public override string getLargeDesc() { string reply = "Vote to execute " + target.getFullName() + " for the crime of association with dark forces." + "\n\nThis accusation primarily happens if nobles have high suspicion (but can instead be political motivated)." + "This will cause the society to kill the target noble on sight, if they are found guilty."; return(reply); }
public override void turnTick(Person person) { if (person.title_land == null) { person.action = null; return; } turns += 1; if (turns >= World.staticMap.param.action_investigateTurns) { foreach (Location loc in person.title_land.settlement.location.getNeighbours()) { if (loc.person() != null) { if (loc.person().state == Person.personState.enthralled && loc.person().evidence != 1) { loc.person().evidence +=; if (loc.person().evidence > 1) { loc.person().evidence = 1; } + ", who has an awareness of the dark, has completed an investigation, which revealed your enthralled, adding evidence to them."); } } } person.action = null; } }
public override void turnTick(Person person) { if (person.title_land == null) { person.action = null; return; } if (person.title_land.settlement is Set_University == false) { person.action = null; return; } if (person.awareness >= 1) { person.awareness = 1; person.action = null; } person.awareness += World.staticMap.param.action_research_expectedAwarenessPerTurn * Eleven.random.NextDouble() *; if (person.awareness >= 1) { person.awareness = 1; person.action = null; } if (person.sanity > 0 && Eleven.random.NextDouble() < World.staticMap.param.action_research_pSanityHit) { if (person.sanity > 0) { person.sanity -= 1; } if (person.sanity <= 0) { person.sanity = 0; World.staticMap.addMessage(person.getFullName() + " has gone insane from what they learnt", MsgEvent.LEVEL_DARK_GREEN, true); } } }
public static double getLikingModifiers(Person me, int themIndex, List <ReasonMsg> reasons) { Person them = World.staticMap.persons[themIndex]; if (them == null) { return(0); } double u = 0; if (me.society.socType.usesHouses() && ( == { u +=; if (reasons != null) { reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Same House",; } } if (them.state == Person.personState.enthralled && me.state == Person.personState.broken) { u +=; if (reasons != null) { reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Cultist Towards Enthralled",; } } if (them.madness is Insanity_Sane == false) { u +=; if (reasons != null) { reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg("Obviously insane",; } } foreach (Trait t in them.traits) { if (t.receivedLikingDelta() != 0) { u += t.receivedLikingDelta(); if (reasons != null) { reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg(them.getFullName() + " is " +, t.receivedLikingDelta())); } } } foreach (Trait t in me.traits) { if (t.likingChange() != 0) { u += t.likingChange(); if (reasons != null) { reasons.Add(new ReasonMsg(me.getFullName() + " is " +, t.likingChange())); } } } return(u); }
public void lashOut(Person p) { if (Eleven.random.NextDouble() > { return; } int c = 0; Person victim = null; foreach (Person p2 in p.society.people) { if (p2 == p) { continue; } c += 1; if (Eleven.random.Next(c) == 0) { victim = p2; } } if (victim != null) { victim.getRelation(p).addLiking(-30, "Lashed out in madess",; if (p.society.hasEnthralled()) { + " lashes out against " + victim.getFullName() + " in madness", MsgEvent.LEVEL_DARK_GREEN, p.state != Person.personState.enthralled, p.getLocation().hex); } } }
public void setTo(Person p) { inner = p; p.outer = this; layerBack.sprite = p.getImageBack(); layerMid.sprite = p.getImageMid(); layerFore.sprite = p.getImageFore(); title.text = p.getFullName(); subtitle.text = (p.title_land == null) ? "" : p.title_land.getName(); if (p.society.getSovreign() == p) { border.sprite =; } else if (p.titles.Count > 0) { border.sprite =; } else if (p.title_land != null) { border.sprite =; } else { border.sprite =; } }
public override void castInner(Map map, Person person) { ThreatItem item = person.getGreatestThreat(); if (item == null) { return; } double prevThreat = item.threat; double addDread = item.threat * map.param.ability_instillDreadMult; bool hitCap = false; if (item.threat + addDread >= 200) { hitCap = true; item.threat = 200 - item.threat;//Now at 200 } else { item.temporaryDread += addDread; item.threat += addDread; } string msgs = "You draw upon " + person.getFullName() + "'s fears, adding to their dread of " + item.getTitle() + ". Their threat estimate has gone from " + (int)(prevThreat) + " to " + (int)(item.threat) + "."; if (hitCap) { msgs += "\n(It is now at its maximum value)"; } msgs,"ABILITY_INSTILL_DREAD")); }
