private static Voice AddBarAndVoiceToTrack(Track track, Clef clef) { var bar = new Bar(); bar.Clef = clef; track.AddBar(bar); var voice = new Voice(); bar.AddVoice(voice); return voice; }
private void CreateVoiceGlyphs(Voice voice) { for (int i = 0, j = voice.Beats.Count; i < j; i++) { var b = voice.Beats[i]; // we create empty glyphs as alignment references and to get the // effect bar sized var container = new BeatContainerGlyph(b); container.PreNotes = new BeatGlyphBase(); container.OnNotes = new BeatGlyphBase(); container.PostNotes = new BeatGlyphBase(); AddBeatGlyph(container); } }
private void GenerateVoice(Voice voice, int startMove) { for (int i = 0, j = voice.Beats.Count; i < j; i++) { GenerateBeat(voice.Beats[i], startMove); } }
public void ReadVoice(Track track, Bar bar) { var beatCount = ReadInt32(); if (beatCount == 0) { return; } var newVoice = new Voice(); bar.AddVoice(newVoice); for (int i = 0; i < beatCount; i++) { ReadBeat(track, bar, newVoice); } }
public void AddVoice(Voice voice) { voice.Bar = this; voice.Index = Voices.Count; Voices.Add(voice); }
private void Bar() { var master = new MasterBar(); _score.AddMasterBar(master); var bar = new Bar(); _track.AddBar(bar); if (master.Index > 0) { master.KeySignature = master.PreviousMasterBar.KeySignature; master.TimeSignatureDenominator = master.PreviousMasterBar.TimeSignatureDenominator; master.TimeSignatureNumerator = master.PreviousMasterBar.TimeSignatureNumerator; bar.Clef = bar.PreviousBar.Clef; } BarMeta(bar); var voice = new Voice(); bar.AddVoice(voice); while (_sy != AlphaTexSymbols.Pipe && _sy != AlphaTexSymbols.Eof) { Beat(voice); } if (voice.Beats.Count == 0) { var emptyBeat = new Beat(); emptyBeat.IsEmpty = true; voice.AddBeat(emptyBeat); } }
private void CreateVoiceGlyphs(Voice v) { for (int i = 0, j = v.Beats.Count; i < j; i++) { var b = v.Beats[i]; var container = new ScoreBeatContainerGlyph(b); container.PreNotes = new ScoreBeatPreNotesGlyph(); container.OnNotes = new ScoreBeatGlyph(); ((ScoreBeatGlyph)container.OnNotes).BeamingHelper = _helpers.BeamHelperLookup[v.Index][b.Index]; container.PostNotes = new ScoreBeatPostNotesGlyph(); AddBeatGlyph(container); } }
private void CreateVoiceGlyphs(Voice v) { for (int i = 0, j = v.Beats.Count; i < j; i++) { var b = v.Beats[i]; var container = new ScoreBeatContainerGlyph(b, GetOrCreateVoiceContainer(v)); container.PreNotes = new ScoreBeatPreNotesGlyph(); container.OnNotes = new ScoreBeatGlyph(); AddBeatGlyph(container); } }
private void GenerateVoice(Voice voice, int barStartTick) { for (int i = 0, j = voice.Beats.Count; i < j; i++) { GenerateBeat(voice.Beats[i], barStartTick); } }
public void ReadNote(Track track, Bar bar, Voice voice, Beat beat, int stringIndex) { var newNote = new Note(); newNote.String = track.Tuning.Length - stringIndex; var flags = Data.ReadByte(); if ((flags & 0x02) != 0) { newNote.Accentuated = AccentuationType.Heavy; } else if ((flags & 0x40) != 0) { newNote.Accentuated = AccentuationType.Normal; } newNote.IsGhost = ((flags & 0x04) != 0); if ((flags & 0x20) != 0) { var noteType = Data.ReadByte(); if (noteType == 3) { newNote.IsDead = true; } else if (noteType == 2) { newNote.IsTieDestination = true; } } if ((flags & 0x01) != 0 && _versionNumber < 500) { Data.ReadByte(); // duration Data.ReadByte(); // tuplet } if ((flags & 0x10) != 0) { var dynamicNumber = Data.ReadSignedByte(); newNote.Dynamic = ToDynamicValue(dynamicNumber); beat.Dynamic = newNote.Dynamic; } if ((flags & 0x20) != 0) { newNote.Fret = Data.ReadSignedByte(); } if ((flags & 0x80) != 0) { newNote.LeftHandFinger = (Fingers)Data.ReadSignedByte(); newNote.RightHandFinger = (Fingers)Data.ReadSignedByte(); newNote.IsFingering = true; } if (_versionNumber >= 500) { if ((flags & 0x01) != 0) { newNote.DurationPercent = ReadDouble(); } var flags2 = Data.ReadByte(); newNote.AccidentalMode = (flags2 & 0x02) != 0 ? NoteAccidentalMode.SwapAccidentals : NoteAccidentalMode.Default; } beat.AddNote(newNote); if ((flags & 0x08) != 0) { ReadNoteEffects(track, voice, beat, newNote); } }
