        public bool DeleteNo(string ErpVoucherno, string flag, ref string strError)
            List <string> list = new List <string>();

                string tablename   = "";
                string tabeldetail = "";
                string status      = "";
                switch (flag)
                case "入库":
                    tablename   = "T_INSTOCK";
                    tabeldetail = "t_instockdetail";
                    status      = "status";

                case "出库":
                    tablename   = "T_TASK";
                    tabeldetail = "T_TASKDETAILS";
                    status      = "status";

                case "生产":
                    tablename   = "t_product";
                    tabeldetail = "t_productdetail";
                    status      = "POSTQTY";
                T_InStock_Func tfunc  = new T_InStock_Func();
                string         sql    = string.Format(@"select [{0}] from {1} where erpvoucherno='{2}'", status, tablename, ErpVoucherno);
                string         istrue = GetScalarBySql(sql).ToString();//是否status等于新建
                if (istrue == "1" || (flag == "生产" && Convert.ToDecimal(istrue) == 0))
                    list.Add(string.Format("delete {0} where erpvoucherno='{1}'", tablename, ErpVoucherno));
                    list.Add(string.Format("delete {0} where erpvoucherno='{1}'", tabeldetail, ErpVoucherno));
                    return(base.SaveModelListBySqlToDB(list, ref strError));
                    strError = "该订单状态不是新建,请确认";
                    return(false);  // Json(new { state = false, obj = strError }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
            catch (Exception ex)
        protected override List <string> GetSaveModelListSql(UserModel user, List <T_InStockDetailInfo> modelList)
            string strSql1     = string.Empty;
            string strSql2     = string.Empty;
            string strSql3     = string.Empty;
            string strSql4     = string.Empty;
            string strSql5     = string.Empty;
            string strSql6     = string.Empty;
            string strSql7     = string.Empty;
            string strSql8     = string.Empty;
            string strSql9     = string.Empty;
            string strSql10    = string.Empty;
            string TaskNo      = string.Empty;
            int    TaskTransID = 0;

            if (modelList == null || modelList.Count == 0)

            if (modelList[0].VoucherType == 35)

            int taskid = base.GetTableIDBySqlServer("t_task");//GetTableID("seq_task_id");

            List <string> lstSql = new List <string>();

            if (modelList.Count() > 0)
                //string TaskNoID = base.GetTableID("seq_task_no").ToString();

                //TaskNo = "T" + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + TaskNoID.PadLeft(4, '0');

                //string TaskNoID = base.GetTableIDBySqlServer("t_task").ToString();

                TaskNo = base.GetNewOrderNo("D", "t_task", "");

                modelList.ForEach(t => t.TaskNo = TaskNo);
                modelList.ForEach(t => t.TaskNo = "");

            foreach (var item in modelList)
                strSql1 = "update t_Instockdetail  set   Receiveqty = (isnull( Receiveqty,0) + '" + item.ScanQty + "') ," +
                          " OPERATORUSERNO = '" + user.UserNo + "', Operatordatetime = getdate()  , materialnoid = '" + item.MaterialNoID + "'  where id  ='" + item.ID + "'";
                lstSql.Add(strSql1);// remainqty = (case when (isnull( remainqty,0) - '" + item.ScanQty + "') <= 0 then 0 else isnull( remainqty,0) - '" + item.ScanQty + "' end),

                strSql2 = "update t_Instockdetail  set  Linestatus =  (case when isnull( Receiveqty,0)< isnull( Instockqty,0) and isnull( Receiveqty,0)<>0 then 2" +
                          "when isnull( Receiveqty,0) >= isnull( Instockqty,0)  then 3 end ) where id = '" + item.ID + "'";

