public WmsCapabilities(XDocument doc) : this() { if (doc.Root != null && doc.Root.Name == "ServiceExceptionReport") { ServiceExceptionReport = new ServiceExceptionReport(doc.Root, ""); return; } var node = doc.Element(XName.Get("WMT_MS_Capabilities")); if (node == null) node = doc.Element(XName.Get("WMS_Capabilities")); if (node == null) { // try load root node with xmlns="" node = doc.Element(XName.Get("WMS_Capabilities", "")); if (node == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("WMS_Capabilities or WMT_MS_Capabilities"); } } var att = node.Attribute(XName.Get("version")); if (att == null) throw WmsParsingException.AttributeNotFound("version"); Version = new WmsVersion(att.Value); var @namespace = Version.Version == WmsVersionEnum.Version_1_3_0 ? "" : string.Empty; XmlObject.Namespace = @namespace; att = node.Attribute("updateSequence"); if (att != null) UpdateSequence = int.Parse(att.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); var element = node.Element(XName.Get("Service", @namespace)); if (element == null) { XmlObject.Namespace = @namespace = string.Empty; element = node.Element(XName.Get("Service", @namespace)); } if (element == null) throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Service"); Service = new Service(element, @namespace); element = node.Element(XName.Get("Capability", @namespace)); if (element == null) throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Capability"); Capability = new Capability(element, @namespace); }
public XDocument ToXDocument() { var declaration = new XDeclaration("1.0", "UTF-8", "no"); if (Version.Version < WmsVersionEnum.Version_1_3_0) { return new XDocument(declaration, new XDocumentType("WMS_MT_Capabilities", string.Empty, WmsVersion.System(Version.Version, "capabilities"), string.Empty), ToXElement(string.Empty) ); } return new XDocument(declaration, ToXElement(WmsNamespaces.Wms)); }
public WmsCapabilities(XDocument doc) : this() { if (doc.Root.Name == "ServiceExceptionReport") { ServiceExceptionReport = new ServiceExceptionReport(doc.Root, ""); return; } var node = doc.Element(XName.Get("WMT_MS_Capabilities")); if (node == null) node = doc.Element(XName.Get("WMS_Capabilities")); if (node == null) { // try load root node with xmlns="" node = doc.Element(XName.Get("WMS_Capabilities", "")); if (node == null) { throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("WMS_Capabilities or WMT_MS_Capabilities"); } } var att = node.Attribute(XName.Get("version")); if (att == null) throw WmsParsingException.AttributeNotFound("version"); Version = new WmsVersion(att.Value); var @namespace = Version.Version == WmsVersionEnum.Version_1_3_0 ? "" : string.Empty; XmlObject.Namespace = @namespace; att = node.Attribute("updateSequence"); if (att != null) UpdateSequence = int.Parse(att.Value, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo); var element = node.Element(XName.Get("Service", @namespace)); if (element == null) { XmlObject.Namespace = @namespace = string.Empty; element = node.Element(XName.Get("Service", @namespace)); } if (element == null) throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Service"); Service = new Service(element, @namespace); element = node.Element(XName.Get("Capability", @namespace)); if (element == null) throw WmsParsingException.ElementNotFound("Capability"); Capability = new Capability(element, @namespace); }
public WmsCapabilities(WmsVersionEnum version) { Version = new WmsVersion(version); }
public WmsCapabilities(string version) { Version = new WmsVersion(version); }