 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor. Sets default initialization parameters recommended for Unity.
 /// </summary>
 public InitParameters()
     this.inputType              = sl.INPUT_TYPE.INPUT_TYPE_USB;
     this.resolution             = RESOLUTION.HD720;
     this.cameraFPS              = 60;
     this.cameraID               = 0;
     this.pathSVO                = "";
     this.svoRealTimeMode        = false;
     this.coordinateUnit         = UNIT.METER;
     this.coordinateSystem       = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.IMAGE;
     this.depthMode              = DEPTH_MODE.PERFORMANCE;
     this.depthMinimumDistance   = -1;
     this.cameraImageFlip        = false;
     this.cameraDisableSelfCalib = false;
     this.cameraBufferCountLinux = 4;
     this.sdkVerbose             = false;
     this.sdkGPUId               = -1;
     this.sdkVerboseLogFile      = "";
     this.enableRightSideMeasure = false;
     this.depthStabilization     = true;
     this.optionalSettingsPath   = "";
     this.cameraDisableIMU       = false;
     this.ipStream               = "";
     this.portStream             = 30000;
    private void OnEnable()
        manager = (ZEDManager)target;

        resolution        = manager.resolution;
        depthmode         = manager.depthMode;
        usespatialmemory  = manager.enableSpatialMemory;
        usedepthocclusion = manager.depthOcclusion;
        usepostprocessing = manager.postProcessing;
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        if (GUI.changed)
            pendingchange = CheckChange();

        if (Application.isPlaying && manager.IsZEDReady && pendingchange)

            GUIStyle orangetext = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label);
            orangetext.normal.textColor = Color.red;
            orangetext.wordWrap         = true;

            string labeltext = "Settings have changed that require restarting the camera to apply.";
            Rect   labelrect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(new GUIContent(labeltext, ""), orangetext);
            EditorGUI.LabelField(labelrect, labeltext, orangetext);

            if (GUILayout.Button("Restart Camera"))
                manager.Reset(); //Reset the ZED

                //Reset the fields now that they're synced
                resolution        = manager.resolution;
                depthmode         = manager.depthMode;
                usespatialmemory  = manager.enableSpatialMemory;
                usedepthocclusion = manager.depthOcclusion;
                usepostprocessing = manager.postProcessing;

                pendingchange = false;


        //Status window
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Status", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
        EditorGUILayout.TextField("SDK Version:", manager.versionZED);
        EditorGUILayout.TextField("Engine FPS:", manager.engineFPS);
        EditorGUILayout.TextField("Camera FPS:", manager.cameraFPS);
        EditorGUILayout.TextField("HMD Device:", manager.HMDDevice);
        EditorGUILayout.TextField("Tracking State:", manager.trackingState);

        if (GUILayout.Button("Open Camera Control"))
            EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(ZEDCameraSettingsEditor), false, "ZED Camera").Show();
 public InitParameters()
     this.resolution             = RESOLUTION.HD720;
     this.cameraFPS              = 60;
     this.cameraLinuxID          = 0;
     this.pathSVO                = "";
     this.svoRealTimeMode        = false;
     this.coordinateUnit         = UNIT.METER;
     this.coordinateSystem       = COORDINATE_SYSTEM.IMAGE;
     this.depthMode              = DEPTH_MODE.PERFORMANCE;
     this.depthMinimumDistance   = -1;
     this.cameraImageFlip        = false;
     this.cameraDisableSelfCalib = false;
     this.cameraBufferCountLinux = 4;
     this.sdkVerbose             = false;
     this.sdkGPUId               = -1;
     this.sdkVerboseLogFile      = "";
     this.enableRightSideMeasure = false;
     this.depthStabilization     = true;
    private void OnEnable()
        manager = (ZEDManager)target;

        resolution        = manager.resolution;
        depthmode         = manager.depthMode;
        usespatialmemory  = manager.enableSpatialMemory;
        usedepthocclusion = manager.depthOcclusion;
        usepostprocessing = manager.postProcessing;

        showadvanced = serializedObject.FindProperty("advancedPanelOpen");

        showarrig = serializedObject.FindProperty("showarrig");

        lefteyelayer       = serializedObject.FindProperty("lefteyelayer");
        righteyelayer      = serializedObject.FindProperty("righteyelayer");
        lefteyelayerfinal  = serializedObject.FindProperty("lefteyelayerfinal");
        righteyelayerfinal = serializedObject.FindProperty("righteyelayerfinal");

        fadeinonstart     = serializedObject.FindProperty("fadeInOnStart");
        dontdestroyonload = serializedObject.FindProperty("dontDestroyOnLoad");
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        DrawDefaultInspector(); //Draws what you'd normally see in the inspector in absense of a custom inspector.

        if (GUI.changed)
            restartneeded = CheckChange();

        if (Application.isPlaying && manager.IsZEDReady && restartneeded) //Checks if we need to restart the camera.

