public void loadgrid(bool p_bScenarioCopy)
            string[] strDeleteSQL = new string[25];
            string   strSQL       = "";
            int      intArrayCount;
            int      x       = 0;
            string   strConn = "";

            string strScenarioMDB = "";

            ado_data_access p_ado = new ado_data_access();

            this.strScenarioId = ReferenceOptimizerScenarioForm.uc_scenario1.txtScenarioId.Text.Trim().ToLower();

            **scenario mdb connection
            if (p_ado.m_intError != 0)
            p_ado.getScenarioConnStringAndMDBFile(ref strScenarioMDB,
                                                  ref strConn,

            this.m_OleDbConnectionScenario = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection();
            p_ado.OpenConnection(strConn, ref this.m_OleDbConnectionScenario);

            **get the treatment prescription mdb file,table, and connection strings
            p_ado.getScenarioDataSourceConnStringAndTable(ref this.strRxMDBFile,
                                                          ref this.strRxPackageTableName, ref this.strRxConn,
                                                          "Treatment Packages",

            this.m_OleDbRxConn = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection();
            p_ado.OpenConnection(this.strRxConn, ref this.m_OleDbRxConn);
            if (p_ado.m_intError != 0)
                this.m_OleDbConnectionScenario = null;
                this.m_OleDbRxConn             = null;
            strSQL = "select * from " + this.strRxPackageTableName;
            p_ado.SqlQueryReader(this.m_OleDbRxConn, strSQL);

            **insert records into the scenario_last_tiebreak_rank table from the master rxpackage table
            if (p_ado.m_intError == 0)
                this.m_DataSet          = new System.Data.DataSet();
                this.m_OleDbDataAdapter = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter();
                while (p_ado.m_OleDbDataReader.Read())
                    strSQL = "select * from scenario_last_tiebreak_rank " +
                             " where scenario_id = '" + this.strScenarioId + "' and " +
                             "rxpackage = '" + p_ado.m_OleDbDataReader["rxpackage"].ToString() + "';";
                    this.m_OleDbCommand                   = this.m_OleDbConnectionScenario.CreateCommand();
                    this.m_OleDbCommand.CommandText       = strSQL;
                    this.m_OleDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand = this.m_OleDbCommand;
                    this.m_OleDbDataAdapter.Fill(this.m_DataSet, "scenario_last_tiebreak_rank");

                    **if the master treatment record is not found in the scenario db than insert it
                    if (this.m_DataSet.Tables["scenario_last_tiebreak_rank"].Rows.Count == 0)
                        strSQL = "INSERT INTO scenario_last_tiebreak_rank (scenario_id," +
                                 "rxpackage, last_tiebreak_rank) VALUES " +
                                 "('" + this.strScenarioId + "'," +
                                 "'" + p_ado.m_OleDbDataReader["rxpackage"].ToString() + "'," +

                        p_ado.SqlNonQuery(this.m_OleDbConnectionScenario, strSQL);

                intArrayCount = 0;

                **delete any prescriptions from the scenario db that do not exist in the master
                strSQL = "select * from scenario_last_tiebreak_rank where scenario_id = '" + this.strScenarioId + "';";
                p_ado.SqlQueryReader(this.m_OleDbConnectionScenario, strSQL);

                if (p_ado.m_intError == 0)
                    this.m_DataSet          = new System.Data.DataSet();
                    this.m_OleDbDataAdapter = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter();
                    while (p_ado.m_OleDbDataReader.Read())
                        **query the scenario treatment in the master db. If it is not found
                        **in the master db then delete the scenario treatment record
                        strSQL = "select * from " + this.strRxPackageTableName +
                                 " where rxpackage = '" + p_ado.m_OleDbDataReader["rxpackage"].ToString() + "';";
                        this.m_OleDbCommand                   = this.m_OleDbRxConn.CreateCommand();
                        this.m_OleDbCommand.CommandText       = strSQL;
                        this.m_OleDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand = this.m_OleDbCommand;
                        this.m_OleDbDataAdapter.Fill(this.m_DataSet, this.strRxPackageTableName);
                        if (this.m_DataSet.Tables[this.strRxPackageTableName].Rows.Count == 0)
                            strDeleteSQL[intArrayCount] = "DELETE FROM scenario_last_tiebreak_rank" +
                                                          " WHERE scenario_id = '" + this.strScenarioId + "'" +
                                                          " AND rxpackage = '" + p_ado.m_OleDbDataReader["rxpackage"] + "';";


