public void create_travel_times() { int intRandomNumber; string strRandomNumber; string strRandomSave; string strMDBFile; string strConn; string strSQL; //string strPsiteRailTravel_YN="N"; int x; int y; System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection p_conn; p_conn = new System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection(); ado_data_access p_ado = new ado_data_access(); utils p_utils = new utils(); strMDBFile = this.m_frmMain.frmProject.uc_project1.txtRootDirectory.Text + "\\gis\\db\\gis_travel_times.mdb"; strConn = p_ado.getMDBConnString(strMDBFile, "admin", ""); p_ado.OpenConnection(strConn, ref p_conn); p_ado.SqlNonQuery(p_conn, "delete from travel_time"); if (p_ado.m_intError == 0) { p_ado.CreateDataSet(p_conn, "select * from plot", "plot"); if (p_ado.m_intError == 0) { p_ado.AddSQLQueryToDataSet(p_conn, ref p_ado.m_OleDbDataAdapter, ref p_ado.m_DataSet, "select * from processing_site where ucase(name) like 'TEST%'", "processing_site"); if (p_ado.m_intError == 0) { this.m_frmTherm = new frmTherm(); this.m_frmTherm.AbortProcess = false; this.m_frmTherm.progressBar1.Minimum = 1; this.m_frmTherm.progressBar1.Maximum = p_ado.m_DataSet.Tables["plot"].Rows.Count; m_frmTherm.btnCancel.Visible = true; m_frmTherm.Show(); m_frmTherm.Focus(); m_frmTherm.Text = "Generating Random Travel Times"; m_frmTherm.Refresh(); this.m_frmTherm.btnCancel.Click += new System.EventHandler(this.ThermCancel); for (x = 0; x <= p_ado.m_DataSet.Tables["plot"].Rows.Count - 1; x++) { this.m_frmTherm.Increment(x + 1); strRandomSave = ""; for (y = 0; y <= p_ado.m_DataSet.Tables["processing_site"].Rows.Count - 1; y++) { for (;;) { intRandomNumber = p_utils.RandomNumber(1, 18); strRandomNumber = Convert.ToString(intRandomNumber); intRandomNumber = p_utils.RandomNumber(0, 9); strRandomNumber += "." + Convert.ToString(intRandomNumber); intRandomNumber = p_utils.RandomNumber(0, 9); strRandomNumber += Convert.ToString(intRandomNumber); if (strRandomNumber != strRandomSave) { strRandomSave = strRandomNumber; break; } } strSQL = "insert into travel_time (psite_id,biosum_plot_id,travel_mode,travel_time) VALUES "; strSQL += "(" + p_ado.m_DataSet.Tables["processing_site"].Rows[y]["psite_id"].ToString() + ",'" + p_ado.m_DataSet.Tables["plot"].Rows[x]["biosum_plot_id"].ToString() + "',1" + "," + strRandomNumber + ");"; p_ado.SqlNonQuery(p_conn, strSQL); } System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); if (this.m_frmTherm.AbortProcess == true) { break; } } int intStart = 1; this.m_frmTherm.progressBar1.Maximum = p_ado.m_DataSet.Tables["processing_site"].Rows.Count; strRandomSave = ""; for (x = 0; x <= p_ado.m_DataSet.Tables["processing_site"].Rows.Count - 1; x++) { this.m_frmTherm.Increment(x + 1); for (y = intStart; y <= p_ado.m_DataSet.Tables["processing_site"].Rows.Count - 1; y++) { strSQL = ""; if (p_ado.m_DataSet.Tables["processing_site"].Rows[y]["trancd"].ToString().Trim() == "2") { strSQL = "insert into travel_time (psite_id,railhead_id,travel_mode,travel_time) values "; } else if (p_ado.m_DataSet.Tables["processing_site"].Rows[y]["trancd"].ToString().Trim() == "3") { strSQL = "insert into travel_time (psite_id,collector_id,travel_mode,travel_time) values "; } if (strSQL.Trim().Length > 0) { for (;;) { intRandomNumber = p_utils.RandomNumber(1, 18); strRandomNumber = Convert.ToString(intRandomNumber); intRandomNumber = p_utils.RandomNumber(0, 9); strRandomNumber += "." + Convert.ToString(intRandomNumber); intRandomNumber = p_utils.RandomNumber(0, 9); strRandomNumber += Convert.ToString(intRandomNumber); if (strRandomNumber != strRandomSave) { strRandomSave = strRandomNumber; break; } } strSQL += "(" + p_ado.m_DataSet.Tables["processing_site"].Rows[x]["psite_id"].ToString() + "," + p_ado.m_DataSet.Tables["processing_site"].Rows[y]["psite_id"].ToString() + ",2" + "," + strRandomNumber + ");"; p_ado.SqlNonQuery(p_conn, strSQL); if (p_ado.m_intError != 0) { break; } } } if (p_ado.m_intError != 0) { break; } intStart++; System.Windows.Forms.Application.DoEvents(); if (this.m_frmTherm.AbortProcess == true) { break; } } if (p_ado.m_intError != 0) { } else { MessageBox.Show("Finished Generating Travel Times"); } this.m_frmTherm.Close(); this.m_frmTherm = null; } p_ado.m_DataSet.Clear(); p_ado.m_DataSet = null; p_ado.m_OleDbDataAdapter.Dispose(); p_ado.m_OleDbDataAdapter = null; p_conn.Close(); p_ado.m_OleDbConnection = null; } } p_conn = null; p_ado = null; p_utils = null; }
private void SetConditionLookupAndIDStrings() { string[] condCNs = m_strCondCNs.Split(','); setBiosumCondCNs = new HashSet <string>(); setBiosumCondIds = new HashSet <string>(); setBiosumPlotIds = new HashSet <string>(); setPlotCNs = new HashSet <string>(); setTreeCNs = new HashSet <string>(); if (m_intError == 0 && !GetBooleanValue(m_frmTherm, "AbortProcess")) { SetThermValue(m_frmTherm.progressBar1, "Value", 20); //Create table of condition CNs to join Plot/Cond/Tree m_ado.SqlNonQuery(m_connTempMDBFile, "CREATE TABLE conds_to_delete (cn TEXT(34))"); m_ado.AddPrimaryKey(m_connTempMDBFile, "conds_to_delete", "conds_to_delete_pk", "cn"); foreach (string condCN in condCNs) { m_ado.SqlNonQuery(m_connTempMDBFile, "INSERT INTO conds_to_delete (cn) VALUES (" + condCN + ");"); } m_ado.CreateDataSet(m_connTempMDBFile, string.Format( "SELECT, c.biosum_cond_id, " + "FROM (({0} c INNER JOIN conds_to_delete ON " + "INNER JOIN {1} p ON c.biosum_plot_id=p.biosum_plot_id) " + "LEFT JOIN {2} t on c.biosum_cond_id=t.biosum_cond_id;", m_strCondTable, m_strPlotTable, m_strTreeTable), "identifiers"); foreach (DataRow row in m_ado.m_DataSet.Tables["identifiers"].Rows) { setBiosumCondCNs.Add(String.Format("'{0}'", row[0])); setBiosumCondIds.Add(String.Format("'{0}'", row[1])); setTreeCNs.Add(String.Format("'{0}'", row[2])); } m_ado.CreateDataSet(m_connTempMDBFile, String.Format( "SELECT allconds.biosum_plot_id, " + //, allconds.cntConds, someconds.cntConds " + "FROM (SELECT p.biosum_plot_id,, count(*) as cntConds FROM ({0} c INNER JOIN conds_to_delete ON INNER JOIN {1} p ON c.biosum_plot_id = p.biosum_plot_id WHERE IN ({2}) GROUP BY p.biosum_plot_id, someconds " + "RIGHT JOIN (SELECT p.biosum_plot_id,, count(*) as cntConds FROM {0} c INNER JOIN {1} p ON c.biosum_plot_id = p.biosum_plot_id GROUP BY p.biosum_plot_id, allconds " + "ON allconds.biosum_plot_id=someconds.biosum_plot_id WHERE allconds.cntConds=someconds.cntConds", m_strCondTable, m_strPlotTable, m_strCondCNs), "plots_with_all_conds_deleted"); foreach (DataRow row in m_ado.m_DataSet.Tables["plots_with_all_conds_deleted"].Rows) { setBiosumPlotIds.Add(String.Format("'{0}'", row[0])); setPlotCNs.Add(String.Format("'{0}'", row[1])); } m_intError = m_ado.m_intError; } m_dictIdentityColumnsToValues = new Dictionary <string, HashSet <string> > { { "biosum_cond_id", setBiosumCondIds }, { "StandID", setBiosumCondIds }, { "Stand_ID", setBiosumCondIds }, { "biosum_plot_id", setBiosumPlotIds }, { "cnd_cn", setBiosumCondCNs }, { "plt_cn", setPlotCNs }, { "tre_cn", setTreeCNs }, }; }