public override double computeUtility(Person voter, VoteOption option, List <ReasonMsg> msgs) { double u = option.getBaseUtility(voter); double localU = 0; if ( == null) { //Null case is "remain independent" localU =; msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Inherent reluctance", localU)); u += localU; return(u); } localU =; msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Inherent reluctance", localU)); u += localU; Society socTarget = (Society); foreach (KillOrder order in socTarget.killOrders) { if (order.person == voter) { localU = -1000; msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Kill order against " + voter.getFullName(), localU)); u += localU; } } double awarenessU = * voter.awareness; msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Awareness", awarenessU)); u += awarenessU; double militaryU = - voter.society.currentMilitary; militaryU *= * voter.awareness; msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Their military might", militaryU)); u += militaryU; double totalSuspicion = 0; foreach (Person p in socTarget.people) { RelObj rel = voter.getRelation(p); totalSuspicion += rel.suspicion; } double susU = -totalSuspicion; susU *=; msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Suspicion of their nobles", susU)); u += susU; return(u); }
public override void castInner(Map map, Person person) { "You cast your shadow over " + person.getFullName() + " and hide away some of the evidence against them.","ABILITY_REDUCE_EVIDENCE")); person.evidence /= 2; }
public override void castInner(Map map, Person person) { person.action = new Act_Disrupted(); "You disrupt the efforts of " + person.getFullName() + ". They will need time to re-establish themselves and undo the chaos you've sown before they can act again.","ABILITY_DISRUPT_ACTION")); }
public override void castInner(Map map, Person person) { person.getRelation(map.overmind.enthralled).suspicion = 0; person.getFullName() + " forgets all previous suspicions, and trusts " + map.overmind.enthralled.getFullName() + "'s claims of innocence. They may soon notice evidence, if any remains, of course.","ABILITY_TRUSTING_FOOL")); }
public void populate(Society soc, Person agent) { this.agent = agent; societyName.text = soc.getName(); textVotingIssue.text = soc.voteSession.issue.ToString(); textVotingIssueDesc.text = soc.voteSession.issue.getLargeDesc(); textProposer.text = "Proposed by: " + soc.voteSession.issue.proposer.getFullName(); textProposerVote.text = "Voting For: " + soc.voteSession.issue.proposer.getVote(soc.voteSession).info(soc.voteSession.issue); proposerBack.sprite = soc.voteSession.issue.proposer.getImageBack(); proposerMid.sprite = soc.voteSession.issue.proposer.getImageMid(); proposerFore.sprite = soc.voteSession.issue.proposer.getImageFore(); proposerBorder.sprite = soc.voteSession.issue.proposer.getImageBorder(); foreach (Person p in soc.people) { PopVoterBar bar = world.prefabStore.getVoterBar(p); //bar.gameObject.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform; voterBars.Add(bar); } foreach (VoteOption opt in soc.voteSession.issue.options) { PopOptBar bar = world.prefabStore.getVoteOptBar(opt, soc.voteSession); //bar.gameObject.transform.parent = this.gameObject.transform; voteOptBars.Add(bar); } if (agent != null) { textAgentName.text = "Interacting with:\n" + agent.getFullName(); agentBack.sprite = agent.getImageBack(); agentBorder.sprite = agent.getImageBorder(); agentFore.sprite = agent.getImageFore(); agentMid.sprite = agent.getImageMid(); textAgentDesc.text = "You may use the voter's liking for " + agent.getFullName() + " to sway their votes one way or another, spending this liking as political capital."; } else { agentBack.sprite = world.textureStore.icon_mask; agentMid.sprite = world.textureStore.icon_mask; agentBorder.sprite = world.textureStore.slotCount; agentFore.sprite = world.textureStore.icon_mask; textAgentName.text = "Interacting without character"; textAgentDesc.text = "If you interact with a society with an enthralled noble, or use an agent, you can spend the liking the voters have towards them to sway their votes."; } sess = soc.voteSession; checkData(); }
public override void castInner(Map map, Person other) { other.getRelation(other.society.getSovreign()).addLiking(map.param.ability_sowDissentLikingChange, "Dissent sown", map.turn); other.getFullName() + " gains dislike for their sovreign, " + other.society.getSovreign().getFullName() + ".","ABILITY_SOW_DISSENT")); }