            GUIStyle orangetext = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label);
            orangetext.normal.textColor = Color.red;
            orangetext.wordWrap         = true;

            string labeltext = "Settings have changed that require restarting the camera to apply.";
            Rect   labelrect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(new GUIContent(labeltext, ""), orangetext);
            EditorGUI.LabelField(labelrect, labeltext, orangetext);

            if (GUILayout.Button("Restart Camera"))
                manager.Reset(); //Reset the ZED.

                //Reset the fields now that they're synced.
                resolution        = manager.resolution;
                depthmode         = manager.depthMode;
                usespatialmemory  = manager.enableSpatialMemory;
                usepostprocessing = manager.postProcessing;

                restartneeded = false;

        GUIStyle standardStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.textField);
        GUIStyle errorStyle    = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.textField);

        errorStyle.normal.textColor = Color.red;


        //Status window.
        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Status", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

        GUIContent sdkversionlabel = new GUIContent("SDK Version:", "Version of the installed ZED SDK.");

        EditorGUILayout.TextField(sdkversionlabel, manager.versionZED);

        GUIContent enginefpslabel = new GUIContent("Engine FPS:", "How many frames per second the engine is rendering.");

        EditorGUILayout.TextField(enginefpslabel, manager.engineFPS);

        GUIContent camerafpslabel = new GUIContent("Camera FPS:", "How many images per second are received from the ZED.");

        EditorGUILayout.TextField(camerafpslabel, manager.cameraFPS);

        GUIContent trackingstatelabel = new GUIContent("Tracking State:", "Whether the ZED's tracking is on, off, or searching (lost position, trying to recover).");

        if (manager.IsCameraTracked || !manager.IsZEDReady)
            EditorGUILayout.TextField(trackingstatelabel, manager.trackingState, standardStyle);
            EditorGUILayout.TextField(trackingstatelabel, manager.trackingState, errorStyle);

        GUIContent hmdlabel = new GUIContent("HMD Device:", "The connected VR headset, if any.");

        if (Application.isPlaying)
            EditorGUILayout.TextField(hmdlabel, manager.HMDDevice);
            //Detect devices through USB.
            if (sl.ZEDCamera.CheckUSBDeviceConnected(sl.USB_DEVICE.USB_DEVICE_OCULUS))
                EditorGUILayout.TextField(hmdlabel, "Oculus USB Detected");
            else if (sl.ZEDCamera.CheckUSBDeviceConnected(sl.USB_DEVICE.USB_DEVICE_HTC))
                EditorGUILayout.TextField(hmdlabel, "HTC USB Detected");
                EditorGUILayout.TextField(hmdlabel, "-");

        GUIContent camcontrolbuttonlabel = new GUIContent("Open Camera Control", "Opens a window for adjusting camera settings like brightness, gain/exposure, etc.");

        if (GUILayout.Button(camcontrolbuttonlabel))
            EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(ZEDCameraSettingsEditor), false, "ZED Camera").Show();
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()
        DrawDefaultInspector(); //Draws what you'd normally see in the inspector in absence of a custom inspector.

        if (GUI.changed)
            restartneeded = CheckChange();

        if (Application.isPlaying && manager.IsZEDReady && restartneeded) //Checks if we need to restart the camera.

            GUIStyle orangetext = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label);
            orangetext.normal.textColor = Color.red;
            orangetext.wordWrap         = true;

            string labeltext = "Settings have changed that require restarting the camera to apply.";
            Rect   labelrect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(new GUIContent(labeltext, ""), orangetext);
            EditorGUI.LabelField(labelrect, labeltext, orangetext);

            if (GUILayout.Button("Restart Camera"))
                manager.Reset(); //Reset the ZED.

