public void TestUpdateExchangeRates() { using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline( "sf365_UpdateExchangeRates", FakeStages.PreOperation, new Entity("sf365_UpdateExchangeRates"))) { pipeline.FakeService.ExpectExecute((OrganizationRequest request) => new RetrieveMultipleResponse() { ["EntityCollection"] = new EntityCollection(new Entity[] { new TransactionCurrency() { TransactionCurrencyId = Guid.NewGuid(), CurrencyName = "CAD", CurrencySymbol = "CAD" }, new TransactionCurrency() { TransactionCurrencyId = Guid.NewGuid(), CurrencyName = "GBP", CurrencySymbol = "GBP" } }) }); pipeline.FakeService.ExpectUpdate((Entity record) => { }); pipeline.FakeService.ExpectUpdate((Entity record) => { }); var plugin = new ExchangeRateActionPlugin(); pipeline.Execute(plugin); pipeline.FakeService.AssertExpectedCalls(); } }
public void StatusCodeOne_AbortsCall() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "fdbzap_ar_action"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; target.Attributes["statuscode"] = new OptionSetValue(1); #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline(FakeMessageNames.Update, FakeStages.PostOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <PostUpdate>(true, UnsecureConfig, SecureConfig)) { #region arrange - given with pipeline pipeline.PostImages.Add("Post", target); SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region act - when pipeline.Execute(plugin); #endregion #region assert - then // No errors means it exited properly #endregion } }
public void CreatePipeline() { var target = new Xrm.Sdk.Entity("account"); target.Id = Guid.NewGuid(); // Arrange using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline(FakeMessageNames.Create, FakeStages.PreOperation, target)) { pipeline.Depth = 10; pipeline.FakeService.ExpectRetrieve((entityName, id, columnSet) => { var returned = new Entity("account"); returned["name"] = "123"; return(returned); }); var plugin = new AccountPlugin(); // Act & Assert pipeline.Execute(plugin); // Assert Assert.AreEqual("123", target.GetAttributeValue <string>("name")); Assert.AreEqual(10, pipeline.PluginExecutionContext.Depth); pipeline.FakeService.AssertExpectedCalls(); } }
public void CreateAccount_BadWebClient_ThrowsError() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "account"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; var fakeWebClient = A.Fake <IWebClient>(); A.CallTo(() => fakeWebClient.DownloadData(A <Uri> .Ignored)).Throws(new InvalidCastException("error")); #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline(FakeMessageNames.Create, FakeStages.PreOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <PreCreateSample>(true, UnsecureConfig, SecureConfig)) { #region arrange - given with pipeline plugin.Instance.WebClient = fakeWebClient; SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region act and assert Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidPluginExecutionException>( () => pipeline.Execute(plugin)); #endregion } }
public void TestWithNullActionTemplates() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "fdbzap_ar_approvalrequest"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline("fdbzap_ar_applytemplategroup", FakeStages.PostOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <ApplyTemplateGroupAction>(true, UnsecureConfig, SecureConfig)) { #region arrange - given with pipeline var actionGroupId = Guid.NewGuid(); pipeline.InputParameters["ApprovalActionGroup"] = new EntityReference("fdbzap_ar_actiongroup", actionGroupId); pipeline.InputParameters["Target"] = target.ToEntityReference(); SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region pipeline responses and tests pipeline.FakeService.ExpectUpdate(r => { }); pipeline.FakeService.ExpectRetrieveMultiple( query => { var queryExpression = query as QueryExpression; Assert.IsNotNull( queryExpression, "Retrieve Multiple expected Query Expression and received something else."); Assert.AreEqual( "fdbzap_ar_actiontemplate", queryExpression.EntityName, "Wrong type of entity trying to be retrieved."); return(null); }); #endregion #region act - when pipeline.Execute(plugin); #endregion #region assert - then pipeline.FakeService.AssertExpectedCalls(); #endregion } }
