		/// <summary>
		/// Bitmaps to texture.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="bmp">The BMP.</param>
		/// <param name="texture">The texture.</param>
		public unsafe static void BitmapToTexture(Bitmap bitmap, Texture texture)

			var bmp = bitmap.Clone(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bitmap.Width, bitmap.Height), System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format32bppArgb);

			var bitmapData = bmp.LockBits(
				new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, bmp.Width, bmp.Height),

			HardwarePixelBuffer buffer = texture.GetBuffer();
			PixelBox pixelBox = buffer.CurrentLock;

			UInt32* texData = (UInt32*)pixelBox.Data;
			UInt32* mapData = (UInt32*)bitmapData.Scan0;

			var height = Math.Min(pixelBox.Height, bmp.Height);
			var width = Math.Min(pixelBox.Width, bmp.Width);

			for (var y = 0; y < height; ++y)
				for (var x = 0; x < width; ++x)
					texData[pixelBox.RowPitch * y + x] = mapData[bitmapData.Stride / 4 * y + x];


        public void CameraDataUpdate(InteropBitmap cameraInterop)
            // Stores the cam input as bitmap source
            var imageSource = cameraInterop as BitmapSource;

            // Creates an jpeg encoder
            BitmapEncoder enc = new JpegBitmapEncoder();

            // Create bitmap frame from the image source

            // Saves the frame to a memory stream
            var ms = new MemoryStream();


            // Create a bitmap from the memory stream
            var bitmap = new Bitmap(ms);

            // Get width and height
            int width  = bitmap.Width;
            int height = bitmap.Height;

            // Gets the buffer from the texture
            var texBuffer = m_texture.GetBuffer();

            // Locks the buffer so we can copy data into the buffer
            PixelBox   pb   = texBuffer.CurrentLock;
            BitmapData data = bitmap.LockBits(new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, width, height),

            // Copy the data into the buffer
            CopyMemory(pb.Data, data.Scan0, (uint)((width) * height * 4));

            // Unlock the buffer

            // Render using the material

            // Update the camera orientation

                // Render a single frame
            catch (Exception e)
        private void SaveToDisk( Texture tp, string filename )
          // Declare buffer
            int buffSize = tp.Width * tp.Height * tp.Depth * 4;
            byte[] data = new byte[buffSize];

          // Setup Image with correct settings
          Image i = new Image();
          i.FromDynamicImage(data, tp.Width, tp.Height, tp.Depth,tp.Format);
          // Copy Texture buffer contents to image buffer
          HardwarePixelBuffer buf = tp.GetBuffer();      
          PixelBox destBox = i.GetPixelBox(0,0);
          // Save to disk!
          i.Save( @"C:\" + filename );
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get an appropriately defined 'null' texture, ie one which will always
        ///     result in no shadows.
        /// </summary>
        public Texture GetNullShadowTexture(PixelFormat format)
            foreach (Texture tex in nullTextureList)
                if (format == tex.Format)
                    // Ok, a match

            // not found, create a new one
            // A 1x1 texture of the correct format, not a render target
            string  baseName  = "Axiom/ShadowTextureNull";
            string  targName  = baseName + count++;
            Texture shadowTex = TextureManager.Instance.CreateManual(
                TextureType.TwoD, 1, 1, 1, 0, format, TextureUsage.Default);


            // Populate the texture based on format
            int byteCount = PixelUtil.GetNumElemBytes(format);

            unsafe {
                byte [] bytes = new byte[byteCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < byteCount; i++)
                    bytes[i] = 0xff;
                fixed(byte *fixedBytes = &bytes[0])
                    PixelBox bytesPixelBox = new PixelBox(1, 1, 1, format, new IntPtr(fixedBytes));

		public override void CreateScene()
			// Create dynamic texture
			ptex = TextureManager.Instance.CreateManual( "DynaTex", ResourceGroupManager.DefaultResourceGroupName, TextureType.TwoD, reactorExtent - 2, reactorExtent - 2, 0, PixelFormat.A8R8G8B8, TextureUsage.DynamicWriteOnly );
			buffer = ptex.GetBuffer( 0, 0 );