                foreach (var itemBarCode in item.lstBarCode)
                    item.IsQuality = 3;//库存状态改为合格
                    strSql8        = "insert into t_stock(serialno,Materialno,materialdesc,qty,status,isdel,Creater,Createtime,batchno,unit,unitname,Palletno," +
                                     "islimitstock,materialnoid,warehouseid,houseid,areaid,Receivestatus,barcode,STRONGHOLDCODE,STRONGHOLDNAME,COMPANYCODE,EDATE,SUPCODE,SUPNAME," +
                                     "SUPPRDBATCH,Isquality,Stocktype,ean,BARCODETYPE,projectNo,TracNo)" +
                                     "values ('" + itemBarCode.SerialNo + "','" + itemBarCode.MaterialNo + "','" + itemBarCode.MaterialDesc + "','" + itemBarCode.Qty + "','" + item.IsQuality + "','1'" +
                                     ",'" + user.UserNo + "',getdate(),'" + itemBarCode.BatchNo + "','" + item.Unit + "','" + item.UnitName + "'" +
                                     ",(select palletno from t_Palletdetail where serialno = '" + itemBarCode.SerialNo + "'),'1','" + itemBarCode.MaterialNoID + "'" +
                                     ", '" + user.WarehouseID + "','" + user.ReceiveHouseID + "','" + user.ReceiveAreaID + "','1','" + itemBarCode.BarCode + "','" + item.StrongHoldCode + "', " +
                                     "  '" + itemBarCode.StrongHoldName + "','" + itemBarCode.CompanyCode + "','" + itemBarCode.EDate + "','" + item.SupplierNo + "','" + item.SupplierName + "'," +
                                     "'" + itemBarCode.SupPrdBatch + "','3' ,'1','" + itemBarCode.EAN + "','" + itemBarCode.BarcodeType + "','" + (itemBarCode.ProjectNo == null?"": itemBarCode.ProjectNo) + "','" + (itemBarCode.TracNo == null?"": itemBarCode.TracNo) + "' )";


                    TaskTransID = base.GetTableIDBySqlServerTaskTrans("t_tasktrans");

                    strSql10 = "SET IDENTITY_INSERT t_tasktrans on ;insert into t_tasktrans(id, Serialno,towarehouseid,Tohouseid, Toareaid, Materialno, Materialdesc, Supcuscode, " +
                               "Supcusname, Qty, Tasktype, Vouchertype, Creater, Createtime,TaskdetailsId, Unit, Unitname,materialnoid," +
                               "erpvoucherno,voucherno,barcode,STRONGHOLDCODE,STRONGHOLDNAME,COMPANYCODE,SUPPRDBATCH,EDATE,TASKNO,batchno,ToWarehouseNo,ToHouseNo,ToAreaNo,ToWarehouseName)" +
                               " values ('" + TaskTransID + "','" + itemBarCode.SerialNo + "','" + user.WarehouseID + "','" + user.ReceiveHouseID + "'," +
                               "'" + user.ReceiveAreaID + "','" + itemBarCode.MaterialNo + "','" + itemBarCode.MaterialDesc + "','" + item.SupplierNo + "','" + item.SupplierName + "'," +
                               " '" + itemBarCode.Qty + "','4',(select vouchertype from t_Instock where voucherno = '" + item.VoucherNo + "') ,'" + user.UserName + "',getdate(),'" + item.ID + "'," +
                               "'" + item.Unit + "','" + item.UnitName + "','" + itemBarCode.MaterialNoID + "','" + item.ErpVoucherNo + "','" + item.VoucherNo + "','" + itemBarCode.BarCode + "'," +
                               "'" + item.StrongHoldCode + "','" + item.StrongHoldName + "','" + item.CompanyCode + "','" + itemBarCode.SupPrdBatch + "'" +
                               " ,'" + itemBarCode.EDate + "','" + TaskNo + "','" + itemBarCode.BatchNo + "','" + user.ReceiveWareHouseNo + "','" + user.ReceiveHouseNo + "','" + user.ReceiveAreaNo + "','" + user.ReceiveWareHouseName + "') SET IDENTITY_INSERT t_tasktrans off";

            strSql3 = "update t_Instock  set  Status = 2 where id = '" + modelList[0].HeaderID + "'";

            strSql4 = " update t_Instock  set  Status = 3 where " +
                      " id in(select b.Headerid from t_Instockdetail b  group by b.Headerid having(max(isnull(linestatus,1)) = 3 and min(isnull(linestatus,1))=3) and b.Headerid = '" + modelList[0].HeaderID + "')" +
                      "and id = '" + modelList[0].HeaderID + "'";

