    // Start is called before the first frame update
    public void createCannons(createOutline co)
        //we need to position the cannons above the ground
        LineRenderer groundRdr = co.getGroundRenderer();

        Vector3[] groundPos = new Vector3[groundRdr.positionCount];

        cannon1 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Line", typeof(GameObject))) as GameObject;
        LineRenderer c1rdr = cannon1.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();

        cannon2 = Instantiate(Resources.Load("Line", typeof(GameObject))) as GameObject;
        LineRenderer c2rdr = cannon2.GetComponent <LineRenderer>();

        //cannons are black
        c1rdr.startColor = Color.black; c1rdr.endColor = Color.black;
        c2rdr.startColor = Color.black; c2rdr.endColor = Color.black;
        //cannons form
        c1rdr.startWidth = 2; c1rdr.endWidth = 2;
        c2rdr.startWidth = 2; c2rdr.endWidth = 2;

        //set position cannons : c1 in middle of first flat line and c2 in beginning last flat line
        c1rdr.SetPosition(0, new Vector3(groundPos[10][0], groundPos[10][1] + 0.2f, 0));
        c1rdr.SetPosition(1, new Vector3(groundPos[10][0] + 2, groundPos[10][1] + 5, 0));   //inclinaison of the cannon
        c2rdr.SetPosition(0, new Vector3(groundPos[167][0], groundPos[167][1] + 0.2f, 0));
        c2rdr.SetPosition(1, new Vector3(groundPos[167][0] - 2, groundPos[167][1] + 5, 0)); //inclinaison of the cannon
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        //create the terrain outline (different at each game)
        outline = terrain.GetComponent <createOutline>();
        cannons_Outline = cannons.GetComponent <cannonsOutline>();

        currentCannon = cannons_Outline.getCannon1Renderer();
        groundPos     = outline.getPosition(10, true); //cannon1 is at pt 10

        //call every 2s the wind method to generate new value
        InvokeRepeating("WindChanges", 1.0f, 2.0f);

        //display the initial values of wind and velocity
        velocityTxt      = GameObject.Find("veloText").GetComponent <Text>();
        windTxt          = GameObject.Find("windText").GetComponent <Text>();
        velocityTxt.text = "Muzzle velocity : " + muzzleVelocity.ToString();
        windTxt.text     = "Wind  : " + wind.ToString();