public override Task <UpdateCategoryStateResponse> UpdateCategoryState(UpdateCategoryStateRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { UpdateCategoryStateResponse response; using (var priceContext = new pricecompContext()) { var updatedCatogories = request.UpdatedCategories; List <Int32> updatedRecord = new List <Int32>(); try { foreach (var category in updatedCatogories) { var record = priceContext.Stateassignment.FirstOrDefault( item => item.Id == category.Id); if (record != null) { record.State = category.Category; priceContext.Update(record); var res = priceContext.SaveChanges(); updatedRecord.Add(res); } else { updatedRecord.Add(0); } } } catch (Exception e) { response = (new UpdateCategoryStateResponse() { Status = "update state fail" }); } if (updatedRecord.Contains(0)) { response = (new UpdateCategoryStateResponse() { Status = "update state fail" }); } else { response = (new UpdateCategoryStateResponse() { Status = "update state success" }); } } return(Task.FromResult(response)); }
public override Task <AddCategoryMarginResponse> AddCategoryMargin(AddCategoryMarginRequest request, ServerCallContext conetxt) { AddCategoryMarginResponse response; using (var priceContext = new pricecompContext()) { var categorymargin = priceContext.Categorymargin; var margin = Double.Parse(request.Margin.ToString("0.##")); var addedCategoryMargin = new Categorymargin() { Category = request.Category, Id = request.Id, Targetmargin = margin, Pricelow = request.PriceRangeStart, Pricehigh = request.PriceRangeEnd }; var status = false; try { categorymargin.Add(addedCategoryMargin); var res = priceContext.SaveChanges(); if (res != 0) { status = true; } else { status = false; } } catch (Exception e) { status = false; } if (status) { response = new AddCategoryMarginResponse() { Status = "add successful" }; } else { response = new AddCategoryMarginResponse() { Status = "fail to add new rule" }; } } return(Task.FromResult(response)); }
public override Task <UpdateCompetitorTierResponse> UpdateCompetitorTier(UpdateCompetitorTierRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { UpdateCompetitorTierResponse response; using (var priceContext = new pricecompContext()) { var updatedCompetitors = request.UpdatedCompetitor; List <Int32> updatedRecord = new List <Int32>(); try { foreach (var competitor in updatedCompetitors) { var record = priceContext.Competitor1.FirstOrDefault( item => item.Competitorid == competitor.CompetitorId); if (record != null) { record.Tier = competitor.UpdatedTier; priceContext.Update(record); var res = priceContext.SaveChanges(); updatedRecord.Add(res); } else { updatedRecord.Add(0); } } } catch (Exception e) { response = (new UpdateCompetitorTierResponse() { Status = "update tier fail" }); } if (updatedRecord.Contains(0)) { response = (new UpdateCompetitorTierResponse() { Status = "update tier fail" }); } else { response = (new UpdateCompetitorTierResponse() { Status = "update tier success" }); } } return(Task.FromResult(response)); }
public override Task <AllNewCategoryTypesResponse> GetAllNewCategoryTypes(GetAllNewCategoryTypesRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { AllNewCategoryTypesResponse response; using (var priceContext = new pricecompContext()) { RepeatedField <CategoryData> categoryData = new RepeatedField <CategoryData>(); try { var categories = priceContext.Stateassignment.Select(item => item.State).Distinct().OrderBy(x => x) .ToList(); foreach (var category in categories) { var categoriesList = priceContext.Stateassignment.Where(item => item.State == category) .Select(item => item).ToList(); RepeatedField <Category> categoryDataList = new RepeatedField <Category>(); foreach (var categoryItem in categoriesList) { categoryDataList.Add(new Category { Id = categoryItem.Id, Name = categoryItem.Category }); } categoryData.Add(new CategoryData { Type = category, Data = { categoryDataList } }); } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } response = new AllNewCategoryTypesResponse() { Category = { categoryData } }; } return(Task.FromResult(response)); }
public override Task <DeleteCompetitorResponse> DeleteCompetitor(DeleteCompetitorRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { DeleteCompetitorResponse response; using (var priceContext = new pricecompContext()) { var competitorid = request.CompetitorId; var record = priceContext.Competitor1.SingleOrDefault(item => item.Competitorid == competitorid); var status = false; if (record != null) { try { priceContext.Competitor1.Remove(record); priceContext.SaveChanges(); status = true; } catch (Exception e) { status = false; } } else { status = false; } if (status) { response = new DeleteCompetitorResponse() { Status = "succeed to delete" }; } else { response = new DeleteCompetitorResponse() { Status = "fail to delete" }; } } return(Task.FromResult(response)); }