protected VoiceContainerGlyph GetOrCreateVoiceContainer(Voice voice) { return _voiceContainers[voice.Index]; }
public VoiceContainerGlyph(float x, float y, Voice voice) : base(x, y) { Voice = voice; BeatGlyphs = new FastList<BeatContainerGlyph>(); }
private void Voice(Voice voice) { for (int i = 0; i < voice.Beats.Count; i++) { Beat(voice.Beats[i]); } }
private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var comp = GeneticMIDI.Representation.Composition.LoadFromMIDI(@"C:\Users\1gn1t0r\Documents\git\GeneticMIDI\GeneticMIDI\bin\Debug\test\harry.mid"); var mel = comp.Tracks[0].GetMainSequence() as GeneticMIDI.Representation.MelodySequence; Score score = new Score(); Track t = new Track(); var pc = t.IsPercussion; MasterBar mb = new MasterBar(); score.AddMasterBar(mb); mb.KeySignature = 2; Bar b = new Bar(); t.AddBar(b); score.AddTrack(t); Voice v = new Voice(); b.AddVoice(v); int i = 0; int qn_per_bar = 4; int durs = 0; int avg_octave = mel.CalculateAverageOctave(); int dist4 = 4 - avg_octave; foreach(var n in mel.Notes) { Beat be = new Beat(); be.Index = i++; GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations dur; int remainder; n.GetClosestLowerDurationAndRemainder(out dur, out remainder); int dots = n.GetNumberOfDots(); durs += n.Duration; /* if(durs >= qn_per_bar * (int)GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.qn) { durs = 0; b = new Bar(); t.AddBar(b); v.Bar = b; b.Finish(); }*/ switch (((GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations)n.Duration)) { case be.Duration = Model.Duration.Whole; dots = 2; break; case GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.en: be.Duration = Model.Duration.Eighth; break; case be.Duration = Model.Duration.Half; break; case GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.qn: be.Duration = Model.Duration.Quarter; break; case be.Duration = Model.Duration.Sixteenth; break; case be.Duration = Model.Duration.ThirtySecond; break; case GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.wn: be.Duration = Model.Duration.Whole; break; default: break; } be.Dots = dots; Note note = new Note(); if (!n.IsRest()) { note.Tone = n.NotePitch; note.Octave = n.Octave + dist4; be.AddNote(note); be.IsEmpty = false; } if(n.IsRest() && n.Duration < 2) { } else v.AddBeat(be); be.RefreshNotes(); } v.Bar = b; v.Finish(); b.Finish(); t.Finish(); score.Finish(); viewModel.Score = score; viewModel.CurrentTrackIndex = 0; }
private void CreateVoiceGlyphs(Voice v) { for (int i = 0, j = v.Beats.Count; i < j; i++) { var b = v.Beats[i]; // we create empty glyphs as alignment references and to get the // effect bar sized var container = new BeatContainerGlyph(b); container.PreNotes = new BeatGlyphBase(); container.OnNotes = new BeatGlyphBase(); container.PostNotes = new BeatGlyphBase(); AddBeatGlyph(container); if (_info.ShouldCreateGlyph(this, b)) { CreateOrResizeGlyph(_info.SizingMode, b); } _lastBeat = b; } }