            List <T_InStockDetailInfo> NewModelList = GroupInstockDetailList(modelList);

            //ymh 查询单据类型
            T_InStock_Func func             = new T_InStock_Func();
            T_InStockInfo  InStockInfoModel = new T_InStockInfo()
                ID = modelList[0].HeaderID
            string strmsg = "";

            func.GetModelByID(ref InStockInfoModel, ref strmsg);

            if (!(user.ISVWAREHOUSE == 0 && InStockInfoModel.VoucherType != 39))
                foreach (var item in NewModelList)
                    strSql6 = "insert into t_Taskdetails (headerid,Materialno,materialdesc,QualityQty,Remainqty,LineStatus,Creater,Createtime,Unit,Unitname,erpvoucherno,materialnoid,toareano,voucherno," +
                              "STRONGHOLDCODE,STRONGHOLDNAME,COMPANYCODE,batchno,Productbatch,Supprdbatch,Frombatchno,Fromerpareano,Fromerpwarehouse,isdel,iarrsid)" +
                              "values('" + taskid + "','" + item.MaterialNo + "','" + item.MaterialDesc + "','" + item.ScanQty + "','" + item.ScanQty + "'," +
                              "'1','" + user.UserNo + "',getdate(),'" + item.Unit + "','" + item.UnitName + "','" + item.ErpVoucherNo + "','" + item.MaterialNoID + "','" + user.ReceiveAreaID + "','" + item.VoucherNo + "'," +
                              "'" + item.StrongHoldCode + "','" + item.StrongHoldName + "','" + item.CompanyCode + "','" + item.BatchNo + "'," +
                              "'" + item.ProductBatch + "','" + item.SupPrdBatch + "'," +
                              "'" + item.BatchNo + "','" + user.ReceiveAreaNo + "','" + user.ReceiveWareHouseNo + "','1','" + modelList[0].iarrsid + "')";


                if (NewModelList != null && NewModelList.Count() > 0)
                    strSql5 = "set IDENTITY_INSERT t_task on;insert into t_task (id,Vouchertype,tasktype,Taskno,Supcusname,status,Taskissued,Receiveuserno,Createtime,supcuscode,Creater,InStockID," +
                              "erpvoucherno,plant,plantname,movetype,Taskissueduser,voucherno,STRONGHOLDCODE,STRONGHOLDNAME,COMPANYCODE,ERPCREATER,VOUDATE,VOUUSER,ERPSTATUS,ERPNOTE,erpinvoucherno,WAREHOUSEID,erpvouchertype,isdel)" +
                              "select  '" + taskid + "', case Vouchertype when 39 then 39 else 888 end as Vouchertype,'1','" + TaskNo + "', Suppliername , '1',getdate(),'" + user.UserNo + "',getdate(), Supplierno,'" + user.UserNo + "', Id," +
                              " Erpvoucherno, Plant, Plantname, Movetype,'" + user.UserNo + "',voucherno,STRONGHOLDCODE,STRONGHOLDNAME,COMPANYCODE,ERPCREATER,VOUDATE,VOUUSER,ERPSTATUS,ERPNOTE,'" + NewModelList[0].MaterialDoc + "'" +
                              "  ,'" + user.WarehouseID + "','" + modelList[0].ERPVoucherType + "','1' from t_Instock a where id = '" + modelList[0].HeaderID + "' set IDENTITY_INSERT t_task off;";