public override void castInner(Map map, Person person) { person.getFullName() + "'s suspicions abate, they fear less now. All their suspicions are halved.","ABILITY_REDUCE_SUSPICION")); foreach (RelObj rel in person.relations.Values) { rel.suspicion /= 2; } }
public override void castInner(Map map, Person person) { person.politics_militarism = 1; string msgs = "You exploit the terror of " + person.getFullName() + ", causing them to become violent and cruel, as an attempt to defend themselves."; msgs,"ABILITY_CALL_TO_VIOLENCE")); }
public void setTo(Person p) { profileBack.sprite = p.getImageBack(); profileMid.sprite = p.getImageMid(); profileFore.sprite = p.getImageFore(); profileBorder.sprite = p.getImageBorder(); textName.text = p.getFullName(); textPrestige.text = "Prestige: " + (int)p.prestige; textVotingOption.text = "Voting: " + p.getVote(p.society.voteSession).info(p.society.voteSession.issue); voter = p; }
public override void castInner(Map map, Person person) { string msgs = "You shatter the mind of " + person.getFullName() + ", as their fears and terrors overwhelm them. They now see enemies everywhere they look, and desperately seek to defend themselves against these nebulous foes."; person.sanity = 0; person.madness = new Insanity_Paranoid(); msgs,"ABILITY_BREAK_MIND")); }
public virtual string getName() { if (person != null) { return(person.getFullName()); } else { return("Agent"); } }
public override void castInner(Map map, Person person) { person.shadow = 1; "You enshadow " + person.getFullName() + ". Shadow is the path to your victory over this world. It spreads from person to person, if they like the enshadowed other." + " Shadow constantly creates evidence on a person.","ABILITY_ENSHADOW")); person.shadow = 1; }
public override void castInner(Map map, Person person) { double pastLiking = person.getRelation(map.overmind.enthralled).getLiking(); person.getRelation(map.overmind.enthralled).addLiking(map.param.ability_addLikingAmount, "Beguilement", map.turn); double currentLiking = person.getRelation(map.overmind.enthralled).getLiking(); "You beguile " + person.getFullName() + ", causing them to like " + map.overmind.enthralled.getFullName() + " to a greater degree." + "\nTheir liking has gone from " + (int)pastLiking + " to " + (int)currentLiking + ".","ABILITY_BEGUILE")); }
public void checkPopulation() { foreach (Person p in people) { p.turnTick(); } int nUntitled = 0; foreach (Person p in people) { if (p.title_land == null) { nUntitled += 1; } } int nNeeded = map.param.soc_untitledPeople - nUntitled; //Insta-add enough to make up the numbers for (int i = 0; i < nNeeded; i++) { Person p = new Person(this); log(p.getFullName() + " has risen to note in the society of " + this.getName()); people.Add(p); } if (nUntitled > map.param.soc_untitledPeople) { Person lastUntitled = null; foreach (Person p in people) { if (p.state == Person.personState.enthralled) { continue; } if (p.title_land == null) { lastUntitled = p; } } if (lastUntitled != null) { string str = lastUntitled.getFullName() + " has no title, and has lost lordship in " + this.getName(); log(str); World.log(str); people.Remove(lastUntitled); if (this.hasEnthralled()) { map.addMessage(str); } } } }
public override void castInner(Map map, Person other) { other.getRelation(map.overmind.enthralled).addLiking(-World.staticMap.param.ability_changePoliticsLikingCost, "Argued about militarism", map.turn); double prev = other.politics_militarism; other.politics_militarism = Math.Min(1, other.politics_militarism + 0.25); double curr = other.politics_militarism; other.getFullName() + "'s miliarism increases, from " + (int)(100 * prev) + "% to " + (int)(100 * curr) + "%","SOC_INCREASE_MILITARISM")); }
public override void castInner(Map map, Person other) { Society soc = map.overmind.enthralled.society; soc.voteSession.assignVoters(); VoteOption enthOpt = null; VoteOption otherOpt = null; foreach (VoteOption opt in soc.voteSession.issue.options) { if (opt.votesFor.Contains(map.overmind.enthralled)) { enthOpt = opt; } if (opt.votesFor.Contains(other)) { otherOpt = opt; } } if (enthOpt == null) { throw new Exception("Enthralled wasn't voting for some reason"); } if (soc.voteSession.issue.computeUtility(other, enthOpt, new System.Collections.Generic.List <ReasonMsg>()) < -50) { + " refuses to change their vote, as they are too opposed to voting for " + + "."); return; } other.forcedVoteSession = soc.voteSession; other.forcedVoteOption = enthOpt; other.getRelation(map.overmind.enthralled).addLiking(-World.staticMap.param.ability_switchVoteLikingCost, "Asked to change vote", map.turn); other.getFullName() + " is now voting for " +,"SOC_CHANGE_VOTE")); }