public void ReadBeat(Track track, Bar bar, Voice voice) { var newBeat = new Beat(); var flags = Data.ReadByte(); if ((flags & 0x01) != 0) { newBeat.Dots = 1; } if ((flags & 0x40) != 0) { var type = Data.ReadByte(); newBeat.IsEmpty = (type & 0x02) == 0; } voice.AddBeat(newBeat); var duration = Data.ReadSignedByte(); switch (duration) { case -2: newBeat.Duration = Duration.Whole; break; case -1: newBeat.Duration = Duration.Half; break; case 0: newBeat.Duration = Duration.Quarter; break; case 1: newBeat.Duration = Duration.Eighth; break; case 2: newBeat.Duration = Duration.Sixteenth; break; case 3: newBeat.Duration = Duration.ThirtySecond; break; case 4: newBeat.Duration = Duration.SixtyFourth; break; default: newBeat.Duration = Duration.Quarter; break; } if ((flags & 0x20) != 0) { newBeat.TupletNumerator = ReadInt32(); switch (newBeat.TupletNumerator) { case 1: newBeat.TupletDenominator = 1; break; case 3: newBeat.TupletDenominator = 2; break; case 5: case 6: case 7: newBeat.TupletDenominator = 4; break; case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: newBeat.TupletDenominator = 8; break; case 2: case 4: case 8: break; default: newBeat.TupletNumerator = 1; newBeat.TupletDenominator = 1; break; } } if ((flags & 0x02) != 0) { ReadChord(newBeat); } if ((flags & 0x04) != 0) { newBeat.Text = ReadStringIntUnused(); } if ((flags & 0x08) != 0) { ReadBeatEffects(newBeat); } if ((flags & 0x10) != 0) { ReadMixTableChange(newBeat); } var stringFlags = Data.ReadByte(); for (int i = 6; i >= 0; i--) { if ((stringFlags & (1 << i)) != 0 && (6 - i) < track.Tuning.Length) { ReadNote(track, bar, voice, newBeat, (6 - i)); } } if (_versionNumber >= 500) { Data.ReadByte(); var flag = Data.ReadByte(); if ((flag & 0x08) != 0) { Data.ReadByte(); } } }
private static void AddBeatAndSilenceToVoice(Voice voice, Duration duration) { var beat = new Beat(); beat.Duration = duration; voice.AddBeat(beat); }
public void ReadGrace(Voice voice, Note note) { var graceBeat = new Beat(); var graceNote = new Note(); graceNote.String = note.String; graceNote.Fret = Data.ReadSignedByte(); graceBeat.Duration = Duration.ThirtySecond; graceBeat.Dynamic = ToDynamicValue(Data.ReadSignedByte()); var transition = Data.ReadSignedByte(); switch (transition) { case 0: // none break; case 1: graceNote.SlideType = SlideType.Legato; graceNote.SlideTarget = note; break; case 2: // bend break; case 3: // hammer graceNote.IsHammerPullOrigin = true; break; } graceNote.Dynamic = graceBeat.Dynamic; Data.Skip(1); // duration if (_versionNumber < 500) { graceBeat.GraceType = GraceType.BeforeBeat; } else { var flags = Data.ReadByte(); graceNote.IsDead = (flags & 0x01) != 0; graceBeat.GraceType = (flags & 0x02) != 0 ? GraceType.OnBeat : GraceType.BeforeBeat; } graceBeat.AddNote(graceNote); voice.AddGraceBeat(graceBeat); }
private static void AddBeatWithChordToVoice(Voice voice, SongChord2014 sourceChord, Duration duration, Single durationTime) { var beat = new Beat(); beat.Duration = duration; voice.AddBeat(beat); beat.ChordId = sourceChord.ChordId.ToString(); AlphaTab.Model.Chord chord = null; try { chord = beat.Chord; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { } //Will be non-null if predefined chord exist (and predefined chord should exist if ChordId is present in ChordTemplates) if (chord == null) { beat.ChordId = null; //chord = new global::alphatab.model.Chord(); //, chord); //Set notes in beat from this chord if (sourceChord.ChordNotes != null) { foreach (var sourceNote in sourceChord.ChordNotes) { var note1 = NoteFromNote(sourceNote, durationTime); beat.AddNote(note1); } } } else { //Set notes in beat from predefined chord for (int i = 0; i < chord.Strings.Count; i++) { var tmpstrFret = chord.Strings[i]; if (tmpstrFret > -1) { var note1 = new Note(); note1.Fret = tmpstrFret; note1.String = i + 1; beat.AddNote(note1); } } } }
