public void TestIt() { var stmtText = "insert into ThroughputPerFeed " + " select feed, count(*) as cnt " + "from " + typeof(FeedEvent).FullName + ".win:time_batch(1 sec) " + "group by feed"; var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer() .InitializeDefaultServices() .InitializeDatabaseDrivers(); var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Common.EventMeta.ClassPropertyResolutionStyle = PropertyResolutionStyle.CASE_INSENSITIVE; var runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetDefaultRuntime(configuration); var stmt = runtime.DeployStatement(stmtText); stmt.Events += DisplayEvents; /* * while(true) * { * FeedEvent event; * event = new FeedEvent(FeedEnum.FEED_A, "IBM", 70); * engine.GetEPRuntime().SendEvent(event); * event = new FeedEvent(FeedEnum.FEED_B, "IBM", 70); * engine.GetEPRuntime().SendEvent(event); * } */ }
public void SetUp() { var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer() .InitializeDefaultServices() .InitializeDatabaseDrivers(); var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Runtime.Threading.IsInternalTimerEnabled = false; configuration.Common.AddEventType("MarketDataEvent", typeof(MarketDataEvent).FullName); configuration.Common.EventMeta.ClassPropertyResolutionStyle = PropertyResolutionStyle.CASE_INSENSITIVE; _runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime("TestTicksPerSecondStatement", configuration); _runtime.Initialize(); _runtime.EventService.AdvanceTime(0); TicksPerSecondStatement.Create(_runtime); var stmt = TicksFalloffStatement.Create(_runtime); _listener = new SupportUpdateListener(); stmt.Events += _listener.Update; // Use external clocking for the test _runtime.EventService.ClockExternal(); }
public void SetUp() { var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer() .InitializeDefaultServices() .InitializeDatabaseDrivers(); var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Common.EventMeta.ClassPropertyResolutionStyle = PropertyResolutionStyle.CASE_INSENSITIVE; configuration.Common.AddEventType("StockTick", typeof(StockTick).FullName); _runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime("TestStockTickerRSI", configuration); _runtime.Initialize(); _stockListener = new RSIStockTickerListener(_runtime, PERIOD); _expressionText = "every tick=StockTick(stockSymbol='" + SYMBOL + "')"; //_expressionText = "every tick1=StockTick(stockSymbol='GOOG') -> tick2=StockTick(stockSymbol='GOOG')"; _factory = _runtime.CompileDeploy(_expressionText).Statements[0]; _factory.Events += _stockListener.Update; var rsiEvent = typeof(RSIEvent).FullName; var viewExpr = "select * from " + rsiEvent + ".win:length(1)"; _rsiListener = new RSIListener(); _factory = _runtime.CompileDeploy(viewExpr).Statements[0]; _factory.Events += _rsiListener.Update; _rsiListener.Reset(); }
public void Run() { var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer() .InitializeDefaultServices() .InitializeDatabaseDrivers(); // load config - this defines the XML event types to be processed var configFile = "esper.examples.cfg.xml"; var url = container.ResourceManager().ResolveResourceURL(configFile); var config = new Configuration(container); config.Configure(url); // get engine instance var runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime(runtimeUri, config); // set up statement var rfidStmt = RFIDTagsPerSensorStmt.Create(runtime); rfidStmt.Events += LogRate; // Send events var eventCount = 0; while (eventCount < numEvents) { SendEvent(runtime); eventCount++; } }
/// <summary> /// Runs this instance. /// </summary> public void Run() { var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer(); // Configure engine with event names to make the statements more readable. // This could also be done in a configuration file. var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Common.AddEventType("TxnEventA", typeof(TxnEventA)); configuration.Common.AddEventType("TxnEventB", typeof(TxnEventB)); configuration.Common.AddEventType("TxnEventC", typeof(TxnEventC)); // Get engine instance var runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime(_engineURI, configuration); // We will be supplying timer events externally. // We will assume that each bucket arrives within a defined period of time. runtime.EventService.ClockExternal(); // Set up statement for listening to combined events var combinedEventStmt = CombinedEventStmt.Create(runtime); combinedEventStmt.Events += LogCombinedEvents; // Set up statements for realtime summary latency data - overall totals and totals per customer and per supplier RealtimeSummaryStmt realtimeSummaryStmt = new RealtimeSummaryStmt(runtime); realtimeSummaryStmt.TotalsStatement.Events += LogSummaryTotals; realtimeSummaryStmt.CustomerStatement.Events += (sender, e) => LogSummaryGroup("customerId", e); realtimeSummaryStmt.SupplierStatement.Events += (sender, e) => LogSummaryGroup("supplierId", e); // Set up statement for finding missing events var findMissingEventStmt = FindMissingEventStmt.Create(runtime); findMissingEventStmt.Events += FindMissingEvent; // The feeder to feed the engine var feeder = new FeederOutputStream(runtime); // Generate transactions var source = new TransactionEventSource(_numTransactions); var output = new ShuffledBucketOutput(source, feeder, _bucketSize); // Feed events if (_continuousSimulation) { while (true) { output.Output(); Thread.Sleep(5000); // Send a batch every 5 seconds } } else { output.Output(); } }
public void Init(int sleepListenerMillis) { var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer(); var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Common.EventMeta.ClassPropertyResolutionStyle = PropertyResolutionStyle.CASE_INSENSITIVE; configuration.Common.AddEventType("Market", typeof(MarketData)); _runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime("benchmark", configuration); _marketDataSender = _runtime.EventService.GetEventSender("Market"); _sleepMillis = sleepListenerMillis; }
public void SetUp() { var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer() .InitializeDefaultServices() .InitializeDatabaseDrivers(); var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Common.EventMeta.ClassPropertyResolutionStyle = PropertyResolutionStyle.CASE_INSENSITIVE; _runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetDefaultRuntime(configuration); _sender = _runtime.EventService.GetEventSender(typeof(OperationMeasurement).FullName); new ErrorRateMonitor(); }
public virtual void SetUp() { var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer(); var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Common.EventMeta.ClassPropertyResolutionStyle = PropertyResolutionStyle.CASE_INSENSITIVE; configuration.Common.AddEventType("TxnEventA", typeof(TxnEventA)); configuration.Common.AddEventType("TxnEventB", typeof(TxnEventB)); configuration.Common.AddEventType("TxnEventC", typeof(TxnEventC)); _runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime("TestStmtBase", configuration); _runtime.Initialize(); _eventService = _runtime.EventService; }
public void SetUp() { _listener = new StockTickerResultListener(); var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer(false) .InitializeDefaultServices() .InitializeDatabaseDrivers(); var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Common.AddEventType("PriceLimit", typeof(PriceLimit).FullName); configuration.Common.AddEventType("StockTick", typeof(StockTick).FullName); _runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime("TestStockTickerMultithreaded", configuration); _runtime.Initialize(); new StockTickerMonitor(_runtime, _listener); }
public void Run() { var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer(false) .InitializeDefaultServices() .InitializeDatabaseDrivers(); var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Common.AddEventType("PriceLimit", typeof(PriceLimit)); configuration.Common.AddEventType("StockTick", typeof(StockTick)); Log.Info("Setting up EPL"); var runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime(_engineURI, configuration); runtime.Initialize(); var eventService = runtime.EventService; new StockTickerMonitor(runtime, new StockTickerResultListener()); Log.Info("Generating test events: 1 million ticks, ratio 2 hits, 100 stocks"); var generator = new StockTickerEventGenerator(); var stream = generator.MakeEventStream(1000000, 500000, 100, 25, 30, 48, 52, false); Log.Info("Generating " + stream.Count + " events"); Log.Info("Sending " + stream.Count + " limit and tick events"); foreach (var @event in stream) { eventService.SendEventBean(@event, @event.GetType().Name); if (_continuousSimulation) { try { Thread.Sleep(200); } catch (ThreadInterruptedException e) { Log.Debug("Interrupted", e); break; } } } Log.Info("Done."); }