public override Task <GetCategoryMarginResponse> GetCategoryMargin(GetCategoryMarginRequest reqeust, ServerCallContext context) { GetCategoryMarginResponse response; using (var priceContext = new pricecompContext()) { var categoryMargin = new RepeatedField <GetCategoryMarginResponseItem>(); var categoriesMargin = from cm in priceContext.Categorymargin select new { Id = cm.Id, Name = cm.Category, Target = cm.Targetmargin, Start = cm.Pricelow, End = cm.Pricehigh }; foreach (var category in categoriesMargin) { var margin = new CategoryMargin() { Target = (float)category.Target, Start = (int)category.Start, End = (int)category.End }; var categoryMarginItem = new GetCategoryMarginResponseItem() { Id = category.Id, Name = category.Name, Margin = margin }; categoryMargin.Add(categoryMarginItem); } response = new GetCategoryMarginResponse() { CategoryMargins = { categoryMargin } }; } return(Task.FromResult(response)); }
public override Task <AllCompetitorTypesResponse> GetAllCompetitors(GetAllCompetitorTypesRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { AllCompetitorTypesResponse response; using (var priceContext = new pricecompContext()) { var competitors = priceContext.Competitor1.ToList(); RepeatedField <Competitor> competitorsTierOne = new RepeatedField <Competitor>(); RepeatedField <Competitor> competitorsTierTwo = new RepeatedField <Competitor>(); foreach (var competitor in competitors) { if (competitor.Tier == "T1") { Competitor competitorItem = new Competitor() { Id = competitor.Competitorid, Name = competitor.Name, Tier = competitor.Tier }; competitorsTierOne.Add(competitorItem); } else { Competitor competitorItem = new Competitor() { Id = competitor.Competitorid, Name = competitor.Name, Tier = competitor.Tier }; competitorsTierTwo.Add(competitorItem); } } response = new AllCompetitorTypesResponse { CompetitorsTierOne = { competitorsTierOne }, CompetitorsTierTwo = { competitorsTierTwo } }; priceContext.Dispose(); } return(Task.FromResult(response)); }
public override Task <UpdateProductDescriptionResponse> UpdateProductDescription(UpdateProductDescriptionRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { UpdateProductDescriptionResponse response; using (var priceContext = new pricecompContext()) { var productCode = request.ProductCode; var updatedKeyWord = request.UpdatedDescription; var record = priceContext.Product.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Productcode == productCode); if (record != null) { record.Keywords = updatedKeyWord; priceContext.Product.Update(record); var dbres = priceContext.SaveChanges(); if (dbres > 0) { response = new UpdateProductDescriptionResponse() { Status = "success" }; } else { response = new UpdateProductDescriptionResponse() { Status = "error" }; } } else { response = new UpdateProductDescriptionResponse() { Status = "error" } ; } } return(Task.FromResult(response)); }
public override Task <DeleteCategoryMarginResponse> DeleteCategoryMargin(DeleteCategoryMarginRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { DeleteCategoryMarginResponse response; using (var priceContext = new pricecompContext()) { var index = request.Id; var record = priceContext.Categorymargin.FirstOrDefault(item => item.Id == index); var status = false; if (record != null) { try { priceContext.Categorymargin.Remove(record); priceContext.SaveChanges(); status = true; }catch (Exception e) { status = false; } } if (status) { response = new DeleteCategoryMarginResponse() { Status = "success" }; } else { response = new DeleteCategoryMarginResponse() { Status = "fail" }; } } return(Task.FromResult(response)); }
public override Task <AllCategoryTypesResponse> GetAllProductCategories(GetAllCategoryTypesRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { AllCategoryTypesResponse response; using (var priceContext = new pricecompContext()) { // var categories = priceContext.Stateassignment.ToList(); var categories = from cm in priceContext.Categorymargin from sm in priceContext.Stateassignment where cm.Category == sm.Category select new { Id = cm.Id, Category = cm.Category, State = sm.State }; RepeatedField <Category> categoryDaily = new RepeatedField <Category>(); RepeatedField <Category> categoryMondayAndThursday = new RepeatedField <Category>(); RepeatedField <Category> categoryTuesdayAndFriday = new RepeatedField <Category>(); RepeatedField <Category> categoryWednesdayAndSaturday = new RepeatedField <Category>(); RepeatedField <Category> categoryUnassigned = new RepeatedField <Category>(); foreach (var category in categories) { Category categoryItem = new Category() { Id = category.Id, Name = category.Category }; int index = Int32.Parse(category.State.Substring(0, 1)); switch (index) { case 0: { categoryDaily.Add(categoryItem); break; } case 1: { categoryMondayAndThursday.Add(categoryItem); break; } case 2: { categoryTuesdayAndFriday.Add(categoryItem); break; } case 3: { categoryWednesdayAndSaturday.Add(categoryItem); break; } default: { categoryUnassigned.Add(categoryItem); break; } } } response = new AllCategoryTypesResponse() { CategoryDaily = { categoryDaily }, CategoryMondayAndThursday = { categoryMondayAndThursday }, CategoryTuesdayAndFriday = { categoryTuesdayAndFriday }, CategoryWednesdayAndSaturday = { categoryWednesdayAndSaturday }, CategoryUnassigned = { categoryUnassigned } }; } return(Task.FromResult(response)); }
public override Task <AddCompetitorResponse> AddCompetitor(AddCompetitorRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { AddCompetitorResponse response; using (var priceContext = new pricecompContext()) { var competitorName = request.Name; var competitorTier = request.Tier; var competitors = priceContext.Competitor1; var index = competitors.OrderByDescending(item => item.Competitorid).FirstOrDefault().Competitorid + 1; var status = false; var competitor = new Competitor1() { Competitorid = index, Keyword = null, Name = competitorName, State = null, Tier = competitorTier, Website = null }; try { competitors.Add(competitor); var res = priceContext.SaveChanges(); if (res != 0) { status = true; } else { status = false; } } catch (Exception e) { status = false; } if (status) { response = new AddCompetitorResponse() { Status = "succedd to add new competitor" }; } else { response = new AddCompetitorResponse() { Status = "fail to add new competitor" }; } } return(Task.FromResult(response)); }
//public override Task<ProductComparisonResponse> GetLoadProductComparisonInfomation( // GetProductComparisonRequest request, ServerCallContext context) //{ // using (var pricecompContext = new pricecompContext()) // { // Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); // stopwatch.Start(); // var categoryType = request.CategoryTypes; // var competitorsType = request.CompetitorsTypes; // var products = // pricecompContext.Stateassignment // .Join( // pricecompContext.Product, // category => category.Category, // product => product.Category, // (category, product) => new // { // id = category.Id, // productid = product.Productid, // productcode = product.Productcode, // productname = product.Productname, // salesprice = product.Salesprice, // costprice = product.Costprice, // keywords = product.Keywords // } // ) // .Where(item => categoryType.Contains(; // var competitorprice = // pricecompContext.Competitorprice // .Where(item => competitorsType.Contains(item.Competitorid)) // .Join( // pricecompContext.Competitor1, // price => price.Competitorid, // competitor => competitor.Competitorid, // (price, competitor) => new // { // id = price.Productid, // productid = price.Productid, // competitorid = price.Competitorid, // competitorprice = price.Competitorprice1, // competitorname = competitor.Name // } // ).ToList(); // var datatable = from productItem in products // join competitorItem in competitorprice // on productItem.productid equals competitorItem.productid into productCompetitor // from data in productCompetitor.DefaultIfEmpty() // select new // { // productItem.productid, // productItem.productcode, // productItem.productname, // productItem.salesprice, // productItem.costprice, // productItem.keywords, // competitorid = (data != null) ? data.competitorid : -1, // competitorprice = (data != null) ? data.competitorprice : -1, // competitorname = (data != null) ? data.competitorname : "No data" // }; // var productWithCompetitorPrice = datatable.GroupBy(item => item.productid); // RepeatedField<Msyrpc.Product> productComparison = new RepeatedField<Msyrpc.Product>(); // foreach (var productWithCompetitorPriceList in productWithCompetitorPrice) // { // RepeatedField<CompetitorPrice> competitorPrices = new RepeatedField<CompetitorPrice>(); // int id = 0; // string productCode = ""; // string productDescription = ""; // string keywords = ""; // double costPrice = 0; // double salesPrice = 0; // foreach (var productWithCompetitorPriceItem in productWithCompetitorPriceList) // { // id = productWithCompetitorPriceItem.productid; // productCode = productWithCompetitorPriceItem.productcode; // productDescription = productWithCompetitorPriceItem.productname; // keywords = productWithCompetitorPriceItem.keywords; // costPrice = (double)productWithCompetitorPriceItem.costprice; // salesPrice = (double)productWithCompetitorPriceItem.salesprice; // competitorPrices.Add(new CompetitorPrice() // { // Name = productWithCompetitorPriceItem.competitorname, // Price = (double)productWithCompetitorPriceItem.competitorprice // }); // } // Product productItem = new Product() // { // Id = id, // ProductCode = productCode, // ProductDescription = productDescription, // Keywords = keywords, // CostPrice = costPrice, // SalesPrice = salesPrice, // CompetitorPrices = { competitorPrices } // }; // productComparison.Add(productItem); // } // ProductComparisonResponse response = new ProductComparisonResponse() // { // ProductComparison = { productComparison } // }; // stopwatch.Stop(); // TimeSpan ts = stopwatch.Elapsed; // // Format and display the TimeSpan value. // string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}", // ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, // ts.Milliseconds / 10); // Console.WriteLine("RunTime " + elapsedTime); // return Task.FromResult(response); // } //} /// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="request"></param> /// <param name="context"></param> /// <returns></returns> /// public override Task <ProductComparisonResponse> GetLoadProductComparisonInfomation( GetProductComparisonRequest request, ServerCallContext context) { ProductComparisonResponse response; using (var pricecompContext = new pricecompContext()) { Console.WriteLine("start"); Stopwatch stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); stopwatch.Start(); RepeatedField <Msyrpc.Product> productComparison = new RepeatedField <Msyrpc.Product>(); var categoryType = request.CategoryTypes; var competitorsType = request.CompetitorsTypes; try { var selectedCategories = pricecompContext.Stateassignment .Where(item => categoryType.Contains(item.Id)) .Select(item => item.Category) .Distinct() .ToList(); var products = pricecompContext.Product .Where(item => selectedCategories.Contains(item.Category)) .Select(product => new { productid = product.Productid, productcode = product.Productcode, productname = product.Productname, salesprice = product.Salesprice, costprice = product.Costprice, keywords = product.Keywords }).ToList(); var competitorprice = pricecompContext.Competitorprice .Where(item => competitorsType.Contains(item.Competitorid)) .Join( pricecompContext.Competitor1, price => price.Competitorid, competitor => competitor.Competitorid, (price, competitor) => new { productid = price.Productid, competitorprice = price.Competitorprice1, competitorname = competitor.Name } ).OrderBy(item => item.productid).ToLookup(item => item.productid); RepeatedField <CompetitorPrice> emptyCompetitorPrices = new RepeatedField <CompetitorPrice>(); CompetitorPrice empty = new CompetitorPrice() { Name = " No data", Price = -1 }; Dictionary <int, RepeatedField <CompetitorPrice> > competitorpricetable = new Dictionary <int, RepeatedField <CompetitorPrice> >(); foreach (var prices in competitorprice) { RepeatedField <CompetitorPrice> competitorPrices = new RepeatedField <CompetitorPrice>(); foreach (var price in prices) { CompetitorPrice p = new CompetitorPrice { Name = price.competitorname, Price = (double)price.competitorprice }; competitorPrices.Add(p); } competitorpricetable.Add(prices.Key, competitorPrices); } foreach (var product in products) { if (competitorpricetable.ContainsKey(product.productid)) { productComparison.Add(new Product { Id = product.productid, ProductCode = product.productcode, ProductDescription = product.productname, Keywords = product.keywords, CostPrice = (double)product.costprice, SalesPrice = (double)product.salesprice, CompetitorPrices = { competitorpricetable[product.productid] } }); } else { productComparison.Add(new Product { Id = product.productid, ProductCode = product.productcode, ProductDescription = product.productname, Keywords = product.keywords, CostPrice = (double)product.costprice, SalesPrice = (double)product.salesprice, CompetitorPrices = { empty } }); } } ; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e); } response = new ProductComparisonResponse() { ProductComparison = { productComparison.Distinct() } //ProductComparison = { } }; stopwatch.Stop(); TimeSpan ts = stopwatch.Elapsed; // Format and display the TimeSpan value. string elapsedTime = String.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}:{2:00}.{3:00}", ts.Hours, ts.Minutes, ts.Seconds, ts.Milliseconds / 10); Console.WriteLine("RunTime " + elapsedTime); } return(Task.FromResult(response)); }