// Get the sacaling values based on the textures width and height
    scaling getscalingFromTexture(int mtW, int mtH)
        scaling sc = new scaling(FrameObj.transform.localScale);
        float   s  = 1; //scale to scale the sprite object by

        sc.origSize = new Vector2(mtW, mtH);
        // If height AND width are less than the max values, then ONLY rescale
        // the frame
        if (mtH < maxHeight && mtW < maxWidth)
            sc.frameScale.x      = (mtW / maxWidth) * sc.frameScale.x;
            sc.frameScale.y      = (mtH / maxHeight) * sc.frameScale.y;
            sc.onlyFrameIsScaled = true;
        // If width is greater than max width, Rescale image based of width fraction
        if (mtW > maxWidth)
            s = maxWidth / mtW;
            // Perform scaling for the frame bounding inverse to the image sprite scaling
            sc.frameScale.x   = (1 / s) * sc.frameScale.x;
            sc.frameScale.y   = (mtH / maxHeight) * sc.frameScale.y;
            sc.widthCorrected = true;
        // If, after the previous transform (or if no transform was made),
        // the height is still greater than max height, then rescale image
        // according to the height ratio btw image height and max height
        if (mtH * s > maxHeight)
            s = maxHeight / (mtH);
            sc.heightCorrected = true;
        sc.scale = s;
    // This function is the setup function that opens the image and loads the sprite with it
    public scaling initiateSprite(Sprite sprite, int tw, int th)
        //Adjust for variation in initial max width and heitght w.r.t 420 reference
        rt            = GetComponent <RectTransform>();
        rt.localScale = new Vector3(maxWidth / 420, maxHeight / 420, transform.localScale.z);
        int i = 0;

        GetComponent <Image>().sprite = sprite;                                                      // Attach the sprite to the image UI

        // Obtain the scaling needed from the texture

        scaling sc = getscalingFromTexture(tw, th);

        // Scale the image frame
        foreach (maintainFrameSize mfsScript in FindObjectsOfType <maintainFrameSize>())
        transform.localScale = sc.scale;
        foreach (maintainFrameSize mfsScript in FindObjectsOfType <maintainFrameSize>())
        //return new scaling(rt.localScale);
    // This function is the setup function that opens the image and loads the sprite with it
    public scaling initiateSprite(Sprite sprite, int tw, int th)
        //Adjust for variation in max width and heithg
        FrameObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(maxWidth / 420, maxHeight / 420, FrameObj.transform.localScale.z);

        scaling sc = getscalingFromTexture(tw, th);

        SpriteObj.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>().sprite = sprite;              // Set the sprite object of the sprite renderer
        SpriteObj.transform.localScale = new Vector3(sc.scale, sc.scale, 1);    // Rescale the sprite to fit max size
        FrameObj.transform.localScale  = sc.frameScale;                         // Adjust the bounding frame of the image sprite
        RectTransform rt = SpriteObj.GetComponent <RectTransform>();

        rt.sizeDelta = new Vector2(4.2f / (sc.frameScale.x * sc.scale), 4.2f / (sc.frameScale.y * sc.scale));
    // Get the sacaling values based on the textures width and height
    scaling getscalingFromTexture(int mtW, int mtH)
        // The texture will be mapped to an area that is
        // x: maxWidth units
        // y: maxHeight units
        scaling sc = new scaling(rt.localScale); // Initialize a new scaling object using the current scaling
        float   s  = 1;                          //scale to scale the sprite object by

        sc.origSize = new Vector2(mtW, mtH);

        // If height AND width are less than the max values, then ONLY rescale the frame
        if (mtH < maxHeight && mtW < maxWidth)
            sc.scale.x           = (mtW / maxWidth) * sc.scale.x;
            sc.scale.y           = (mtH / maxHeight) * sc.scale.y;
            sc.frameIsScaledDown = true;
            sc.scaleDownFactor   = 1;   // We're scaling down to the size of the frame, therefore the image itself wasn't scaled
        // If height OR width OR both are greater than max values
            // If width is proportionally greaterer than max width, Rescale height
            if (mtW / maxWidth > mtH / maxHeight)
                sc.scaleDownFactor = maxWidth / mtW;     //Scaled TO maxWidth from mtW (actual pixels width)
                sc.scale.y         = (mtH / maxHeight) * sc.scaleDownFactor * sc.scale.y;
                sc.widthMaxxed     = true;
            else // Rescale width
                sc.scaleDownFactor = maxHeight / mtH;     //Scaled TO maxHeight from mtW (actual pixels height)
                sc.scale.x         = (mtW / maxWidth) * sc.scaleDownFactor * sc.scale.x;
                sc.heightMaxxed    = true;