public void Run() { Log.Info("Setting up engine instance."); var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer(); var config = new Configuration(container); config.Common.EventMeta.DefaultEventRepresentation = EventUnderlyingType.MAP; // use Map-type events for testing config.Compiler.AddPlugInVirtualDataWindow("sample", "samplevdw", typeof(SampleVirtualDataWindowFactory).FullName); config.Common.AddEventType(typeof(SampleTriggerEvent)); config.Common.AddEventType(typeof(SampleJoinEvent)); config.Common.AddEventType(typeof(SampleMergeEvent)); var runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime("LargeExternalDataExample", config); // First: Create an event type for rows of the external data - here the example use a Map-based event and any of the other types (POJO, XML) can be used as well. // Populate event property names and types. // Note: the type must match the data returned by virtual data window indexes. CompileDeploy(runtime, "create schema SampleEvent as (key1 string, key2 string, value1 int, value2 double)"); Log.Info("Creating named window with virtual."); // Create Named Window holding SampleEvent instances CompileDeploy(runtime, "create window MySampleWindow.sample:samplevdw() as SampleEvent"); // Example subquery Log.Info("Running subquery example."); RunSubquerySample(runtime); // Example joins Log.Info("Running join example."); RunJoinSample(runtime); // Sample FAF Log.Info("Running fire-and-forget query example."); RunSampleFireAndForgetQuery(runtime); // Sample On-Merge Log.Info("Running on-merge example."); RunSampleOnMerge(runtime); // Cleanup Log.Info("Destroying engine instance, sample completed successfully."); runtime.Destroy(); }
public void SetUp() { _container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer() .InitializeDefaultServices() .InitializeDatabaseDrivers(); var url = _container.ResourceManager().ResolveResourceURL("esper.examples.cfg.xml"); var config = new Configuration(_container); config.Configure(url); _runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime("AutoIdSim", config); _runtime.Initialize(); _listener = new SupportUpdateListener(); var rfidStmt = RFIDTagsPerSensorStmt.Create(_runtime); rfidStmt.Events += _listener.Update; }
public void SetUp() { var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer() .InitializeDefaultServices() .InitializeDatabaseDrivers(); var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Common.AddEventType("FraudWarning", typeof(FraudWarning)); configuration.Common.AddEventType("Withdrawal", typeof(Withdrawal)); configuration.Common.EventMeta.ClassPropertyResolutionStyle = PropertyResolutionStyle.CASE_INSENSITIVE; _runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime("FraudMonitorTest", configuration); _runtime.EventService.ClockExternal(); _fraudWarningSender = _runtime.EventService.GetEventSender("FraudWarning"); _withdrawalSender = _runtime.EventService.GetEventSender("Withdrawal"); _listener = new SupportUpdateListener(); new FraudMonitor(_runtime, _listener.Update); }
public void SetUp() { _listener = new StockTickerResultListener(); var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer(false) .InitializeDefaultServices() .InitializeDatabaseDrivers(); var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Common.AddEventType("PriceLimit", typeof(PriceLimit)); configuration.Common.AddEventType("StockTick", typeof(StockTick)); _runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime("TestStockTickerSimple", configuration); // To reduce logging noise and get max performance _runtime.EventService.ClockExternal(); _priceLimitSender = _runtime.EventService.GetEventSender("PriceLimit"); _stockTickSender = _runtime.EventService.GetEventSender("StockTick"); }
static void Main() { _random = new Random(); var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer(); // Creates a statement that looks for market data events. var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Common.AddEventType <MarketDataTrade>(); configuration.Common.AddEventType <EndOfTest>(); // set to true to decouple event processing from msmq latency configuration.Runtime.Threading.IsThreadPoolOutbound = false; _runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetDefaultRuntime(configuration); CompileDeploy("select * from MarketDataTrade"). Events += (sender, eventArgs) => _publisher.SendEvent(eventArgs); CompileDeploy("select * from EndOfTest") .Events += (sender, eventArgs) => _publisher.SendEvent(eventArgs); // create a publisher _publisher = new MsmqPublisher(MqPath); // create a consumer _consumer = new MsmqConsumer(MqPath, ConsumeEvent); _consumerEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false); // mark the starting time var milliTime = PerformanceObserver.TimeMillis( delegate { // send some events SendEvents(); // wait for events _consumerEvent.WaitOne(); }); Console.WriteLine("Recv: {0} events in {1} ms", _eventsConsumed, milliTime); Console.ReadLine(); }