public void TestHappyPath() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "fdbzap_ar_action"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; target["statuscode"] = new OptionSetValue(2); /* Status Code: Run */ var targetApprovalRequest = new EntityReference("fdbzap_ar_approvalrequest", Guid.NewGuid()); target["fdbzap_ar_approvalrequest"] = targetApprovalRequest; #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline(FakeMessageNames.Update, FakeStages.PostOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <PostUpdate>(true, UnsecureConfig, SecureConfig)) { #region arrange - given with pipeline pipeline.PostImages.Add("Post", target); SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region pipeline responses and tests pipeline.FakeService .ExpectUpdate((entity) => { }) .ExpectActionTakenUpdate(targetApprovalRequest, target) .ExpectRetrieveMultipleOfApprovalRequest( PostUpdateFakeServiceCalls.ExpectRetrieveMultipleOfApprovalRequestResult.NoChild) .ExpectRetrieveMultiple((query) => null) .ExpectExecute((request) => { Assert.AreEqual("fdbzap_ar_checkstatus", request.RequestName); return(null); }); pipeline.FakeService.ExpectRetrieveMultiple((query) => null); // TODO: Complete the rest of the happy path here... #endregion #region act - when pipeline.Execute(plugin); #endregion #region assert - then // No errors means it exited properly #endregion } }
public void CreateAccount_DownloadsDataUsingWebClient() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "account"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; var fakeWebClient = A.Fake <IWebClient>(); A.CallTo(() => fakeWebClient.UploadData(A <string> .Ignored, A <string> .Ignored, A <byte[]> .Ignored)) .Returns(null); A.CallTo(() => fakeWebClient.DownloadData(A <Uri> .Ignored)).Returns(null); #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline(FakeMessageNames.Create, FakeStages.PreOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <PreCreateSample>(true, UnsecureConfig, SecureConfig)) { #region arrange - given with pipeline plugin.Instance.WebClient = fakeWebClient; SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region pipeline responses and tests //pipeline.FakeService.ExpectRetrieve((retrieveEntityName, retrieveEntityId, retrieveColumnSet) => // { // return new Entity("account"); // }).ExpectCreate(createEntity => // { // // test in create call // Assert.IsTrue(createEntity.LogicalName.Equals("annotation", // StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); // return Guid.NewGuid(); // }); #endregion #region act - when pipeline.Execute(plugin); #endregion #region assert - then A.CallTo( () => fakeWebClient.DownloadData(A <Uri> .Ignored) ).MustHaveHappened(); pipeline.FakeService.AssertExpectedCalls(); #endregion } }
public void CreateAccount_ModifiesTheCreatedEntity() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "account"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline(FakeMessageNames.Create, FakeStages.PreOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <Plugin>(_unsecureConfig, _secureConfig)) { //pipelines have to have the arrange and any inner asserts as part of them if you are attempting to //check a child entity #region pipeline responses and tests pipeline.FakeService.ExpectRetrieve((retrieveEntityName, retrieveEntityId, retrieveColumnSet) => { return(new Entity("account")); }).ExpectCreate(createEntity => { // test in create call Assert.IsTrue(createEntity.LogicalName.Equals("annotation", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); return(Guid.NewGuid()); }); #endregion string exceptionOccurred = null; #region arrange - given with pipeline SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region act - when pipeline.Execute(plugin); #endregion #region assert - then Assert.IsNull(exceptionOccurred, exceptionOccurred); pipeline.FakeService.AssertExpectedCalls(); #endregion } }
