        public void InjectInQueue(missionrequest e)

            // var res = _context.waitingQueues
            //    .Include("mission1").Include("missionrequest").Where((e.collaborator.notea > 10 && this.Aff_antecedantM(e.collaborator.id) < 10));

            if (e.collaborator.notea > 10 && this.Aff_antecedantM(e.collaborator.id) < 10)
                this.affMreq(e.id).isconfirmed = true;
                waitingQueue b = new waitingQueue();
                b.miss = e.mission1;
                //b.idmission = e.idMission;
                //b.mreq = e;
    static void Main(string[] args)
        int simulationLength = 2 * 60 * 60; // simulation length is seconds
        int M = 20;                         // set mean job arrival time
        int P = 5;                          // set max number of processors
        int T = 20;                         // set mean exicution time

        // declare needed variables
        waitingQueue <Pevent>  wQueue = new waitingQueue <Pevent>(5000);
        PriorityQueue <Pevent> pQueue = new PriorityQueue <Pevent>(5000);
        Random     r     = new Random();
        Proccessor cores = new Proccessor(P);
        int        time  = 0;
        Job        nextJob;
        Pevent     newEvent, currentEvent;
        int        jobnum = 0;
        double     regJob = 0;
        double     intJob = 0;
        int        AvailabelCore;
        double     waitTime = 0;
        Random     random   = new Random();

        // creation of event list ( doesnt say to do this in assignment but its better and common practice for discrete event simulation

        // https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~music/cmsip/readings/intro-discrete-event-sim.html
        //        Implementation of Discrete Event Simulation

        //Operationally, a discrete -event simulation is a chronologically nondecreasing sequence of event occurrences.

        //event record:
        //a pairing of an event with its event time
        //future event list (FEL) (or just event list):
        //a list ordered by nondecreasing simulation time (e.g., in a priority queue)
        //event (list) driven simulation:
        //simulation where time is advanced to the time given by the first event record from the event list
        //Requirements for support of discrete-event simulation:

        //maintain a future event list
        //enable event record creation and insertion into and deletion from event list
        //maintain simulation clock
        //(for stochastic simulations) provide utilities to generate random numbers from common probability distributions
        while (true)
            time = time + Convert.ToInt32(Math.Round(-M * Math.Log(r.NextDouble())));
            if (time > simulationLength)

            if (r.NextDouble() < 0.9)
                nextJob = new Job(jobnum, T, P, random);
                for (int i = 0; i < nextJob.processors; i++)
                    newEvent = new Pevent(nextJob, Pevent.Jobtype.Arrival, time);
                nextJob  = new Job(0, T, P, random);
                newEvent = new Pevent(nextJob, Pevent.Jobtype.IArrival, time, nextJob.processors);
        // TEST SCINARIO

        //nextJob = new Job(1, T, P,random);
        //nextJob.time = 30;
        //nextJob.processors = 5;
        //time = 30;
        //for (int i = 0; i < nextJob.processors; i++)
        //    newEvent = new Pevent(nextJob, Pevent.Jobtype.Arrival, time);
        //    pQueue.Add(newEvent);
        //nextJob = new Job(2, T, P,random);
        //nextJob.time = 60;
        //nextJob.processors = 3;
        //time = 40;
        //for (int i = 0; i < nextJob.processors; i++)
        //    newEvent = new Pevent(nextJob, Pevent.Jobtype.Arrival, time);
        //    pQueue.Add(newEvent);
        //nextJob = new Job(0, T, P,random);
        //nextJob.time = 35;
        //nextJob.processors = 4;
        //time = 45;
        //newEvent = new Pevent(nextJob, Pevent.Jobtype.IArrival, time);

        //nextJob = new Job(0, T, P, random);
        //nextJob.time = 35;
        //nextJob.processors = 4;
        //time = 60;
        //newEvent = new Pevent(nextJob, Pevent.Jobtype.IArrival, time);

        //nextJob = new Job(3, T, P,random);
        //nextJob.time = 40;
        //nextJob.processors = 4;
        //time = 115;
        //for (int i = 0; i < nextJob.processors; i++)
        //    newEvent = new Pevent(nextJob, Pevent.Jobtype.Arrival, time);
        //    pQueue.Add(newEvent);
        //nextJob = new Job(4, T, P,random);
        //nextJob.time = 50;
        //nextJob.processors = 3;
        //time = 125;
        //for (int i = 0; i < nextJob.processors; i++)
        //    newEvent = new Pevent(nextJob, Pevent.Jobtype.Arrival, time);
        //    pQueue.Add(newEvent);

        //regJob = 4;
        //intJob = 2;
        // processing of events

        while (!pQueue.Empty())
            currentEvent = pQueue.Front();             // get next event
            pQueue.Remove();                           // remove it from the priority queue
            time = currentEvent.time;                  // update simulation clock

