        /** From (A)* build
         *     |---|
         *     v   |
         *  o->o-A-o--o (Transition 2 from block end points at alt 1; follow is Transition 1)
         *  |         ^
         *  o---------| (optional branch is 2nd alt of optional block containing A+)
         *  Meaning that the last (end) NFAState in A points back to A's
         *  left side NFAState and we add 3 new NFAStates (the
         *  optional branch is built just like an optional subrule).
         *  See the Aplus() method for more on the loop back Transition.
         *  The new node on right edge is set to RIGHT_EDGE_OF_CLOSURE so we
         *  can detect nested (A*)* loops and insert an extra node.  Previously,
         *  two blocks shared same EOB node.
         *  There are 2 or 3 decision points in a A*.  If A is not a block (i.e.,
         *  it only has one alt), then there are two decisions: the optional bypass
         *  and then loopback.  If A is a block of alts, then there are three
         *  decisions: bypass, loopback, and A's decision point.
         *  Note that the optional bypass must be outside the loop as (A|B)* is
         *  not the same thing as (A|B|)+.
         *  This is an accurate NFA representation of the meaning of (A)*, but
         *  for generating code, I don't need a DFA for the optional branch by
         *  virtue of how I generate code.  The exit-loopback-branch decision
         *  is sufficient to let me make an appropriate enter, exit, loop
         *  determination.  See codegen.g
        public virtual StateCluster BuildAstar( StateCluster A )
            NFAState bypassDecisionState = NewState();
            bypassDecisionState.Description = "enter loop path of ()* block";
            NFAState optionalAlt = NewState();
            optionalAlt.Description = "epsilon path of ()* block";
            NFAState blockEndNFAState = NewState();
            blockEndNFAState.decisionStateType = NFAState.RIGHT_EDGE_OF_BLOCK;

            // don't reuse A.right as loopback if it's right edge of another block
            if ( A.Right.decisionStateType == NFAState.RIGHT_EDGE_OF_BLOCK )
                // nested A* so make another tail node to be the loop back
                // instead of the usual A.right which is the EOB for inner loop
                NFAState extraRightEdge = NewState();
                TransitionBetweenStates( A.Right, extraRightEdge, Label.EPSILON );
                A.Right = extraRightEdge;

            // convert A's end block to loopback
            A.Right.Description = "()* loopback";
            // Transition 1 to actual block of stuff
            TransitionBetweenStates( bypassDecisionState, A.Left, Label.EPSILON );
            // Transition 2 optional to bypass
            TransitionBetweenStates( bypassDecisionState, optionalAlt, Label.EPSILON );
            TransitionBetweenStates( optionalAlt, blockEndNFAState, Label.EPSILON );
            // Transition 1 of end block exits
            TransitionBetweenStates( A.Right, blockEndNFAState, Label.EPSILON );
            // Transition 2 of end block loops
            TransitionBetweenStates( A.Right, A.Left, Label.EPSILON );

            bypassDecisionState.decisionStateType = NFAState.BYPASS;
            A.Left.decisionStateType = NFAState.BLOCK_START;
            A.Right.decisionStateType = NFAState.LOOPBACK;

            // set EOB markers for Jean
            A.Left.endOfBlockStateNumber = A.Right.StateNumber;
            bypassDecisionState.endOfBlockStateNumber = blockEndNFAState.StateNumber;

            StateCluster g = new StateCluster( bypassDecisionState, blockEndNFAState );
            return g;
        private StateCluster HandleEbnfBlock(GrammarAST blk, StateCluster g)
            // track decision if > 1 alts
            if (grammar.GetNumberOfAltsForDecisionNFA(g.Left) > 1)
                g.Left.Description = grammar.GrammarTreeToString(blk, false);
                int d = grammar.AssignDecisionNumber(g.Left);
                grammar.SetDecisionNFA(d, g.Left);
                grammar.SetDecisionBlockAST(d, blk);

            return g;
        /** From (A)+ build
         *     |---|    (Transition 2 from A.right points at alt 1)
         *     v   |    (follow of loop is Transition 1)
         *  o->o-A-o->o
         *  Meaning that the last NFAState in A points back to A's left Transition NFAState
         *  and we add a new begin/end NFAState.  A can be single alternative or
         *  multiple.
         *  During analysis we'll call the follow link (transition 1) alt n+1 for
         *  an n-alt A block.
        public virtual StateCluster BuildAplus( StateCluster A )
            NFAState left = NewState();
            NFAState blockEndNFAState = NewState();
            blockEndNFAState.decisionStateType = NFAState.RIGHT_EDGE_OF_BLOCK;

