 /// <summary> Called after setting data, before writing to os </summary>
 int ComputeCrc()
     Zlib.CRC32 crcengine = PngHelperInternal.GetCRC();
     crcengine.Update(IdBytes, 0, 4);
     if (Len > 0)
         crcengine.Update(Data, 0, Len);
        public override void Close() => base.Close();          // nothing

        void EndChunkGoForNext()
            // Called after readging the last byte of chunk
            // Checks CRC, and read ID from next CHUNK
            // Those values are left in idLastChunk / lenLastChunk
            // Skips empty IDATS
                int crc = PngHelperInternal.ReadInt4(inputStream);
                offset += 4;
                if (checkCrc)
                    int crccalc = (int)crcEngine.GetValue();
                    if (lenLastChunk > 0 && crc != crccalc)
                        throw new System.Exception($"error reading idat; offset: {offset}");
                lenLastChunk = PngHelperInternal.ReadInt4(inputStream);
                if (lenLastChunk < 0)
                    throw new System.IO.IOException($"invalid len for chunk: {lenLastChunk}");
                toReadThisChunk = lenLastChunk;
                PngHelperInternal.ReadBytes(inputStream, idLastChunk, 0, 4);
                offset += 8;

                ended = !PngCsUtils.UnSafeEquals(idLastChunk, Chunks.ChunkHelper.b_IDAT);
                if (!ended)
                    foundChunksInfo.Add(new PngIDatChunkInputStream.IdatChunkInfo(lenLastChunk, offset - 8));
                    if (checkCrc)
                        crcEngine.Update(idLastChunk, 0, 4);
                // PngHelper.logdebug("IDAT ended. next len= " + lenLastChunk + " idat?" +
                // (!ended));
            }while(lenLastChunk == 0 && !ended);
            // rarely condition is true (empty IDAT ??)