public override void castInner(Map map, Person victim) { Society soc = victim.society; victim.getRelation(map.overmind.enthralled).suspicion = 1; victim.sanity = 0; "You share the truth of the world with " + victim.getFullName() + ", a terrible truth which ruins their mind. They are now at 0 sanity," + " and will turn insane, but are aware of your enthralled's dark nature.","SOC_REVEAL_TRUTH")); }
public override void castInner(Map map, Person other) { other.evidence += (map.param.ability_uncannyGlamourEvidence / 100.0); other.prestige += map.param.ability_uncannyGlamourGain; if (other.evidence > 1) { other.evidence = 1; } other.getFullName() + " gains " + map.param.ability_uncannyGlamourGain + " prestige, and are now at " + (int)other.prestige + ". Their baseline is " + (int)other.targetPrestige + " and they will slowly return to that point.","ABILITY_UNCANNY_GLAMOUR")); }
public override double computeUtility(Person voter, VoteOption option, List <ReasonMsg> msgs) { double u = option.getBaseUtility(voter); //Option 1 is "Kill suspect" //Multiply values based on this, as they should be symmetric for most parts double parityMult = 1; if (option.index == 0) { parityMult = -1; } RelObj rel = voter.getRelation(target); double apathy = (1 - voter.shadow); /* * This is actually already covered by liking, but caps out at 100. This adds another bonus, purely from suspicion */ double proKill = rel.suspicion * apathy * * parityMult; msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Suspicion towards " + target.getFullName(), proKill)); u += proKill; double reluctance = * parityMult; msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Base reluctance to kill noble", reluctance)); u += reluctance; double liking = -rel.getLiking() * parityMult; msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Opinion of " + target.getFullName(), liking)); u += liking; return(u); }
public void setTo(Person p) { inner = p; layerBack.sprite = p.getImageBack(); layerMid.sprite = p.getImageMid(); layerFore.sprite = p.getImageFore(); title.text = p.getFullName(); subtitle.text = (p.title_land == null) ? "" : p.title_land.getName(); // FIXME upperRightText.text = lowerRightText.text = riseBox.text = fallBox.text = ""; targetColor = neutralColor; }
public void movePerson(Person lord, Society receiving) { if (lord.society.people.Contains(lord) == false) { throw new Exception("Person attempting to leave society they were not a part of"); } if (receiving.people.Contains(lord)) { throw new Exception("Lord already in group they are attempting to join"); } lord.society.people.Remove(lord); receiving.people.Add(lord); lord.society = receiving; World.log(lord.getFullName() + " now under the rule of " + receiving.getName()); }
public override double computeUtility(Person voter, VoteOption option, List <ReasonMsg> msgs) { double u = option.getBaseUtility(voter); Person p = option.person; double existingValue = 0; if (p.title_land != null) { existingValue = p.title_land.settlement.getPrestige(); } double newValue = title.settlement.getPrestige(); double benefitToPerson = newValue - existingValue; //We know how much they would be advantaged. We now need to know how much we like them to determine //if this is a good thing or not double localU = benefitToPerson * voter.getRelation(p).getLiking() *; msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Benefit to " + p.getFullName(), localU)); u += localU; if (title.heldBy == null) { localU =; msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Need to assign the title", localU)); u += localU; } //We need to know if someone's going to lose out here //(Note this is irrelevant if they're the person who's being voted on) if (title.heldBy != null && title.heldBy != p) { double damageToOther = title.settlement.getPrestige(); localU = -damageToOther *voter.getRelation(title.heldBy).getLiking() *; msgs.Add(new ReasonMsg("Harm to " + title.heldBy.getFullName(), localU)); u += localU; } return(u); }
public void SetInfo(Person p) { foreground.sprite = personHead; background.sprite = personFrame; background.enabled = true; nameTxt.text = p.getFullName(); if (p.title_land != null) { infoTxt.text = p.title_land.getName(); } else { infoTxt.text = "Resident"; } infoTxt.text += "\n" + p.prestige + " Prestige"; }