        /// <summary>
        /// Generates CIL for the start of every statement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param>
        /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param>
        /// <param name="locals"> Variables common to both GenerateStartOfStatement() and GenerateEndOfStatement(). </param>
        public void GenerateStartOfStatement(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo, StatementLocals locals)
            // Statements must not produce or consume any values on the stack.
            if (generator is DynamicILGenerator)
                locals.OriginalStackSize = ((DynamicILGenerator)generator).StackSize;

            if (locals.NonDefaultBreakStatementBehavior == false && this.HasLabels)
                // Set up the information needed by the break statement.
                locals.EndOfStatement = generator.CreateLabel();
                optimizationInfo.PushBreakOrContinueInfo(this.Labels, locals.EndOfStatement, null, true);

            // Emit debugging information.
            if (locals.NonDefaultSourceSpanBehavior == false)
                optimizationInfo.MarkSequencePoint(generator, this.SourceSpan);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates CIL for the statement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param>
        /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param>
        public override void GenerateCode(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo)
            // Generate code for the start of the statement.
            var statementLocals = new StatementLocals {
                NonDefaultBreakStatementBehavior = true, NonDefaultSourceSpanBehavior = true

            GenerateStartOfStatement(generator, optimizationInfo, statementLocals);

            // Construct a loop expression.
            // var enumerator = TypeUtilities.EnumeratePropertyNames(rhs).GetEnumerator();
            // while (true) {
            //   continue-target:
            //   if (enumerator.MoveNext() == false)
            //     goto break-target;
            //   lhs = enumerator.Current;
            //   <body statements>
            // }
            // break-target:

            // Call IEnumerable<string> EnumeratePropertyNames(ScriptEngine engine, object obj)
            optimizationInfo.MarkSequencePoint(generator, this.TargetObjectSourceSpan);
            this.TargetObject.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);
            EmitConversion.ToAny(generator, this.TargetObject.ResultType);

            // Call IEnumerable<string>.GetEnumerator()

            // Store the enumerator in a temporary variable.
            var enumerator = generator.CreateTemporaryVariable(typeof(IEnumerator <string>));


            var breakTarget    = generator.CreateLabel();
            var continueTarget = generator.DefineLabelPosition();

            // Emit debugging information.
            if (optimizationInfo.DebugDocument != null)
                generator.MarkSequencePoint(optimizationInfo.DebugDocument, this.VariableSourceSpan);

            //   if (enumerator.MoveNext() == false)
            //     goto break-target;

            // lhs = enumerator.Current;
            this.Variable.GenerateSet(generator, optimizationInfo, PrimitiveType.String, false);

            // Emit the body statement(s).
            optimizationInfo.PushBreakOrContinueInfo(this.Labels, breakTarget, continueTarget, false);
            this.Body.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);


            // Generate code for the end of the statement.
            GenerateEndOfStatement(generator, optimizationInfo, statementLocals);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates CIL for the statement.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="generator"> The generator to output the CIL to. </param>
        /// <param name="optimizationInfo"> Information about any optimizations that should be performed. </param>
        public override void GenerateCode(ILGenerator generator, OptimizationInfo optimizationInfo)
            // Generate code for the start of the statement.
            var statementLocals = new StatementLocals {
                NonDefaultBreakStatementBehavior = true, NonDefaultSourceSpanBehavior = true

            GenerateStartOfStatement(generator, optimizationInfo, statementLocals);

            // <initializer>
            // if (<condition>)
            // {
            //   <loop body>
            //   <increment>
            //   while (true) {
            //     if (<condition> == false)
            //       break;
            //     <body statements>
            //     continue-target:
            //     <increment>
            //   }
            // }
            // break-target:

            // Set up some labels.
            var continueTarget = generator.CreateLabel();
            var breakTarget1   = generator.CreateLabel();
            var breakTarget2   = generator.CreateLabel();

            // Emit the initialization statement.
            if (this.InitStatement != null)
                this.InitStatement.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);

            // Check the condition and jump to the end if it is false.
            if (this.CheckConditionAtEnd == false && this.ConditionStatement != null)
                optimizationInfo.MarkSequencePoint(generator, this.ConditionStatement.SourceSpan);
                this.Condition.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);
                EmitConversion.ToBool(generator, this.Condition.ResultType);

            // Emit the loop body.
            optimizationInfo.PushBreakOrContinueInfo(this.Labels, breakTarget1, continueTarget, false);
            this.Body.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);

            // Increment the loop variable.
            if (this.IncrementStatement != null)
                this.IncrementStatement.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);

