        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates an empty point cloud, ready for us to dump some data
        /// </summary>
        public vtkICP()
            //instantiate empty lists and point clouds
            pointClouds = new List<PointCloud>();
            txpointClouds = new List<PointCloud>();
            pcd = new PointCloud();

            //instantiate vtk lists
            vtkICPAlgo = new vtkIterativeClosestPointTransform();
            sourceData = new vtkPoints();
            sourcePoints = new vtkCellArray();
        /// <summary>
        /// Instantiates an empty point cloud, ready for us to dump some data
        /// </summary>
        public vtkICP()
            //instantiate empty lists and point clouds
            pointClouds   = new List <PointCloud>();
            txpointClouds = new List <PointCloud>();
            pcd           = new PointCloud();

            //instantiate vtk lists
            vtkICPAlgo   = new vtkIterativeClosestPointTransform();
            sourceData   = new vtkPoints();
            sourcePoints = new vtkCellArray();