        public static void Main(string[] args)
            PrivateKey privKey = new PrivateKey();

            string message = "Hello World!";
            byte[] messagedata = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(message);

            //result should be 65 byte bitcoin style signature
            byte[] signature = privKey.SignMessage(messagedata);

            bool result = privKey.pubKey.VerifyMessage("Hello World!", signature);
            Console.WriteLine("Signature check: " + result);

        public static void Sign(this TxIn txin, Transaction tx, TxOut prevOut, PrivateKey key, HashType hashType = HashType.SIGHASH_ALL)
            SHA256 sha256 = new SHA256Managed();
            UInt32 txInIndex;
            for (txInIndex = 0; txInIndex < tx.inputs.Length; txInIndex++)
                if (TxIn.ReferenceEquals(txin, tx.inputs[txInIndex]))
            if (txInIndex == tx.inputs.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("Input not part of transaction.");

            // Only know how to sign if output does not contain OP_CODESEPERATOR for now.
            Script subScript = new Script(prevOut.scriptPubKey);
            Transaction txCopy = tx.CopyForSigning(txInIndex, subScript, hashType);

            Byte[] txHash = txCopy.ToBytes().Concat(new Byte[] { (Byte)hashType, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }).ToArray();
            txHash = sha256.ComputeHash(sha256.ComputeHash(txHash));

            Byte[] sig = key.Sign(txHash);
            sig = sig.Concat(new Byte[] { (Byte)hashType }).ToArray();

            Script s = new Script();

            if (subScript.IsPayToAddress())
                s.elements.Add(new ScriptElement(sig));
                s.elements.Add(new ScriptElement(key.pubKey.ToBytes()));
            else if (subScript.IsPayToPublicKey())
                s.elements.Add(new ScriptElement(sig));
                throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognized TxOut Script");

            txin.scriptSig = s.ToBytes();
        public static void Sign(this TxIn txin, Transaction tx, TxOut prevOut, PrivateKey key, HashType hashType = HashType.SIGHASH_ALL, Script redeemScript = null)
            SHA256 sha256 = new SHA256Managed();
            UInt32 txInIndex;
            for (txInIndex = 0; txInIndex < tx.inputs.Length; txInIndex++)
                if (TxIn.ReferenceEquals(txin, tx.inputs[txInIndex]))
            if (txInIndex == tx.inputs.Length)
                throw new ArgumentException("Input not part of transaction.");

            // Only know how to sign if output does not contain OP_CODESEPERATOR for now
            Script subScript = new Script(prevOut.scriptPubKey);

            //// Still don't fully handle codeseperator, but we remove them all as in the spec.
            //// Might be all we need to do, scriptSig will never contain OP_CODESEPERATOR since we are creating it.
            ////subScript.elements.RemoveAll(x => x.opCode == OpCode.OP_CODESEPARATOR);
            // Actually, those would be nonstandard anyway

            Transaction txCopy = tx.CopyForSigning(txInIndex, subScript, hashType);

            Byte[] txHash = txCopy.ToBytes().Concat(new Byte[] { (Byte)hashType, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 }).ToArray();
            txHash = sha256.ComputeHash(sha256.ComputeHash(txHash));

            Script s = new Script();

            if (subScript.IsPayToScriptHash())
                if (redeemScript == null)
                    throw new ArgumentNullException("P2SH transaction requires serialied script");

                s.elements.Add(new ScriptElement(redeemScript.ToBytes()));
                subScript = redeemScript;

            if (subScript.IsPayToPubKeyHash())
                Byte[] sig = key.Sign(txHash).Concat(new Byte[] { (Byte)hashType }).ToArray();
                s.elements.Insert(0, new ScriptElement(sig));
                s.elements.Insert(1, new ScriptElement(key.pubKey.ToBytes()));
            else if (subScript.IsPayToPublicKey())
                Byte[] sig = key.Sign(txHash).Concat(new Byte[] { (Byte)hashType }).ToArray();
                s.elements.Insert(0, new ScriptElement(sig));
            else if (subScript.IsPayToMultiSig())
                Script scriptSig = new Script(txin.scriptSig);

                if (scriptSig.elements.Count == 0)
                    scriptSig.elements.Add(new ScriptElement(OpCode.OP_0));

                Byte[] sig = key.Sign(txHash).Concat(new Byte[] { (Byte)hashType }).ToArray();
                s.elements.Insert(0, new ScriptElement(sig));
                throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognized TxOut Script");

            txin.scriptSig = s.ToBytes();