        /// <summary>
        /// mirror gcode
        /// </summary>
        public static string transformGCodeMirror(translate shiftToZero = translate.MirrorX)
            Logger.Debug("Mirror {0}", shiftToZero);
#if (debuginfo)
            log.Add("   GCodeVisu transform Mirror");
            if (gcodeList == null)

            xyPoint centerOfFigure = xyzSize.getCenter();
            if (lastFigureNumber > 0)
                centerOfFigure = getCenterOfMarkedFigure();

            oldLine.resetAll(grbl.posWork);         // reset coordinates and parser modes
            clearDrawingnPath();                    // reset path, dimensions

            foreach (gcodeByLine gcline in gcodeList)
                if ((lastFigureNumber > 0) && (gcline.figureNumber != lastFigureNumber))

                if (!gcline.ismachineCoordG53)
                    // switch circle direction
                    if ((shiftToZero == translate.MirrorX) || (shiftToZero == translate.MirrorY))           // mirror xy
                        if (gcline.motionMode == 2)
                            gcline.motionMode = 3;
                        else if (gcline.motionMode == 3)
                            gcline.motionMode = 2;
                    if (shiftToZero == translate.MirrorX)           // mirror x
                        if (gcline.x != null)
                            //                            if (gcline.isdistanceModeG90)
                            //                                gcline.x = oldmaxx - gcline.x;
                            //                            else
                            gcline.x = -gcline.x + 2 * centerOfFigure.X;
                        gcline.i = -gcline.i;
                    if (shiftToZero == translate.MirrorY)           // mirror y
                        if (gcline.y != null)
                            //                            if (gcline.isdistanceModeG90)
                            //                                gcline.y = oldmaxy - gcline.y;
                            //                            else
                            gcline.y = -gcline.y + 2 * centerOfFigure.Y;
                        gcline.j = -gcline.j;
                    if (shiftToZero == translate.MirrorRotary)           // mirror rotary
                        string rotary = Properties.Settings.Default.ctrl4thName;
                        if ((rotary == "A") && (gcline.a != null))
                            gcline.a = -gcline.a;
                        else if ((rotary == "B") && (gcline.b != null))
                            gcline.b = -gcline.b;
                        else if ((rotary == "C") && (gcline.c != null))
                            gcline.c = -gcline.c;

                    calcAbsPosition(gcline, oldLine);
                    oldLine = new gcodeByLine(gcline);   // get copy of newLine
      public string transformGCode(IList <string> oldCode, double scale, double angle, translate shiftToZero = translate.None)
          string[]      GCode   = oldCode.ToArray <string>();
          StringBuilder newCode = new StringBuilder();
          StringBuilder newtext = new StringBuilder();
          double        offsetX = 0;
          double        offsetY = 0;
          double        oldmaxx = xyzSize.maxx;
          double        oldmaxy = xyzSize.maxy;

          if (shiftToZero == translate.Offset0)
              offsetX = xyzSize.minx; offsetY = xyzSize.miny;

          clear();                        // clear old drawing-paths
//            showChangedMessage = true;
          bool   receivedX     = false;   // remember if X,Y word was given
          bool   receivedY     = false;   // remember if X,Y word was given
          bool   receivedZ     = false;
          bool   receivedI     = false;   // remember if I,J word was given
          bool   receivedJ     = false;   // remember if I,J word was given
          bool   applyscale    = false;   // only change code if scale is given
          bool   applyrotation = false;   // only change code if scale is given
          double factor        = scale / 100;

          if (scale != 100)
              applyscale = true;                    // recalculate coordinates and replace code-line
          if (angle != 0.0)
              applyrotation = true;                 // recalculate coordinates and replace code-line
          //         string newCode="";
          bool   codeWasChanged = false;
          string matchText = "";
          double value, valx, valy, valz, vali, valj, newvali, newvalj;
          double?newvalx, newvaly, newvalz;
          //            string tokens = "(X-?\\d+(.\\d+)?)|(Y-?\\d+(.\\d+)?)|(Z-?\\d+(.\\d+)?)|(I-?\\d+(.\\d+)?)|(J-?\\d+(.\\d+)?)";
          string tokens = "(X[-\\d]*(.\\d+)?)|(Y[-\\d]*(.\\d+)?)|(Z[-\\d]*(.\\d+)?)|(I[-\\d]*(.\\d+)?)|(J[-\\d]*(.\\d+)?)";