                //Reset the fields now that they're synced.
                resolution        = manager.resolution;
                depthmode         = manager.depthMode;
                usespatialmemory  = manager.enableSpatialMemory;
                usepostprocessing = manager.postProcessing;

                restartneeded = false;

        //Advanced Settings.
        GUIStyle boldfoldout = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.foldout);

        boldfoldout.fontStyle  = FontStyle.Bold;
        showadvanced.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(showadvanced.boolValue, "Advanced Settings", boldfoldout);
        if (showadvanced.boolValue)

            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("ZED Plugin Layers", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

            //Style for the number boxes.
            GUIStyle layerboxstyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.numberField);
            layerboxstyle.fixedWidth   = 0;
            layerboxstyle.stretchWidth = false;
            layerboxstyle.alignment    = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;

            GUIStyle layerboxstyleerror = new GUIStyle(layerboxstyle);
            layerboxstyleerror.normal.textColor = new Color(.8f, 0, 0); //Red color if number is invalid.

            GUIContent lefteyelayerlabel = new GUIContent("Left Eye Layer", "Layer that the left canvas GameObject " +
                                                          "(showing the image from the left eye) is set to. The right camera in ZED_Rig_Stereo can't see this layer.");
            lefteyelayer.intValue = EditorGUILayout.IntField(lefteyelayerlabel, manager.leftEyeLayer,
                                                             lefteyelayer.intValue < 32 ? layerboxstyle : layerboxstyleerror);

            GUIContent righteyelayerlabel = new GUIContent("Right Eye Layer", "Layer that the right canvas GameObject " +
                                                           "(showing the image from the right eye) is set to. The left camera in ZED_Rig_Stereo can't see this layer.");
            righteyelayer.intValue = EditorGUILayout.IntField(righteyelayerlabel, manager.rightEyeLayer,
                                                              righteyelayer.intValue < 32 ? layerboxstyle : layerboxstyleerror);

            //Cache current final layers in case we need to unhide their old layers.
            int oldleftfinal  = manager.leftEyeLayerFinal;
            int oldrightfinal = manager.rightEyeLayerFinal;

            GUIContent lefteyefinallayerlabel = new GUIContent("Final Left Eye Layer", "Layer that the final left image canvas "
                                                               + "in the hidden AR rig is set to. Hidden from all ZED cameras except the final left camera.");
            lefteyelayerfinal.intValue = EditorGUILayout.IntField(lefteyefinallayerlabel, manager.leftEyeLayerFinal,
                                                                  lefteyelayerfinal.intValue < 32 ? layerboxstyle : layerboxstyleerror);

            GUIContent righteyefinallayerlabel = new GUIContent("Final Right Eye Layer", "Layer that the final right image canvas "
                                                                + "in the hidden AR rig is set to. Hidden from all ZED cameras except the final right camera.");
            righteyelayerfinal.intValue = EditorGUILayout.IntField(righteyefinallayerlabel, manager.rightEyeLayerFinal,
                                                                   righteyelayerfinal.intValue < 32 ? layerboxstyle : layerboxstyleerror);

            //If either final eye layer changed, make sure the old layer is made visible.
            if (oldleftfinal != lefteyelayerfinal.intValue)
                Tools.visibleLayers |= (1 << oldleftfinal);
                if (manager.showARRig)
                    Tools.visibleLayers |= (1 << lefteyelayerfinal.intValue);
                    Tools.visibleLayers &= ~(1 << lefteyelayerfinal.intValue);
            if (oldrightfinal != righteyelayerfinal.intValue)
                Tools.visibleLayers |= (1 << oldrightfinal);
                if (manager.showARRig)
                    Tools.visibleLayers |= (1 << righteyelayerfinal.intValue);
                    Tools.visibleLayers &= ~(1 << righteyelayerfinal.intValue);

            //Show small error message if any of the above values are too big.
            if (lefteyelayer.intValue > 31 || righteyelayer.intValue > 31 || lefteyelayerfinal.intValue > 31 || righteyelayerfinal.intValue > 31)
                GUIStyle errormessagestyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.label);
                errormessagestyle.normal.textColor = layerboxstyleerror.normal.textColor;
                errormessagestyle.wordWrap         = true;
                errormessagestyle.fontSize         = 10;

                string errortext = "Unity doesn't support layers above 31.";
                Rect   labelrect = GUILayoutUtility.GetRect(new GUIContent(errortext, ""), errormessagestyle);
                EditorGUI.LabelField(labelrect, errortext, errormessagestyle);


            EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Miscellaneous", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

            //Show AR Rig toggle.
            GUIContent showarlabel = new GUIContent("Show Final AR Rig", "Whether to show the hidden camera rig used in stereo AR mode to " +
                                                    "prepare images for HMD output. You normally shouldn't tamper with this rig, but seeing it can be useful for " +
                                                    "understanding how the ZED output works.");
            bool lastshowar = manager.showARRig;
            showarrig.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(showarlabel, manager.showARRig);

            if (showarrig.boolValue != lastshowar)
                LayerMask arlayers = (1 << manager.leftEyeLayerFinal);
                arlayers |= (1 << manager.rightEyeLayerFinal);

                if (showarrig.boolValue == true)
                    Tools.visibleLayers |= arlayers;
                    Tools.visibleLayers &= ~(arlayers);

                if (manager.zedRigDisplayer != null && Application.isPlaying)
                    manager.zedRigDisplayer.hideFlags = showarrig.boolValue ? HideFlags.None : HideFlags.HideAndDontSave;

            //Fade In At Start toggle.
            GUIContent fadeinlabel = new GUIContent("Fade In At Start", "When enabled, makes the ZED image fade in from black when the application starts.");
            fadeinonstart.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(fadeinlabel, manager.fadeInOnStart);

            //Don't Destroy On Load toggle.
            GUIContent dontdestroylable = new GUIContent("Don't Destroy on Load", "When enabled, applies DontDestroyOnLoad() on the ZED rig in Awake(), " +
                                                         "preserving it between scene transitions.");
            dontdestroyonload.boolValue = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(dontdestroylable, manager.dontDestroyOnLoad);


        //Status window.
        GUIStyle standardStyle = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.textField);
        GUIStyle errorStyle    = new GUIStyle(EditorStyles.textField);

        errorStyle.normal.textColor = Color.red;

        EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Status", EditorStyles.boldLabel);

        GUIContent sdkversionlabel = new GUIContent("SDK Version:", "Version of the installed ZED SDK.");

        EditorGUILayout.TextField(sdkversionlabel, manager.versionZED);

        GUIContent enginefpslabel = new GUIContent("Engine FPS:", "How many frames per second the engine is rendering.");

        EditorGUILayout.TextField(enginefpslabel, manager.engineFPS);

        GUIContent camerafpslabel = new GUIContent("Camera FPS:", "How many images per second are received from the ZED.");

        EditorGUILayout.TextField(camerafpslabel, manager.cameraFPS);

        GUIContent trackingstatelabel = new GUIContent("Tracking State:", "Whether the ZED's tracking is on, off, or searching (lost position, trying to recover).");

        if (manager.IsCameraTracked || !manager.IsZEDReady)
            EditorGUILayout.TextField(trackingstatelabel, manager.trackingState, standardStyle);
            EditorGUILayout.TextField(trackingstatelabel, manager.trackingState, errorStyle);

        GUIContent hmdlabel = new GUIContent("HMD Device:", "The connected VR headset, if any.");

        if (Application.isPlaying)
            EditorGUILayout.TextField(hmdlabel, manager.HMDDevice);
            //Detect devices through USB.
            if (sl.ZEDCamera.CheckUSBDeviceConnected(sl.USB_DEVICE.USB_DEVICE_OCULUS))
                EditorGUILayout.TextField(hmdlabel, "Oculus USB Detected");
            else if (sl.ZEDCamera.CheckUSBDeviceConnected(sl.USB_DEVICE.USB_DEVICE_HTC))
                EditorGUILayout.TextField(hmdlabel, "HTC USB Detected");
                EditorGUILayout.TextField(hmdlabel, "-");

        GUIContent camcontrolbuttonlabel = new GUIContent("Open Camera Control", "Opens a window for adjusting camera settings like brightness, gain/exposure, etc.");

        if (GUILayout.Button(camcontrolbuttonlabel))
            EditorWindow.GetWindow(typeof(ZEDCameraSettingsEditor), false, "ZED Camera").Show();