            // Strengthen the variable types.
            List <KeyValuePair <Scope.DeclaredVariable, RevertInfo> > previousVariableTypes = null;
            var previousInsideTryCatchOrFinally = optimizationInfo.InsideTryCatchOrFinally;

            if (optimizationInfo.OptimizeInferredTypes)
                // Keep a record of the variable types before strengthening.
                previousVariableTypes = new List <KeyValuePair <Scope.DeclaredVariable, RevertInfo> >();

                var typedVariables = FindTypedVariables();
                foreach (var variableAndType in typedVariables)
                    var variable     = variableAndType.Key;
                    var variableInfo = variableAndType.Value;
                    if (variableInfo.Conditional == false && variableInfo.Type != variable.Type)
                        // Save the previous type so we can restore it later.
                        var previousType = variable.Type;
                        previousVariableTypes.Add(new KeyValuePair <Scope.DeclaredVariable, RevertInfo>(variable, new RevertInfo {
                            Type = previousType, Variable = variable.Store

                        // Load the existing value.
                        var nameExpression = new NameExpression(variable.Scope, variable.Name);
                        nameExpression.GenerateGet(generator, optimizationInfo, false);

                        // Store the typed value.
                        variable.Store = generator.DeclareVariable(variableInfo.Type, null);
                        variable.Type  = variableInfo.Type;
                        nameExpression.GenerateSet(generator, optimizationInfo, previousType, false);

                // The variables must be reverted even in the presence of exceptions.
                if (previousVariableTypes.Count > 0)

                    // Setting the InsideTryCatchOrFinally flag converts BR instructions into LEAVE
                    // instructions so that the finally block is executed correctly.
                    optimizationInfo.InsideTryCatchOrFinally = true;

            // The inner loop starts here.
            var startOfLoop = generator.DefineLabelPosition();

            // Check the condition and jump to the end if it is false.
            if (this.ConditionStatement != null)
                optimizationInfo.MarkSequencePoint(generator, this.ConditionStatement.SourceSpan);
                this.Condition.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);
                EmitConversion.ToBool(generator, this.Condition.ResultType);

            // Emit the loop body.
            optimizationInfo.PushBreakOrContinueInfo(this.Labels, breakTarget2, continueTarget, false);
            this.Body.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);

            // The continue statement jumps here.

            // Increment the loop variable.
            if (this.IncrementStatement != null)
                this.IncrementStatement.GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);

            // Unconditionally branch back to the start of the loop.

            // Define the end of the loop (actually just after).

            // Revert the variable types.
            if (previousVariableTypes != null && previousVariableTypes.Count > 0)
                // Revert the InsideTryCatchOrFinally flag.
                optimizationInfo.InsideTryCatchOrFinally = previousInsideTryCatchOrFinally;

                // Revert the variable types within a finally block.

                foreach (var previousVariableAndType in previousVariableTypes)
                    var variable           = previousVariableAndType.Key;
                    var variableRevertInfo = previousVariableAndType.Value;

                    // Load the existing value.
                    var nameExpression = new NameExpression(variable.Scope, variable.Name);
                    nameExpression.GenerateGet(generator, optimizationInfo, false);

                    // Store the typed value.
                    var previousType = variable.Type;
                    variable.Store = variableRevertInfo.Variable;
                    variable.Type  = variableRevertInfo.Type;
                    nameExpression.GenerateSet(generator, optimizationInfo, previousType, false);

                // End the exception block.

            // Define the end of the loop (actually just after).

            // Generate code for the end of the statement.
            GenerateEndOfStatement(generator, optimizationInfo, statementLocals);
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates IL for the script.
        /// </summary>
        public void GenerateCode()
            // Generate the abstract syntax tree if it hasn't already been generated.
            if (this.AbstractSyntaxTree == null)

            // Initialize global code-gen information.
            var optimizationInfo = new OptimizationInfo(this.Engine)
                AbstractSyntaxTree      = this.AbstractSyntaxTree,
                StrictMode              = this.StrictMode,
                MethodOptimizationHints = this.MethodOptimizationHints,
                FunctionName            = this.GetStackName(),
                Source = this.Source

            ILGenerator generator;

            if (this.Options.EnableDebugging == false)
                // DynamicMethod requires full trust because of generator.LoadMethodPointer in the
                // FunctionExpression class.