                    **if there were any treatments that were loaded into sql delete
                    **arrays then perform the sql to delete the treatments out of the table
                    if (intArrayCount > 0)
                        for (x = 0; x <= intArrayCount - 1; x++)
                            p_ado.SqlNonQuery(this.m_OleDbConnectionScenario, strDeleteSQL[x].ToString());

                **okay, now that the table has been validated and updated lets load the grid to
                **display the treatments to the user
                this.m_DataSet                        = new System.Data.DataSet();
                this.m_OleDbDataAdapter               = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbDataAdapter();
                this.m_OleDbCommand                   = this.m_OleDbRxConn.CreateCommand();
                this.m_OleDbCommand.CommandText       = "select * from " + this.strRxPackageTableName;
                this.m_OleDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand = this.m_OleDbCommand;
                this.m_OleDbDataAdapter.Fill(this.m_DataSet, this.strRxPackageTableName);

                this.m_OleDbCommand = this.m_OleDbConnectionScenario.CreateCommand();
                strSQL = "";
                for (x = 0; x <= this.m_DataSet.Tables[this.strRxPackageTableName].Rows.Count - 1; x++)
                    if (this.m_DataSet.Tables[this.strRxPackageTableName].Rows[x]["rxpackage"].ToString().Length > 0)
                        strSQL = "select scenario_id,rxpackage,last_tiebreak_rank from scenario_last_tiebreak_rank where scenario_id = '" + this.strScenarioId + "';";

                **if no records in the master prescription table then return
                if (strSQL.Length == 0)
                    this.m_OleDbConnectionScenario = null;
                    this.m_OleDbRxConn = null;

                **create the data sets
                this.m_OleDbCommand                   = this.m_OleDbConnectionScenario.CreateCommand();
                this.m_OleDbCommand.CommandText       = "select scenario_id,rxpackage,last_tiebreak_rank from scenario_last_tiebreak_rank where scenario_id = '" + this.strScenarioId + "';";
                this.m_OleDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand = this.m_OleDbCommand;
                this.m_OleDbDataAdapter.Fill(this.m_DataSet, "scenario_last_tiebreak_rank");

                **add the description column to the scenario last tiebreak rank dataset

                **add the treatment description value to the scenrario rx last tiebreak rank data set.
                **the description is only in the master rx table and is added to the
                **scenario last tiebreak rank data set for information purposes.

                **for loop through the master db rx dataset adding the description field to the
                **scenenario db scenario_last_tiebreak_rank dataset
                for (x = 0; x <= this.m_DataSet.Tables[this.strRxPackageTableName].Rows.Count - 1; x++)
                    if (this.m_DataSet.Tables[this.strRxPackageTableName].Rows[x]["rxpackage"].ToString().Length > 0)
                        **build the expression to filter only the scenario row that meets the expression
                        strSQL = "rxpackage = '" + this.m_DataSet.Tables[this.strRxPackageTableName].Rows[x]["rxpackage"] + "'";

                        **create a datarow that will hold the results from the query expression
                        System.Data.DataRow[] dr1;
                        dr1 = this.m_DataSet.Tables["scenario_last_tiebreak_rank"].Select(strSQL);

                        **check to see if it found the master rx treatment in the sceanrio last tiebreak rank dataset
                        if (dr1.Length != 0)
                            **it found it, loop through the dataset and find the row that matches the row
                            **returned from the search expression
                            for (int y = 0; y <= this.m_DataSet.Tables["scenario_last_tiebreak_rank"].Rows.Count - 1; y++)
                                if (dr1[0]["rxpackage"] ==
                                    **update the description row/column with the master db rx table description value
                                    this.m_DataSet.Tables["scenario_last_tiebreak_rank"].Rows[y]["description"] =

