public void SetNotes(GeneticMIDI.Representation.Track track) { if (track.Length < 1) return; var mel = track.GetMelodySequence(); //return; score = new Score(); Track t = new Track(); MasterBar mb = new MasterBar(); score.AddMasterBar(mb); mb.KeySignature = 2; Bar b = new Bar(); t.AddBar(b); score.AddTrack(t); Voice v = new Voice(); b.AddVoice(v); t.Name = track.Instrument.ToString().Replace("_", " "); //t.IsPercussion = true; if(t.IsPercussion) { b.Clef = Clef.Neutral; } int i = 0; int qn_per_bar = 4; int durs = 0; int avg_octave = mel.CalculateAverageOctave(); int dist4 = 4 - avg_octave; foreach (var n in mel.Notes) { Beat be = new Beat(); be.Index = i++; GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations dur; int remainder; n.GetClosestLowerDurationAndRemainder(out dur, out remainder); int dots = n.GetNumberOfDots(); durs += n.Duration; /* if(durs >= qn_per_bar * (int)GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.qn) { durs = 0; b = new Bar(); t.AddBar(b); v.Bar = b; b.Finish(); }*/ switch (((GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations)n.Duration)) { case be.Duration = AlphaTab.Model.Duration.Whole; dots = 2; break; case GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.en: be.Duration = AlphaTab.Model.Duration.Eighth; break; case be.Duration = AlphaTab.Model.Duration.Half; break; case GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.qn: be.Duration = AlphaTab.Model.Duration.Quarter; break; case be.Duration = AlphaTab.Model.Duration.Sixteenth; break; case be.Duration = AlphaTab.Model.Duration.ThirtySecond; break; case GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.wn: be.Duration = AlphaTab.Model.Duration.Whole; break; default: break; } be.Dots = dots; Note note = new Note(); if (!n.IsRest()) { note.Tone = n.NotePitch; note.Octave = n.Octave + dist4; be.AddNote(note); be.IsEmpty = false; } if (n.IsRest() && n.Duration < 2) { } else v.AddBeat(be); be.RefreshNotes(); } v.Bar = b; v.Finish(); b.Finish(); t.Finish(); score.Finish(); //TablatureControl _renderer.Render(t); return; /*TablatureControl.Track = t; TablatureControl.InvalidateVisual(); TablatureControl.InvalidateTrack(); */ }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var comp = GeneticMIDI.Representation.Composition.LoadFromMIDI(@"C:\Users\1gn1t0r\Documents\git\GeneticMIDI\GeneticMIDI\bin\Debug\test\harry.mid"); var mel = comp.Tracks[0].GetMainSequence() as GeneticMIDI.Representation.MelodySequence; Score score = new Score(); Track t = new Track(); var pc = t.IsPercussion; MasterBar mb = new MasterBar(); score.AddMasterBar(mb); mb.KeySignature = 2; Bar b = new Bar(); t.AddBar(b); score.AddTrack(t); Voice v = new Voice(); b.AddVoice(v); int i = 0; int qn_per_bar = 4; int durs = 0; int avg_octave = mel.CalculateAverageOctave(); int dist4 = 4 - avg_octave; foreach(var n in mel.Notes) { Beat be = new Beat(); be.Index = i++; GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations dur; int remainder; n.GetClosestLowerDurationAndRemainder(out dur, out remainder); int dots = n.GetNumberOfDots(); durs += n.Duration; /* if(durs >= qn_per_bar * (int)GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.qn) { durs = 0; b = new Bar(); t.AddBar(b); v.Bar = b; b.Finish(); }*/ switch (((GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations)n.Duration)) { case be.Duration = Model.Duration.Whole; dots = 2; break; case GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.en: be.Duration = Model.Duration.Eighth; break; case be.Duration = Model.Duration.Half; break; case GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.qn: be.Duration = Model.Duration.Quarter; break; case be.Duration = Model.Duration.Sixteenth; break; case be.Duration = Model.Duration.ThirtySecond; break; case GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.wn: be.Duration = Model.Duration.Whole; break; default: break; } be.Dots = dots; Note note = new Note(); if (!n.IsRest()) { note.Tone = n.NotePitch; note.Octave = n.Octave + dist4; be.AddNote(note); be.IsEmpty = false; } if(n.IsRest() && n.Duration < 2) { } else v.AddBeat(be); be.RefreshNotes(); } v.Bar = b; v.Finish(); b.Finish(); t.Finish(); score.Finish(); viewModel.Score = score; viewModel.CurrentTrackIndex = 0; }