public void SetUp() { var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer() .InitializeDefaultServices() .InitializeDatabaseDrivers(); var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Common.EventMeta.ClassPropertyResolutionStyle = PropertyResolutionStyle.CASE_INSENSITIVE; _listener = new MatchAlertListener(); EPRuntimeProvider .GetDefaultRuntime() .DeploymentService .UndeployAll(); _runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetDefaultRuntime(configuration); _runtime.Initialize(); new MatchMakingMonitor(_runtime, _listener); }
public void RunExample( bool isRunFromUnitTest, string runtimeUri) { var numEventsToLoad = 100000; var numFireAndForgetExecutions = 100; var numOnEventQueryExecutions = 100000; if (isRunFromUnitTest) { numEventsToLoad = 1000; numFireAndForgetExecutions = 5; numOnEventQueryExecutions = 5; } // define event type - this example uses Map event representation // var configuration = new Configuration(); var definition = new Dictionary <string, object>(); definition.Put("sensor", typeof(string)); definition.Put("temperature", typeof(double)); configuration.Common.AddEventType("SensorEvent", definition); var definitionQuery = new Dictionary <string, object>(); definitionQuery.Put("querytemp", typeof(double)); configuration.Common.AddEventType("SensorQueryEvent", definitionQuery); // This example initializes the engine instance as it is running within an overall test suite. // This step would not be required unless re-using the same engine instance with different configurations. var runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime(runtimeUri, configuration); runtime.Initialize(); // define a named window to hold the last 1000000 (1M) events // var epl = "create window as select * from SensorEvent"; Log.Info("Creating named window : " + epl); CompileDeploy(epl, runtime); epl = "insert into SensorWindow select * from SensorEvent"; Log.Info("Creating insert statement for named window : " + epl); CompileDeploy(epl, runtime); // load 1M events // var random = new Random(); var sensors = "s1,s2,s3,s4,s5,s6".Split(','); Log.Info("Generating " + numEventsToLoad + " sensor events for the named window"); IList <IDictionary <string, object> > events = new List <IDictionary <string, object> >(); for (var i = 0; i < numEventsToLoad; i++) { var temperature = Math.Round(random.NextDouble() * 10, 5, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero) + 80; var sensor = sensors[random.Next(sensors.Length)]; IDictionary <string, object> data = new LinkedHashMap <string, object>(); data.Put("temperature", temperature); data.Put("sensor", sensor); events.Add(data); } Log.Info("Completed generating sensor events"); Log.Info("Sending " + events.Count + " sensor events into runtime"); foreach (var @event in events) { runtime.EventService.SendEventMap(@event, "SensorEvent"); } Log.Info("Completed sending sensor events"); // prepare on-demand query // var sampleTemperature = (double)events[0].Get("temperature"); epl = "select * from SensorWindow where temperature = " + sampleTemperature; Log.Info("Compiling fire-and-forget query : " + epl); var args = new CompilerArguments(); args.Path.Add(runtime.RuntimePath); var onDemandQueryCompiled = EPCompilerProvider.Compiler.CompileQuery(epl, args); var onDemandQuery = runtime.FireAndForgetService.PrepareQuery(onDemandQueryCompiled); Log.Info("Executing fire-and-forget query " + numFireAndForgetExecutions + " times"); long startTime = Environment.TickCount; for (var i = 0; i < numFireAndForgetExecutions; i++) { var result = onDemandQuery.Execute(); if (result.Array.Length != 1) { throw new ApplicationException( "Failed assertion of result, expected a single row returned from query"); } } long endTime = Environment.TickCount; var deltaSec = (endTime - startTime) / 1000.0; Log.Info( "Executing fire-and-forget query " + numFireAndForgetExecutions + " times took " + deltaSec + " seconds"); // prepare on-select // epl = "on SensorQueryEvent select sensor from SensorWindow where temperature = querytemp"; Log.Info("Creating on-select statement for named window : " + epl); var onSelectStmt = CompileDeploy(epl, runtime); onSelectStmt.Subscriber = this; Log.Info("Executing on-select query " + numOnEventQueryExecutions + " times"); startTime = Environment.TickCount; for (var i = 0; i < numOnEventQueryExecutions; i++) { var queryParams = new Dictionary <string, object> { ["querytemp"] = sampleTemperature }; runtime.EventService.SendEventMap(queryParams, "SensorQueryEvent"); } endTime = Environment.TickCount; deltaSec = (endTime - startTime) / 1000.0; Log.Info("Executing on-select query " + numOnEventQueryExecutions + " times took " + deltaSec + " seconds"); }