            // don't reuse A.right as loopback if it's right edge of another block
            if ( A.Right.decisionStateType == NFAState.RIGHT_EDGE_OF_BLOCK )
                // nested A* so make another tail node to be the loop back
                // instead of the usual A.right which is the EOB for inner loop
                NFAState extraRightEdge = NewState();
                TransitionBetweenStates( A.Right, extraRightEdge, Label.EPSILON );
                A.Right = extraRightEdge;

            TransitionBetweenStates( A.Right, blockEndNFAState, Label.EPSILON ); // follow is Transition 1
            // turn A's block end into a loopback (acts like alt 2)
            TransitionBetweenStates( A.Right, A.Left, Label.EPSILON ); // loop back Transition 2
            TransitionBetweenStates( left, A.Left, Label.EPSILON );

            A.Right.decisionStateType = NFAState.LOOPBACK;
            A.Left.decisionStateType = NFAState.BLOCK_START;

            // set EOB markers for Jean
            A.Left.endOfBlockStateNumber = A.Right.StateNumber;

            StateCluster g = new StateCluster( left, blockEndNFAState );
            return g;
 /** Build an atom with all possible values in its label */
 public virtual StateCluster BuildWildcard( GrammarAST associatedAST )
     NFAState left = NewState();
     NFAState right = NewState();
     left.associatedASTNode = associatedAST;
     right.associatedASTNode = associatedAST;
     Label label = new Label(IntervalSet.Of( _nfa.Grammar.TokenTypes )); // char or tokens
     Transition e = new Transition( label, right );
     left.AddTransition( e );
     StateCluster g = new StateCluster( left, right );
     return g;
 /** Can only complement block of simple alts; can complement build_Set()
  *  result, that is.  Get set and complement, replace old with complement.
 public StateCluster BuildAlternativeBlockComplement( StateCluster blk )
     State s0 = blk.left;
     IIntSet set = getCollapsedBlockAsSet( s0 );
     if ( set != null )
         // if set is available, then structure known and blk is a set
         set = nfa.grammar.complement( set );
         Label label = s0.getTransition( 0 ).target.getTransition( 0 ).label;
         label.Set = set;
     return blk;
 public virtual StateCluster BuildRange( int a, int b )
     NFAState left = NewState();
     NFAState right = NewState();
     Label label = new Label( IntervalSet.Of( a, b ) );
     Transition e = new Transition( label, right );
     left.AddTransition( e );
     StateCluster g = new StateCluster( left, right );
     return g;
 /** Build what amounts to an epsilon transition with a semantic
  *  predicate action.  The pred is a pointer into the AST of
  *  the SEMPRED token.
 public virtual StateCluster BuildSemanticPredicate( GrammarAST pred )
     // don't count syn preds
     if ( !pred.Text.StartsWith( Grammar.SynpredRulePrefix, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase ) )
     NFAState left = NewState();
     NFAState right = NewState();
     Transition e = new Transition( new PredicateLabel( pred ), right );
     left.AddTransition( e );
     StateCluster g = new StateCluster( left, right );
     return g;
 private void HandleSetElementSet(IIntSet elements, StateCluster g)
     Transition setTrans = g.Left.GetTransition(0);
        private StateCluster HandleTreeAfterLastElement(GrammarAST start, StateCluster g, GrammarAST lastElementStart, StateCluster down)
            StateCluster up = factory.BuildAtom(Label.UP, lastElementStart);
            //el.followingNFAState = up.Right;
            g = factory.BuildAB(g, up);
            // tree roots point at right edge of DOWN for LOOK computation later
            start.NFATreeDownState = down.Left;

            return g;
 private void HandleNotAtomEnd(GrammarAST notNode, StateCluster g)
     notNode.followingNFAState = g.Right;
        private void HandleRule(GrammarAST start, StateCluster g, GrammarAST blockStart, GrammarAST id)
            if (blockStart.SetValue != null)
                // if block comes back as a set not BLOCK, make it
                // a single ALT block
                g = factory.BuildAlternativeBlockFromSet(g);

            if (Rule.GetRuleType(currentRuleName) == RuleType.Parser || grammar.type == GrammarType.Lexer)
                // attach start node to block for this rule
                Rule thisR = grammar.GetLocallyDefinedRule(currentRuleName);
                NFAState start2 = thisR.StartState;
                start2.associatedASTNode = id;
                start2.AddTransition(new Transition(Label.EPSILON, g.Left));

