public static void UpdateHSection(int h) { if (h < 0 || h >= ImageHeight) { MessageBox.Show("Row Num is Over Range"); return; } for (var i = 0; i < ImageWidth; ++i) { HZArray.SetTuple1(i, PolyData.GetPoint(h * ImageWidth + i)[2]); } HTable.Modified(); RenWinControlHorizontal.RenderWindow.Render(); }
public static void UpdateVSection(int v) { if (v < 0 || v >= ImageWidth) { MessageBox.Show("Col Num is Over Range"); return; } for (var i = 0; i < ImageHeight; i++) { VZArray.SetTuple1(i, PolyData.GetPoint(v + i * ImageWidth)[2]); } VTable.Modified(); RenWinControlVertical.RenderWindow.Render(); }
private void BandedPolyDataContourFilter() { vtkPoints pts = vtkPoints.New(); pts.InsertPoint(0, 0, 0, 0); pts.InsertPoint(1, 0, 1, 0); pts.InsertPoint(2, 0, 2, 0); pts.InsertPoint(3, 1, 0, 0); pts.InsertPoint(4, 1, 1, 0); pts.InsertPoint(5, 1, 2, 0); pts.InsertPoint(6, 2, 0, 0); pts.InsertPoint(7, 2, 2, 0); pts.InsertPoint(8, 3, 0, 0); pts.InsertPoint(9, 3, 1, 0); pts.InsertPoint(10, 3, 2, 0); pts.InsertPoint(11, 4, 0, 0); pts.InsertPoint(12, 6, 0, 0); pts.InsertPoint(13, 5, 2, 0); pts.InsertPoint(14, 7, 0, 0); pts.InsertPoint(15, 9, 0, 0); pts.InsertPoint(16, 7, 2, 0); pts.InsertPoint(17, 9, 2, 0); pts.InsertPoint(18, 10, 0, 0); pts.InsertPoint(19, 12, 0, 0); pts.InsertPoint(20, 10, 1, 0); pts.InsertPoint(21, 12, 1, 0); pts.InsertPoint(22, 10, 2, 0); pts.InsertPoint(23, 12, 2, 0); pts.InsertPoint(24, 10, 3, 0); pts.InsertPoint(25, 12, 3, 0); vtkCellArray polys = vtkCellArray.New(); polys.InsertNextCell(4); polys.InsertCellPoint(14); polys.InsertCellPoint(15); polys.InsertCellPoint(17); polys.InsertCellPoint(16); polys.InsertNextCell(3); polys.InsertCellPoint(11); polys.InsertCellPoint(12); polys.InsertCellPoint(13); vtkFloatArray scalars = vtkFloatArray.New(); scalars.SetNumberOfTuples(26); scalars.SetTuple1(0, 0); scalars.SetTuple1(1, 50); scalars.SetTuple1(2, 100); scalars.SetTuple1(3, 0); scalars.SetTuple1(4, 50); scalars.SetTuple1(5, 100); scalars.SetTuple1(6, 10); scalars.SetTuple1(7, 90); scalars.SetTuple1(8, 10); scalars.SetTuple1(9, 50); scalars.SetTuple1(10, 90); scalars.SetTuple1(11, 10); scalars.SetTuple1(12, 40); scalars.SetTuple1(13, 100); scalars.SetTuple1(14, 0); scalars.SetTuple1(15, 60); scalars.SetTuple1(16, 40); scalars.SetTuple1(17, 100); scalars.SetTuple1(18, 0); scalars.SetTuple1(19, 25); scalars.SetTuple1(20, 25); scalars.SetTuple1(21, 50); scalars.SetTuple1(22, 50); scalars.SetTuple1(23, 75); scalars.SetTuple1(24, 75); scalars.SetTuple1(25, 100); vtkPolyData polyData = vtkPolyData.New(); polyData.SetPoints(pts); polyData.SetPolys(polys); polyData.GetPointData().SetScalars(scalars); vtkBandedPolyDataContourFilter bf = vtkBandedPolyDataContourFilter.New(); #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION_5 bf.SetInput(polyData); #else bf.SetInputData(polyData); #endif bf.GenerateValues(3, 25, 75); vtkPolyDataMapper mapper = vtkPolyDataMapper.New(); mapper.SetInputConnection(bf.GetOutputPort()); mapper.SetScalarModeToUseCellData(); mapper.SetScalarRange(0, 4); vtkActor actor = vtkActor.New(); actor.SetMapper(mapper); // get a reference to the renderwindow of our renderWindowControl1 vtkRenderWindow renderWindow = renderWindowControl1.RenderWindow; // renderer vtkRenderer renderer = renderWindow.GetRenderers().GetFirstRenderer(); // set background color renderer.SetBackground(.2, .3, .4); // add our actor to the renderer renderer.AddActor(actor); }