public static void EvolveCurrent(string path)
            int[]      curr_cats = CatHandler.GetCurrentCats(path);
            List <int> forms     = EvolveCats.GetEvolveForms(path).ToList();
            List <int> max_forms = Enumerable.Repeat(0, 9).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < curr_cats.Length; i++)
                if (curr_cats[i] == 1 && max_forms[i] == 2)
                    forms[i] = 2;
            EvolveCats.SetEvolveForms(path, forms.ToArray());
            Console.WriteLine("Successfully set evolve forms");
        public static void UpgradeCurrentCats(string path)
            int[] idInt = CatHandler.GetCurrentCats(path);

            Editor.ColouredText("&What level do you want?:enter the &base& followed by a &+& then the &plus& level you want, e.g 50+80, 30+0, 10+30\nEnter the base followed by a plus with nothing else to leave the plus value as it is, e.g 50+, or 20+\nEnter " +
                                "a plus followed by the plus value to leave the base values as they are e.g +20, +50\n");
            string answer = Console.ReadLine();
            Tuple <int, int, int> data = CatHandler.FindIgnore(answer);

            int baselevel = data.Item1;
            int plusLevel = data.Item2;
            int ignore    = data.Item3;

            int[] plusLevels = Enumerable.Repeat(plusLevel, Editor.GetCatAmount(path)).ToArray();
            int[] baseLevels = Enumerable.Repeat(baselevel, Editor.GetCatAmount(path)).ToArray();

            CatHandler.UpgradeCatsAll(path, idInt, plusLevels, baseLevels, ignore);