private void buttonStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { invertFormAcces(); panelDestination.BackgroundImage = null; Refresh(); if (InputFile != null) { int.TryParse(textBoxThreshold.Text, out int threshold); int.TryParse(comboBoxDictionarySize.GetItemText(comboBoxDictionarySize.SelectedItem), out int dictionarySize); AvqCompression = new AVQ(InputFile); originalImage = AvqCompression.StartCompression(threshold, dictionarySize); panelDestination.BackgroundImage = originalImage.GetBitMap(); } else { MessageBox.Show("You need to choose an image!"); } invertFormAcces(); }
private void buttonStart_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { invertFormAcces(); panelDestination.BackgroundImage = null; if (InputFile != null) { bool drawBorder = checkBoxDrawBorder.Checked; bool CompressedFileFormat = checkBoxCompressedFileFormat.Checked; int.TryParse(textBoxThreshold.Text, out int threshold); int.TryParse(textBoxDictionarySize.Text, out int dictionarySize); AvqCompression = new AVQ(InputFile); originalImage = AvqCompression.StartCompression(threshold, dictionarySize, drawBorder, CompressedFileFormat); panelDestination.BackgroundImage = originalImage.GetBitMap(); } else { MessageBox.Show("You need to choose an image!"); } invertFormAcces(); }
private void buttonDecode_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { invertFormAcces(); openFileDialog.Filter = "AVQ Files(*.AVQ)|*.AVQ|All files (*.*)|*.*"; openFileDialog.ShowDialog(); InputFileComp = openFileDialog.FileName; if (InputFileComp != null) { AvqCompression = new AVQ(); originalImage = AvqCompression.StartDeCompression(InputFileComp); Bitmap bitmap = originalImage.GetBitMap(); string[] output = InputFileComp.Split('.'); bitmap.Save(output[0] + "-decoded.bmp"); } else { MessageBox.Show("You need to choose an image!"); } MessageBox.Show("Image decompressed!"); invertFormAcces(); }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { invertFormAcces(); labelSimulationStatus.Visible = true; int[] thresholds = { 15 }; int[] dictionarySizes = { 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536 }; if (OriginalFile != null) { List <SimulationResult> simulations = new List <SimulationResult>(thresholds.Length * dictionarySizes.Length); string delimiter = ","; string[] parts = OriginalFile.Split('\\'); string imageName = parts[parts.Length - 1].Split('.')[0]; foreach (int threshold in thresholds) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.Append("Marime dictionar" + delimiter); sb.Append("Prag" + delimiter); sb.Append("Timp de executie compresie" + delimiter); sb.Append("Timp de executie decompresie" + delimiter); sb.Append("Numar de blocuri" + delimiter); sb.Append("Marime fisier comprimat" + delimiter); sb.Append("Marime fisier decomprimat" + delimiter); sb.AppendLine("PSNR" + delimiter); foreach (int dictionarySize in dictionarySizes) { AvqCompression = new AVQ(OriginalFile); simulations.Add(AvqCompression.StartSimulation(threshold, dictionarySize)); labelSimulationStatus.Text = "Simulation D_" + dictionarySize + " P_" + threshold + " finished"; labelSimulationStatus.Refresh(); } string filePath = @"D:\Facultate\Licenta\Img\" + imageName + "_P_" + threshold + ".csv"; foreach (SimulationResult result in simulations) { sb.Append(result.DictionarySize + delimiter); sb.Append(result.Threshold + delimiter); sb.Append(result.CompressionTime + delimiter); sb.Append(result.DeompressionTime + delimiter); sb.Append(result.BlocksNumber.ToString() + delimiter); sb.Append(result.CompressedFileSize.ToString() + delimiter); sb.Append(result.DecompressedFileSize.ToString() + delimiter); sb.AppendLine(result.PSNR.ToString() + delimiter); } File.WriteAllText(filePath, sb.ToString()); } } else { MessageBox.Show("You need to choose an image!"); } labelSimulationStatus.Visible = false; invertFormAcces(); MessageBox.Show("Simulation finished!"); }