public void CreateUknownEntity_ThrowsAnError() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "==UnkownEntity=="; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline(FakeMessageNames.Create, FakeStages.PreOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <PreCreateSample>(UnsecureConfig, SecureConfig)) { // Wrapped in try catch because a failure is expected. try { #region arrange - given with pipeline SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region act - when pipeline.Execute(plugin); #endregion #region assert - then Assert.Fail("An error was expected, but did not occur."); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { #region assert - then Assert.AreEqual(string.Format(ResponseMessages.InvalidEntity, entityName, plugin.Instance.PluginName), ex.Message); #endregion } } }
public void InvalidEntityType_ThrowsError() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "account"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline(FakeMessageNames.Update, FakeStages.PostOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <PostUpdate>(true, UnsecureConfig, SecureConfig)) { try { #region arrange - given with pipeline SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region act - when pipeline.Execute(plugin); #endregion #region assert - then Assert.Fail("An error was expected, but did not occur."); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { #region assert - then Assert.AreEqual( string.Format(ResponseMessages.InvalidEntity, entityName, plugin.Instance.PluginName), ex.Message); #endregion } } }
public void TestAccountPlugin() { using (var pipline = new PluginPipeline(FakeMessageNames.Create, FakeStages.PreOperation, new Entity("contact"))) { var plugin = new AccountPlugin(); try { pipline.Execute(plugin); Assert.Fail("Exception not thrown"); } catch (InvalidPluginExecutionException ex) { Assert.IsTrue(ex.Message.Contains("Working on it"), "Must throw exeception"); } } }
public void InvalidEntity_ThrowsError() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "invalidentity"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline("fdbzap_ar_applytemplategroup", FakeStages.PostOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <ApplyTemplateGroupAction>(true, UnsecureConfig, SecureConfig)) { try { #region arrange - given with pipeline pipeline.InputParameters["Target"] = target.ToEntityReference(); SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region act - when pipeline.Execute(plugin); #endregion #region assert - then Assert.Fail("An error was expected, but did not occur."); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { #region assert - then Assert.AreEqual("The entity invalidentity is not support by ApplyTemplateGroupAction.", ex.Message); #endregion } } }
private void SetPipelineDefaults(PluginPipeline pipeline) { // Set the default values pipeline.UserId = Guid.Parse("aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa"); pipeline.InitiatingUserId = pipeline.UserId; pipeline.OrganizationId = Guid.Parse("c0000000-c000-c000-c000-c00000000000"); pipeline.OrganizationName = "TestOrganization"; pipeline.CorrelationId = Guid.Parse("cccccccc-cccc-cccc-cccc-cccccccccccc"); pipeline.BusinessUnitId = Guid.Parse("bbbbbbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbb-bbbbbbbbbbbb"); pipeline.RequestId = Guid.NewGuid(); pipeline.OperationId = Guid.NewGuid(); pipeline.OperationCreatedOn = DateTime.Now; pipeline.IsolationMode = PluginAssemblyIsolationMode.Sandbox; pipeline.IsExecutingOffline = false; pipeline.IsInTransaction = false; pipeline.Mode = SdkMessageProcessingStepMode.Synchronous; }
public void DeleteAccount_ThrowsAnError() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "account"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline(FakeMessageNames.Delete, FakeStages.PreOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <Plugin>(_unsecureConfig, _secureConfig)) { string exceptionOccurred = null; //Wrapped in try catch because a failure is expected. try { #region arrange - given with pipeline SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region act - when pipeline.Execute(plugin); #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { exceptionOccurred = ex.Message; Trace(ex.Message); } #region assert - then Assert.AreEqual(string.Format(ResponseMessages.InvalidMessageName, plugin.Instance.PluginName), exceptionOccurred); #endregion } }
