//Show Medal instead of text for next medal; void Update() { UpdateTexts(); if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.S)) { Debug.Log(FH.GetEquipedPotions(2)); } selectedPotionIndex = GM.GetRemainingBags(); potionSelect.transform.position = potionsLeft[selectedPotionIndex].transform.position; }
void CheckLoseCondition() { timeSinceCollectedParticles = timeSinceCollectedParticles + Time.deltaTime; if (timeSinceCollectedParticles > 3 && GM.GetRemainingBags() == 0 && GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("bag") == null) { remaimingParticles = maxParticles - collectedParticles; // how many is supposed to be left to collect if (remaimingParticles - pooler.GetIdleActiveParticles().Count < maxParticles * 0.5f * 5) // how many remaining particles - slow particles compared to bronze limit. { if (pooler.GetIdleActiveParticles().Count < 1) { SaveLevelInfo(0, m_score, maxScore); GM.CheckEndGameConditions(); Debug.Log("Checking"); } } } //Timer when latest corn has arrivewd, if more than 5, do BIG CHECK :D:D::D:D }
PotionType GetPotionType() { int index = FH.GetEquipedPotions(GM.GetRemainingBags()); return(m_potionType[index]); }