public void Run() { Log.Info("Setting up EPL"); var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer() .InitializeDefaultServices() .InitializeDatabaseDrivers(); // This code runs as part of the automated regression test suite; Therefore disable internal timer theading to safe resources var config = new Configuration(container); config.Runtime.Threading.IsInternalTimerEnabled = false; var listener = new MatchAlertListener(); var runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime(_engineURI, config); runtime.Initialize(); new MatchMakingMonitor(runtime, listener); var sender = runtime.EventService.GetEventSender(typeof(MobileUserBean).Name); Log.Info("Sending user information"); var user1 = new MobileUserBean(1, 10, 10, Gender.MALE, HairColor.BLONDE, AgeRange.AGE_4, Gender.FEMALE, HairColor.BLACK, AgeRange.AGE_1); sender.SendEvent(user1); var user2 = new MobileUserBean(2, 10, 10, Gender.FEMALE, HairColor.BLACK, AgeRange.AGE_1, Gender.MALE, HairColor.BLONDE, AgeRange.AGE_4); sender.SendEvent(user2); Log.Info("Sending some near locations"); user1.WithLocation(8.99999, 10); sender.SendEvent(user1); user1.WithLocation(9, 10); sender.SendEvent(user1); user1.WithLocation(11, 10); sender.SendEvent(user1); user1.WithLocation(11.0000001, 10); sender.SendEvent(user1); user2.WithLocation(10.0000001, 9); sender.SendEvent(user2); user1 = new MobileUserBean(1, 10, 10, Gender.MALE, HairColor.RED, AgeRange.AGE_6, Gender.FEMALE, HairColor.BLACK, AgeRange.AGE_5); sender.SendEvent(user1); // Test all combinations foreach (var gender in EnumHelper.GetValues <Gender>()) { foreach (var color in EnumHelper.GetValues <HairColor>()) { foreach (var age in EnumHelper.GetValues <AgeRange>()) { // Try user preferences var userA = new MobileUserBean(2, 10, 10, Gender.FEMALE, HairColor.BLACK, AgeRange.AGE_5, gender, color, age); sender.SendEvent(userA); } } } var random = new Random(); int maxEvents; if (_continuousSimulation) { maxEvents = int.MaxValue; } else { maxEvents = 100000; Log.Info("Sending 100k of random locations"); } for (var i = 1; i < maxEvents; i++) { var x = 10 + random.Next(i) / 100000; var y = 10 + random.Next(i) / 100000; user2.WithLocation(x, y); sender.SendEvent(user2); if (_continuousSimulation) { try { Thread.Sleep(200); } catch (ThreadInterruptedException e) { Log.Debug("Interrupted", e); } } } Log.Info("Done."); }
public void Run() { if (_isWaitKeypress) { Console.WriteLine(" enter to start simulation..."); Console.ReadKey(); } var container = ContainerExtensions.CreateDefaultContainer() .InitializeDefaultServices() .InitializeDatabaseDrivers(); // Configure engine with event names to make the statements more readable. // This could also be done in a configuration file. var configuration = new Configuration(container); configuration.Common.AddEventType("MarketDataEvent", typeof(MarketDataEvent).FullName); // Get engine instance var runtime = EPRuntimeProvider.GetRuntime(_engineURI, configuration); // Set up statements var tickPerSecStmt = TicksPerSecondStatement.Create(runtime); tickPerSecStmt.Events += LogRate; var falloffStmt = TicksFalloffStatement.Create(runtime); falloffStmt.Events += MonitorRate; // Send events var threadPool = new DedicatedExecutorService(string.Empty, _numberOfThreads); var runnables = new MarketDataSendRunnable[_numberOfThreads]; for (var i = 0; i < _numberOfThreads; i++) { runnables[i] = new MarketDataSendRunnable(runtime); threadPool.Submit(runnables[i].Run); } var seconds = 0; var random = new Random(); while (seconds < _numSeconds) { seconds++; Thread.Sleep(1000); FeedEnum?feedToDropOff; if (random.NextDouble() * 100 < _dropProbability) { feedToDropOff = FeedEnum.FEED_A; if (random.Next(0, 2) == 1) { feedToDropOff = FeedEnum.FEED_B; } Log.Info("Setting drop-off for feed {0}", feedToDropOff); } else { feedToDropOff = null; } foreach (var t in runnables) { t.SetRateDropOffFeed(feedToDropOff); } } Log.Info("Shutting down threadpool"); for (var i = 0; i < runnables.Length; i++) { runnables[i].SetShutdown(); } threadPool.Shutdown(); threadPool.AwaitTermination(new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 10)); }