public void CatchInvalidSandboxWebAccess() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "account"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline(FakeMessageNames.Create, FakeStages.PreOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <Plugin>(true, _unsecureConfig, _secureConfig)) { #region arrange - given with pipeline SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); pipeline.FakeService.ExpectRetrieve((retrieveEntityName, retrieveEntityId, retrieveColumnSet) => { return(new Entity("account")); }).ExpectCreate(createEntity => { // test in create call Assert.IsTrue(createEntity.LogicalName.Equals("annotation", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); return(Guid.NewGuid()); }); #endregion #region act - when pipeline.Execute(plugin); #endregion #region assert - then #endregion } }
/// <summary> /// The test up to approval request retrieve multiple. /// </summary> /// <param name="expectedResult"> /// The expected result, such as null result, or one child. /// </param> private void TestUpToApprovalRequestRetrieveMultiple( PostUpdateFakeServiceCalls.ExpectRetrieveMultipleOfApprovalRequestResult expectedResult) { #region arrange - given var entityName = "fdbzap_ar_action"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; target["statuscode"] = new OptionSetValue(2); /* Status Code: Run */ var targetApprovalRequest = new EntityReference("fdbzap_ar_approvalrequest", Guid.NewGuid()); target["fdbzap_ar_approvalrequest"] = targetApprovalRequest; #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline(FakeMessageNames.Update, FakeStages.PostOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <PostUpdate>(true, UnsecureConfig, SecureConfig)) { #region arrange - given with pipeline pipeline.PostImages.Add("Post", target); SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region pipeline responses and tests pipeline.FakeService.ExpectActionTakenUpdate(targetApprovalRequest, target) .ExpectRetrieveMultipleOfApprovalRequest(expectedResult); pipeline.FakeService.ExpectRetrieveMultiple((query) => { return(null); }); #endregion #region act - when pipeline.Execute(plugin); #endregion #region assert - then // No errors means it exited properly #endregion } }
public void CreateAccount_NoSecureConfig_ThrowsError() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "account"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; var fakeWebClient = A.Fake <IWebClient>(); A.CallTo( () => fakeWebClient.UploadData(A <string> .Ignored, A <string> .Ignored, A <byte[]> .Ignored) ).Returns(null); #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline(FakeMessageNames.Create, FakeStages.PreOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <PreCreateSample>(true, string.Empty, string.Empty)) { #region arrange - given with pipeline plugin.Instance.WebClient = fakeWebClient; SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region act and assert try { // act pipeline.Execute(plugin); // assert error Assert.Fail("An error was expected, but did not occur."); } catch (InvalidPluginExecutionException ex) { Assert.AreEqual("No Secure Configuration", ex.Message); } #endregion } }
public void ThrowsException() { using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline( FakeMessageNames.Create, FakeStages.PreOperation, new Entity("contact"))) { try { // Act var plugin = new AccountPlugin(); pipeline.Execute(plugin); Assert.Fail("No exception thrown"); } catch (Exception ex) { // Assert Assert.AreEqual("Working on it...", ex.Message); } pipeline.FakeService.AssertExpectedCalls(); } }
public void GetTargetEntityReference_ThrowsErrorWhenTargetIsNull() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "invalidentity"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline("fdbzap_ar_applytemplategroup", FakeStages.PostOperation, target)) { pipeline.InputParameters["Target"] = null; var context = new FakeLocalPluginContext(pipeline); Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidPluginExecutionException>(() => { ApplyTemplateGroupAction.GetTargetEntityReference(context); }, "An exception was expected, but it did not occur."); } }
