private void ShowContextMenuOfBind(ChangerPlate parent, CombinationBinds bind) { var menu = new GenericMenu(); var menuItems = new List <string> { ChangerCondKey.CONTAINS, ChangerCondKey.NOTCONTAINS, ChangerCondKey.CONTAINSALL, ChangerCondKey.NOTCONTAINSALL, }; foreach (var combinationBind in menuItems.Select((val, index) => new { index, val })) { var currentIndex = combinationBind.index; menu.AddItem( new GUIContent(combinationBind.val), false, () => { parent.EmitUndo("Change Branch Combination"); bind.bindKind = menuItems[currentIndex]; parent.EmitSave(); } ); } menu.ShowAsContext(); }
private void ShowContextMenuOfType(ChangerPlate parent, ConditionTypeValuePair typeValuePair) { var conditionType = typeValuePair.conditionType; var menu = new GenericMenu(); // update parent:ChangerPlate's conditions to latest. ChangerPlate.Emit(new OnChangerEvent(OnChangerEvent.EventType.EVENT_REFRESHCONDITIONS, parent.changerId)); var menuItems = parent.conditions .Select(conditonData => conditonData.conditionType) .Where(type => type != conditionType) .ToList(); // current. menu.AddDisabledItem( new GUIContent(conditionType) ); menu.AddSeparator(string.Empty); // new. menu.AddItem( new GUIContent("Add New Type"), false, () => { ChangerPlate.Emit(new OnChangerEvent(OnChangerEvent.EventType.EVENT_ADDNEWTYPE, parent.changerId)); } ); menu.AddSeparator(string.Empty); // other. foreach (var conditonData in menuItems.Select((val, index) => new { index, val })) { var currentType = conditonData.val; menu.AddItem( new GUIContent(currentType), false, () => { parent.EmitUndo("Change Combination Type"); typeValuePair.conditionType = currentType; parent.EmitSave(); } ); } menu.ShowAsContext(); }
public void AddChanger(ChangerPlate changer) { changers.Add(changer); }
public void AddRootChanger(ChangerPlate rootChanger) { rootChangers.Add(rootChanger); }
private void ShowContextMenuOfValue(ChangerPlate parent, ConditionTypeValuePair typeValuePair) { var conditionType = typeValuePair.conditionType; var conditionValue = typeValuePair.conditionValue; var menu = new GenericMenu(); // update parent:ChangerPlate's conditions to latest. ChangerPlate.Emit(new OnChangerEvent(OnChangerEvent.EventType.EVENT_REFRESHCONDITIONS, parent.changerId)); var menuItems = parent.conditions .Where(data => data.conditionType == conditionType) .FirstOrDefault(); // current. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditionValue)) { menu.AddDisabledItem( new GUIContent(conditionValue) ); menu.AddSeparator(string.Empty); } // new. if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditionType)) { menu.AddItem( new GUIContent("Add New Type & Value"), false, () => { ChangerPlate.Emit(new OnChangerEvent(OnChangerEvent.EventType.EVENT_ADDNEWTYPEVALUE, parent.changerId)); } ); } else { menu.AddItem( new GUIContent("Add New Value"), false, () => { ChangerPlate.Emit(new OnChangerEvent(OnChangerEvent.EventType.EVENT_ADDNEWVALUE, parent.changerId)); } ); } // show other conditionValues. if (menuItems != null) { // remove current. menuItems.conditionValues.Remove(conditionValue); menu.AddSeparator(string.Empty); // other. foreach (var currentConditionValue in menuItems.conditionValues.Select((val, index) => new { index, val })) { // var currentType = conditionType; var currentValue = currentConditionValue.val; var currentIndex = currentConditionValue.index; menu.AddItem( new GUIContent(currentValue), false, () => { parent.EmitUndo("Change Combination Value"); typeValuePair.conditionValue = menuItems.conditionValues[currentIndex]; parent.EmitSave(); } ); } } menu.ShowAsContext(); }