public static void EvolveCurrent(string path)
            int[]      curr_cats = CatHandler.GetCurrentCats(path);
            List <int> forms     = EvolveCats.GetEvolveForms(path).ToList();
            List <int> max_forms = Enumerable.Repeat(0, 9).ToList();

            for (int i = 0; i < curr_cats.Length; i++)
                if (curr_cats[i] == 1 && max_forms[i] == 2)
                    forms[i] = 2;
            EvolveCats.SetEvolveForms(path, forms.ToArray());
            Console.WriteLine("Successfully set evolve forms");
        public static void UpgradeCurrentCats(string path)
            int[] idInt = CatHandler.GetCurrentCats(path);

            Editor.ColouredText("&What level do you want?:enter the &base& followed by a &+& then the &plus& level you want, e.g 50+80, 30+0, 10+30\nEnter the base followed by a plus with nothing else to leave the plus value as it is, e.g 50+, or 20+\nEnter " +
                                "a plus followed by the plus value to leave the base values as they are e.g +20, +50\n");
            string answer = Console.ReadLine();
            Tuple <int, int, int> data = CatHandler.FindIgnore(answer);

            int baselevel = data.Item1;
            int plusLevel = data.Item2;
            int ignore    = data.Item3;

            int[] plusLevels = Enumerable.Repeat(plusLevel, Editor.GetCatAmount(path)).ToArray();
            int[] baseLevels = Enumerable.Repeat(baselevel, Editor.GetCatAmount(path)).ToArray();

            CatHandler.UpgradeCatsAll(path, idInt, plusLevels, baseLevels, ignore);
        public static void CatUpgrades(string path)
            Editor.ColouredText("&What level do you want?:enter the &base& followed by a &+& then the &plus& level you want, e.g 50+80, 30+0, 10+30\nEnter the base followed by a plus with nothing else to leave the plus value as it is, e.g 50+, or 20+\nEnter " +
                                "a plus followed by the plus value to leave the base values as they are e.g +20, +50\n");
            string answer = Console.ReadLine();

            Tuple <int, int, int> data = CatHandler.FindIgnore(answer);
            int baselevel = data.Item1;
            int plusLevel = data.Item2;
            int leave     = data.Item3;

            int[] ids        = Enumerable.Range(0, Editor.GetCatAmount(path)).ToArray();
            int[] plusLevels = Enumerable.Repeat(plusLevel, Editor.GetCatAmount(path)).ToArray();
            int[] baseLevels = Enumerable.Repeat(baselevel, Editor.GetCatAmount(path)).ToArray();

            CatHandler.UpgradeCats(path, ids, plusLevels, baseLevels, leave);
            Console.WriteLine($"Upgraded all cats to level {answer}");
            // Close rank up bundle menu offer thing popping up 100s of times
        public static void SpecifUpgrade(string path)
            Console.WriteLine("Enter the cat ids for the cats you want to upgrade(you can enter multiple values separated by spaces to edit multiple at once):");
            List <int> allIds = Array.ConvertAll(Console.ReadLine().Split(' '), int.Parse).ToList();
            List <int> idInt  = new();

            string input = "no";

            foreach (int catId in allIds)
                if (catId >= Editor.GetCatAmount(path))
                    Console.WriteLine($"Error cat : {catId} doesn't exist in the current game version");
            if (idInt.Count > 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Do you want to upgrade all of those cats to the same level?(yes/no)");
                input = Console.ReadLine();

            int[] baseLevels = new int[idInt.Count];
            int[] plusLevels = new int[idInt.Count];
            int   ignore     = 0;

            if (input.ToLower() == "yes")
                Editor.ColouredText("&What level do you want?:enter the &base& followed by a &+& then the &plus& level you want, e.g 50+80, 30+0, 10+30\nEnter the base followed by a plus with nothing else to leave the plus value as it is, e.g 50+, or 20+\nEnter " +
                                    "a plus followed by the plus value to leave the base values as they are e.g +20, +50\n");
                string level = Console.ReadLine();

                Tuple <int, int, int> data = CatHandler.FindIgnore(level);

                int baselevel = data.Item1;
                int plusLevel = data.Item2;
                ignore = data.Item3;

                baseLevels = Enumerable.Repeat(baselevel, baseLevels.Length).ToArray();
                plusLevels = Enumerable.Repeat(plusLevel, plusLevels.Length).ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < idInt.Count; i++)
                    Editor.ColouredText($"&What level do you want to upgrade cat {idInt[i]} ?:enter the &base& followed by a &+& then the &plus& level you want, e.g 50+80, 30+0, 10+30\nEnter the base followed by a plus with nothing else to leave the plus value as it is, e.g 50+, or 20+\nEnter " +
                                        "a plus followed by the plus value to leave the base values as they are e.g +20, +50\n"); string level = Console.ReadLine();
                    Tuple <int, int, int> data = CatHandler.FindIgnore(level);

                    int baselevel = data.Item1;
                    int plusLevel = data.Item2;
                    ignore = data.Item3;

                    baseLevels[i] = baselevel;
                    plusLevels[i] = plusLevel;
            CatHandler.UpgradeCats(path, idInt.ToArray(), plusLevels, baseLevels, ignore);

            for (int i = 0; i < idInt.Count; i++)
                Editor.ColouredText($"Upgraded cat &{idInt[i]}& to level &{baseLevels[i] + 1}& +&{plusLevels[i]}\n");