                // track decision if > 1 alts
                if (grammar.GetNumberOfAltsForDecisionNFA(g.Left) > 1)
                    g.Left.Description = grammar.GrammarTreeToString(start, false);
                    int d = grammar.AssignDecisionNumber(g.Left);
                    grammar.SetDecisionNFA(d, g.Left);
                    grammar.SetDecisionBlockAST(d, blockStart);

                // hook to end of rule node
                NFAState end = thisR.StopState;
                g.Right.AddTransition(new Transition(Label.EPSILON, end));
 private StateCluster HandleEbnfSet(StateCluster g)
     return g;
        private StateCluster HandleEbnfPositiveClosureBlock(GrammarAST start, GrammarAST blk, StateCluster bg)
            GrammarAST eob = blk.LastChild;
            if (blk.SetValue != null)
                bg = factory.BuildAlternativeBlockFromSet(bg);

            StateCluster g = factory.BuildAplus(bg);
            // don't make a decision on left edge, can reuse loop end decision
            // track the loop back / exit decision point
            bg.Right.Description = "()+ loopback of " + grammar.GrammarTreeToString(start, false);
            int d = grammar.AssignDecisionNumber(bg.Right);
            grammar.SetDecisionNFA(d, bg.Right);
            grammar.SetDecisionBlockAST(d, blk);
            // make block entry state also have same decision for interpreting grammar
            NFAState altBlockState = (NFAState)g.Left.GetTransition(0).Target;
            altBlockState.DecisionNumber = d;
            return g;
        private StateCluster HandleEbnfOptionalBlock(GrammarAST start, GrammarAST blk, StateCluster bg)
            if (blk.SetValue != null)
                // if block comes back SET not BLOCK, make it
                // a single ALT block
                bg = factory.BuildAlternativeBlockFromSet(bg);

            StateCluster g = factory.BuildAoptional(bg);
            g.Left.Description = grammar.GrammarTreeToString(start, false);
            // there is always at least one alt even if block has just 1 alt
            int d = grammar.AssignDecisionNumber(g.Left);
            grammar.SetDecisionNFA(d, g.Left);
            grammar.SetDecisionBlockAST(d, blk);
            return g;
 /** From label A build Graph o-A->o */
 public virtual StateCluster BuildAtom( int label, GrammarAST associatedAST )
     NFAState left = NewState();
     NFAState right = NewState();
     left.associatedASTNode = associatedAST;
     right.associatedASTNode = associatedAST;
     TransitionBetweenStates( left, right, label );
     StateCluster g = new StateCluster( left, right );
     return g;
 private StateCluster HandleTreeElement(StateCluster g, StateCluster element)
     return factory.BuildAB(g, element);
 /** From an empty alternative build StateCluster o-e->o */
 public virtual StateCluster BuildEpsilon()
     NFAState left = NewState();
     NFAState right = NewState();
     TransitionBetweenStates( left, right, Label.EPSILON );
     StateCluster g = new StateCluster( left, right );
     return g;
 private StateCluster HandleTreeFirstElement(GrammarAST firstElementStart, StateCluster element, out StateCluster down)
     down = factory.BuildAtom(Label.DOWN, firstElementStart);
     // TODO set following states for imaginary nodes?
     //el.followingNFAState = down.Right;
     return factory.BuildAB(element, down);
 /** For reference to rule r, build
  *  o-e->(r)  o
  *  where (r) is the start of rule r and the trailing o is not linked
  *  to from rule ref state directly (it's done thru the transition(0)
  *  RuleClosureTransition.
  *  If the rule r is just a list of tokens, it's block will be just
  *  a set on an edge o->o->o-set->o->o->o, could inline it rather than doing
  *  the rule reference, but i'm not doing this yet as I'm not sure
  *  it would help much in the NFA->DFA construction.
  *  TODO add to codegen: collapse alt blks that are sets into single matchSet
 public virtual StateCluster BuildRuleRef( Rule refDef, NFAState ruleStart )
     //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "building ref to rule " + nfa.grammar.name + "." + refDef.name );
     NFAState left = NewState();
     //left.Description = "ref to " + ruleStart.Description;
     NFAState right = NewState();
     //right.Description = "NFAState following ref to " + ruleStart.Description;
     Transition e = new RuleClosureTransition( refDef, ruleStart, right );
     left.AddTransition( e );
     StateCluster g = new StateCluster( left, right );
     return g;
        /** From A|B|..|Z alternative block build
         *  o->o-A->o->o (last NFAState is blockEndNFAState pointed to by all alts)
         *  |          ^
         *  o->o-B->o--|
         *  |          |
         *  ...        |
         *  |          |
         *  o->o-Z->o--|
         *  So every alternative gets begin NFAState connected by epsilon
         *  and every alt right side points at a block end NFAState.  There is a
         *  new NFAState in the NFAState in the StateCluster for each alt plus one for the
         *  end NFAState.
         *  Special case: only one alternative: don't make a block with alt
         *  begin/end.
         *  Special case: if just a list of tokens/chars/sets, then collapse
         *  to a single edge'd o-set->o graph.
         *  Set alt number (1..n) in the left-Transition NFAState.
        public virtual StateCluster BuildAlternativeBlock( ICollection<StateCluster> alternativeStateClusters )
            StateCluster result = null;
            if ( alternativeStateClusters == null || alternativeStateClusters.Count == 0 )
                return null;