public void ReadNoteEffects(Track track, Voice voice, Beat beat, Note note) { var flags = Data.ReadByte(); var flags2 = 0; if (_versionNumber >= 400) { flags2 = Data.ReadByte(); } if ((flags & 0x01) != 0) { ReadBend(note); } if ((flags & 0x10) != 0) { ReadGrace(voice, note); } if ((flags2 & 0x04) != 0) { ReadTremoloPicking(beat); } if ((flags2 & 0x08) != 0) { ReadSlide(note); } else if (_versionNumber < 400) { if ((flags & 0x04) != 0) { note.SlideType = SlideType.Shift; } } if ((flags2 & 0x10) != 0) { ReadArtificialHarmonic(note); } else if (_versionNumber < 400) { if ((flags & 0x04) != 0) { note.HarmonicType = HarmonicType.Natural; note.HarmonicValue = DeltaFretToHarmonicValue(note.Fret); } if ((flags & 0x08) != 0) { note.HarmonicType = HarmonicType.Artificial; } } if ((flags2 & 0x20) != 0) { ReadTrill(note); } note.IsLetRing = (flags & 0x08) != 0; note.IsHammerPullOrigin = (flags & 0x02) != 0; if ((flags2 & 0x40) != 0) { note.Vibrato = VibratoType.Slight; } note.IsPalmMute = (flags2 & 0x02) != 0; note.IsStaccato = (flags2 & 0x01) != 0; }
public void SetNotes(GeneticMIDI.Representation.Track track) { if (track.Length < 1) return; var mel = track.GetMelodySequence(); //return; score = new Score(); Track t = new Track(); MasterBar mb = new MasterBar(); score.AddMasterBar(mb); mb.KeySignature = 2; Bar b = new Bar(); t.AddBar(b); score.AddTrack(t); Voice v = new Voice(); b.AddVoice(v); t.Name = track.Instrument.ToString().Replace("_", " "); //t.IsPercussion = true; if(t.IsPercussion) { b.Clef = Clef.Neutral; } int i = 0; int qn_per_bar = 4; int durs = 0; int avg_octave = mel.CalculateAverageOctave(); int dist4 = 4 - avg_octave; foreach (var n in mel.Notes) { Beat be = new Beat(); be.Index = i++; GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations dur; int remainder; n.GetClosestLowerDurationAndRemainder(out dur, out remainder); int dots = n.GetNumberOfDots(); durs += n.Duration; /* if(durs >= qn_per_bar * (int)GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.qn) { durs = 0; b = new Bar(); t.AddBar(b); v.Bar = b; b.Finish(); }*/ switch (((GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations)n.Duration)) { case be.Duration = AlphaTab.Model.Duration.Whole; dots = 2; break; case GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.en: be.Duration = AlphaTab.Model.Duration.Eighth; break; case be.Duration = AlphaTab.Model.Duration.Half; break; case GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.qn: be.Duration = AlphaTab.Model.Duration.Quarter; break; case be.Duration = AlphaTab.Model.Duration.Sixteenth; break; case be.Duration = AlphaTab.Model.Duration.ThirtySecond; break; case GeneticMIDI.Representation.Durations.wn: be.Duration = AlphaTab.Model.Duration.Whole; break; default: break; } be.Dots = dots; Note note = new Note(); if (!n.IsRest()) { note.Tone = n.NotePitch; note.Octave = n.Octave + dist4; be.AddNote(note); be.IsEmpty = false; } if (n.IsRest() && n.Duration < 2) { } else v.AddBeat(be); be.RefreshNotes(); } v.Bar = b; v.Finish(); b.Finish(); t.Finish(); score.Finish(); //TablatureControl _renderer.Render(t); return; /*TablatureControl.Track = t; TablatureControl.InvalidateVisual(); TablatureControl.InvalidateTrack(); */ }
public static void CopyTo(Voice src, Voice dst) { dst.Index = src.Index; }
