private static List <SpeechFragment> Parse(SpeechSettings settings, IReadOnlyList <TextUnit> units) { var opsUntilNextRollEvent = 0f; var frags = new List <SpeechFragment>(); var cfg_stack = new Stack <SpeechSettings>(); cfg_stack.Push(settings); var tag_stack = new Stack <SpeechFragment.TagOpen>(); var tmp_tag_pop = new Stack <SpeechFragment.TagOpen>(); for (int ii = 0; ii < units.Count; ++ii) { var cfg = cfg_stack.Peek(); var unit = units[ii]; if (unit is TextUnit.String s) { for (int ic = 0; ic < s.fragment.Length; ++ic) { if ((opsUntilNextRollEvent -= cfg.opsPerChar(s.fragment, ic)) <= 0 && cfg.rollEventAllowed(s.fragment, ic) && cfg.rollEvent != null) { frags.Add(new SpeechFragment.RollEvent(cfg.rollEvent)); opsUntilNextRollEvent = cfg.opsPerRollEvent; } frags.Add(new SpeechFragment.Char(s.fragment[ic])); var waitTime = cfg.opsPerChar(s.fragment, ic) / cfg.opsPerSecond; if (waitTime > 0) { frags.Add(new SpeechFragment.Wait(waitTime)); } } } else if (unit is TextUnit.OpenTag ot) { var t = new SpeechFragment.TagOpen(, ToTag(, ot.content)); frags.Add(t); tag_stack.Push(t); cfg_stack.Push(t.tag.ModifySettings(cfg)); } else if (unit is TextUnit.CloseTag ct) { //Undo tags until the matching opening tag is found while (tag_stack.TryPeek()?.name != { if (tag_stack.Count == 0) { throw new Exception($"Could not find a matching opening tag for {}"); } tmp_tag_pop.Push(tag_stack.Pop()); cfg_stack.Pop(); } frags.Add(new SpeechFragment.TagClose(tag_stack.Pop())); cfg_stack.Pop(); //Reapply tags that were popped while (tmp_tag_pop.Count > 0) { var t = tmp_tag_pop.Pop(); tag_stack.Push(t); cfg_stack.Push(t.tag.ModifySettings(cfg_stack.Peek())); } } } return(frags); }
public Speech(string raw, SpeechSettings?cfg = null) { this.raw = raw; this.cfg = cfg ?? SpeechSettings.Default; }
public void Return_True_When_Input_Is_Valid(SpeechSettings settings) { ValidationResult result = validator.Validate(settings); Assert.True(result.IsValid); }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="NvdaDriverOptions"/> class. /// </summary> public NvdaDriverOptions() { GeneralSettings = new GeneralSettings { Language = NvdaLanguage.English, PlayStartAndExitSounds = true, }; SpeechSettings = new SpeechSettings { AutoDialectSwitching = false, AutoLanguageSwitching = true, IncludeUnicodeDescriptions = true, PunctuationLevel = PunctuationLevel.Some, SayCapForCapitals = false, UseSpellingFunctionality = true, }; DocumentFormattingSettings = new DocumentFormattingSettings { ReportFontName = false, ReportFontSize = false, ReportFontAttributes = false, ReportEmphasis = false, ReportStyle = false, ReportColor = false, ReportComments = true, ReportRevisions = true, ReportSpellingErrors = true, ReportPage = true, ReportLineNumber = false, ReportLineIndentation = false, ReportParagraphIndentation = false, ReportLineSpacing = false, ReportAlignment = false, ReportTables = true, ReportTableHeaders = true, ReportTableCellCoords = true, ReportBorderColor = false, ReportBorderStyle = false, ReportHeadings = true, ReportLinks = true, ReportLists = true, ReportBlockQuotes = true, ReportLandmarks = true, ReportFrames = true, ReportClickable = true, DetectFormatAfterCursor = false, IncludeLayoutTables = false, }; InputCompositionSettings = new InputCompositionSettings { AutoReportAllCandidates = true, AnnounceSelectedCandidate = true, AlwaysIncludeShortCharacterDescriptionInCandidateName = true, ReportReadingStringChanges = true, ReportCompositionStringChanges = true, }; KeyboardSettings = new KeyboardSettings { KeyboardLayout = KeyboardLayout.Desktop, SpeakTypedCharacters = true, SpeakTypedWords = false, SpeechInterruptForEnter = true, }; PresentationSettings = new PresentationSettings { ReportTooltips = false, ReportHelpBalloons = true, ReportKeyboardShortcuts = true, ReportObjectPositionInformation = true, GuessObjectPositionInformationWhenUnavailable = false, ReportObjectDescriptions = true, ProgressBarUpdates = new ProgressBarUpdateSettings { ProgressBarOutputMode = ProgressBarOutputMode.Beep, ReportBackgroundProgressBars = false, }, ReportDynamicContentChanges = true, }; ReviewCursorSettings = new ReviewCursorSettings { FollowFocus = true, FollowCaret = true, FollowMouse = false, SimpleReviewMode = true, }; BrowseModeSettings = new BrowseModesSettings { MaxLineLength = 100, LinesPerPage = 25, UseScreenLayout = true, AutoSayAllOnPageLoad = true, AutoPassThroughOnCaretMove = false, AutoPassThroughOnFocusChange = true, TrapNonCommandGestures = true, }; }
/// <summary> /// Apply modifications to the text unrolling settings. /// </summary> public virtual SpeechSettings ModifySettings(SpeechSettings src) => src;
public override SpeechSettings ModifySettings(SpeechSettings src) => src with