            Console.WriteLine(currentEvent.getTime()); // display time

            // proccess Arrival event
            if (currentEvent.type == Pevent.Jobtype.Arrival)
                Console.WriteLine("arrival"); // display job type
                if (!cores.IsFull())          // check if all processors are active
                    // if not
                    AvailabelCore = cores.NextAvailable();                                                                               // get first available processor
                    newEvent      = new Pevent(currentEvent.job, Pevent.Jobtype.Departure, time + currentEvent.job.time, AvailabelCore); // create new departure
                    cores.Activate(AvailabelCore);                                                                                       // activate the core
                    pQueue.Add(newEvent);                                                                                                // add departure
                    Console.WriteLine("Job " + newEvent.job.number + " Arrives and is assigned to proccesor " + AvailabelCore);          // display update
                    // if full
                    wQueue.Add(currentEvent);                                                                             // add event to waiting queue
                    Console.WriteLine("job " + currentEvent.job.number + " Arrives and is assigned to the waitingQueue"); // display update

            // process departure event
            if (currentEvent.type == Pevent.Jobtype.Departure)
                Console.WriteLine("departure");                                                                                                               // display status type
                cores.DeActivate(currentEvent.processor);                                                                                                     // deactivate processor
                Console.WriteLine("Job " + currentEvent.job.number + " has finished exicution on proccessor " + currentEvent.processor);
                if (!wQueue.IsEmpty())                                                                                                                        // if a event is in waiting queue
                    waitTime = waitTime + currentEvent.time - wQueue.Front().time;                                                                            // caculate how long it waited and add it to total wait time
                    newEvent = new Pevent(wQueue.Front().job, Pevent.Jobtype.Departure, time + wQueue.Front().job.time, currentEvent.processor);              // create new departure event
                    cores.Activate(newEvent.processor);                                                                                                       // activate processor
                    wQueue.Remove();                                                                                                                          // remove from waiting queue
                    pQueue.Add(newEvent);                                                                                                                     // add departure to priority queue
                    Console.WriteLine("Job " + newEvent.job.number + " is removed form the waiting que and assigned to proccesor " + currentEvent.processor); // update status

            // process Inturupt Event

            if (currentEvent.type == Pevent.Jobtype.IArrival)
                Console.WriteLine("interupt");                                                                                                                           // display event type
                if (cores.getStatus(currentEvent.job.processors) != Proccessor.Status.Interrupted)                                                                       // if processor is exicuting a inturupt
                    if (cores.getStatus(currentEvent.job.processors) == Proccessor.Status.Active)                                                                        // if a process is exicuting on the processor
                        newEvent = pQueue.RemoveItem(currentEvent);                                                                                                      // remove the departure event
                        Console.WriteLine("Inturupt for Proccesor " + currentEvent.job.processors + " exicuted job " + newEvent.job.number + " is placed in waiting Q"); // display status
                        newEvent.job.time = newEvent.time - currentEvent.time;                                                                                           // decrease exicution time by time it has been exicuting
                        newEvent.type     = Pevent.Jobtype.Arrival;                                                                                                      // change job type back to arrival
                        newEvent.time     = currentEvent.time;                                                                                                           // set its arrival time to current time
                        wQueue.Add(newEvent);                                                                                                                            // add it back to waiting queue
                        cores.Inturupt(newEvent.processor);                                                                                                              // make processor status inturupted
                        newEvent = new Pevent(currentEvent.job, Pevent.Jobtype.Departure, time + currentEvent.job.time, currentEvent.job.processors);                    // create inturupt departure
                        pQueue.Add(newEvent);                                                                                                                            // add it to priority queue
                    else // no event is being exicuted
                        Console.WriteLine("interupt begins on proccesor " + currentEvent.job.processors);                                             // update status
                        cores.Inturupt(currentEvent.processor);                                                                                       // set core status
                        newEvent = new Pevent(currentEvent.job, Pevent.Jobtype.Departure, time + currentEvent.job.time, currentEvent.job.processors); // create departure
                        pQueue.Add(newEvent);                                                                                                         // add it to priority queue
                else // processor is exicuting a intureupt  ignore the inturupt
                    Console.WriteLine("Inturupt for proccessor " + currentEvent.job.processors + "Ignored");

            cores.Print(); // print cores status

        Console.WriteLine(regJob + ": regular jobs arrived " + intJob + ": inturupt jobs occured"); // display number or reg jobs and inturupt jobs

        double totaltime = waitTime / regJob;       // average waittime in seconds
        // convert to hours min seconds
        double h = Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble(totaltime / 3600));
        double m = Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble((totaltime - (h * 3600)) / 60));
        double s = Math.Floor(Convert.ToDouble(totaltime % 60));

        Console.WriteLine("average wait time: " + h + ":" + m + ":" + s); // display average waittime