public void GetTargetEntityReference_ThrowsErrorWhenTargetIsMissing() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "invalidentity"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline("fdbzap_ar_checkstatus", FakeStages.PostOperation, target)) { pipeline.InputParameters.Remove("Target"); var context = new FakeLocalPluginContext(pipeline); Assert.ThrowsException <InvalidPluginExecutionException>(() => { CheckStatusAction.GetTargetEntityReference(context); }, "An exception was expected, but it did not occur."); } }
public void TestHappyPath() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "fdbzap_ar_approvalrequest"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline("fdbzap_ar_applytemplategroup", FakeStages.PostOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <ApplyTemplateGroupAction>(true, UnsecureConfig, SecureConfig)) { #region arrange - given with pipeline var actionGroupId = Guid.NewGuid(); pipeline.InputParameters["ApprovalActionGroup"] = new EntityReference("fdbzap_ar_actiongroup", actionGroupId); pipeline.InputParameters["Target"] = target.ToEntityReference(); SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region pipeline responses and tests pipeline.FakeService.ExpectUpdate( r => { Assert.AreEqual("fdbzap_ar_approvalrequest", r.LogicalName); Assert.AreEqual(target.Id, r.Id); }); pipeline.FakeService.ExpectRetrieveMultiple( query => { var queryExpression = query as QueryExpression; Assert.IsNotNull( queryExpression, "Retrieve Multiple expected Query Expression and received something else."); Assert.AreEqual( "fdbzap_ar_actiontemplate", queryExpression.EntityName, "Wrong type of entity trying to be retrieved."); // This should return a collection of actions sorted by priority. var result = new EntityCollection(); var approveid = Guid.NewGuid(); var denyid = Guid.NewGuid(); result.Entities.AddRange( new Entity("fdbzap_ar_actiontemplate", approveid) { ["fdbzap_ar_name"] = "Approve", ["fdbzap_ar_button_label"] = "Approve", ["fdbzap_ar_button_tooltip"] = "Click here to approve the request.", ["fdbzap_ar_customactioncode"] = "approve", ["fdbzap_ar_actiontemplateid"] = approveid, ["fdbzap_ar_allow_comments"] = true, ["fdbzap_ar_actiontype"] = new OptionSetValue(741210000), ["fdbzap_ar_actiongroupid"] = new EntityReference("fdbzap_ar_actiongroup", actionGroupId) }, new Entity("fdbzap_ar_action", denyid) { ["fdbzap_ar_name"] = "Deny", ["fdbzap_ar_button_label"] = "Deny", ["fdbzap_ar_button_tooltip"] = "Click here to deny the request.", ["fdbzap_ar_customactioncode"] = "deny", ["fdbzap_ar_actiontemplateid"] = denyid, ["fdbzap_ar_allow_comments"] = true, ["fdbzap_ar_actiontype"] = new OptionSetValue(741210001), ["fdbzap_ar_actiongroupid"] = new EntityReference("fdbzap_ar_actiongroup", actionGroupId) }); return(result); }); pipeline.FakeService.ExpectCreate(r => Guid.NewGuid()); pipeline.FakeService.ExpectCreate(r => Guid.NewGuid()); // TODO: Fix testing... this stops before any recursion into child approvals. pipeline.FakeService.ExpectRetrieveMultiple(r => null); #endregion #region act - when pipeline.Execute(plugin); #endregion #region assert - then pipeline.FakeService.AssertExpectedCalls(); #endregion } }
public void TestHappyPath() { #region arrange - given var taskid = Guid.NewGuid(); var compressedId = Utilities.CompressGuid(taskid); var from = new EntityCollection(new[] { new Entity { ["partyid"] = new EntityReference("systemuser", Guid.NewGuid()) } }); var target = new Entity("email") { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), ["from"] = from, ["description"] = @" <html xmlns:v=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml"" xmlns:o=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office"" xmlns:w=""urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word"" xmlns:m="""" xmlns=""""><head><META HTTP-EQUIV=""Content-Type"" CONTENT=""text/html; charset=us-ascii""><meta name=Generator content=""Microsoft Word 15 (filtered medium)""><style><!