            // single alt case
            if ( alternativeStateClusters.Count == 1 )
                // single alt, no decision, just return only alt state cluster
                StateCluster g = alternativeStateClusters.First();
                NFAState startOfAlt = NewState(); // must have this no matter what
                TransitionBetweenStates( startOfAlt, g.Left, Label.EPSILON );

                //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "### opt saved start/stop end in (...)" );
                return new StateCluster( startOfAlt, g.Right );

            // even if we can collapse for lookahead purposes, we will still
            // need to predict the alts of this subrule in case there are actions
            // etc...  This is the decision that is pointed to from the AST node
            // (always)
            NFAState prevAlternative = null; // tracks prev so we can link to next alt
            NFAState firstAlt = null;
            NFAState blockEndNFAState = NewState();
            blockEndNFAState.Description = "end block";
            int altNum = 1;
            foreach ( StateCluster g in alternativeStateClusters )
                // add begin NFAState for this alt connected by epsilon
                NFAState left = NewState();
                left.Description = "alt " + altNum + " of ()";
                TransitionBetweenStates( left, g.Left, Label.EPSILON );
                TransitionBetweenStates( g.Right, blockEndNFAState, Label.EPSILON );
                // Are we the first alternative?
                if ( firstAlt == null )
                    firstAlt = left; // track extreme left node of StateCluster
                    // if not first alternative, must link to this alt from previous
                    TransitionBetweenStates( prevAlternative, left, Label.EPSILON );
                prevAlternative = left;

            // return StateCluster pointing representing entire block
            // Points to first alt NFAState on left, block end on right
            result = new StateCluster( firstAlt, blockEndNFAState );

            firstAlt.decisionStateType = NFAState.BLOCK_START;

            // set EOB markers for Jean
            firstAlt.endOfBlockStateNumber = blockEndNFAState.StateNumber;

            return result;
 /** From set build single edge graph o->o-set->o.  To conform to
  *  what an alt block looks like, must have extra state on left.
 public virtual StateCluster BuildSet( IIntSet set, GrammarAST associatedAST )
     NFAState left = NewState();
     NFAState right = NewState();
     left.associatedASTNode = associatedAST;
     right.associatedASTNode = associatedAST;
     Label label = new Label( set );
     Transition e = new Transition( label, right );
     left.AddTransition( e );
     StateCluster g = new StateCluster( left, right );
     return g;
        /** From a set ('a'|'b') build
         *  o->o-'a'..'b'->o->o (last NFAState is blockEndNFAState pointed to by all alts)
        public virtual StateCluster BuildAlternativeBlockFromSet( StateCluster set )
            if ( set == null )
                return null;