private void BuildModel() { // build score for (int i = 0, j = _masterBars.Count; i < j; i++) { var masterBar = _masterBars[i]; Score.AddMasterBar(masterBar); } // build tracks (not all, only those used by the score) var trackIndex = 0; foreach (var trackId in _tracksMapping) { var track = _tracksById[trackId]; Score.AddTrack(track); // iterate all bar definitions for the masterbars // and add the correct bar to the track for (int i = 0, j = _barsOfMasterBar.Count; i < j; i++) { var barIds = _barsOfMasterBar[i]; var barId = barIds[trackIndex]; if (barId != InvalidId) { track.AddBar(_barsById[barId]); } } trackIndex++; } // build bars foreach (var barId in _barsById.Keys) { var bar = _barsById[barId]; if (_voicesOfBar.ContainsKey(barId)) { // add voices to bars foreach (var voiceId in _voicesOfBar[barId]) { if (voiceId != InvalidId) { bar.AddVoice(_voiceById[voiceId]); } else { // invalid voice -> empty voice var voice = new Voice(); bar.AddVoice(voice); var beat = new Beat(); beat.IsEmpty = true; beat.Duration = Duration.Quarter; voice.AddBeat(beat); } } } } // build beats foreach (var beatId in _beatById.Keys) { var beat = _beatById[beatId]; var rhythmId = _rhythmOfBeat[beatId]; var rhythm = _rhythmById[rhythmId]; // set beat duration beat.Duration = rhythm.Value; beat.Dots = rhythm.Dots; beat.TupletNumerator = rhythm.TupletNumerator; beat.TupletDenominator = rhythm.TupletDenominator; // add notes to beat if (_notesOfBeat.ContainsKey(beatId)) { foreach (var noteId in _notesOfBeat[beatId]) { if (noteId != InvalidId) { beat.AddNote(_noteById[noteId]); if (_tappedNotes.ContainsKey(noteId)) { beat.Tap = true; } } } } } // build voices foreach (var voiceId in _voiceById.Keys) { var voice = _voiceById[voiceId]; if (_beatsOfVoice.ContainsKey(voiceId)) { // add beats to voices foreach (var beatId in _beatsOfVoice[voiceId]) { if (beatId != InvalidId) { // important! we clone the beat because beats get reused // in gp6, our model needs to have unique beats. voice.AddBeat(_beatById[beatId].Clone()); } } } } // build automations foreach (var barId in _automations.Keys) { var bar = _barsById[barId]; for (int i = 0, j = bar.Voices.Count; i < j; i++) { var v = bar.Voices[i]; if (v.Beats.Count > 0) { for (int k = 0, l = _automations[barId].Count; k < l; k++) { var automation = _automations[barId][k]; v.Beats[0].Automations.Add(automation); } } } } // build automations foreach (var barId in _automations.Keys) { var automations = _automations[barId]; var bar = _barsById[barId]; for (int i = 0, j = automations.Count; i < j; i++) { var automation = automations[i]; if (automation.Type == AutomationType.Tempo) { if (barId == "0") // // TODO find the correct first bar id { Score.Tempo = (int)(automation.Value); Score.TempoLabel = automation.Text; } bar.MasterBar.TempoAutomation = automation; } } } }
private void CreateVoiceGlyphs(Voice v) { foreach (var b in v.Beats) { // we create empty glyphs as alignment references and to get the // effect bar sized var container = new BeatContainerGlyph(b, GetOrCreateVoiceContainer(v), true); container.PreNotes = new BeatGlyphBase(); container.OnNotes = new BeatOnNoteGlyphBase(); AddBeatGlyph(container); if (_info.ShouldCreateGlyph(this, b)) { CreateOrResizeGlyph(_info.SizingMode, b); } } }