                // Create a new dynamic method.
                System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod dynamicMethod;
                if (ScriptEngine.LowPrivilegeEnvironment == false)
                    // High privilege path.
                    dynamicMethod = new System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod(
                        GetMethodName(),                              // Name of the generated method.
                        typeof(object),                               // Return type of the generated method.
                        GetParameterTypes(),                          // Parameter types of the generated method.
                        typeof(MethodGenerator),                      // Owner type.
                        true);                                        // Skip visibility checks.
                    // TODO: Figure out why long methods give BadImageFormatException in .NET 3.5 when generated using DynamicILInfo.
                    if (Environment.Version.Major >= 4)
                        generator = new DynamicILGenerator(dynamicMethod);
                        generator = new ReflectionEmitILGenerator(dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator());
                    // Low privilege path.
                    dynamicMethod = new System.Reflection.Emit.DynamicMethod(
                        GetMethodName(),                              // Name of the generated method.
                        typeof(object),                               // Return type of the generated method.
                        GetParameterTypes());                         // Parameter types of the generated method.
                    generator = new ReflectionEmitILGenerator(dynamicMethod.GetILGenerator());

                if (this.Engine.EnableILAnalysis)
                    // Replace the generator with one that logs.
                    generator = new LoggingILGenerator(generator);

                // Initialization code will appear to come from line 1.
                optimizationInfo.MarkSequencePoint(generator, new SourceCodeSpan(1, 1, 1, 1));

                // Generate the IL.
                GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);

                // Create a delegate from the method.
                this.GeneratedMethod = new GeneratedMethod(dynamicMethod.CreateDelegate(GetDelegate()), optimizationInfo.NestedFunctions);
                throw new NotImplementedException();
                // Debugging or low trust path.
                ScriptEngine.ReflectionEmitModuleInfo reflectionEmitInfo = this.Engine.ReflectionEmitInfo;
                if (reflectionEmitInfo == null)
                    reflectionEmitInfo = new ScriptEngine.ReflectionEmitModuleInfo
                        AssemblyBuilder = System.Threading.Thread.GetDomain().DefineDynamicAssembly(
                            new System.Reflection.AssemblyName("Jurassic Dynamic Assembly"),

                    // Create a dynamic assembly and module.

                    // Mark the assembly as debuggable.  This must be done before the module is created.
                    var debuggableAttributeConstructor = typeof(System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute).GetConstructor(
                        new[] { typeof(System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes) });
                    if (debuggableAttributeConstructor != null)
                            new System.Reflection.Emit.CustomAttributeBuilder(debuggableAttributeConstructor,
                                                                              new object[] {
                            System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes.DisableOptimizations |

                    // Create a dynamic module.
                    reflectionEmitInfo.ModuleBuilder = reflectionEmitInfo.AssemblyBuilder.DefineDynamicModule("Module", this.Options.EnableDebugging);

                    this.Engine.ReflectionEmitInfo = reflectionEmitInfo;

                // Create a new type to hold our method.
                var typeBuilder = reflectionEmitInfo.ModuleBuilder.DefineType("JavaScriptClass" + reflectionEmitInfo.TypeCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.Public | System.Reflection.TypeAttributes.Class);

                // Create a method.
                var methodBuilder = typeBuilder.DefineMethod(this.GetMethodName(),
                                                             System.Reflection.MethodAttributes.HideBySig | System.Reflection.MethodAttributes.Static | System.Reflection.MethodAttributes.Public,
                                                             typeof(object), GetParameterTypes());

                // Generate the IL for the method.
                generator = new ReflectionEmitILGenerator(methodBuilder.GetILGenerator());

                if (this.Engine.EnableILAnalysis)
                    // Replace the generator with one that logs.
                    generator = new LoggingILGenerator(generator);

                if (this.Source.Path != null && this.Options.EnableDebugging)
                    // Initialize the debugging information.
                    optimizationInfo.DebugDocument = reflectionEmitInfo.ModuleBuilder.DefineDocument(this.Source.Path, COMHelpers.LanguageType, COMHelpers.LanguageVendor, COMHelpers.DocumentType);
                    methodBuilder.DefineParameter(1, System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes.None, "scriptEngine");
                    methodBuilder.DefineParameter(2, System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes.None, "scope");
                    methodBuilder.DefineParameter(3, System.Reflection.ParameterAttributes.None, "thisValue");
                optimizationInfo.MarkSequencePoint(generator, new SourceCodeSpan(1, 1, 1, 1));
                GenerateCode(generator, optimizationInfo);

                // Bake it.
                var type       = typeBuilder.CreateType();
                var methodInfo = type.GetMethod(this.GetMethodName());
                this.GeneratedMethod = new GeneratedMethod(Delegate.CreateDelegate(GetDelegate(), methodInfo), optimizationInfo.NestedFunctions);

            if (this.Engine.EnableILAnalysis)
                // Store the disassembled IL so it can be retrieved for analysis purposes.
                this.GeneratedMethod.DisassembledIL = generator.ToString();