // this method computes its corresponding swing angle and axis. // more interestingly, it computes the cone/swing limit (angle) for this cone "pose". void computeConeLimitInfo( ref btQuaternion qCone, out double swingAngle, // out out btVector3 vSwingAxis, // out out double swingLimit ) // out { swingAngle = qCone.getAngle(); if( swingAngle > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) { vSwingAxis = new btVector3( qCone.x, qCone.y, qCone.z ); vSwingAxis.normalize(); #if false // non-zero twist?! this should never happen. Debug.Assert(Math.Abs(vSwingAxis.x) <= btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON)); #endif // Compute limit for given swing. tricky: // Given a swing axis, we're looking for the intersection with the bounding cone ellipse. // (Since we're dealing with angles, this ellipse is embedded on the surface of a sphere.) // For starters, compute the direction from center to surface of ellipse. // This is just the perpendicular (ie. rotate 2D vector by PI/2) of the swing axis. // (vSwingAxis is the cone rotation (in z,y); change vars and rotate to (x,y) coords.) double xEllipse = vSwingAxis.y; double yEllipse = -vSwingAxis.z; // Now, we use the slope of the vector (using x/yEllipse) and find the length // of the line that intersects the ellipse: // x^2 y^2 // --- + --- = 1, where a and b are semi-major axes 2 and 1 respectively (ie. the limits) // a^2 b^2 // Do the math and it should be clear. swingLimit = m_swingSpan1; // if xEllipse == 0, we have a pure vSwingAxis.z rotation: just use swingspan1 if( Math.Abs( xEllipse ) > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON ) { double surfaceSlope2 = ( yEllipse * yEllipse ) / ( xEllipse * xEllipse ); double norm = 1 / ( m_swingSpan2 * m_swingSpan2 ); norm += surfaceSlope2 / ( m_swingSpan1 * m_swingSpan1 ); double swingLimit2 = ( 1 + surfaceSlope2 ) / norm; swingLimit = btScalar.btSqrt( swingLimit2 ); } // test! /*swingLimit = m_swingSpan2; if (Math.Abs(vSwingAxis.z) > btScalar.SIMD_EPSILON) { double mag_2 = m_swingSpan1*m_swingSpan1 + m_swingSpan2*m_swingSpan2; double sinphi = m_swingSpan2 / sqrt(mag_2); double phi = asin(sinphi); double theta = atan2(Math.Abs(vSwingAxis.y),Math.Abs(vSwingAxis.z)); double alpha = 3.14159f - theta - phi; double sinalpha = sin(alpha); swingLimit = m_swingSpan1 * sinphi/sinalpha; }*/ } else //if( swingAngle < 0 ) { vSwingAxis = btVector3.xAxis; swingLimit = 0; // this should never happen! #if false Debug.Assert(false); #endif } }