public override void DoWindowContents(Rect inRect) { bool flag = false; if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Return) { flag = true; Event.current.Use(); } Text.Font = GameFont.Medium; string text = "Pack name: "; Widgets.Label(new Rect(15f, 15f, 500f, 50f), text); Text.Font = GameFont.Small; string text2 = Widgets.TextField(new Rect(15f, 50f, inRect.width / 2f - 20f, 35f), this.curPackName); if (text2.Length < 30 && CharacterCardUtility.ValidNameRegex.IsMatch(text2)) { this.curPackName = text2; } if (Widgets.ButtonText(new Rect(inRect.width / 2f + 20f, inRect.height - 35f, inRect.width / 2f - 20f, 35f), "OK", true, true, true) || flag) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.curPackName)) { this.curPackName = RimValiUtility.GetPack(pawn).name; } RimValiUtility.GetPack(pawn).name = this.curPackName; Find.WindowStack.TryRemove(this, true); } }
public virtual AvaliPack GetPack(Pawn pawn) { AvaliPack pack = null; pack = RimValiUtility.GetPack(pawn); return(pack); }
public Dialog_NamePack(Pawn pawn) { this.pawn = pawn; this.curPackName = RimValiUtility.GetPack(pawn).name; this.forcePause = true; this.absorbInputAroundWindow = true; this.closeOnClickedOutside = true; this.closeOnAccept = false; }
public void UpdatePawns(Map map) { IEnumerable <Pawn> pawns = RimValiUtility.CheckAllPawnsInMapAndFaction(map, Faction.OfPlayer).Where(x => x.def == AvaliDefs.RimVali); IEnumerable <AvaliPack> packs = AvaliPackDriver.packs; foreach (Pawn pawn in pawns) { AvaliThoughtDriver avaliThoughtDriver = pawn.TryGetComp <AvaliThoughtDriver>(); PackComp packComp = pawn.TryGetComp <PackComp>(); if (!(avaliThoughtDriver == null)) { //Log.Message("Pawn has pack comp, moving to next step..."); if (AvaliPackDriver.packs == null || AvaliPackDriver.packs.Count == 0) { //Log.Message("How did we get here? [Pack list was 0 or null]"); return; } AvaliPack pawnPack = null; //This errors out when pawns dont have a pack, in rare cases. That is bad. This stops it from doing that. try { pawnPack = RimValiUtility.GetPack(pawn); } catch { return; } //Log.Message("Tried to get packs pack, worked."); if (pawnPack == null) { //Log.Message("How did we get here? [Pack was null.]"); break; } foreach (Pawn packmate in pawnPack.pawns) { Thought_Memory thought_Memory2 = (Thought_Memory)ThoughtMaker.MakeThought(packComp.Props.togetherThought); if (!(packmate == pawn)) { bool bubble; if (!thought_Memory2.TryMergeWithExistingMemory(out bubble)) { //Log.Message("Adding thought to pawn."); pawn.needs.mood.thoughts.memories.TryGainMemory(thought_Memory2, packmate); } } } UpdateSharedRoomThought(pawn); } } }