-- /* Font Definitions */ @font-face {font-family:""Cambria Math""; panose-1:2 4 5 3 5 4 6 3 2 4;} @font-face {font-family:Calibri; panose-1:2 15 5 2 2 2 4 3 2 4;} /* Style Definitions */ p.MsoNormal, li.MsoNormal, div.MsoNormal {margin:0in; margin-bottom:.0001pt; font-size:11.0pt; font-family:""Calibri"",sans-serif;} a:link, span.MsoHyperlink {mso-style-priority:99; color:#0563C1; text-decoration:underline;} a:visited, span.MsoHyperlinkFollowed {mso-style-priority:99; color:#954F72; text-decoration:underline;} span.EmailStyle17 {mso-style-type:personal-compose; font-family:""Calibri"",sans-serif; color:windowtext;} .MsoChpDefault {mso-style-type:export-only; font-family:""Calibri"",sans-serif;} @page WordSection1 {size:8.5in 11.0in; margin:1.0in 1.0in 1.0in 1.0in;} div.WordSection1 {page:WordSection1;} --></style><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:shapedefaults v:ext=""edit"" spidmax=""1026"" /> </xml><![endif]--><!--[if gte mso 9]><xml> <o:shapelayout v:ext=""edit""> <o:idmap v:ext=""edit"" data=""1"" /> </o:shapelayout></xml><![endif]--></head> <body lang=EN-US link=""#0563C1"" vlink=""#954F72""> <div class=WordSection1> <p class=MsoNormal>Completed Blah Blah<o:p></o:p></p> <p class=MsoNormal><o:p> </o:p></p><p class=MsoNormal>" + "#TSK-" + compressedId + "#" + "<o:p></o:p></p></div></body></html>" }; #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline(FakeMessageNames.Create, FakeStages.PreOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <PostCreateTaskCompletion>(true, UnsecureConfig, SecureConfig)) { #region arrange - given with pipeline pipeline.InputParameters["Target"] = target; SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region pipeline responses and tests pipeline.FakeService .ExpectRetrieveMultiple((request) => new EntityCollection(new[] { new Entity() { Id = taskid } })) .ExpectUpdate((updateTask) => { }) .ExpectRetrieveMultiple((request) => { var qe = (FetchExpression)request; Assert.IsTrue(qe.Query.Contains("<fetch top='100'><entity name='activitymimeattachment'>")); return(null); }); // TODO: Complete the rest of the happy path here... #endregion #region act - when pipeline.Execute(plugin); #endregion #region assert - then pipeline.FakeService.AssertExpectedCalls(); #endregion } }
public FakeLocalPluginContext(PluginPipeline pipeline) { Pipeline = pipeline; }
public void TestHappyPath() { #region arrange - given var entityName = "fdbzap_ar_approvalrequest"; var target = new Entity(entityName) { Id = Guid.NewGuid() }; var actionTakenId = Guid.Parse("cccccccc-cccc-cccc-cccc-cccccccccccc"); #endregion using (var pipeline = new PluginPipeline("fdbzap_ar_checkstatus", FakeStages.PostOperation, target)) using (var plugin = new PluginContainer <CheckStatusAction>(true, UnsecureConfig, SecureConfig)) { #region arrange - given with pipeline pipeline.InputParameters["Target"] = target.ToEntityReference(); SetPipelineDefaults(pipeline); #endregion #region pipeline responses and tests pipeline.FakeService.ExpectRetrieveMultiple( query => { var queryExpression = query as QueryExpression; Assert.IsNotNull( queryExpression, "Retrieve Multiple expected Query Expression and received something else."); Assert.AreEqual( "fdbzap_ar_action", queryExpression.EntityName, "Wrong type of entity trying to be retrieved."); // This should return a collection of actions sorted by priority. var result = new EntityCollection(); result.Entities.AddRange( new Entity("fdbzap_ar_action", Guid.NewGuid()) { ["fdbzap_ar_priority"] = 1, ["fdbzap_ar_minaction"] = 3, ["fdbzap_ar_actioncount"] = 2 }, new Entity("fdbzap_ar_action", Guid.NewGuid()) { ["fdbzap_ar_priority"] = 2, ["fdbzap_ar_minaction"] = 18, ["fdbzap_ar_actioncount"] = 5 }, new Entity("fdbzap_ar_action", actionTakenId) /* This action will be the action taken */ { ["fdbzap_ar_priority"] = 3, ["fdbzap_ar_minaction"] = 1, ["fdbzap_ar_actioncount"] = 1 }); return(result); }) .ExpectExecute((request) => { Assert.AreEqual("fdbzap_ar_update_regardingobject", request.RequestName); return(null); }); // TODO: Complete the rest of the happy path here... #endregion #region act - when pipeline.Execute(plugin); #endregion #region assert - then pipeline.FakeService.AssertExpectedCalls(); Assert.IsTrue(pipeline.OutputParameters.Contains("ActionTaken"), "Output Parameter 'ActionTaken' is missing."); var actionTaken = pipeline.OutputParameters["ActionTaken"] as EntityReference; Assert.AreEqual(actionTakenId, actionTaken?.Id, "ActionTaken does not match expected result."); #endregion } }