                **place the dataset table into a view class so as to not allow new records to be appended
                DataView firstView = new DataView(this.m_DataSet.Tables["scenario_last_tiebreak_rank"]);
                firstView.AllowNew    = false;                    //cannot append new records
                firstView.AllowDelete = false;                    //cannot delete records

                **custom define the grid style
                DataGridTableStyle tableStyle = new DataGridTableStyle();

                **map the data grid table style to the last tiebreak rank dataset
                tableStyle.MappingName          = "scenario_last_tiebreak_rank";
                tableStyle.AlternatingBackColor = frmMain.g_oGridViewAlternateRowBackgroundColor;
                tableStyle.BackColor            = frmMain.g_oGridViewRowBackgroundColor;
                tableStyle.ForeColor            = frmMain.g_oGridViewRowForegroundColor;
                tableStyle.SelectionBackColor   = frmMain.g_oGridViewSelectedRowBackgroundColor;

                **since the dataset has things like field name and number of columns,
                **we will use those to create new columnstyles for the columns in our grid
                //get the number of columns from the scenario_last_tiebreak_rank data set
                int numCols = this.m_DataSet.Tables["scenario_last_tiebreak_rank"].Columns.Count;

                **assign the aColumnTextColumn as type DataGridColoredTextBoxColumn object class
                DataGridColoredTextBoxColumn aColumnTextColumn;

                //loop through all the columns in the dataset
                for (int i = 0; i < numCols; ++i)
                    //create a new instance of the DataGridColoredTextBoxColumn class
                    aColumnTextColumn            = new DataGridColoredTextBoxColumn();
                    aColumnTextColumn.HeaderText = this.m_DataSet.Tables["scenario_last_tiebreak_rank"].Columns[i].ColumnName;
                    //all columns are read-only except the last_tiebreak_rank column
                    if (aColumnTextColumn.HeaderText != "last_tiebreak_rank")
                        aColumnTextColumn.ReadOnly = true;
                    //assign the mappingname property the data sets column name
                    aColumnTextColumn.MappingName = this.m_DataSet.Tables["scenario_last_tiebreak_rank"].Columns[i].ColumnName;
                    //add the datagridcoloredtextboxcolumn object to the data grid table style object
                    //set wider width for some columns
                    switch (aColumnTextColumn.HeaderText)
                    case "scenario_id":
                        aColumnTextColumn.Width = 150;

                    case "Description":
                        aColumnTextColumn.Width = 475;
                dataGrid1.BackgroundColor = frmMain.g_oGridViewBackgroundColor;
                dataGrid1.BackColor       = frmMain.g_oGridViewRowBackgroundColor;
                if (frmMain.g_oGridViewFont != null)
                    dataGrid1.Font = frmMain.g_oGridViewFont;

                // make the dataGrid use our new tablestyle and bind it to our table

                // If this is a copied scenario, we will have a reference form to get the values
                if (p_bScenarioCopy == true)
                    if (ReferenceOptimizerScenarioForm.m_oOptimizerScenarioItem_Collection.Item(0).m_oLastTieBreakRankItem_Collection != null)
                        OptimizerScenarioItem.LastTieBreakRankItem_Collection oLastTieBreakRankItem_Collection = ReferenceOptimizerScenarioForm.m_oOptimizerScenarioItem_Collection.Item(0).m_oLastTieBreakRankItem_Collection;
                        for (int i = 0; i < firstView.Count - 1; ++i)
                            for (x = 0; x <= oLastTieBreakRankItem_Collection.Count - 1; x++)
                                if (oLastTieBreakRankItem_Collection.Item(x).RxPackage.Equals(firstView[i]["rxpackage"]))
                                    firstView[i]["last_tiebreak_rank"] = oLastTieBreakRankItem_Collection.Item(x).LastTieBreakRank;
                this.dataGrid1.DataSource = firstView;