            // single alt, no decision, just return only alt state cluster
            NFAState startOfAlt = NewState(); // must have this no matter what
            TransitionBetweenStates( startOfAlt, set.Left, Label.EPSILON );

            return new StateCluster( startOfAlt, set.Right );
 /** Optimize an alternative (list of grammar elements).
  *  Walk the chain of elements (which can be complicated loop blocks...)
  *  and throw away any epsilon transitions used to link up simple elements.
  *  This only removes 195 states from the java.g's NFA, but every little
  *  bit helps.  Perhaps I can improve in the future.
 public virtual void OptimizeAlternative( StateCluster alt )
     NFAState s = alt.Left;
     while ( s != alt.Right )
         // if it's a block element, jump over it and continue
         if ( s.endOfBlockStateNumber != State.INVALID_STATE_NUMBER )
             s = _nfa.GetState( s.endOfBlockStateNumber );
         Transition t = s.transition[0];
         if ( t is RuleClosureTransition )
             s = ( (RuleClosureTransition)t ).FollowState;
         if ( t.Label.IsEpsilon && !t.Label.IsAction && s.NumberOfTransitions == 1 )
             // bypass epsilon transition and point to what the epsilon's
             // target points to unless that epsilon transition points to
             // a block or loop etc..  Also don't collapse epsilons that
             // point at the last node of the alt. Don't collapse action edges
             NFAState epsilonTarget = (NFAState)t.Target;
             if ( epsilonTarget.endOfBlockStateNumber == State.INVALID_STATE_NUMBER &&
                  epsilonTarget.transition[0] != null )
                 s.SetTransition0( epsilonTarget.transition[0] );
                 //System.Console.Out.WriteLine( "### opt " + s.stateNumber + "->" + epsilonTarget.transition[0].target.stateNumber );
         s = (NFAState)t.Target;
        /** From (A)? build either:
         *  o--A->o
         *  |     ^
         *  o---->|
         *  or, if A is a block, just add an empty alt to the end of the block
        public virtual StateCluster BuildAoptional( StateCluster A )
            StateCluster g = null;
            int n = _nfa.Grammar.GetNumberOfAltsForDecisionNFA( A.Left );
            if ( n == 1 )
                // no decision, just wrap in an optional path
                //NFAState decisionState = newState();
                NFAState decisionState = A.Left; // resuse left edge
                decisionState.Description = "only alt of ()? block";
                NFAState emptyAlt = NewState();
                emptyAlt.Description = "epsilon path of ()? block";
                NFAState blockEndNFAState = null;
                blockEndNFAState = NewState();
                TransitionBetweenStates( A.Right, blockEndNFAState, Label.EPSILON );
                blockEndNFAState.Description = "end ()? block";
                //transitionBetweenStates(decisionState, A.left, Label.EPSILON);
                TransitionBetweenStates( decisionState, emptyAlt, Label.EPSILON );
                TransitionBetweenStates( emptyAlt, blockEndNFAState, Label.EPSILON );

                // set EOB markers for Jean
                decisionState.endOfBlockStateNumber = blockEndNFAState.StateNumber;
                blockEndNFAState.decisionStateType = NFAState.RIGHT_EDGE_OF_BLOCK;

                g = new StateCluster( decisionState, blockEndNFAState );
                // a decision block, add an empty alt
                NFAState lastRealAlt =
                        _nfa.Grammar.GetNFAStateForAltOfDecision( A.Left, n );
                NFAState emptyAlt = NewState();
                emptyAlt.Description = "epsilon path of ()? block";
                TransitionBetweenStates( lastRealAlt, emptyAlt, Label.EPSILON );
                TransitionBetweenStates( emptyAlt, A.Right, Label.EPSILON );

                // set EOB markers for Jean (I think this is redundant here)
                A.Left.endOfBlockStateNumber = A.Right.StateNumber;
                A.Right.decisionStateType = NFAState.RIGHT_EDGE_OF_BLOCK;

                g = A; // return same block, but now with optional last path
            g.Left.decisionStateType = NFAState.OPTIONAL_BLOCK_START;

            return g;
 /** From A B build A-e->B (that is, build an epsilon arc from right
  *  of A to left of B).
  *  As a convenience, return B if A is null or return A if B is null.
 public virtual StateCluster BuildAB( StateCluster A, StateCluster B )
     if ( A == null )
         return B;
     if ( B == null )
         return A;
     TransitionBetweenStates( A.Right, B.Left, Label.EPSILON );
     StateCluster g = new StateCluster( A.Left, B.Right );
     return g;
        private StateCluster HandleAlternativeEnd(StateCluster g)
            if (g == null)
                // if alt was a list of actions or whatever
                g = factory.BuildEpsilon();

            return g;