			// Set ambient light
			scene.AmbientLight = new ColorEx( 0.6F, 0.6F, 0.6F );
			scene.SetSkyBox( true, "SkyBox/Space", 50 );

			//mRoot->getRenderSystem()->clearFrameBuffer(FBT_COLOUR, ColourValue(255,255,255,0));

			// Create a light
			Light l = scene.CreateLight( "MainLight" );
			l.Diffuse = new ColorEx( 0.75F, 0.75F, 0.80F );
			l.Specular = new ColorEx( 0.9F, 0.9F, 1F );
			l.Position = new Vector3( -100, 80, 50 );
			scene.RootSceneNode.AttachObject( l );

			Entity planeEnt = scene.CreateEntity( "TexPlane1", PrefabEntity.Plane );
			// Give the plane a texture
			planeEnt.MaterialName = "Examples/DynaTest";

			SceneNode node = scene.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode( new Vector3( -100, -40, -100 ) );
			node.AttachObject( planeEnt );
			node.Scale = new Vector3( 3.0f, 3.0f, 3.0f );

			// Create objects
			SceneNode blaNode = scene.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode( new Vector3( -200, 0, 50 ) );
			Entity ent2 = scene.CreateEntity( "knot", "knot.mesh" );
			ent2.MaterialName = "Examples/DynaTest4";
			blaNode.AttachObject( ent2 );

			blaNode = scene.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode( new Vector3( 200, -90, 50 ) );
			ent2 = scene.CreateEntity( "knot2", "knot.mesh" );
			ent2.MaterialName = "Examples/DynaTest2";
			blaNode.AttachObject( ent2 );
			blaNode = scene.RootSceneNode.CreateChildSceneNode( new Vector3( -110, 200, 50 ) );

			// Cloaked fish
			ent2 = scene.CreateEntity( "knot3", "fish.mesh" );
			ent2.MaterialName = "Examples/DynaTest3";
			swim = ent2.GetAnimationState( "swim" );
			swim.IsEnabled = true;
			blaNode.AttachObject( ent2 );
			blaNode.Scale = new Vector3( 50.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f );

			LogManager.Instance.Write( "HardwarePixelBuffer {0} {1} {2} ", buffer.Width, buffer.Height, buffer.Depth );

			buffer.Lock( BufferLocking.Normal );
			PixelBox pb = buffer.CurrentLock;

			LogManager.Instance.Write( "PixelBox {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6}", pb.Width, pb.Height, pb.Depth, pb.RowPitch, pb.SlicePitch, pb.Data, pb.Format );

			// show GUI
			overlay = OverlayManager.Instance.GetByName( "Example/DynTexOverlay" );
		/// <summary>
		/// Helper method to render a composite map.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="size"> The requested composite map size</param>
		/// <param name="rect"> The region of the composite map to update, in image space</param>
		/// <param name="mat">The material to use to render the map</param>
		/// <param name="destCompositeMap"></param>
		public virtual void RenderCompositeMap( int size, Rectangle rect, Material mat, Texture destCompositeMap )
			if ( this.mCompositeMapSM == null )
				//dedicated SceneManager

				this.mCompositeMapSM = Root.Instance.CreateSceneManager( SceneType.ExteriorClose,
				                                                         "TerrainMaterialGenerator_SceneManager" );
				float camDist = 100;
				float halfCamDist = camDist*0.5f;
				this.mCompositeMapCam = this.mCompositeMapSM.CreateCamera( "TerrainMaterialGenerator_Camera" );
				this.mCompositeMapCam.Position = new Vector3( 0, 0, camDist );
				this.mCompositeMapCam.ProjectionType = Projection.Orthographic;
				this.mCompositeMapCam.Near = 10;
				this.mCompositeMapCam.Far = 999999*3;
				//mCompositeMapCam.AspectRatio = camDist / camDist;
				this.mCompositeMapCam.SetOrthoWindow( camDist, camDist );
				// Just in case material relies on light auto params
				this.mCompositeMapLight = this.mCompositeMapSM.CreateLight( "TerrainMaterialGenerator_Light" );
				this.mCompositeMapLight.Type = LightType.Directional;