public bool CheckBeat(Beat beat) { if (beat.InvertBeamDirection) { InvertBeamDirection = true; } if (Voice == null) { Voice = beat.Voice; } // allow adding if there are no beats yet var add = false; if (Beats.Count == 0) { add = true; } else if (CanJoin(_lastBeat, beat)) { add = true; } if (add) { _lastBeat = beat; Beats.Add(beat); if (beat.HasTuplet) { HasTuplet = true; } int fingeringCount = 0; for (var n = 0; n < beat.Notes.Count; n++) { var note = beat.Notes[n]; if (note.LeftHandFinger != Fingers.Unknown || note.RightHandFinger != Fingers.Unknown) { fingeringCount++; } } if (fingeringCount > FingeringCount) { FingeringCount = fingeringCount; } CheckNote(beat.MinNote); CheckNote(beat.MaxNote); if (ShortestDuration < beat.Duration) { ShortestDuration = beat.Duration; } if (beat.HasTuplet) { HasTuplet = true; } } return add; }
private void ParseVoice(IXmlNode node) { var voice = new Voice(); var voiceId = node.Attributes.Get("id").Value; node.IterateChildren(c => { if (c.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { switch (c.LocalName) { case "Beats": _beatsOfVoice[voiceId] = GetValue(c).Split(' '); break; } } }); _voiceById[voiceId] = voice; }
private static void AddBeatAndNoteToVoice(Voice voice, SongNote2014 note, Duration duration, Single durationTime) { var beat = new Beat(); beat.Duration = duration; voice.AddBeat(beat); if (note != null) { var destNote = NoteFromNote(note, durationTime); beat.AddNote(destNote); if (note.HammerOn == 1 && _prevConvertedNote != null) { _prevConvertedNote.IsHammerPullOrigin = true; //_prevConvertedNote.slideTarget = destNote; //_prevConvertedNote.slideType = SlideType.Shift; destNote.IsHammerPullOrigin = false; destNote.IsGhost = true; //_prevConvertedNote.hammerPullOrigin = destNote;// _prevConvertedNote; destNote.HammerPullOrigin = _prevConvertedNote; } _prevConvertedNote = destNote; } }
private void ParseMeasure(IXmlNode element, Track track, bool isFirstMeasure) { var barIndex = 0; if (isFirstMeasure) { _trackFirstMeasureNumber = Std.ParseInt(element.GetAttribute("number")); barIndex = 0; } else { barIndex = Std.ParseInt(element.GetAttribute("number")) - _trackFirstMeasureNumber; } // create empty bars to the current index Bar bar = null; MasterBar masterBar = null; for (int i = track.Staves[0].Bars.Count; i <= barIndex; i++) { bar = new Bar(); masterBar = GetOrCreateMasterBar(barIndex); track.AddBarToStaff(0, bar); for (int j = 0; j < _maxVoices; j++) { var emptyVoice = new Voice(); bar.AddVoice(emptyVoice); var emptyBeat = new Beat { IsEmpty = true }; emptyVoice.AddBeat(emptyBeat); } } bool chord = false; bool isFirstBeat = true; element.IterateChildren(c => { if (c.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Element) { switch (c.LocalName) { case "note": chord = ParseNoteBeat(c, track, bar, chord, isFirstBeat); isFirstBeat = false; break; case "forward": break; case "direction": ParseDirection(c, masterBar); break; case "attributes": ParseAttributes(c, bar, masterBar); break; case "harmony": // TODO break; case "sound": // TODO break; case "barline": // TODO break; } } }); }
public Score JsObjectToScore(Score score) { var score2 = new Score(); Score.CopyTo(score, score2); #region MasterBars for (var i = 0;i < score.MasterBars.Count; i++) { var masterBar = score.MasterBars[i]; var masterBar2 = new MasterBar(); MasterBar.CopyTo(masterBar, masterBar2); if (masterBar.TempoAutomation != null) { masterBar2.TempoAutomation = new Automation(); Automation.CopyTo(masterBar.TempoAutomation, masterBar2.TempoAutomation); } if (masterBar.VolumeAutomation != null) { masterBar2.VolumeAutomation = new Automation(); Automation.CopyTo(masterBar.VolumeAutomation, masterBar2.VolumeAutomation); } if (masterBar.Section != null) { masterBar2.Section = new Section(); Section.CopyTo(masterBar.Section, masterBar2.Section); } score2.AddMasterBar(masterBar2); } #endregion #region Tracks for (int t = 0; t < score.Tracks.Count; t++) { var track = score.Tracks[t]; var track2 = new Track(); Track.CopyTo(track, track2); score2.AddTrack(track2); PlaybackInformation.CopyTo(track.PlaybackInfo, track2.PlaybackInfo); foreach (var key in track.Chords.Keys) { var chord = track.Chords[key]; var chord2 = new Chord(); Chord.CopyTo(chord, chord2); track2.Chords[key] = chord2; } #region Bars for (int b = 0; b < track.Bars.Count; b++) { var bar = track.Bars[b]; var bar2 = new Bar(); Bar.CopyTo(bar, bar2); track2.AddBar(bar2); #region Voices for (int v = 0; v < bar.Voices.Count; v++) { var voice = bar.Voices[v]; var voice2 = new Voice(); Voice.CopyTo(voice, voice2); bar2.AddVoice(voice2); #region Beats for (int bb = 0; bb < voice.Beats.Count; bb++) { var beat = voice.Beats[bb]; var beat2 = new Beat(); Beat.CopyTo(beat, beat2); voice2.AddBeat(beat2); for (int a = 0; a < beat.Automations.Count; a++) { var automation = new Automation(); Automation.CopyTo(beat.Automations[a], automation); beat2.Automations.Add(automation); } for (int i = 0; i < beat.WhammyBarPoints.Count; i++) { var point = new BendPoint(); BendPoint.CopyTo(beat.WhammyBarPoints[i], point); beat2.WhammyBarPoints.Add(point); } #region Notes for (int n = 0; n < beat.Notes.Count; n++) { var note = beat.Notes[n]; var note2 = new Note(); Note.CopyTo(note, note2); beat2.AddNote(note2); for (int i = 0; i < note.BendPoints.Count; i++) { var point = new BendPoint(); BendPoint.CopyTo(note.BendPoints[i], point); note2.AddBendPoint(point); } } #endregion } #endregion } #endregion } #endregion } #endregion score2.Finish(); return score2; }
private void Beat(Voice voice) { // duration specifier? if (_sy == AlphaTexSymbols.DoubleDot) { NewSy(); if (_sy != AlphaTexSymbols.Number) { Error("duration", AlphaTexSymbols.Number); } var duration = (int)_syData; switch (duration) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: case 16: case 32: case 64: _currentDuration = ParseDuration((int)_syData); break; default: Error("duration", AlphaTexSymbols.Number, false); break; } NewSy(); return; } var beat = new Beat(); voice.AddBeat(beat); if (voice.Bar.MasterBar.TempoAutomation != null && voice.Beats.Count == 1) { beat.Automations.Add(voice.Bar.MasterBar.TempoAutomation); } // notes if (_sy == AlphaTexSymbols.LParensis) { NewSy(); Note(beat); while (_sy != AlphaTexSymbols.RParensis && _sy != AlphaTexSymbols.Eof) { Note(beat); } if (_sy != AlphaTexSymbols.RParensis) { Error("note-list", AlphaTexSymbols.RParensis); } NewSy(); } // rest else if (_sy == AlphaTexSymbols.String && _syData.ToString().ToLower() == "r") { // rest voice -> no notes NewSy(); } else { Note(beat); } // new duration if (_sy == AlphaTexSymbols.Dot) { NewSy(); if (_sy != AlphaTexSymbols.Number) { Error("duration", AlphaTexSymbols.Number); } var duration = (int)_syData; switch (duration) { case 1: case 2: case 4: case 8: case 16: case 32: case 64: _currentDuration = ParseDuration((int)_syData); break; default: Error("duration", AlphaTexSymbols.Number, false); break; } NewSy(); } beat.Duration = _currentDuration; // beat multiplier (repeat beat n times) var beatRepeat = 1; if (_sy == AlphaTexSymbols.Multiply) { NewSy(); // multiplier count if (_sy != AlphaTexSymbols.Number) { Error("multiplier", AlphaTexSymbols.Number); } else { beatRepeat = (int)_syData; } NewSy(); } BeatEffects(beat); for (var i = 0; i < beatRepeat - 1; i++) { voice.AddBeat(beat.Clone()); } }
internal static void CopyTo(Voice src, Voice dst) { dst.Index = src.Index; dst.IsEmpty = src.IsEmpty; }