          // Index-assignment for m.Groups[index]        1     2        3       4         5         6
          System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex           rex = new System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(tokens);
          System.Text.RegularExpressions.MatchCollection mc;
          string singleLine, origLine, tmpLine;

          valx    = 0; valy = 0; valz = 0; vali = 0; valj = 0;
          newvalx = null; newvaly = null; newvalz = null; newvali = 0; newvalj = 0;
          //           MessageBox.Show(fCTBCode.LinesCount.ToString());
          for (int index = 0; index < GCode.Length; index++)
              singleLine = GCode[index];
              origLine   = singleLine;
              if (singleLine.IndexOf(';') >= 0)
                  singleLine = singleLine.Substring(0, singleLine.IndexOf(';'));    // remove comments
              int c_start, c_end;
              if (((c_start = singleLine.IndexOf('(')) >= 0) && ((c_end = singleLine.IndexOf(')')) >= 0))
                  string part1 = singleLine.Substring(0, c_start);
                  string part2 = singleLine.Substring(c_end + 1);
                  singleLine = part1 + part2;
              receivedX = false; receivedY = false; receivedZ = false; receivedI = false; receivedJ = false;
              newvalx   = null; newvaly = null; newvalz = null; newvali = 0; newvalj = 0; vali = 0; valj = 0;
              mc        = rex.Matches(singleLine.ToUpper());
              if ((singleLine.Length > 1) && (mc.Count > 0))
                  int firstIndex = mc[0].Index;
                  int lastIndex  = mc[mc.Count - 1].Index; // singleLine.Length;
                  if (firstIndex > 1)
                      tmpLine = singleLine.Substring(0, firstIndex - 1);
                      tmpLine = singleLine;
                  foreach (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Match m in mc)
                      int startIndex = m.Index;
                      int StopIndex  = m.Length;
                      matchText = singleLine.Substring(startIndex, StopIndex);
                      Double.TryParse(matchText.Substring(1), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out value);
                      if (applyscale && !(m.Groups[5].Success || m.Groups[6].Success))      // don't scale Z
                          value = value * factor;
                      if (m.Groups[1].Success || m.Groups[2].Success)               // X
                          valx = value - offsetX; newvalx = valx; receivedX = true;
                      if (m.Groups[3].Success || m.Groups[4].Success)               // Y
                          valy = value - offsetY; newvaly = valy; receivedY = true;
                      if (m.Groups[5].Success || m.Groups[6].Success)               // Z
                          valz = value; newvalz = value; receivedZ = true;
                      if (m.Groups[7].Success || m.Groups[8].Success)               // I
                          vali = value; newvali = value; receivedI = true;
                      if (m.Groups[9].Success || m.Groups[10].Success)              // J
                          valj = value; newvalj = value; receivedJ = true;
                      lastIndex = startIndex + StopIndex;
                  if ((applyrotation && (receivedX || receivedY)))
                      newvalx   = valx * Math.Cos(angle * Math.PI / 180) - valy * Math.Sin(angle * Math.PI / 180);
                      newvaly   = valx * Math.Sin(angle * Math.PI / 180) + valy * Math.Cos(angle * Math.PI / 180);
                      receivedX = true; receivedY = true;
                  if ((applyrotation && (receivedI || receivedJ)))
                      newvali   = vali * Math.Cos(angle * Math.PI / 180) - valj * Math.Sin(angle * Math.PI / 180);
                      newvalj   = vali * Math.Sin(angle * Math.PI / 180) + valj * Math.Cos(angle * Math.PI / 180);
                      receivedI = true; receivedJ = true;
                  if ((shiftToZero == translate.MirrorX) || (shiftToZero == translate.MirrorY))            // mirror xy
                      string tmp = tmpLine;
                      string Gnr = gcode.getStrGCode('G', tmpLine);
                      if (Gnr.Length > 1)
                          int cmdnr = Convert.ToInt16(Gnr.Substring(1));
                          if (cmdnr == 2)
                              tmp = tmpLine.Replace(Gnr, "G03");
                          if (cmdnr == 3)
                              tmp = tmpLine.Replace(Gnr, "G02");
                          tmpLine = tmp;
                  if (shiftToZero == translate.MirrorX)             // mirror x
                      if (newvalx != null)
                          newvalx = oldmaxx - newvalx;
                      newvali = -newvali;
                  if (shiftToZero == translate.MirrorY)             // mirror y
                      if (newvaly != null)
                          newvaly = oldmaxy - newvaly;
                      newvalj = -newvalj;
                  if (applyscale || applyrotation || (shiftToZero > 0))
                      newtext.Append(tmpLine);  // + string.Format(" X{0:0.0000} Y{1:0.0000}", newvalx, newvaly).Replace(',', '.');
                      if (receivedX)
                          newtext.AppendFormat(" X{0}", gcode.frmtNum((double)newvalx));
                      if (receivedY)
                          newtext.AppendFormat(" Y{0}", gcode.frmtNum((double)newvaly));
                      if (receivedZ)
                          newtext.AppendFormat(" Z{0}", gcode.frmtNum((double)newvalz));
                      if (receivedI)
                          newtext.AppendFormat(" I{0}", gcode.frmtNum(newvali));
                      if (receivedJ)
                          newtext.AppendFormat(" J{0}", gcode.frmtNum(newvalj));
                      newtext.Replace(',', '.');
                      codeWasChanged = true;

                  if (receivedX || receivedY || receivedI || receivedJ || receivedZ)
                      addGCode(tmpLine, newvalx, newvaly, newvalz, newvali, newvalj);
              }         // end  if (mc.Count > 0)
//                singleLine = origLine;      //restore comments
              if (receivedX || receivedY || receivedI || receivedJ || receivedZ)
                  newCode.AppendLine(origLine);  // singleLine);
          if (codeWasChanged)
          //           newCode.Append(oldCode);
          return(string.Join("\r", GCode));//.ToString();