				RenderSystem rSys = Root.Instance.RenderSystem;
				float hOffset = rSys.HorizontalTexelOffset/(float)size;
				float vOffset = rSys.VerticalTexelOffset/(float)size;

				//setup scene
				this.mCompositeMapPlane = this.mCompositeMapSM.CreateManualObject( "TerrainMaterialGenerator_ManualObject" );
				this.mCompositeMapPlane.Begin( mat.Name, OperationType.TriangleList );
				this.mCompositeMapPlane.Position( -halfCamDist, halfCamDist, 0 );
				this.mCompositeMapPlane.TextureCoord( 0 - hOffset, 0 - vOffset );
				this.mCompositeMapPlane.Position( -halfCamDist, -halfCamDist, 0 );
				this.mCompositeMapPlane.TextureCoord( 0 - hOffset, 1 - vOffset );
				this.mCompositeMapPlane.Position( halfCamDist, -halfCamDist, 0 );
				this.mCompositeMapPlane.TextureCoord( 1 - hOffset, 1 - vOffset );
				this.mCompositeMapPlane.Position( halfCamDist, halfCamDist, 0 );
				this.mCompositeMapPlane.TextureCoord( 1 - hOffset, 0 - vOffset );
				this.mCompositeMapPlane.Quad( 0, 1, 2, 3 );
				this.mCompositeMapSM.RootSceneNode.AttachObject( this.mCompositeMapPlane );
			} //end if

			// update
			this.mCompositeMapPlane.SetMaterialName( 0, mat.Name );
			this.mCompositeMapLight.Direction = TerrainGlobalOptions.LightMapDirection;
			this.mCompositeMapLight.Diffuse = TerrainGlobalOptions.CompositeMapDiffuse;
			this.mCompositeMapSM.AmbientLight = TerrainGlobalOptions.CompositeMapAmbient;

			//check for size change (allow smaller to be reused)
			if ( this.mCompositeMapRTT != null && size != this.mCompositeMapRTT.Width )
				TextureManager.Instance.Remove( this.mCompositeMapRTT );
				this.mCompositeMapRTT = null;
			if ( this.mCompositeMapRTT == null )
				this.mCompositeMapRTT = TextureManager.Instance.CreateManual( this.mCompositeMapSM.Name + "/compRTT",
				                                                              TextureType.TwoD, size, size, 0, PixelFormat.BYTE_RGBA,
				                                                              TextureUsage.RenderTarget );

				RenderTarget rtt = this.mCompositeMapRTT.GetBuffer().GetRenderTarget();
				// don't render all the time, only on demand
				rtt.IsAutoUpdated = false;
				Viewport vp = rtt.AddViewport( this.mCompositeMapCam );
				// don't render overlays
				vp.ShowOverlays = false;

			// calculate the area we need to update
			float vpleft = (float)rect.Left/(float)size;
			float vptop = (float)rect.Top/(float)size;
			float vpright = (float)rect.Right/(float)size;
			float vpbottom = (float)rect.Bottom/(float)size;
			float vpwidth = (float)rect.Width/(float)size;
			float vpheight = (float)rect.Height/(float)size;

			RenderTarget rtt2 = this.mCompositeMapRTT.GetBuffer().GetRenderTarget();
			Viewport vp2 = rtt2.GetViewport( 0 );
			this.mCompositeMapCam.SetWindow( vpleft, vptop, vpright, vpbottom );
			// We have an RTT, we want to copy the results into a regular texture
			// That's because in non-update scenarios we don't want to keep an RTT
			// around. We use a single RTT to serve all terrain pages which is more
			// efficient.
			var box = new BasicBox( (int)rect.Left, (int)rect.Top, (int)rect.Right, (int)rect.Bottom );
			destCompositeMap.GetBuffer().Blit( this.mCompositeMapRTT.GetBuffer(), box, box );